how to personally file for divorce in oklahoma without a lawyer

by Abraham Nicolas 7 min read

Oklahoma doesn't have a procedure for filing a joint petition for uncontested divorce. Instead, one spouse (the "petitioner") must start the proceeding by filing a petition for dissolution of marriage. Among other things, the petition must state the ground (or legal reason) for the divorce.

How much does an uncontested divorce cost in Oklahoma?

How Do I File For Divorce in Oklahoma?NAMEDescription1. File with a lawyerThe average cost in Oklahoma with children is $18,700.002. Uncontested Divorce in OklahomaIf you have an agreement, a no children Uncontested Dissolution of Marriage in Oklahoma starts at $149 without children.1 more row

How long does an uncontested divorce take in Oklahoma?

If you do not have minor children and are going through an uncontested divorce, the divorce can be finalized within 10 days. In uncontested divorces where you share children, the waiting period is 90 days. The judge may decide to forego this if there are absolutely no objections to the terms of the divorce.

How do I get a divorce in Oklahoma with no money?

Divorce Filing Fees in Oklahoma If you can't afford to pay the filing fees, you can ask the judge to waive the fees. You can ask the court clerk for a form to request a waiver, or use the Pauper's Affidavit authored by Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma.

How much does it cost to file for divorce in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma's divorce filing fee varies slightly – in Oklahoma County, for instance, the cost of filing for divorce with or without minor children involved is $183.70. Other counties in Oklahoma have similar costs, varying by five or ten dollars.

Can I get a divorce without going to court?

It is possible to get divorced without going to court, as long as your partner agrees to the divorce and the reasons why. However, it is still possible that you will need to go to court to decide what happens to money, property and children.Apr 26, 2018

Do I have to go to court for uncontested divorce?

What is an uncontested divorce? An uncontested divorce is a divorce that is not being defended by the respondent. It is usually a relatively straightforward process and can be dealt with by the court on paper, so there will be no need to attend court.May 11, 2021

What documents do I need to file for divorce in Oklahoma?

Divorce Forms and Divorce PapersPetition for Dissolution of Marriage Form (click for more info)Entry of Appearance and Waiver of Service.UCCJEA AFFIDAVIT.Decree of Dissolution of Marriage.Custody Plan.Visitation Schedule.Child Support Computation.Qualified Domestic Relations Order.More items...

Does Oklahoma require separation before divorce?

Does Oklahoma require separation before divorce? Oklahoma imposes two waiting periods before a divorce can be granted. If the parties have minor children, they must wait 90 days. If there are no minor children between them, the waiting period is only ten days.Jun 4, 2021

Can a spouse kick you out of the house in Oklahoma?

It is possible to have your spouse move out during divorce from the family home in Oklahoma. However, they may be reluctant to leave. Your spouse's divorce attorney may advise your spouse not to leave because of possible consequences that result when one spouse leaves the marital home.

What is a Uncontested divorce?

An uncontested divorce is a divorce decree that neither party is fighting. When both parties in a married couple agree to divorce, filing for an uncontested divorce can save time and money through streamlined court procedures. The couple must: Not have any financial disputes (such as child custody or alimony)Nov 12, 2019

How many years do you have to be married to get alimony in Oklahoma?

Although there is no hard and fast rule for how long a marriage must last before alimony is available, a good general rule is two or so years. There is also no specific rule for the duration of the alimony award. My experience is that most Oklahoma divorce judges order one year for each three years married.

Is marriage counseling required before a divorce in Oklahoma?

Many divorces in Oklahoma are dismissed based on parties reconciling or their desire to attempt reconciliation. Marriage counseling is a great resource and should be considered, if both parties are willing to participate.

Get Your Divorce Forms Completed Online

Let us provide you with all the necessary divorce papers. Just answer a questionnaire at the website, and, based on your information, we will complete all the forms, taking into account the peculiarities of your case as well as Oklahoma divorce laws and the regulations of your county.

Online Divorce Without a Lawyer in Oklahoma

All that you need to do is register on the site, complete an online questionnaire, and receive the completed, ready-to-printable papers via email. Print them, sign them, and file them to the local court. And we are here to help you if you have any questions concerning the filing process.


Are you wondering how to file for divorce in Oklahoma without a lawyer? The information here should give you the resources you need to file for divorce in Oklahoma without a lawyer. Articles-On-Divorce actually provides a services whereby our staff will draft all necessary divorce paperwork needed in order to file your divorce.

Documents Needed To File For Divorce

According to Oklahoma County Court Clerk’s office you will need the following documents to file for divorce in Oklahoma without a lawyer. These documents might not be the whole total of what is needed, but regardless, this is how to file for divorce in Oklahoma without a lawyer.

How to File For Divorce In Oklahoma Without A Lawyer

How to file for divorce in Oklahoma without a Lawyer can be a tough question to answer. Therefore, we have prepared a short summary of the process. When you become our customer, we will actually go into great detail to help you with the entire process. The resources provided from our staff are invaluable.

How long do you have to be a resident of Oklahoma to file for divorce?

You will also need to pay filing fees when you do so. To file for divorce in Oklahoma, either you or your spouse must be a resident of Oklahoma for at least 6 months. If your spouse lives out of state or is in the military, check with the court personnel to see what special rules apply. After filing, you must serve your spouse with copies ...

What is proof of service in Oklahoma?

Serving Your Spouse With Divorce Papers. In Oklahoma, you must provide copies of all documents related to the divorce to your spouse after filing your paperwork. This is called proof of service. You can use a professional process server or a county sheriff.

What is the purpose of affidavit of diligence search?

You will need to submit an Affidavit of Diligent Search to the court which states that you have made reasonable and ongoing efforts to locate your spouse without success. After they approve it, you will publish a divorce notice in a local newspaper to satisfy proof of service.

How much does it cost to get divorced in Oklahoma?

How much does it cost to file for a divorce in Oklahoma? Fees to file for divorce in Oklahoma will vary slightly from county to county, but will be around $180 to $185. This is for a filing without any minor children. There are also additional fees if the paperwork needs to be served by a process server or a sheriff.

What to do when filing for divorce in Oklahoma?

When you file for divorce in Oklahoma, one of the best things you can do is to arm yourself with the information you’ll need to see you through the process from start to finish. Divorce can be intimidating and disruptive on many levels, and the best way to minimize the impacts on your life is to do your homework so that you can best protect ...

How long does a spouse have to be married to receive military retirement?

A key element is that the former spouse must have been married to the former servicemember for a minimum of 10 years while the military member has served on active duty.

What is the definition of abandonment?

Habitual drunkenness. Imprisonment on felony charge, state or federal. The procurement of a final divorce decree without this state by a husband or wife, which does not in this state release the other party from the obligations of the marriage.

What are the main points of contention in divorce cases?

The major points of contention in most divorce cases involve issues of property division, child custody or spousal support. If you and your spouse fail to come to an agreement on these issues, you should know how Oklahoma courts often rule.

What documents do I need to file for divorce in Oklahoma?

You must prepare and submit the following documents: Domestic Relations Cover Sheet. Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. Entry of Appearance and Waiver of Service.

What happens if my spouse files a counterclaim to my divorce?

If your spouse files a Counterclaim to the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage which disputes various aspects of the Petition, then the court will likely have to step in and make decisions regarding contested issues. The court will issue summons to both parties to attend a hearing, which will identify disputed issues, and if you and your spouse cannot come to an agreement, you will proceed to a trial.

What happens if my spouse doesn't respond to my divorce petition?

If your spouse does not provide any response to the divorce petition, then the judge will assume that the Respondent has abdicated any right to participate in the case. The judge will probably grant many or all of the requests by the petitioner regarding child custody, support and property distribution in the original petition.

What is alternative dispute resolution in Oklahoma?

The state of Oklahoma offers couples who are considering a divorce the opportunity to use Alternative Dispute Resolution services. Mediators are independent, conflict resolution professionals with expertise in resolving personal issues. Although they may not have the legal authority to force a couple to remain married, mediators often produce compromises that minimize animosity and expedite the divorce process. A court may appoint or recommend a mediator before or during a divorce proceeding.

How to serve your spouse if you can't reach them?

If you are unable to reach your spouse, you may still proceed with the divorce as long as you made an honest and reasonable effort to serve them. Then you may provide service of Divorce by Publication by submitting an Affidavit of Diligent Search to the court and, upon approval, publishing notice in a local newspaper.

What is the legal process for a divorce in Oklahoma?

In person—A licensed, professional process server or county sheriff is the usual means of serving your divorce papers to your spouse. The server must note the time and date of service.

What to do if you can't afford court costs?

If you cannot afford court costs, you can file a pauper's affidavit. A pauper's affidavit is a form that summarizes your financial situation. If the judge decides that you cannot afford to pay court costs, he or she will let you file your case for free.

How long do you have to live in Oklahoma to file for divorce?

You must live in Oklahoma for 6 months before you can file for divorce. You must file your case in the county in which your spouse lives, or in which you have lived at least 30 days.

What are the grounds for divorce?

To get a divorce, you must show that there are grounds for divorce. The most common ground is incompatibility. You and your spouse are incompatible if at least one of you is willing to testify that you cannot get along and that you want a divorce. Other common grounds include abandonment for one year and adultery.

What are the grounds for a judge to restrict visitation?

Grounds for restricting visitation include drug use, abuse of the children, abuse of the other parent, and alcohol problems.

How do I get divorce?

The best way to obtain a divorce is to hire an attorney. Most attorneys charge a retainer, or deposit, at the start of the case. The attorney then charges an hourly rate against the deposit.

How do I start a divorce?

To start a divorce, you must file papers with the court. You then must have copies of the papers delivered to your spouse. If you cannot locate your spouse, you can publish notice in a local newspaper.

How to find out if you are getting alimony?

The best way to find out about alimony is to ask an attorney for an opinion .

1. Check your state's requirements for filing

Check your state laws for any requirements for filing a no-fault divorce. For example, some states require that you and your spouse are physically separated for a period of time before filing. Additionally, your state may require proof of residency before filing for divorce.

2. Complete the no-fault divorce forms

Once you meet your state's requirements for filing, you should complete the applicable no-fault divorce forms, such as the petition for divorce. Contact your local county clerk's office for copies of these forms. Also, ask your local court about the required filing fees.

3. Discover if you have a no-fault uncontested divorce

If your spouse agrees to the terms of the divorce, your case will move through the court system quickly. If you and your spouse agree on provisions like the division of property and child support, your divorce is considered uncontested. You will then enter into a settlement agreement.

4. Determine if you have a no-fault contested divorce

If you and your spouse don't agree to all or some of the terms of the divorce, then you have a no-fault contested legal action. When this happens, you'll need to agree on the disputed issues. If you can't agree, you may need to go to mediation or have a trial. In this case, you may need an attorney to help you navigate this process.


Divorce Forms and Divorce Papers

  • The Oklahoma Courts require certain formsto file for divorce. Having the right forms to file divorce papers is critical. Not every situation is the same. Below is a list of forms you may need – and more info about each one:
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Helpful Hints!

  • Be sure to have your Spouse sign the RESPONDENT SIGNATURE line on the back page of the Decree. DO NOT NOTARIZE IT!!! Be sure to dress appropriately and modest. Don't be nervous, relax, relief is almost here! Don't complicate the filing instructions! It really is simple, you just have slow down and FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS! "important!" Remember, file the Petition with the Court …
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does My Spouse Have to Appear in Court?
    No. In MOST CASES we handle, the spouse signs a WAIVER of APPEARANCE, because both parties agree to the terms of the divorce.
  • What Am I "Entitled To"?
    We cannot answer questions that are deamed as "Legal Advice", because we do not employ attorneys. We can simply draft the documents and instruct you as to which document you file first and where you go to file. We can, however either direct you to an attorney if you have a question …
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Changes in Oklahoma Divorce Procedures and Laws

  • We closely monitor all changes to Oklahoma divorce laws and statutes. From time to time, the Oklahoma legislature makes new rules that directly impact the procedures for filing for divorce. Our attention to detail is one of the #1 reason a person should consider hiring us to draft your Oklahoma Uncontested Divorce Forms. The most important consideration when comparing divo…
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