how to make a legal contract for a loan without a lawyer

by Adeline O'Connell 7 min read

So, if you are looking towards making a contract document legally binding on all parties involved without the involvement of a lawyer, then you can get the document notarized by getting a public figure to witness and sign the contract document.

Full Answer

How to make a contract legally binding without a lawyer?

So, if you are looking towards making a contract document legally binding on all parties involved without the involvement of a lawyer, then you can get the document notarized by getting a public figure to witness and sign the contract document.

Is it illegal to write a contract without an attorney?

It isn't illegal to write a contract without an attorney. A contract can be simple or complex and is an agreement between two or more parties. It can be a written or oral agreement. A contract doesn't have to be on a preprinted or standardized form: It can be written on a napkin and still be legitimate.

Do I need a lawyer to draw up a contract?

Although there are loads of contracts that you cannot draw up without the involvement of a lawyer, but there are others you can draw up without the involvement of a lawyer.

Do I need a lawyer to create a business agreement?

Every time you enter a business agreement, you must take measures to protect your interests. The best way to do it is by creating a legally binding contract stating both parties’ terms and expectations. You may think you need a lawyer to create a legal document, but that is not the case.


How do I make a legally binding loan agreement?

For a personal loan agreement to be enforceable, it must be documented in writing and signed by both parties. You may choose to keep a copy in your county recorder's office if you wish, though it's not legally necessary. It's sufficient for both parties to store their own copy, ideally in a safe place.

How can I legally give someone a loan?

How to Lend Money to Family and FriendsTell your friend or relative you'll think about it.Look at your finances before making a loan.Get everything in writing.Consider setting the debt payment plan on autopay.Understand the legal and tax consequences.Consider whether to charge interest.Learn to say no next time.

How do I write a private loan agreement for a friend?

State the purpose for the loan. #Set forth the amount and terms of the loan. Your agreement should clearly state the amount of money you're lending your friend, the interest rate, and the total amount your friend will pay you back.

Does a personal loan agreement need to be notarized?

A loan agreement does not require a notary signature. The purpose of a notary seal is to provide evidence that the signature is genuinely the signature of the person signing.

Is Private loan legal?

It's perfectly legal for organizations other than banks and credit unions to lend money. However, private lenders still have to comply with the usury laws and banking laws of the states in which they operate.

Is loaning money with interest illegal?

Answer: The Supreme Court already ruled that imposition of usurious interest rates such as “5-6 money lending” is illegal.

Does loan agreement need to be registered?

It may be noted that while a normal standard home loan Agreement does not require registration with the office of the sub registrar of assurances Under Registration Act, it will be mandatory in the case of a Mortgage Loan.

Does a loan agreement need to be witnessed?

The agreement only requires a witness signature if the lender isn't charging any interest. If there is interest being paid, or any other consideration on top of the loan amount then the agreement does not need a witness signature.

What happens if you loan someone money and they don't pay back?

If you receive interest from the loan, that is income and must be claimed on your taxes. If you do not get repaid, the money might be considered a gift to the other person, and both you and they may have to account for it in your taxes if over a certain dollar amount threshold.

How do you write a promissory note for a personal loan?

To write a promissory note for a personal loan, you will need to include the names of both parties, the principal balance, the APR, and any fees that are part of the agreement. The promissory note should also clearly explain what will happen if the borrower pays late or does not pay the loan back at all.

What is a simple loan agreement?

Updated June 06, 2022. A loan agreement is a written agreement between a lender that lends money to a borrower in exchange for repayment plus interest. The borrower will be required to pay back the loan in accordance with a payment schedule (unless there is a balloon payment).

What makes it a contract legal

There are no magic words or phrases that make a contract enforceable by a court.

1. Write out the entire deal

The biggest failing of DIY contracts is incompleteness. They don’t describe fully the performance that is promised. They miss one of the essential terms:

2. Flush out & write down assumptions

Often, the contracting parties each come to the table with a collection of assumptions about the arrangement. And each party assumes that the other party shares their assumptions.

Write on

With these principles in mind, you can draft a contract that is certain and enforceable. Strive for clarity and completeness.

What is a contract?

A contract is a promise or an agreement between two or more parties, which lists down the rights and duties of both parties clearly and unambiguously. The agreement may be verbal or written.

The Elements of a Legal Contract

In order to be a valid legal contract, enforceable by law, a contract must contain certain key elements. First of all, there must be an offer (by one of the parties) and its acceptance (by the other party). Then, there has to be something of value exchanged, such as money or a promise, which in legal terms is called ‘consideration’.

Is it illegal to write a contract without a lawyer?

If you want to have a contract done while saving money on legal costs for that, the only option in front of you is to draft the legal contract yourself. And, No, it’s not illegal to write a contract without a lawyer.

Can I write up a legal contract for someone?

Yes, indeed. Just the way, a lawyer writes an agreement for his or her client, you can also write a contract for someone. The only thing is that it should have all the required elements and meet all mandatory legal requirements.

Disadvantages of writing a legal contract for yourself

That’s the biggest risk of writing a legal contract on your own. As mentioned above, a contract has some essential elements, such as an offer, acceptance, and consideration, without which the contract may become null and void. In case, any of these elements is missing, the contract may not be valid.

How to get a valid legal contract to avoid mistakes?

The best way to make a valid legal contract and avoid any mistake is to consult a legal expert or a lawyer before you negotiate and finalize the terms of a contract. A lawyer can help you draft and review the legal contract so that you don’t make a mistake.

How to make a contract legally binding without a lawyer?

How to Make a Contract Legally Binding Without the Involvement of a Lawyer. It is expected that whenever people have a contract or any business relationship with a body or organization, they ought to have one form of agreement or the other in order not to be cheated along the line. This is why it is needful to draw up a contract document ...

How to get a contract notarized?

So, if you are looking towards making a contract document legally binding on all parties involved without the involvement of a lawyer, then you can get the document notarized by getting a public figure to witness and sign the contract document. The truth is that when the seal of a notary public figure is appended on a document, ...

What happens when a notary seal is appended to a document?

The truth is that when the seal of a notary public figure is appended on a document, the contract document automatically becomes legally binding on all parties involved. This method of legalizing contract document between two parties is accepted not just in the United States of America, but all across the globe maybe with the exception ...

Can you get a third party to witness a contract?

For example, if you want to rent or lease a property to a tenant, and you don’t want to hire a lawyer to draw up a legally binding document, you can get a third party to witness the contract agreement between both parties. The truth is that if someone with a track record of obeying the law stands as a witness of such contract agreement, ...

Can you keep your own side of the bargain?

There are people who will always fail to keep their own side of the bargain no matter how binding a contract may seem. One of the ways this can be prevented is when there are strict penalties involved. Let the parties who are meant to sign the contract know the penalties that will come with nonpayment.

Can a business use terms and conditions?

You would have noticed that most businesses that run promos or sell products or services usually make use of ‘terms and conditions’ to be able to enter into a business contract that is legally binding between them and their customers without the involvement of a lawyer. The truth is that it is not possible for a business ...

Can you draw up a contract without a lawyer?

Although there are loads of contracts that you cannot draw up without the involvement of a lawyer, but there are others you can draw up without the involvement of a lawyer. These include contract agreements between a tenant and a landlord, a contract between an organizer of an event and a performing artist, a contract between a supplier ...

What is the main cause of contract failure?

Vagueness of language is another major cause of contract failure. To that end, clarity in the writing of provisions and the definition of terms should be the main goal in the construction of a contract.

Do you need an addendum for a contract?

Addenda are not necessary for a contract, but they may be used to clarify a detail or add a point of agreement if it was forgotten at the time of contract creation or it would be cumbersome to include it in the main body of the contract.

Can a legal contract involve illegal services?

It is also important to note that no legal contract can involve illegal services or goods. If you need help understanding how to make a legal contract, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel’s marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale ...

What are some examples of void contracts?

Examples of a Void Contract. How to Prove a Verbal Agreement. Will a Verbal Contract Stand Up in Court? It isn't illegal to write a contract without an attorney. A contract can be simple or complex and is an agreement between two or more parties. It can be a written or oral agreement. A contract doesn't have to be on a preprinted ...

What are the elements of a contract?

The Elements of a Contract. A contract must contain certain key elements to be valid. It must contain an offer and acceptance of that offer. There must be something of value exchanged, such as money or a promise. The legal term for this is "consideration.". The contract must also be between parties that are competent and have mutual consent, ...

Is a contract between minors enforceable?

For example, a contract between minors isn't enforceable. The contract must also have a lawful object. For example, a contract between two parties to commit an illegal act isn't valid: A contract must be able to be enforceable by law. Read More: How Does a Contract Work?

Is a real estate contract enforceable?

A contract can be lawful but not enforceable. For example , a verbal contract in real estate isn't illegal, but for it to be enforceable, it must be in writing. This is why all parties entering into a real estate contract are urged to “get it in writing"; otherwise, the agreement can't be enforced in a court of law.

Can an oral agreement be enforceable?

The problem arises in the ability to prove an oral contract in a court of law. If the terms of an oral agreement can be proved in a court of law, then an oral agreement can be enforceable. This could happen if there were credible witnesses to an oral agreement.

Can a contract be drawn between two parties?

Considerations. Although a contract can be be legally drawn between two parties who aren't attorneys, the rules of law are complex, and enforcing a contract can be difficult without all the elements of a valid contract being met. It's usually best to consult an attorney, even if a contract is drawn without one, ...

Can a contract be written on a napkin?

It can be a written or oral agreement. A contract doesn't have to be on a preprinted or standardized form: It can be written on a napkin and still be legitimate. Two parties can agree between themselves and create their own contract. Contract law, however, requires that all contracts must contain certain elements to be valid and enforceable.

What Constitutes a Legally Binding Contract?

A contract is an agreement between two parties that defines their respective rights and responsibilities. To be legally binding, a contract needs to meet certain criteria. Most legally valid documents have to contain two essential elements:

How To Make a Contract Legal

A contract doesn’t have to contain complicated legal terms to be legally valid. Any agreement written in simple English that meets the predetermined criteria is enforceable in court.

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DoNotPay makes creating legal documents easy! You won’t have to research endlessly to write a contract yourself. DoNotPay will do all the legwork for you!

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Contents of A Contract

  • Whether you decide to seek professional help or take a DIY approach when drafting your contract, there are a few things you should be familiar with. The following items must be included in the contract.
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Parties to The Agreement

  • This is your business name and the name(s) of the other party or parties to the contract. This could be a vendor or client.
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  • The terms of the contract dictate what each party is expected to do. This constitutes the main body of the contract and should be explicitly defined. It should include things like the type of work to be performed, the price to be paid for such work, the length of the contract, as well as when and how the payment will be made.
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Additional Terms

  • These usually include the conditions for terminating the contractand whether each party can assign or transfer the contract to another entity. Also, the additional terms can speak to the mediation or arbitration of disputes if they arise; the payment of legal fees in the event of a breach of contract; state laws that apply when issues arise, or the address where legal notices can be s…
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  • You must ensure that both parties sign the contract. The person that signs the contract must have the authority to sign.
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  • The date when the contract is signed. However, it's best to have an experienced attorney draft your business or legal contracts. It helps protect your interests and rights and saves time and money in the event of a contract dispute. Not all contracts are well-written. It may be difficult or even impossible to enforce such contracts. Since such a contract doesn't clearly outline the ter…
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Differences Between Implied and Express Contracts

  • An implied contract is one where an offer and acceptance are made through actions/performance. On the other hand, express contracts contain clearly written statements detailing the offer and acceptance. A valid contract is a contract whose terms are readily enforceable by a law court. The court can order defaulting parties to pay damages for breach of …
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