how to write a brief for a lawyer to read about your case

by Mariela Mueller 6 min read

Start with the title, citation and author A case brief should start with the title of the case, citation and author. The title of the case names the two opposing sides of the argument.

  1. Choose the right case brief format. There are several similar formats you might choose for your legal case. ...
  2. Start with the title, citation and author. ...
  3. State the facts of the case. ...
  4. Declare the legal issue. ...
  5. Outline the rule of law. ...
  6. Explain the holding and reasoning. ...
  7. Concurrences and dissents. ...
  8. Title and citation:

Full Answer

How to write a case brief for a lawyer?

Case briefs should be written in your own words. They should be written after you have personally spent a lot of time reviewing the case (so you should read the case at least once through before starting on your case brief). Before we dive into a step-by-step guide to briefing cases, let’s look at a case brief template.

How do you write a legal argument in a brief?

Start with the title, citation and author A case brief should start with the title of the case, citation and author. The title of the case names the two opposing sides of the argument. The name of the person or party who initiated legal action (petitioner or plaintiff) appears first, followed by the respondent (defendant).

How to write a Legal Citation for a brief?

1 Read the court manual for your particular court for the rules that apply to your brief, including those regarding: page limits, font size and type, paper color, parts that must ... 2 Find out what legal citation format is required by the court. ... 3 Scrupulously follow all rules. ...

How do you research legal issues in a brief?

Make a list of legal issues to research. Based on your review of the case file and court record, identify the legal issues that are relevant to the brief. For example, in the course of defending a lawsuit, an issue might arise during discovery, with the other party refusing to turn over important documents.


How do you write a brief case description?

Steps to briefing a caseSelect a useful case brief format. ... Use the right caption when naming the brief. ... Identify the case facts. ... Outline the procedural history. ... State the issues in question. ... State the holding in your words. ... Describe the court's rationale for each holding. ... Explain the final disposition.More items...

How do you write an attorney brief?

A legal brief should include:The name of the case.The names of the parties involved.The current stage of litigation.The legal issue being addressed.Relevant facts of the case.The rule of law applied.Your argument.A conclusion.

How do you read and brief a legal case?

Title and Citation. The title of the case shows who is opposing whom. ... Facts of the Case. A good student brief will include a summary of the pertinent facts and legal points raised in the case. ... Issues. ... Decisions. ... Reasoning. ... Separate Opinions. ... Analysis. ... A cautionary note.

How do you write an introduction for a case brief?

Legal Writing Tip: Start Your Brief with a Solid IntroductionBegin with a paragraph or two explaining who the parties are; when, where, and how the dispute arose; what the question is (what the fight is over); and why your side is right. ... List three or four reasons why you should win.More items...•

How long should a brief be?

Try to keep your briefs to one page in length. This will make it easy for you to organize and reference them. Do not get discouraged. Learning to brief and figuring out exactly what to include will take time and practice.

What is preparation of brief?

A legal brief is a written document drafted by lawyers and presented to a court stating the facts and reasoning why the court must pass a decision in favour of one person. A legal brief must be written in the most precise and error-free manner to convince the court why a client's case prevails over the other party.

How do you write a brief?

Here are the general steps you should take to write a brief:Explain the goals and motivations. You should start your brief by writing about the project background and brand. ... Highlight specific objectives and challenges. ... Describe your target audience. ... Examine competitors. ... Ask for feedback.

What is the most important part of a case brief?

The Reasoning: The most important component of your case brief is the court's reasoning, or its rationale, for the holding. To determine what the court's reasoning was, ask: “How did the court arrive at the holding?

How do you read a case effectively?

Step 1: Pre-readingStep 1: Read the case name.Step 2: Read the first paragraph or two to understand who the parties are and the issue that brought them to court.Step 3: Read the first sentence of each paragraph.Step 4: Read the last paragraph or two so that you understand the holding and disposition of the case.

What is an introductory brief?

The opening brief presents the case for why the trial court made a legal mistake, and how that mistake impacted the decision. It takes a lot of time, research, and effort to write an opening brief.

What is a brief in legal?

A brief is a written argument that a lawyer (or party to a case) submits to a court to persuade that court to rule in favor of his client’s position.

What is required for an appellate brief?

They require a title page, table of contents and authorities, in addition to statement of facts, questions presented and legal argument. The exact requirements of an appellate brief will depend on the procedural requirements of the appeals court to which the brief is being submitted.

What is trial brief?

Unlike appellate briefs which generally conform to a set format, trial briefs vary widely depending on the kind of motion the brief is intended to support and the type of court to which it is being submitted (civil, criminal or immigration court).

What is a court record?

The court record consists of the pleadings filed with the court including the original complaint, any answer to that complaint, cross-complaints, counterclaims, and any number of other types of pleadings or motions submitted to the court. Depending on the stage of proceedings of your case, there may not be a court record yet.

How to state the basis for jurisdiction?

State the basis for jurisdiction. Write a jurisdictional statement that tells the court what authority confers jurisdiction on the court to hear the case. Refer to the statute or source of law that grants the court the power to hear the case. For example: "The court has jurisdiction under 42 U.S.C. § 1983.".

How to research legal issues?

1. Get an overview of the law. To research the legal issues in your case, you will need to identify the relevant cases and statutes. A starting point for gathering this information is to refer to sources that provide an overview of different areas of the law.

What is the argument section in a brief?

Write out the full argument. The "Argument" section is the heart of the brief. This is where you will analyze the law that applies to your case and apply the legal principles to the facts. Each argument section or subsection should begin with an argumentative point heading.

What is a case brief?

The case brief represents a final product after reading a case, rereading it, taking it apart, and putting it back together again. In addition to its function as a tool for self-instruction and referencing, the case brief also provides a valuable “cheat sheet” for class participation.

What should you include in a case?

You should include the facts that are necessary to remind you of the story. If you forget the story, you will not remember how the law in the case was applied. You should also include the facts that are dispositive to the decision in the case. For instance, if the fact that a car is white is a determining factor in the case, ...

Why do we annotate cases?

Annotations will also remind you of forgotten thoughts and random ideas by providing a medium for personal comments. In addition to making it easier to review an original case, annotating cases during the first review of a case makes the briefing process easier.

Why is a brief important?

The more you brief, the easier it will become to extract the relevant information . While a brief is an extremely helpful and important study aid, annotating and highlighting are other tools for breaking down the mass of material in your casebook.

Do professors ask to see if you briefed?

Most professors will espouse the value of briefing but will never ask to see that you have, in fact, briefed. As a practicing lawyer, your client doesn’t care if you brief, so long as you win the case. The judges certainly don’t care if you brief, so long as you competently practice the law.

How to write a legal case?

As a student at a legal school, you should know that this document will help you: 1 Identify the main aspects and issues about the particular court decision; 2 Outline the legal rules and principles that have made the court decision possible; 3 Analyze the case from different perspectives in order to help the student understand the essentials of legal writing.

Why do you need a case brief?

Writing a case brief will allow you to acquire new skills and competencies that will help you pursue a career in a legal field. Also, it enables to practice analytical skills, logical reasoning, as well as critical thinking capacity.

What is the purpose of reasoning in a case?

In a nutshell, your reasoning should present the court`s analysis of the issue. Pay attention that it is the heart of your case brief, thus it should be written perfectly. The reasoning is the way in which the court has applied certain legal rules or principles to reach the best decision. Example (from Chimel v.

What should be the conclusion of a case brief?

In the concluding part of your case brief, you need to inform your reader about the final outcome of the case. In just a couple of sentences, you should present the court`s final outcome and explain its importance. State other opinions.

Which amendment guarantees the right of every defendant to have an attorney?

The rule of law can be found in the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees the right of every defendant to have an attorney. Provide the holding. It is a statement of law that presents the court`s response to the issue. Example (from Chimel v. California Case Brief ): Judgment reversed.

What was the rule of law in Betts v Brady?

Brady to prove the unconstitutional nature of the denial to have a Counsel during the trial. Betts was charged with robbery in Maryland, and he informed the judge of the lack of financial resources to hire a lawyer.

How to write a case brief?

When getting ready to write out your case brief, it helps to approach the process professionally. Start by reading through the case two times, annotating and highlighting the important facts and sections as you go. It helps to do this on the margin of the casebook for easier reference when you get to writing.

What is a legal brief?

It is a dissection of a case as presented in court with regard to the rule of law. The aim of a legal brief is to help students study for final exams and understand the intricacies of law and the judicial system.

Why is the Creac method used in law?

Also, this method requires that you don't pad your answers with unnecessary information. The CREAC method is preferred in law because it enforces the take-away facts of the case.

Why are case briefs important?

Thus, case briefs are about learning law as a process and way of thinking. They also help establish precedent by extracting important judicial decisions in the cases examined.

How many words should a legal brief be?

There are few rules about how long your legal brief should be, but it should be brief as the name suggests. In many cases, it should not exceed 825 words excluding the concurrences, dissents, dicta, and other considerations. To maintain such a restrictive word count, include only the operative facts of the case.

What is the purpose of stating the facts in a case brief?

In stating the facts in this component of a case brief, it helps to start with the background, which forms a basis for the dispute and later the decisions.

What is an appellate brief?

An appellate brief, on the other hand, refers to an argument drafted based on the law to be presented before judges in a court. Unlike a student's case brief, an appellate brief is premised on persuading a higher to reverse or uphold a ruling by junior court or the court that tried a case initially.

How to Brief a Case for Law School

Here, we discuss how to brief a case for law school. However, before we get into those, it is necessary to lay the groundwork and a few principles.

A Case Brief Template

Before we dive into a step-by-step guide to briefing cases, let’s look at a case brief template. This template tells you the general parts of a case brief.

How to write a legal brief?

Consider these factors when writing a legal case brief: 1 Include facts that remind you of the story and how the law in the case was applied. 2 Consider facts that point out results that affect the decision in the case. For instance, a white car is a determining factor. 3 Make sure to include the facts chronologically, as per the procedural history, to figure out how did the court arrive at the outcome. 4 If the court addresses multiple issues, distinguish the issues from the arguments made by the parties. Note down only the relevant issues and their corresponding conclusions. 5 For the rationale, note down the basic reasoning used and the key factors that made the court favor one side more than the other.

Why do law school professors teach you how to write a legal brief on a civil case?

The reason law school professors teach you how to write a legal brief on a civil case is so that you benefit from the habit later on. So, if you want to include other segments, feel free to do so. Suppose, you are dealing with a case involving a section expounding dicta.

How to break down mass material in a legal case?

To break down the mass material of a case and organize your legal case brief, you can use annotating and highlighting. In what follows, you will find a few tips for your legal writing homework that’ll help you write a concise legal brief that covers all the key aspects in an organized way.

How does a case brief save time?

A well-constructed case brief can save you a lot of time by making it easier for you to put together all the pieces of a law puzzle. Now, knowing the essentials will not teach you how to write a law case brief if you do not understand what goes under each segment. Read on to delve deeper into on that.

Why is it important to write a brief for an assignment?

While writing the brief as an assignment, this will help you score well when the professor sees that you can convey the required message without using words that a reader does not understand.

Why is it called a case brief?

Always remember that it is called a case brief because it should be brief! Do not write an overly long brief that it becomes difficult for you to skim when you review your notes. At the same time, do not make it short to the extent that it lacks sufficient information to refresh your memory.

Can you include everything in a legal brief?

But you cannot include everything. The focus should be on the key terms that will remind you of the most critical parts of the case. Consider these factors when writing a legal case brief: Include facts that remind you of the story and how the law in the case was applied.

Why is it important to write a brief for law school?

Writing your own brief not only helps you remember the details of each case, but also ensures you're comprehending the legal analysis used by the courts and gaining the skills you'll need as an attorney. To create a helpful case brief for law school, follow these steps:

What is a case brief?

A case brief is a structured set of notes for each case you read, written in your own words. Although case notes are available online that are tempting time-savers, it is essential to write them yourself. Law school is not the time for shortcuts. Writing your own brief not only helps you remember the details of each case, ...

What is the facts section of a case?

Your facts section is the story up to the point where someone filed suit. Next, determine the case's path so far through the courts. If it's reached an appellate court, what did the lower court decide?

What does "yes" mean in an opinion?

Answer each of the questions from your issues section, starting with "yes" or "no" and including the legal principle used by the court to reach that answer. In some opinions, the court will call out the holding in bold print or at the end of the opening paragraph.

Is case briefing good for first year?

Although they certainly take time and effort, case briefs are an incredibly useful tool - especially during your first year. When you're reading so many cases in several courses, keeping the details straight isn't always easy.
