how to not get overbilled by lawyer

by Prof. Kariane Skiles 8 min read

There are several steps to take to avoid being overbilled by a law firm. Get everything in writing. Get everything you agree to pay for in writing from the get-go, like the hourly rates of every attorney and non-attorney who will be working on your case along with any cost-related details such as:

  1. Fee Agreement. If you have not yet signed a fee agreement with a lawyer, be sure that you have a clear understanding of all legal fees and costs that you will be assessed. ...
  2. Contact Your Attorney. ...
  3. Check the Bar Association. ...
  4. Arbitration. ...
  5. Mediation. ...
  6. Small Claims Court. ...
  7. Disciplinary Committee.

Full Answer

How do I know if I'm being over-billed by my attorney?

Check your own records of your interactions with your attorney to make sure you're not being over-billed for phone calls or meetings that never happened. Compare the description of the services to the rate at which you were billed. You shouldn't have to pay the higher attorney rate for clerical tasks such as typing or filing.

What is law firm overbilling?

Law firm overbilling - whether described as the euphemistic "bill padding" or simply "billing fraud" - is a serious problem that is seldom discussed and even less frequently addressed. But rare is the legal bill that does not include at least some "padding."

Is your divorce lawyer over-billing you?

Over-billing happens when a divorce lawyer charges a client more than is legally or ethically acceptable on an invoice or a bill. In this article, I list all of the signs that your divorce attorney may be over-billing you and I explain the ways to avoid getting over-billed (or even ripped off) by your attorney during your divorce.

How can I get a lawyer to reduce my bill?

In many jurisdictions there is a method in place to “tax” a lawyer’s bill. The client submits to a taxation officer who then reviews the lawyer’s bill. It is a common occurrence that the bill is then reduced. That is the best method to proceed but you will likely not get that lawyer to do any work for you in the future.


How do you know if a lawyer is scamming you?

How To Avoid Legal Representation ScamsPayment needs to happen quickly. You can't ask questions or get clarification.It's an emergency. Someone may threaten you or your loved ones.Requests for money usually happen over text, email or phone.The person contacting you is not someone you recognize.

What is it called when a lawyer overcharges you?

Examples Of Overbilling While the act of overbilling can simply be a lawyer overcharging for services, there are numerous ways this can occur, for example: Padding a bill: This occurs when a lawyer lies about how much time was spent on a matter. By overstating time spent, the bill becomes inflated.

How do you prove overbilling?

Some examples of overbilling by a law firm include:Padding a bill, charging for work that was not actually done;Performing legal work that is wholly unnecessary;Inefficient work, billing far more than is reasonable; and.Overstaffing a case without legitimate cause.

What should you not say to a lawyer?

Five things not to say to a lawyer (if you want them to take you..."The Judge is biased against me" Is it possible that the Judge is "biased" against you? ... "Everyone is out to get me" ... "It's the principle that counts" ... "I don't have the money to pay you" ... Waiting until after the fact.

What is block billing?

Block billing is the practice of listing a group of tasks in a block summary under a single time entry. For example: “Draft interrogatory requests; telephone conference with Dr. Brown re: expert report; summarize deposition of Mr. Smith; review and revise correspondence to opposing counsel. 7.3 hours.”

How do I fight excessive attorney fees in California?

If there is no local bar program, the State Bar may provide fee arbitration. To start the process, complete a fee arbitration request form from the local bar association and submit the filing fee. Include information about the attorney's fees and costs and explain why you believe the attorney's fees are excessive.

How do I avoid double billing?

To avoid double billing, attorneys should split the bill among the clients. So if a one-hour meeting applies to four clients, each client should be billed for only . 25 (15 minutes).

How hard is it to bill 2000 hours?

For example, if you want to reach a goal of 2,000 hours annually, you would need to bill for roughly 40 hours each week, or eight billable hours a day. You may not work exactly eight hours each day, but this breaks down what you should average in a day, week, and month to reach your annual goal.

What does padding a case mean?

Of no legal validity, force, or effect; nothing. As used in the phrase null and void, refers to something that binds no one or is incapable of giving rise to any rights or duties under any circumstances.

Can your lawyer snitch on you?

The attorney-client privilege is a rule that protects the confidentiality of communications between lawyers and clients. Under the rule, attorneys may not divulge their clients' secrets, nor may others force them to.

How do I know if my lawyer is good?

So if you're curious, use these five quick ways to research whether your lawyer is legit:State Bar Profile. Every lawyer who is licensed to practice law in your home state must be listed in your state bar association's directory. ... Google / Search Engines. ... Yelp. ... The Attorney's Own Website. ... Third-Party Rating Groups.

Can lawyers lie to their clients?

The American Bar Association's Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer “shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact.” In other words, lawyers aren't supposed to lie--and they can be disciplined or even disbarred for doing so.

What is overbilling law?

Law firm overbilling - whether described as the euphemistic "bill padding" or simply "billing fraud" - is a serious problem that is seldom discussed and even less frequently addressed. But rare is the legal bill that does not include at least some "padding." In fact, according to the California State Bar, most bills are inflated at least 10-30 percent. This article describes three common ways legal bills are inflated and provides tips to help clients identify problematic billing practices.

What percentage of lawyers are block billed?

Approximately 90 percent of law firm clients who are billed on an hourly basis are “block billed.” Block billing is an accounting technique whereby lawyers aggregate multiple smaller tasks into a single "block" entry, for which a single time value is assigned. In theory, the total time charged equals the sum of the duration of each discrete task. For example, after spending five minutes on a phone call, 35 minutes revising a junior associate’s draft motion and three minutes dashing off a brief e-mail to the client, the attorney should bill the client for seven-tenths of an hour. Unfortunately, in far too many cases, the final block-billed entry for these tasks will end up looking something like this:

How to minimize billable hour inflation?

In order to minimize billable hour inflation, every client should implement outside counsel guidelines that prohibit block billing, billable "hoarding" and excessive incremental billing. However, these are just a few of the practices that lead to overbilling and should cause clients to carefully scrutinize their monthly statements. Please visit our website ( to learn more about these and other types of law firm overbilling, and the strategies clients can use to help outside counsel improve billing practices and rein in billable hour inflation.

Why block billing?

Another court observed that block billing allows lawyers to "claim compensation for rather minor tasks which, if reported individually, would not be compensable" and precludes the client "from determining whether individual tasks were expeditiously performed within a reasonable period of time because it is impossible to separate into components the services which have been lumped together." In re Leonard Jed Company, 103 B.R. 706 (Bankr. D. Md. 1989).

When billing by the hour, should they not use increments greater than one-tenth of an hour?

When lawyers bill by the hour, they should never use increments greater than one-tenth of an hour. Glover v. Heart of America Mgmt. Co., 1999 WL 540895 at *7, fn 8 (D. Kan 1999) (quarter hour billing... has been virtually extinct for some time"). Yet it appears that anywhere from five to ten percent of lawyers bill clients in unacceptably large chunks of time - usually in one hour or half-hour increments. This is neither honest nor reasonable, and constitutes outright billing fraud, as courts have held that “professional persons who charge their clients fees in excess of $80.00 per hour, based upon time spent, cannot, in all honesty and reasonableness, charge their clients for increments in excess of one tenth of an hour.” In re Tom Carter Enterprises, Inc., 55 B.R. 548, 549 (Bankr. C.D. Cal. 1985). By way of illustration, consider these billing entries from a $750 per hour partner:

How long does a lawyer have to submit a daily submission?

Now consider that, at least according to the California State Bar and nearly every state and federal court in the country, most lawyers' daily time submissions contain anywhere from thirty minutes to three hours of time billed to clients that was not actually worked.

Do lawyers double bill?

However, two-thirds of lawyers admit that "bill padding" occurs at their firms, one-third of lawyers openly double-bill clients, and more than half of all lawyers perform work not because the client or case demands it, but because the lawyer needs to bill more hours. See William G. Ross, Professor of Law, Samford University, Attorney Billing Ethics Survey (2006-2007). Clearly, clients must be proactive when it comes keeping billable hour inflation under control. This article summarizes some of the most common billing practices that lead to billable hour inflation.

What to do if your bill does not resolve?

If discussing your bill does not resolve the problem, a good option to consider is fee arbitration. Under fee arbitration , a neutral third-party will hear your side and your lawyer’s side of the story, and then decide what a fair price is for the legal services you received.

Can a lawyer choose not to participate in a lawsuit?

Also, in many of the states where it is offered, a lawyer can choose not to participate. In these instances, a lawsuit might be your only option. However, keep in mind that the costs and time associated with a new lawsuit may outweigh the amount you believe you have been overbilled.

How to tax a lawyer's bill?

In many jurisdictions there is a method in place to “tax” a lawyer’s bill. The client submits to a taxation officer who then reviews the lawyer’s bill. It is a common occurrence that the bill is then reduced. That is the best method to proceed but you will likely not get that lawyer to do any work for you in the future.

How to be sure a lawyer is a good fit for my business?

Really, the only way to be sure is to get the fee negotiated right up front for what you want done . If you are selling/buying a business, assets, shares, etc. agree to a percentage of the total cost you are comfortable with (not too much now If your lawyer won’t play ball on that then you need to find one who will.

Who uses legal billing guidelines?

Insurance companies are probably the biggest purchasers of legal services and they have been using Legal Billing Guidelines for years. Large companies also use Legal Billing Guidelines. They use them because they work.

Do lawyers stick together?

Regarding the comment about lawyer’s sticking together, while that might always not be true, it is certainly true with settlement proceeds, sale proceeds, etc. No lawyer will ever agree to have the settlement proceeds paid directly to the client because then they might not get paid. And, as a courtesy most lawyers will pay the settlement proceeds to the plaintiff’s lawyer in trust. That is a battle you will never win.

Do lawyers make money?

And yes, lawyers still make piles of money, true. The real problem you face is that someone out there will be willing to pay your lawyer the amount of money he/she wants to be paid to do the same work you need. If you are not willing to pay the lawyer will just move on to someone who is so it’s a no win for you if you want an ongoing relationship.

Should legal services be billed?

Every company that purchases legal services should have Legal Billing Guidelines that outlines how the company can be charged, and this suggestion applies even more so to companies that hire big law firms.

Do hours show up as accounts receivable?

Bear in mind that once your lawyer and her colleagues enter hours into the firm’s billing system, they show up as accounts receivable on the firm’s finances. So her partners will see it if you force her to write down lots of hours that have already been booked. At best, that will annoy her. At worst, it could be a serious internal problem for her. So if I were you, I would pay your most current bill in full right before you have the conversation about getting things under control (again, assuming you don’t think you were actually billed in error or for work that shouldn’t have been done at all). That will clearly signal that you’re looking for help in managing legal costs, not trying to get retroactive discounts on work already done.

How to dispute a bill from an attorney?

If you’ve received a bill from your attorney that you feel is unjust, then you can dispute the bill without having to take your lawyer to court. Before disputing your bill, review your initial fee agreement, which should include details on how often you’ll be billed and what the rates will be. Then, review your bill in light of the fee agreement, your own records, and your understanding of what your attorney has done. Try to pinpoint areas where you feel you were overcharged or discrepancies in times or services. Instead of formally disputing your bill right away, call your lawyer and ask them to review and explain the bill. If you still disagree with your bill, write your lawyer a formal letter explaining which fees you're disputing and why. If this doesn't work, check with your state or local bar association to see if they offer free arbitration services. To learn how to prepare for an arbitration hearing, keep reading!

What to do if your bill doesn't go into detail?

Ask for a detailed accounting. If your bill doesn't go into detail regarding the charges, you should ask the attorney to provide you with one so you can better understand the charges.

What to do if you are allowed to have an attorney represent you during an arbitration?

Look for an attorney who is experienced in handling attorney's fees disputes. Make copies of any documents related to the fee dispute to take with you to the hearing.

How does wikihow mark an article as reader approved?

wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 95% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status.

What should be included in a letter to dispute a bill?

On the subject line of your letter, include the date of the bill you're disputing and the case name, if any, that relates to the services for which you were billed.

Why is mediation better than arbitration?

The mediation process gives you a little more control over the final outcome than arbitration, because the mediator doesn't have the power to dictate a resolution to the case.

How to dispute a bill?

If there is more than one item you want to dispute, you may want to format them in a bullet-point list. Identify the charge you dispute specifically and provide a brief description of why you dispute it.

Why is it so difficult to detect a lawyer's cheating?

Detection is made more difficult because so many lawyers turn a blind eye toward their colleagues' dishonesty. Catholic University law professor Lisa Lerman talked to many lawyers uncomfortable with partners who cheated, "but they go along with it because they see it as professional suicide to do anything about it.".

How long has a lawyer been on a day off?

The lawyer claimed to have never taken a day off in four years. But every lawyer must remain current on the law, go to firm meetings, and stay in touch with clients to keep and develop business It's impossible to convert every second into time that can be billed to a client.

How many hours a year does Hubbell bill?

Another flagrant example of gross billing abuse involved a prominent Chicago lawyer in a large and prestigious firm who averaged 5,941 billable hours per year over four years. That's an average of sixteen hours and twenty minutes per day, every day, 365 days a year.

Do lawyers pad their hours?

Just as shocking were what lawyers concluded about their colleagues' billing practices: 55% said that lawyers occasionally or frequently "pad" their hours; 64% said they were personally aware of lawyers who had padded their bills. The in-house lawyers surveyed were even more clear: over 80% felt that the billable hour influenced how much time the outside lawyers they hired spent on a case, and 74% felt that the billable hour significantly decreased lawyers' incentives to work efficiently.

Is Webster Hubbell a proof of abuse?

The Case of Webster Hubbell. It's sometimes easy to pick out the most extreme examples of bad behavior and claim they are "proof" of widespread abuse. But there are so many anecdotal accounts of incredible billing abuses by lawyers that it's hard to choose among them.

Who surveyed lawyers in 1991?

In 1991, Cumberland (Ala.) law professor William Ross surveyed 280 lawyers in private practice and 80 who worked in-house for companies. The results were shocking. Seven out of eight practicing lawyers said that it was ethical to bill a client for "recycled" work originally done for another client. Half said they had billed two different clients for work performed during the same time period, such as dictating a memo for one client while traveling for another.

Is there a punishment for billing fraud?

Despite these extreme cases, lawyers -- with the notable exception of the high-visibility Hubbell, whose prosecution stemmed from the Whitewater investigation -- are rarely punished for billing abuses. Raleigh bankruptcy attorney Mark Kirby was indicted in federal court on 16 counts of billing fraud.

What to do if you lost money because of a lawyer?

If you lost money because of the way your lawyer handled your case, consider suing for malpractice. Know, however, that it is not an easy task. You must prove two things:

What to do if your lawyer doesn't respond?

If your lawyer does not respond, or subsequent meetings or conversations are not fruitful, consider suggesting mediation to work out your communication problems if you still want this lawyer to represent you. A bad deskside manner doesn't mean that the lawyer isn't an excellent lawyer, and it can be difficult to find a new one in the middle of a case.

What is the defense of a lawyer who is sued for malpractice?

A common defense raised by attorneys sued for malpractice is that the client waited too long to sue. And because this area of the law can be surprisingly complicated and confusing, there's often plenty of room for argument. Legal malpractice cases are expensive to pursue, so do some investigating before you dive in.

What to do if your lawyer is unresponsive?

If the lawyer is unresponsive and the matter involves a lawsuit, go to the courthouse and look at your case file, which contains all the papers that have actually been filed with the court. If you've hired a new lawyer, ask her for help in getting your file. Also, ask your state bar association for assistance.

What to do if you can't find out what has been done?

If you can't find out what has (and has not) been done, you need to get hold of your file. You can read it in your lawyer's office or ask your lawyer to send you copies of everything -- all correspondence and everything filed with the court or recorded with a government agency.

What happens if a lawyer doesn't return phone calls?

A lawyer who doesn't return phone calls or communicate with you for an extended period of time may be guilty of abandoning you -- a violation of attorneys' ethical obligations. But that's for a bar association to determine (if you register a complaint), and it won't do you much good in the short term.

Where to go if you are not satisfied with your lawyer?

If you're not satisfied with your lawyer's strategy decisions or with the arguments the lawyer has been making on your behalf, you may even want to go to the law library and do some reading to educate yourself about your legal problem.
