how to get revenge with a lawyer

by Schuyler Satterfield 7 min read

Keep receipts, written promises, emails, etc. and write up your genuine memory of conversations and exchanges between you. Then go see a lawyer or the police and ask what your chances are of getting an arrest or taking an action for theft, embezzlement, vandalizing, stalking, conversion, or defamation. Always keep your revenge legal.

Full Answer

How can I get the secret revenge?

Ways to Get Revenge on Someone Without Getting CaughtAnonymous Text. Get a phone and text that sick person. ... Change The Name of The Sender of The Text. ... A Secret Package. ... Secret Letter. ... Fake Photos. ... Twisted Greeting Cards. ... Fake Photographs. ... Hacking Their Social Media.More items...•

What are lawyers scared of?

Being judged unfairly by potential or actual jurors. Being intimidated by judges. Suffering reprisals from judicial disqualification motions or reporting judicial misconduct. Suffering “the pain, humiliation and shame of defeat.”

What should you not say to a lawyer?

Five things not to say to a lawyer (if you want them to take you..."The Judge is biased against me" Is it possible that the Judge is "biased" against you? ... "Everyone is out to get me" ... "It's the principle that counts" ... "I don't have the money to pay you" ... Waiting until after the fact.

Do attorneys try to scare you?

If an attorney is attempting to scare you into hiring them to handle your case, they are probably exhibiting bullying behavior that can have very negative consequences later on in your case.

Can lawyers cry court?

No,you will not see such scenes anywhere in any court. It's because he has got only sympathy for the person he is fighting for. He received his payment, he is HAPPY. Originally Answered: How do lawyers keep themselves from crying while arguing a case?

How do you deal with a rude lawyer?

8 Tips for Dealing with Difficult Opposing CounselPoint out Common Ground. ... Don't be Afraid to Ask Why. ... Separate the Person from the Problem. ... Focus on your Interests. ... Don't Fall for your Assumptions. ... Take a Calculated Approach. ... Control the Conversation by Reframing. ... Pick up the Phone.

Why do lawyers ignore you?

If your attorney is not experienced or efficient, they may have missed a deadline or made another mistake and aren't willing to confess their error. There could also be some bad news that is entirely outside of the attorney's control.

Can your lawyer snitch on you?

The attorney-client privilege is a rule that protects the confidentiality of communications between lawyers and clients. Under the rule, attorneys may not divulge their clients' secrets, nor may others force them to.

Do lawyers lie?

The American Bar Association's Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer “shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact.” In other words, lawyers aren't supposed to lie--and they can be disciplined or even disbarred for doing so.

What happens if a lawyer loses a case?

If the attorney loses the case, the client is still responsible for legal fees as stipulated in the original retainer contract. Some attorneys may agree to withhold billing until the end of a case, but they will still expect payment regardless of how the case ends.

Can a good lawyer get you out of anything?

Most certainly, yes! A good lawyer can get you out of anything. Of course, other factors are considered other than your lawyer's performance when we talk about getting you out of anything; however, if we focus on the lawyer's performance alone, I can say that a good one will get you out of anything.

Why are lawyers intimidating?

Disdain for the profession is pervasive. People are intimidated by the threat of legal action, and for good reason. In an extended legal battle opposing lawyers are certain to expose weaknesses in your procedures, policies and judgments.

Have fun with your triplets

I put a short comment about this on another persons post and it got some good responses so here's the expanded full story.

Bartender gets served

This all happened about 5 or 6 years ago, I just thought of this story when Facebook suggested I add Pete as friend. I use to be a bar manager at a decent sized resort. Multiple restaurants, bars and pools. The outdoor pool had a small bar by it.

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This happened a few years ago on 2018, I used to work as night time security for an office building that rented office space for other companies on Paulista Ave, which is pretty much the Brazilian version of times square so it was pretty busy.

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Howdy fellas, was browsing reddit when a similar story inspired me to tell this one.

Religious Entitled Mother getswhat she deserves

I was told to post here because the revenge wasn’t pro enough. Honestly I didn’t know regular revenge was a thing until now.

How to get back at a lawyer who sues you for nothing?

The most effective way to "get back" at a lawyer who sues you for "nothing" is to piggyback on his filing fee by hitting him with a freebie counterclaim within the window of time permitted by your jurisdiction's rules of civil procedure.

How to get back at a lawyer?

Yeah, the best way to get back at a lawyer would be to use the system of laws against him, hands down, because there's no better way to disgrace a lawyer who acts inappropriately by exploiting complete bystanders who are no witness to any inappropriate act whatsoever, that should concern the lawyer.

What happens when a criminal commits a crime?

A criminal comits crimes repeatedly and with each crime committed they obtain an unrealistic confidence in what they are doing. That is until one day when they get caught. They all get caught.

What happens when a lawyer's letter arrives?

What one must understand is that when a lawyer's letter arrives, the lawyer's client is paying for it. And so, with every response you make, the lawyer's client will pay for it, again, just for the lawyer to read it. And if an answer comes back from the lawyer, then the client will pay, AGAIN.

What to do when a man is thirsty?

If he is thirsty, give him a drink.

How to be more powerful?

Power over your thoughts, over your emotions, and potentially power over your actions. Instead of honing that energy to seek revenge, hone that energy to make yourself a stronger, smarter, healthier, and more powerful individual. Cultivate something new with that new energy and vigor.

Can you undo a prank?

Once you prank someone, your actions cannot be "undone"—prepare for repercussions, be they good or bad. It is helpful to know if person you are going to prank can take a joke or not. One way to know if they can take a prank is if they do some of these things themselves. Planning can make or break how much fun you have.

Why is revenge so risky?

Revenge is risky because once you get caught, your life will be going down a spiral since then. Someone might hurt you so badly and leave permanent damage in your life, until you want to play revenge.

How to make someone's life bad?

Send them a CD and record filled with scary voices and messages. Leave it on their door or send it through mail. This is a great and haunting way to make their life bad. They would not know that because it is sent anonymously. (Please, you better not play any revenge to people. Forgive them!)

How to send fake pictures to a friend?

Send them fake photos that might make them sad, frightened, or furious. You can send it through a fake email, social media, or through the post. An image will always be in their mind, especially a bad one. (It’s all fun and games but please don’t include any ‘bad’ photos. You can do funny fake photos only).

How to send an awful letter to a friend?

Send them an awful content for the letter. It can be a place where you pour all your hatred towards them. Send it anonymously and you can let out all your anger freely. (Don’t threaten them so badly. You don’t wanna be a bully just like them).

Can you play revenge on someone who hurt you?

They might hurt you, but playing revenge cannot be right. Even if it’s so hard, please try to forgive them. You might need some time to deal with the pain, but you can do it slowly.

Can you get revenge on someone without getting caught?

There are some ways to get revenge on someone without getting caught! However, bad revenge won’t make you a better person than them. Please, think hundred times before you really wanna play revenge! It’s better not, it’s not the best things to do.

Do you have to get revenge on someone?

You don’t have to get revenge on them. Let karma speak to them. Tomorrow or later, karma will haunt them and they will crawl back to you asking for forgiveness. Karma is something nice.

How to get revenge on someone?

Ways to Get Revenge. Let the world know about their wrongdoing: Do something public that shames and humiliates them. You can take out a billboard or make a sign or something that is widely visible. Destroy something they love: Find a treasured item that you know is important to them and destroy it in front of them.

What is revenge like?

Revenge is like a sword with two blades and no handle,it cuts on both ends,he who weilds it will be injured also!I. Its one of lifes biggest tests better to leave it go! I know been there done that!

What happens if you do something terrible to someone else?

Also, keep in mind that if you do something terrible to someone else they may seek to get revenge against you, continuing a cycle of vengeance. They may see to raise the stakes even high and do something even worse to you.

What is revenge in Unsplash?

Ian Espinosa, CC0, via Unsplash. Revenge is payback ; a way of settling the score and administering retribution. It can be something trivial and fleeting, or it can consume you and last many years. Sometimes revenge is in the form of a prank, is actually quite funny, and no harm is done by it.

How to make your ex jealous?

Get into great shape: Start working out and watching your weight so you can look like the best possible version of yourself. Developing a toned and good-looking body will make your ex jealous and show them what they are missing out on. Dress well: This goes hand in hand with getting in great shape.

How to show your friends you are a good person?

Show them up: Get in better shape, dress better, and start living a better life than the other person. Be sure to let them know how great your life is and all of the amazing things you are doing.

What to do when someone calls you?

If you are and they call upon you in their time of need, you can give them the cold shoulder and let them down. Show them up: Get in better shape, dress better, and start living a better life than the other person. Be sure to let them know how great your life is and all of the amazing things you are doing.

How to make a good revenge plot?

The key to a good revenge plot, however, is to make sure that the punishment fits the crime. Apply your mischievous mind to the task of gaining retribution in a way that doesn’t put you at risk of getting in trouble or escalating things to a point that you’ll regret later.

What does the old Spanish proverb say about revenge?

There’s a lot of truth to be found in the old Spanish proverb, “No revenge is more honorable than the one not taken.”

How to spice up a wicked warning?

To spice up your wicked warning, mail an anonymous letter to your enemy containing a set of needles and a note reading, “Don’t make me use these.”

How to get rid of spam?

1. Sign the person up for spam mailing lists. Get a hold of your enemy’s home or email address and put their name down for every advertising service you can dig up . In no time at all, they’ll be bombarded by irritating junk mail every time they make a trip to the mailbox or check their messages.

What to do when someone is hurting you?

Refuse to stoop to your enemy’s level. If someone has done something to cause you pain or suffering, the worst thing you can do is return the favor just for the sake of proving a point. Doing so will only compromise your own honor, integrity, and respectability. Stay true to your values and be the bigger person.

Is assisted revenge a business?

Assisted revenge has become a booming business. For a price, web-based companies like Nefarious Jobs and will plan and execute the perfect revenge scheme for you so you don’t have to get your hands dirty. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and savor your enemy’s anguish.

Can you exercise while angry?

Warning: Anger and exercise aren’t always a good mix— recent studies have found that exercising hard while angry can as much as triple your chances of a heart attack.

Why is being the architect of someone's public ruin important?

Being the architect of someone's public ruin has the added benefit of deterring future offenders, for once prospective mates, rivals or employers see what you are capable of, they will be sure to treat you with the absolute deference and respect that you deserve.

How to improve your comedy writing skills?

Looking to improve your comedy writing skills? Join an online writing or improv class at The Second City! You'll gain confidence in your process, get personalized feedback on drafts, and meet new writing partners along the way. Use code "PIC" for 10% off .

Is ruining someone's life a joke?

Before you read any further, I must warn you that publicly ruining someone's life is no joke. You can't put the genie back in the bottle; once a person's reputation is destroyed, no amount of creative spin can erase the public's memory—just ask O.J. Simpson or Anthony Weiner. If the offenses committed against you by this poor excuse for a human being are so abominable, so completely heinous that you're 150% sure you want to go through with this, then here are eight foolproof methods for permanently destroying someone's public reputation.
