how to sue a lawyer for negligence bc

by Justyn Zemlak 7 min read

All BC lawyers in private practice carry professional liability indemnity coverage for negligence. If you believe you have a claim for negligence, you should notify your lawyer without delay about your claim. You may also want to seek independent legal advice.

You can submit your complaint online at, or print off a complaint form and mail, fax or email it to the Law Society. There is no fee to make a complaint. In your complaint, describe your connection with the lawyer. Give a brief description of the problem and provide copies of any relevant documents.Oct 29, 2020

Full Answer

How do I sue a lawyer for negligence?

 · A claim of malpractice may exist if your lawyer exhibited negligence in your representation. If your lawyer’s negligence caused you to suffer harm or a less advantageous outcome or settlement in your case, you may have a claim to sue your lawyer for professional negligence. Establishing a legal malpractice claim for a negligent lawyer is complex and varies …

Do BC lawyers carry professional liability insurance for negligence?

All BC lawyers in private practice carry professional liability indemnity coverage for negligence. If you believe you have a claim for negligence, you should notify your lawyer without delay about your claim. You may also want to seek independent legal advice. Our Initiatives. About Us.

Can I sue the RCMP in British Columbia for negligence?

 · To sue lawyer for negligence, you need to be able to prove the attorney didn't use the proper care in your case and missed a deadline, filed the wrong papers, didn't comply with court orders, or made other errors that were not intentional but were sloppy. Negligence happens when the attorney makes mistakes that other attorneys normally would not.

How can I get compensation for the harm a negligent lawyer caused?

You can prove your attorney owed you a duty of care with the representation agreement you signed. You can prove your attorney failed, through negligence, to file your case in a timely manner. With witness statements and a medical expert you can prove the wet floor caused you significant loss. You can finally show your attorney’s misconduct harmed you financially, in …


Are lawyers liable for mistakes?

Even where an attorney made an obvious mistake, that mistake must have injured the client. The classic example of negligence is the attorney who did not file a lawsuit before the statute of limitations expired.

Can I sue a lawyer in Canada?

If you feel that your lawyer did not do their job properly or behaved unprofessionally, you can make a complaint to the Law Society of Ontario (LSO). The LSO can investigate your complaint and can discipline your lawyer, if necessary.

What is negligence BC?

Canada's Supreme Court defined negligence as any kind of conduct that creates “an objectively unreasonable risk of harm.” This conduct can be intentional or unintentional.

Can you sue for negligence in Canada?

Generally, to make out a claim in negligence a plaintiff must show that the defendant owed them a duty of care, the defendant breached the standard of care expected of a reasonable person in their position, the defendant's breach of the standard of care caused the plaintiff injury and the plaintiff suffered damages as ...

How do you prove professional negligence?

It has always been the case that to succeed in a claim for professional negligence the claimant must prove three basic elements: that the professional owed a duty of care, that they acted in breach of that duty, and that the breach was the cause of loss to the claimant.

Can you sue for negligence?

If a professional service provider has done something, or failed to do something that has led you to suffer loss or damage during the course of providing a service to you or your business, then they may have been professionally negligent and you could have cause to sue.

What are the four conditions of negligence?

Negligence claims must prove four things in court: duty, breach, causation, and damages/harm. Generally speaking, when someone acts in a careless way and causes an injury to another person, under the legal principle of "negligence" the careless person will be legally liable for any resulting harm.

What are the 5 elements of negligence?

Doing so means you and your lawyer must prove the five elements of negligence: duty, breach of duty, cause, in fact, proximate cause, and harm. Your lawyer may help you meet the elements necessary to prove your claim, build a successful case, and help you receive the monetary award you deserve.

What are the 3 levels of negligence?

3 Types of Negligence in AccidentsComparative Negligence. Comparative negligence refers to an injured party, or plaintiff's, negligence alongside the defendant's. ... Gross Negligence. Gross negligence exceeds the standard level of negligence. ... Vicarious Liability.

How do you prove negligence in Canada?

five elements are required to establish a prima facie case of negligence: 1. the existence of a legal duty to exercise reasonable care; 2. a failure to exercise reasonable care;3. cause in fact of physical harm by the negligent conduct; 4.

What is the legal test for negligence?

[3] A successful action in negligence requires that the plaintiff demonstrate (1) that the defendant owed him a duty of care; (2) that the defendant's behaviour breached the standard of care; (3) that the plaintiff sustained damage; and (4) that the damage was caused, in fact and in law, by the defendant's breach.

Which is an example of negligence?

Examples of negligence include: A driver who runs a stop sign causing an injury crash. A store owner who fails to put up a “Caution: Wet Floor” sign after mopping up a spill. A property owner who fails to replace rotten steps on a wooden porch that collapses and injures visiting guests.

How to win a lawsuit against an attorney for malpractice?

To win when you sue an attorney for malpractice, you need to show that: The attorney was supposed to do something. He or she didn't do it (or did it wrong) This resulted in a financial loss to you (losing the case or losing money)

What do you need to show when suing an attorney for malpractice?

When suing an attorney for legal malpractice, you will need to show that the attorney did not use the ordinary amount of skill and care that most attorneys use in similar situations.

Can an attorney be disbarred?

The attorney could be disbarred or directed to pay you compensation. If you are disputing a fee with your lawyer, the state also likely has a fee dispute committee that can help you obtain an out-of-court resolution. You can hire another attorney to complete or fix your case and obtain the outcome you need.

What happens if an attorney violates the law?

If the attorney violated proper ethics, you can file a grievance with the ethics committee of the state bar association, which ensures all attorneys are in good standing to renew their licenses. The attorney could be disbarred or directed to pay you compensation.

What is a breach of contract?

Breach of contract. This occurs when an attorney fails to do something he or she agreed to in your contract, such as filing your deed or patent. If the lawyer promised to do something he or she was contractually obligated to do and didn't do it, you have grounds for breach of contract.

What is breach of duty in a lawyer?

Breach of duty. This kind of malpractice happens when the lawyer violates his or her responsibilities to you by settling the case without your approval, not preparing the case for trial, lying to you, abandoning your case, misusing funds you provided for court costs, or misusing funds owed to you (such as a settlement amount). The attorney has not done what other attorneys would do in this type of case.

Can you sue a lawyer for negligence?

To sue lawyer for negligence, you need to be able to prove the attorney didn't use the proper care in your case and missed a deadline, filed the wrong papers, didn't comply with court orders, or made other errors that were not intentional but were sloppy.

How to prove a lawyer is a malpractice?

In order to prove legal malpractice, your new attorney must show four elements of the case. The first is that your original attorney owed you a duty of care to act properly in your case. There is usually a contract or agreement between a client and attorney which affirms this duty of care. Secondly, it must be shown that your original attorney breached this duty of care. The attorney may have failed to do what he or she agreed to do, was negligent, or made a mistake that another attorney in a similar situation would not have done. Third, the attorney’s conduct must have caused you damage, and finally, you must have suffered financial losses as a result of your attorney’s actions (or inaction).

How many cases are there in a legal malpractice case?

Legal Malpractice—Two Cases in One. Legal malpractice cases are two cases in one. You must prove that your attorney exhibited negligence while handling your case, and if that negligence had not occurred, you would have received a more favorable outcome, settlement, or judgment than you did.

Can you prove your attorney owed you a duty of care?

You can prove your attorney owed you a duty of care with the representation agreement you signed. You can prove your attorney failed, through negligence, to file your case in a timely manner. With witness statements and a medical expert you can prove the wet floor caused you significant loss.

Can a jury feel you lost a case?

Even when the attorney in your original case made a serious error, a jury may feel you would have lost the case no matter what. Many legal malpractice cases arise from a situation in which the attorney recovered some money for his or her client, but the client believes they would have received more but for the attorney’s negligence.

Can Patrick Malone help with a claim?

PLEASE NOTE: The Patrick Malone law firm cannot help you with a claim against an attorney in the fields of criminal law, family law (including divorce, alimony, custody, parental rights), immigration, or employment.

Can you sue a lawyer for negligence?

While legal malpractice cases can be complex, in some cases filing a malpractice suit against a lawyer who exhibited negligence in your case may be your only recourse. The legal malpractice may be obvious, such as a missed deadline or statute of limitations. Other times, the issue may fall in the “gray” area regarding whether legal malpractice occurred and whether it had a significant impact on the outcome of your case. If you believe that your attorney’s negligence has harmed you financially, you need an attorney on your side that has experience litigating legal malpractice cases.

Can an attorney's misconduct be harmed financially?

You can finally show your attorney’s misconduct harmed you financially, in that you were unable to recover a settlement from the restaurant. In this instance, you may have a good chance of being successful with a legal malpractice case.

How to get compensation for a negligent lawyer?

The best way to ensure that you can get some justice and compensation for the harm the negligent lawyer caused is to contact a qualified lawyer as soon as possible after the negligence took place. A good lawyer can re-evaluate your case, determine if your claim would have been successful in competent hands, figure out how much you should have received after a successful claim, and serve as your advocate in court.

What is lawyer negligence?

This is known as lawyer negligence or legal malpractice. The main types of lawyer negligence include: Mishandling lawsuits, such as failing to file the claim within the statute of limitations, wrongly assessing the correct amount of compensation due, and attempting to claim the wrong types of damages. Failures of communications, such as not ...

What is a malpractice document?

Document how your life has been impacted by the personal injury and the legal malpractice. This includes any pain and suffering due to your personal injuries – or from stress from the legal proceedings – no matter how small, as well as any impairment to your daily routine, from work to recreation.

What are ethical breaches?

Ethical breaches, including overcharging for services, settling the claim without your consent, and misusing your money.

What happens if you don't file a claim correctly?

After you or your loved ones have suffered from legal malpractice, the lawyer who was negligent is liable for the harm they caused through their failure.

What happens if a lawyer fails to file a claim?

But if that lawyer fails you by, for example, filing incorrect paperwork or delaying filing a claim until after the statute of limitations has passed, you can be left without compensation after a lengthy and draining legal process. This is known as lawyer negligence or legal malpractice.

Can Lerners help with malpractice?

If you or a loved one has suffered from lawyer negligence and malpractice, Lerners Personal Injury Lawyers can help. Our qualified lawyers have the experience with personal injury claims and malpractice law you need to serve as your advocate, and help you or your loved ones navigate the legal landscape and get what you need and deserve. And if you cannot come to us – if you are recovering in the hospital or at home and are unable to travel – we will come to you, as well as provide a free initial consultation.

What is negligence in a lawsuit?

In everyday use, the word negligence refers to carelessness, but it has a specific legal definition in the context of a personal injury lawsuit. The legal definition of negligence is more detailed. Negligence is a failure to uphold a standard of care that a reasonable person would under the same circumstances.

How to prove negligence sufficient to hold a party liable for damages?

To prove negligence sufficient to hold a party liable for damages, a plaintiff must provide evidence to establish four primary elements. The standard of proof in a civil lawsuit is a “preponderance of the evidence,” which means a plaintiff needs only to show it is more likely than not that something is the case. (In cases involving punitive damages, in many states, a higher “clear and convincing” standard will apply.) In any case, the four elements a plaintiff must establish are as follows:

What are some examples of a breach of duty?

Breaches of duty are obvious in some cases, especially those involving traffic accidents. Drunk driving, speeding, texting and driving, and reckless driving are examples of driving behaviors that breach the duty to others on the road.

Why do courts award punitive damages?

Courts award punitive damages to a plaintiff to punish a defendant and deter future negligent behavior. Unlike compensatory damages, which compensate a plaintiff for the demonstrable expenses and impacts they have sustained in an accident, claims involving gross negligence often have a higher value because of the addition of punitive damages.

What is vicarious liability?

Vicarious liability occurs when one bears liability for the negligent acts of another. For vicarious liability to exist, there has to be a certain kind of relationship between the two persons, and the first person must have acted or failed to act in some way that contributed to the accident caused by the second person.

What is ordinary negligence?

When thinking about situations that give rise to a personal injury lawsuit based on negligence, many probably think of ordinary negligence. A person, a business, or another entity causes harm to another, in violation of the reasonable personal standard. Harm can be physical, emotional, financial, or a combination of the three. While accidental, ordinary negligence is still preventable, had the injuring party exercised a reasonable degree of care in the situation.

What is the duty of property owners in a slip and fall accident?

Property owners have a legal duty to fix any hazards on their premises that they know or should know about, or to warn those legally on their properties about any such hazards they know or should know of.

What are the three types of lawsuits against lawyers?

Lawsuits against lawyers usually fall under three categories: negligence, breach of contract, and breach of fiduciary duty . Negligence. Negligence is the most common grounds for a malpractice lawsuit. It happens when your attorney fails to use the skill and care normally expected of a competent attorney. For example, you might have grounds ...

How to report a lawyer for ethical violations?

Report the lawyer to your state’s disciplinary board. Every state has a board that disciplines lawyers for ethical violations. If your lawyer isn’t communicating with you or listening to your wishes, this might get his or her attention. In some cases, the board might order the lawyer to compensate you for a clear financial loss—for example, if your lawyer took fund from your client account. (To lean more, see our article on reporting a lawyer for an ethical violation .)

What to do if you are not happy with your lawyer?

If you’re not happy with your lawyer, you can: Switch lawyers. If you haven’t suffered much damage yet, you may want to consider simply hiring a new lawyer. You’re free to switch lawyers at any time, except in rare cases.

Do lawyers owe you a duty of care?

If your lawyer agreed to represent you in a case or provide other legal services, your lawyer owes you a duty of care. The second element is more difficult to prove. It is not enough to show that your lawyer made a mistake or that you lost your case.

What does a lawyer owe you?

Your lawyer owed you a duty to competently represent you.

What is a breach of fiduciary duty?

Breach of fiduciary duty. Lawyers owe certain fiduciary duties to their clients, such as the duty of loyalty and duty of confidentiality. Your lawyer must act in your best interests and must keep your communications confidential.

What is a breach of contract?

Breach of contract. Breach of contract occurs when a lawyer violates a specific term of the lawyer’s agreement with a client. For example, if your contract says that your lawyer will create a corporation for you by a certain date, the lawyer must stick to that agreement. Breach of fiduciary duty. Lawyers owe certain fiduciary duties ...

What is negligence of spouse in cause of action?

5 (1) In an action founded on fault or negligence and brought for loss or damage resulting from bodily injury to or the death of a married person, if one of the persons found to be at fault or negligent is the spouse of the married person, no damages, ...

What is the liability to make good?

1 (1) If by the fault of 2 or more persons damage or loss is caused to one or more of them, the liability to make good the damage or loss is in proportion to the degree to which each person was at fault.

What was the Amezcua v Taylor case?

In today’s case ( Amezcua v. Taylor) the Plaintiff was injured in a car crash caused by a member of the RCMP. The RCMP member was sued directly. She agreed that the accident was as a result of her “ simple and regular negligence “. She raised her statutory immunity as a defence.

Is the Minister prejudiced by the admission made by the defendant Taylor?

The Minister’s submissions on appeal that he is prejudiced by the admission made by the defendant Taylor more than nine years ago and may have to himself allege gross negligence on the part of Taylor is not supported by evidence and places counsel for the Minister and Taylor in conflict.
