how to lead a happy life as a lawyer

by Ernestina Boehm Sr. 3 min read

A happy lawyer has a positive, mindful and ‘glass half full’ attitude (most of the time!). They have the capacity to see the good in most situations, are grateful for the opportunities their career has given them and are mindful- living in the moment and enjoying life for what it is.

Full Answer

What is happy lawyer happy life?

‘Happy Lawyer, Happy Life’ is a community where we can share the challenges of being a lawyer while opening a positive dialogue about happiness in law and life. I am hoping that by sharing my own experience as a lawyer and those of many I know we can all find a way to ensure that great lawyers stay in law.

Is being a lawyer a good career for mental health?

The incidence of mental health problems within the legal profession is two to three times that within the general population. Being a lawyer, working in law and loving the many lawyers that are my friends I have come to accept that this career comes with ups and downs, highs and lows, successes and lessons. But find me a career that doesn’t.

What is the club for lawyers?

A knowledge centre for lawyers who want to make the best of their life in and outside of the law. If you are a lawyer looking to make the best out of your law business and your life then 'The Club' is for you. Professional Training Workshops for Lawyers.


Can you be happy being a lawyer?

Can lawyers be happy? The answer is yes—with clearly drawn boundaries. Lawyers have above-average job satisfaction, which increases for lawyers with a longer tenure. This suggests that law school graduates tend to be less satisfied while they're still acclimating to the industry.

What type of lawyers are happiest?

The happiest attorneys, therefore, are those who experience a cultural fit. This means they work for firms where they are free to act independently, do work that matters to them and collaborate on teams with people who complement their personality and communication style.

Can you have fun as a lawyer?

However, most lawyer events (when there are no job responsibilities or other expectations) are usually extremely fun to attend, since lawyers are awesome people to have fun with.

Does being a lawyer make you depressed?

But the rate of attorney depression is even higher: ALM's Mental Health and Substance Abuse Survey in 2020 noted that 31.2% of the more than 3,800 respondents feel they are depressed. This means that lawyers are roughly three times as likely to suffer from depression than the average US adult.

What is the least stressful type of law?

However, there are many sectors of law which are less stressful:Real estate law.Intellectual property law.High Street family law.Government lawyers.Working In-House.

Are all lawyers stressed?

Lawyers face multiple stressors every day. In addition to the pressure of helping clients through important or difficult legal matters, they also have to stay on top of an ever-changing industry and manage heavy workloads. Here are a few key reasons why being a lawyer is so stressful.

Is lawyer a good career 2022?

Despite a temporary dip in demand for lawyers at the onset of the pandemic because of economic uncertainty, 2021 saw an overall increase in demand for lawyers. This trend is expected to continue in 2022, albeit at more modest growth rates.

Is law an enjoyable career?

A career in law can be rewarding for you and, in many cases, your bank account. But you'll need to put in a lot of time and effort to make it work. Is a career in law for you? If you're going to make the commitment to become a lawyer, you need to think long and hard about whether law is the right choice for you.

Do lawyers have time for a social life?

While you are in law school, you generally don't have much time to have a social life because law school requires a lot of reading and studying. After law school you will take the bar exam. The bar exam also requires a lot of studying so there will not be much time for socializing.

What percent of lawyers are unhappy?

Studies show that 56% of lawyers are frustrated with their careers.

Do lawyers suffer anxiety?

A study in 2016 conducted by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs found that 19% of lawyers experienced symptoms of anxiety and 28% had experienced symptoms of depression.

Why are lawyers stressed?

Long hours, billing demands, the pressure to generate business, and a rapidly changing legal landscape also contribute to lawyer stress. This is not the case for all lawyers, of course, but the grim statistics on stress-related illness, alcohol/drug dependency, and suicide point to a profession under great stress.

Will A Career As A Lawyer Lead To Happiness And Life Satisfaction?

Happiness is important to mental and physical health. A barrage of studies and news articles in the last decade have chronicled the importance of happiness.

Lawyers Not as Happy, Healthy as One Should Expect

The best and brightest people usually experience more satisfying lives and are healthier both mentally and physically healthier than others. Lawyers are generally brighter and more motivated than the population at-large and college graduates in general, so one might logically expect lawyers to be happier too.

Underlying Reasons for Low Life Satisfaction

Constant Struggle with Adversity: Under the current concept of the adversarial system, the attorney must push client’s cause using all arguably legal means, doing this can be wearing to the attorney.


Certain aspects of law practice apart from other professions make it less enjoyable for many members. No one (hopefully) wants the doctor or nurse to screw up; no one wants the computer program to crash, or the highway bridge to fail. Yet there is always an adversary waiting for a chance to argue the lawyer or client is wrong.

Who is the CEO of Happy?

Jeremy Fischbach. Jeremy Fischbach is the CEO/founder of Happy, a start-up that aims to create a more supportive culture in the United States and beyond by significantly expanding access to the essential ingredient of mental health, emotional support.

What are the three basic needs of happiness?

As a first-year psychology/neuroscience student, I learned that happiness depends on our satisfaction of three fundamental needs: survival (safety, water, food, money), emotional support (undivided attention, compassion and encouragement) and self-actualization (the realization of one’s individual potential).

Does the legal profession help with emotional support?

But if the legal profession is successful at promoting survival and serviceable at promoting self-actualization, it is practically designed to deprive a person of emotional support. Attorneys work long hours at places where colleagues have neither the time or skills to emotionally support each other.

How does technology help lawyers?

While lawyers might not be able to perform virtual court appearances, they can deliver advice, lead negotiations and handle settlements, all via video conferencing. Overflowing email inboxes can be inefficient at getting to information quickly. Instead, cloud-based collaboration solutions ease the inevitable knowledge sharing that takes place in any law practice, making exchanges with colleagues convenient at all times. It’s also possible to pursue continuing legal education via cloud-based programs, eliminating the need to get on a plane and travel for CLE purposes, which means more time with family.

Is law a business?

Law is a relationship-based business. In the past, relationship building was directly related to face time. Now, social media lets you build authentic relationships online, facilitating what would otherwise take many in-person meetings to accomplish.

What makes a lawyer happy?

They have the capacity to see the good in most situations, are grateful for the opportunities their career has given them and are mindful- living in the moment and enjoying life for what it is. Even in the difficult times, they see the good in the bad, practice kindness, empathy and gratitude, all of which neuroscience has shown has a significant and positive impact on our happiness.

What is a happy lawyer?

A happy lawyer is clear on their purpose. Many of the lawyers I have heard from find their purpose in the ability to make a difference or to have a positive impact on the lives of those around them. Their purpose is bigger than the mere practice of law. Chances are those happy lawyers could have pursued many different career paths but law is the tool that they have chosen to use to pursue their purpose. Those happy lawyers around me who are clear on that purpose have found a way to explore it in every aspect of their career. They keep things in perspective and are able to recognise the difference they are making, even when it seems to be buried under a 20 volume brief. The difference might be small, sometimes it might be huge, but either way these happy lawyers are clear that they are making a difference in the lives of others.

What is the 3rd habit of lawyers?

The 3 rd ‘habit’ of those Happy Lawyers is passion! Most are passionate about law or their legal career in some way shape or form but perhaps more importantly they have passions that sit outside of their work and they pursue those passions, daily! Whether it is running, swimming, music, art, reading, walking or just being in nature, all of the happy lawyers I know have passions that they pursue every single day, whether it be inside or outside of their law career.

What does H mean in law?

1. ‘H’ is for Health . When it comes to happy lawyers, they are healthy. They may not be able to run a marathon (although some of them can!) but they are healthy and looking after their health is one of their top priorities. Without our health it is so hard to find happiness.

Is law a healthy lifestyle?

The traditional practice of law does not sit well with a healthy life style. Working 16 hour days tied to a desk and computer does not leave much room for healthy eating, regular movement or the necessary sleep that our brains need to function at their best.

Can you experience happiness without sadness?

Happiness as a concept is something that many of us strive for in life (lawyers or not!) There are days where we can be really happy and there are days where for whatever reason we won’t be. Arguably you cannot experience happiness without sadness.

Happy Lawyer Happy Life

A knowledge centre for lawyers who want to make the best of their life in and outside of the law.

Contact Clarissa

Hi! I am Clarissa Rayward, a wife, mum and divorce lawyer who runs a busy practice in sunny Brisbane Australia. I love what I do (most of the time) and generally describe myself as a happy lawyer.

Why Happy Lawyer Happy Life?

It is safe to say that research the world over is showing us that lawyers are ‘unhappy’ in very large numbers. Here in Australia, current research suggests 1 in 3 of us will experience depression at some stage in our careers. That statistic is both overwhelming and very concerning when we consider the future of our profession.


It is safe to say that research the world over is showing us that lawyers are ‘unhappy’ in very large numbers. Here in Australia, current research suggests 1 in 3 of us will experience depression at some stage in our careers. That statistic is both overwhelming and very concerning when we consider the future of our profession.
