how to seek damages for a commercial accident without a lawyer

by Dr. Gage Cronin PhD 7 min read

Do I need a lawyer for a car accident lawsuit?

Take pictures of the property damage, the accident scene, and the injuries. Get a copy of the police report (for a car accident case) Get the medical treatment you need, as soon as possible. Use any "personal injury protection" ("PIP") insurance coverage to pay initial bills, and then use your health insurance. Get copies of all records and bills.

Is an auto accident lawyer worth your time and money?

May 26, 2020 · To do this, you shouldn’t forget to take images of the accident area, as well as your injuries and the damages to your vehicle. Also, find time to gather some critical information from your witnesses. Lastly, keep a copy of the police report and your medical records to strengthen the authenticity of your claim. File Your Case Immediately

What types of car accident cases go to litigation?

Dec 27, 2021 · If you have been involved in a fender bender, an insurance company could offer a settlement without dispute to cover your property damages and medical expenses. However, if you were in a more serious accident involving serious damages like pain and suffering, you would want to at least get a case evaluation by a personal injury lawyer.

Do I need a lawyer for pain and suffering damages?

May 18, 2018 · This can have significant advantages, but there is also one big disadvantage: if you are seriously injured in a car accident, your business may not be able to continue while you are in recovery. If you find yourself in this situation, you may be able to seek damages against the negligent driver for the loss of your past and future earning ...


How do you negotiate pain and suffering?

How to Negotiate Pain and Suffering in a Car Accident ClaimPrepare well. ... Learn about pain and suffering. ... Keep your tone with the adjuster professional. ... Explain how the injury affected your life. ... Do not be shy. ... Tell the insurance adjuster how painful the whole experience was. ... Explain how painful the treatment was.More items...

How do you ask for more money in a settlement?

Let's look at how to best position your claim for success.Have a Settlement Amount in Mind. ... Do Not Jump at a First Offer. ... Get the Adjuster to Justify a Low Offer. ... Emphasize Emotional Points. ... Put the Settlement in Writing. ... More Information About Negotiating Your Personal Injury Claim.

How is emotional distress calculated?

The Multiplier Method With the multiplier method, the first step is to calculate the current and future financial costs of your injuries. Then, damages for your emotional distress are determined by multiplying this amount by a number that is typically between 1.5 and 5.Oct 28, 2021

How much pain and suffering should I ask for?

The multiplier method for calculating pain and suffering is the most common approach. This method involves adding all “special damages” and then multiplying that figure by a certain number (typically between 1.5 and 5 – with 3 being most commonly used).

Should I accept the first compensation offer?

Should I accept the first compensation offer? Unless you have taken independent legal advice on the whole value of your claim, you should not accept a first offer from an insurance company.

What is extreme emotional distress?

Severe emotional distress is that which is substantial or enduring. It has also been defined as a kind of distress no reasonable person is expected to endure. It may consist of any highly unpleasant reaction such as fright, grief, shame, humiliation, embarrassment, anger, or worry.

How much compensation can you claim for stress?

Whilst the deduction may fall below the maximum of 35%, claimants can rest assured that any deduction from a successful stress at work compensation claim settlement will never exceed 35%.

What are examples of emotional distress?

Some warning signs of emotional distress include:Ongoing anxiety or depression.Overwhelming fear or panic attacks.Feeling guilty with no apparent reason.Chronic headaches and body aches.Insomnia.Isolation.Extreme fatigue.Relying on substances to alter moods, including alcohol.More items...

What to do when handling a property damage claim?

When handling your property damage claim, remember, you are in a negotiation with the insurance company. It is their goal to pay you as little as possible to settle your claim. Because of this, be sure your numbers are well researched, and do not accept less than you should.

What happens if you get in an automobile accident in Louisiana?

If you are involved in an automobile accident in Louisiana, chances are your car will have been damaged and may need to be repaired or replaced. You may have suffered some level of bodily injury also . While the services of an experienced car accident attorney will often be necessary to help handle a bodily injury claim, handling a property damage claim is something that you may be able to do yourself without having to pay a lawyer to help you.

How long does it take to pay a bad faith claim in Louisiana?

Under Louisiana law, an insurance company can be subject to severe penalties for bad faith if it fails to make an offer and/or pay an undisputed claim within thirty days of the proof of property loss.

Does insurance pay for towing?

If you have towing/ storage coverage, your insurance company will pay for the towing and storage fees up to the limit of your coverage. If you do not have towing/storage coverage, or if the fees exceed your coverage limits, you can include those fees in the property damage claim with the at-fault person’s insurance company. Be sure to inform the insurance companies right away if your vehicle was towed from the scene. Storage fees add up quickly. You have a duty to mitigate (to minimize) your damages, which means you must act reasonably to protect your property from further harm. An unreasonable delay in removing your vehicle from the storage facility can cost you your entire property damage settlement.

What is the phone number for Keith Magness?

Finally, if you have any questions about your property damage or bodily injury case, call the Law Office of Keith L. Magness today at (504) 264-5587. We will be happy to help. We pride ourselves on helping auto accident victims receive and keep more of compensation they deserve.

Can you sign a release for personal injury?

First things first: if you suffered any type of bodily injury in connection with your car accident, never, I repeat, never sign anything sent to you by the insurance company without seeking legal advice. If you do, it may well be the end of your bodily injury claim as insurance adjusters often include language on property damage releases that include release for personal injury as well.

Can you file a claim with your own insurance?

If you have collision coverage on your vehicle, in addition to contacting the at-fault driver’s insurance company , you should strongly consider contacting your own insurance agent to file a claim. The reason for this is simple: your own insurer is likely to pay your claim and repair your vehicle faster than the other driver’s company. One downfall to this is that you will probably have to pay a deductible although you should eventually be reimbursed by the other driver’s insurer.

What to do if you have no idea how to settle a car accident claim?

If you have no idea how to settle your damages, you should hire an attorney to handle your car accident claim on your behalf. When you have a legal professional on your side, you can get proper advice about your situation and available legal options. Also, they can evaluate your case, negotiate a fair settlement, protect you from the dirty tactics of the insurance company, and make sure you’re represented aggressively, so you get the compensation you deserve.

What happens if you get involved in a car accident?

Getting involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience. Aside from injuries and property damages, you have to deal with other damages, such as lost wages and even pain and suffering. Therefore, if you’re looking to settle these damages without hassle, keep these tips in mind and hire the best personal injury lawyer. That way, you can get a legal outcome in your favor.

What are the damages of a syringe?

If you want to ensure that you’re able to maximise your compensation, the following are the damages you should get familiar with: 1 Medical Costs – If you’re injured and need treatment, the medical expenses should be included in the compensation you’re entitled to. This is why you should seek medical attention immediately to secure some medical records to support your claim. 2 Lost Wages – Of course, your injuries need some time to recover. But in doing so, you might not be able to work. As a result, you’d miss out on income for a specific period. Luckily, lost wages from missing work is one of the damages you can collect from an accident. 3 Property Damages – If you need to repair your damaged vehicle, you can have the costs collected as compensation for the property damages caused by the accident. 4 Pain And Suffering – This type of damages depends on the extent of your physical injuries, the effect of the accident on your quality of life, and the emotional impact it has brought to your life. The pain and suffering damages include embarrassment, loss of enjoyment in life, therapy for anxiety and depression, and many more.

Why is evidence important in a personal injury case?

That’s because it’s one of the best ways to prove that someone else’s negligence caused your injuries. This means that the more pieces ...

What is property damage?

Property Damages – If you need to repair your damaged vehicle, you can have the costs collected as compensation for the property damages caused by the accident. Pain And Suffering – This type of damages depends on the extent of your physical injuries, the effect of the accident on your quality of life, and the emotional impact it has brought ...

Can you file a claim after a car accident?

After you’ve sustained injuries from the car accident, it shouldn’t take you long to file your claim and recover the compensation you deserve. This is especially true if you’re elevating your case to the court, where the statute of limitations or deadlines apply.

What to do if you are involved in a serious accident?

However, if you were involved in a more serious accident, involving serious damages like pain and suffering, you would want to at least get a case evaluation by a personal injury lawyer. The more serious your injuries are, the more likely you are to receive an underestimated settlement offer by the insurance company. Sufficiency of Evidence.

How to make a pain and suffering claim?

In order to make a pain and suffering claim, you will need to send the insurance company a demand letter, which is a summary of your claim and damages. In your demand letter, you should discuss your pain and suffering damages, supported by relevant documents and evidence. Supporting Documents.

How to prove pain and suffering?

To prove pain and suffering, you must have evidence supporting your claim. You should obtain medical records and police report yourself. If you let the insurance company obtain those documents for you, you are letting them control which documents to consider. The following documents, if available, should be attached to your demand letter: 1 Medical records and receipts 2 Doctor's note 3 Police report 4 Witness statements 5 Photos of injuries

What is pain and suffering?

Pain and suffering is any mental or physical distress for which you may seek damages in your car accident claim. Pain and suffering damages are based on the type of injury and the seriousness of the pain you suffered. Most states consider pain and suffering damages as a part of noneconomic damages (or also called general damages ), ...

What is the multiplier method for pain and suffering?

Some lawyers use the "multiplier" method to calculate pain and suffering damages. If you're unable to come up with a specific value of your pain and suffering damages, you should contact a personal injury lawyer. Personal injury lawyers are trained to use their professional knowledge and experience to calculate a maximized amount ...

Can you file a claim without an attorney?

As long as it's obvious that the other driver caused the accident, it'll be easy to proceed with your claim without an attorney. However, if there's a dispute about who is at fault, or if the other driver makes a counter-claim, you should seek advice from an experienced attorney to evaluate your case.

Who investigates the damages from an accident?

Most personal injury cases are between the plaintiff and the at-fault party’s insurance company. The insurance company adjuster investigates the damages from the incident and determines the company’s liability.

What are the types of damages in a personal injury case?

Types of Damages. There are three general types of damages you can sue for in a personal injury case: general, special, and punitive. Both general and special damages are compensatory damages. General damages compensate the victim for non-economic losses like emotional distress and pain & suffering.

What is strict liability?

Strict liability refers to injuries where the plaintiff isn’t required to prove negligence on the part of the defendant. All they must prove is that an action occurred which resulted in the injury of another person. Cases of product liability in which torts arise from the injury of a person due to the use of a product and/or service are examples of strict liability. In these cases, the plaintiff doesn’t have to prove that the company was negligent to sue for damages. They still, however, must prove that an action occurred that caused their injury.

Is California a comparative fault state?

If you sue for damages in a negligence case, it is essential to hire an experienced personal injury attorney to represent you. California is a comparative fault state. This law allows more than one person to be blamed for an accident. It also reduces the amount of compensation you receive.

What is special damages?

Juries tend to award higher settlements to plaintiffs who have experienced severe trauma. Special damages are economic losses. These include the loss of income due to your injury, your medical expenses, property damage, and other measurable losses resulting from the actions or inactions of the defendant.

Can you negotiate after a lawsuit?

It’s in both sides’ best interest to avoid a long, expensive trial. A skilled lawyer knows how to negotiate to get you the best possible settlement.

What is punitive damages?

The court determines the amount of punitive damages a person must pay based on the seriousness of their behavior that caused the accident. You can sue for damages for physical, emotional, or economic injuries. You can also sue for injuries to your reputation, along with violations of your property, privacy, or constitutional rights.

What to do if you are not in a car accident?

If you got into a car accident that was not your fault, you have a right to hire a lawyer. You may assume that because you did not cause the accident, everything will work out in your favor, but you may need to prove that you did not commit any wrongdoing. While you do not need to seek legal counsel, a car accident lawyer may help you file ...

How to get started on a personal injury case?

We want to get started on your case immediately, so call us as soon as possible. Statutes of limitations may apply for personal injury lawsuits, and they vary from state to state. Call us as soon as possible to ensure your right to compensation. Call or text 800-598-7557 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form.

What information does a police report contain?

A police report may contain information about who the officer who arrived at the scene believed was at fault in the accident, but your personal injury lawyer may be able to make a case against the officer’s findings.

What is Ben Crump Law?

Ben Crump Law, PLLC does not want you to worry about tackling everything yourself after an avoidable accident; we can handle the legal process for you. Focus on Your Health While We Focus on Your Case. You will want to seek medical attention following a car accident, even if you feel fine.

How to contact a lawyer for a free consultation?

For a free legal consultation, call 800-598-7557. What a Lawyer May Do for Your Case. There is no reason you should be paying out-of-pocket expenses for property damage and injuries that someone else caused.

What should a liable party do?

The liable party should face the consequences of acting negligently and pay for the losses you suffered. To demonstrate evidence that you suffered at the hands of the defendant’s carelessness, a lawyer may do the following: Obtain a police report that details how the accident occurred.

Do you have to accept an insurance settlement?

Remember that you do not have to accept the initial settlement an insurance company offers you. If you do, you may lose your rights to pursue a lawsuit to receive fair compensation should your injuries prove more devastating in the future. A car accident lawyer may help you build your case and speak with your insurance company so you can focus on ...

What is a demand letter for personal injury?

In the legal profession, drafting a strong personal injury demand letter is sometimes seen as an art form. It takes good writing skills, attention to detail, knowledge of each injury, and a certain level of restraint.

What causes a failure to calculate damages?

A failure to calculate damages may be caused by incomplete medical records. The injured person may be anxious to receive payment, and may end up writing a premature demand letter.

What should be included in a medical bill?

You should include the injury, the date of injury, the treatment performed, the date of treatment, and the exact medical charge for the treatment. Without complete medical records and bills, you cannot provide solid proof of medical bills.

What is a demand letter?

A demand letter is used to settle a personal injury case, usually before filing a lawsuit in court. The demand letter explains how the recipient of the letter (or the recipient's insured) is at-fault, explains the damages and injuries sustained, and demands compensation. In the legal profession, drafting a strong personal injury demand letter is ...


What Is A Tort?

A tort is a civil breach that a person or other entity commits against you. It includes wrongful acts or infringements of your rights. If someone commits a civil breach against you, then you have the right to sue for compensation. The laws that apply to a tort case determine whether the party that caused the injury is legally respon…
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The Four Elements of Tort Law

  • There are four elements to a successful tort case. They are: 1. Duty– A person’s legal responsibility to act 2. Breach of Duty– Failure to act according to the duty 3. Causation– The person’s actions or inactions must have caused the injury 4. Injury– An injury must have occurred Tort lawsuits are a type of civil law case. They are not criminal cases involving prosecution. In s…
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Types of Damages

  • There are three general types of damages you can sue for in a personal injury case: general, special, and punitive. Both general and special damages are compensatory damages. General damages compensate the victim for non-economic losses like emotional distress and pain & suffering. Juries tend to award higher settlements to plaintiffs who have experienced severe tra…
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Schedule A Consultation with An Attorney

  • The sooner you talk with an attorney, the sooner you can decide whether to pursue your case in court. Most personal injury cases are between the plaintiff and the at-fault party’s insurance company. The insurance company adjuster investigates the damages from the incident and determines the company’s liability. The amount the insurance adjuster offers to pay is usually m…
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The Right to Appeal

  • Some personal injury cases result in high-dollar settlements to the plaintiff. Other cases result in a win for the defendant. If either side isn’t happy with the verdict, they have the right to appeal. However, you must request the appeal due to errors that hurt your case. Maybe there was jury misbehavior or evidence that wasn’t allowed which should have been. Your attorney can advise …
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What Is An Appeal?

  • An appeal is the request to have your case heard by a higher court. Depending on your state, this might be the Superior Court or the Supreme Court of Appeals. This is not the same thing as a new trial. You can’t present new evidence or arguments. Instead, an appellate judge will review the records and evidence from the trial to determine if the court made the right decision. Before you …
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Collecting Damages

  • If you are injured due to another person’s actions or inactions, you have the legal right to compensation. Once you win a judgment or award through negotiation or in court, you’re ready to collect your damages. Even after winning your case, it isn’t always the end of the battle. Some defendants refuse to pay damages while others don’t have the full amount available. A personal …
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Negotiating For A Settlement

  • Often, even after you sue for damages and throughout the court case, negotiations continue. It’s in both sides’ best interest to avoid a long, expensive trial. A skilled lawyer knows how to negotiate to get you the best possible settlement. Even if you end up settling for less, the savings in court costs could more than make up for the difference. If you’re entitled to damages from a tort, don’…
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