how to get revenge on lawyer

by Dr. Easter Mohr 5 min read

Here are my tips to get revenge turn the tables upside down. Turn the focus towards yourself, which is the last thing the victee would anticipate. Do something positive for yourself.

Full Answer

What to do if someone exacts revenge on You?

If someone exacts revenge on you, it may be tempting to retaliate. However, retaliation will only continue the cycle of vengeance. Your best option is to remain calm and not respond. If the person did something illegal, you should pursue legal action.

Can Revenge get you in legal trouble?

Such is the indifferent, destructive hurricane that is revenge. Warning: Be careful not to make any accusations that could land you in legal trouble. Defamation is a lawsuit-worthy offense, and the last thing you want is for a personal beef to turn into a costly court battle.

How to get revenge on a co-worker?

Stick "My Little Pony" stickers all over their locker. Put an empty milk carton in their backpack. Hide their lunchbox from them. Erase their name from their homework. 6. How to Get Revenge on a Co-worker Put post-it notes all over their car. Hide their desk office supplies to another side of the office space.

What is the key to revenge?

As with many things, the key is balance - revenge that doesn't harm yourself but brings consequences to those who would do you harm in this world.


How do I get revenge without getting caught?

Ways to Get Revenge on Someone Without Getting CaughtAnonymous Text. Get a phone and text that sick person. ... Change The Name of The Sender of The Text. ... A Secret Package. ... Secret Letter. ... Fake Photos. ... Twisted Greeting Cards. ... Fake Photographs. ... Hacking Their Social Media.More items...•

What are some good revenge ideas?

FREE REVENGE IDEASCreate a web site or publish a book belittling your target. ... Sell your targets prized car or other possession on eBay for a couple of dollars.Put up posters or pay for an advertisement that highlights your targets wrongdoings.Send out fake baby shower invitations.More items...

Why is revenge against the law?

Revenge is against the law, both God's (moral) and man's (justice). Bacon says that revenge oversteps the boundaries of the law, that it places the avenger not only even with the avenged in term of the crime but above him in terms of taking "wild justice" into his own hands. ... Revenge dwells in the past.

How do you get back at someone who hurt you?

Ask for an apology. It lessens the need for revenge and helps you forgive someone who hurt you. End the talk by politely asking for an apology. You can end the conversation by saying something like, "I know you maybe don't think you did anything wrong, but I need you to apologize."

What are some famous revenge sayings?

I got no respect for a man who won't hit back. You kill my dog, you better hide your cat.” “The paradox of vengefulness is that it makes men dependent upon those who have harmed them, believing that their release from pain will come only when their tormentors suffer.” “Revenge may be wicked, but it's natural.”

How do you get revenge on a narcissist?

26:4349:55How to Take the Ultimate Revenge on a Narcissist/ Don't Fight ... - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd sometimes it takes a while for them to let go. But the best revenge that you can give someoneMoreAnd sometimes it takes a while for them to let go. But the best revenge that you can give someone who wants you to pay attention to them that you know is a narcissist is to ignore them.

Is revenge porn a crime?

California Penal Code 647(j)(4) makes it a crime post sexually explicit images or videos of someone online, without consent, which causes the victim to suffer serious emotional distress. Revenge porn laws prohibit posting sexual related pictures or videos online to cause a victim distress.

Is eye for an eye a good punishment?

An eye for an eye means that the punishment should fit the crime. If it doesn't, it is immoral and is therefore likely to cause more harm than good. Turning the other cheek cannot be a policy for dealing with crime. Let's say someone robbed or raped you.

Is getting revenge worth it?

Sadly, evidence shows that people who seek revenge instead of forgiving or letting go, tend to feel worse in the long run. You are much better off channelling your energy into moving forward positively with your life.

Is silence the best revenge?

Silence speaks volumes The best revenge is no reaction. Believe it, the silence and zero reaction really bothers your ex, and they consider it as the best served revenge. Nothing creates more curiosity than silence. Your ex would expect a vent or an angry rant from you, but don't give in.

What to say to someone who has hurt you deeply?

If you're hoping to salvage the relationship with the person who has hurt you, then here are some great conversation points to add in:“I care about you.”“I respect you.”“I want to fix our relationship.”“I want to move past this.”“I want to understand each other better.”“I want to be open with you.”

How do you hurt someone's feelings with words?

Words are powerful weapons and can do a lot of damage. “ You're *#@! % stupid. ” “ I wish you were never born. ” “ No one is ever going to love you, you're so *#@! % fat and ugly. ” “ You never get anything right. ” “ You're worthless. ” These are mean and degrading things to say to someone.

How to get back at a bully?

Ignore the person. Sometimes, sitting back and doing nothing is the best way to get back at a bully or other tormentor who wants to get a rise out of you. By constantly going after them, hurling your own insults and spraying your anger back, they continue to hold the upper hand over you and prove that you got what you deserved. By ignoring them and cutting that person out of your life, they're dead to you. It's over and you can forget them.

What to do when you're stuck in a jam?

Even if you're stuck in a jam because of what someone has done to you, hold your head up high and don't let them see how it has hurt you. The sweetest revenge can be getting on with your life and living a better one than the person who inflicted pain on you.

Can you get revenge on someone passively?

Learn more... Revenge is never pretty, but then again, it isn't supposed to be. You can get revenge on anyone passively by ignoring them and pretending you aren't bothered, and this is usually the best option since it's also the one most likely to help you move on from the experience. On the other hand, you can get revenge more directly by taking ...

Ways to Get Revenge on Someone Without Getting Caught

There are some ways to get revenge on someone without getting caught! However, bad revenge won’t make you a better person than them. Please, think hundred times before you really wanna play revenge! It’s better not, it’s not the best things to do.

Author: Verified Writer

I'll write to you. A super-long letter, like in an old-fashioned novel.” — Haruki Murakami View all posts by Verified Writer

How to be more powerful?

Power over your thoughts, over your emotions, and potentially power over your actions. Instead of honing that energy to seek revenge, hone that energy to make yourself a stronger, smarter, healthier, and more powerful individual. Cultivate something new with that new energy and vigor.

Can you undo a prank?

Once you prank someone, your actions cannot be "undone"—prepare for repercussions, be they good or bad. It is helpful to know if person you are going to prank can take a joke or not. One way to know if they can take a prank is if they do some of these things themselves. Planning can make or break how much fun you have.

How to get revenge on someone?

Ways to Get Revenge. Let the world know about their wrongdoing: Do something public that shames and humiliates them. You can take out a billboard or make a sign or something that is widely visible. Destroy something they love: Find a treasured item that you know is important to them and destroy it in front of them.

What is revenge in Unsplash?

Ian Espinosa, CC0, via Unsplash. Revenge is payback ; a way of settling the score and administering retribution. It can be something trivial and fleeting, or it can consume you and last many years. Sometimes revenge is in the form of a prank, is actually quite funny, and no harm is done by it.

What happens if you do something terrible to someone else?

Also, keep in mind that if you do something terrible to someone else they may seek to get revenge against you, continuing a cycle of vengeance. They may see to raise the stakes even high and do something even worse to you.

How to make your ex jealous?

Get into great shape: Start working out and watching your weight so you can look like the best possible version of yourself. Developing a toned and good-looking body will make your ex jealous and show them what they are missing out on. Dress well: This goes hand in hand with getting in great shape.

What to do when someone calls you?

If you are and they call upon you in their time of need, you can give them the cold shoulder and let them down. Show them up: Get in better shape, dress better, and start living a better life than the other person. Be sure to let them know how great your life is and all of the amazing things you are doing.

Is spiteful revenge the best approach?

So we have established that the spiteful revenge, although briefly satisfying, is definitely not the best approach. By carrying the need for revenge, you are keeping yourself from moving on and healing.

Is it true that living well is the best revenge?

Many people say that "living well is the best revenge," and it is true: if you focus on living your best life that will yield the best outcome for you.

How to make a good revenge plot?

The key to a good revenge plot, however, is to make sure that the punishment fits the crime. Apply your mischievous mind to the task of gaining retribution in a way that doesn’t put you at risk of getting in trouble or escalating things to a point that you’ll regret later.

What to do if your enemy harmed you?

If your enemy has harmed you or your property in some way that’s illegal, don’t make the mistake of repaying them in kind. Simply call the authorities to bring your enemy to justice.

What to do when someone is hurting you?

Refuse to stoop to your enemy’s level. If someone has done something to cause you pain or suffering, the worst thing you can do is return the favor just for the sake of proving a point. Doing so will only compromise your own honor, integrity, and respectability. Stay true to your values and be the bigger person.

How to get rid of spam?

1. Sign the person up for spam mailing lists. Get a hold of your enemy’s home or email address and put their name down for every advertising service you can dig up . In no time at all, they’ll be bombarded by irritating junk mail every time they make a trip to the mailbox or check their messages.

Is Defamation a lawsuit?

Such is the indifferent, destructive hurricane that is revenge. Warning: Be careful not to make any accusations that could land you in legal trouble. Defam ation is a lawsuit-worthy offense, and the last thing you want is for a personal beef to turn into a costly court battle.

Is assisted revenge a business?

Assisted revenge has become a booming business. For a price, web-based companies like Nefarious Jobs and will plan and execute the perfect revenge scheme for you so you don’t have to get your hands dirty. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and savor your enemy’s anguish.

What to do if revenge is illegal?

If the revenge you are about to take is illegal or could cause major problems for you if you were to be caught, you need to take some very important precautions when taking your revenge. When it comes to taking your revenge, wait for quite a while after the incident took place that you are getting revenge for.

How to get revenge on a car?

Do a full inspection of your car and make sure all the lights are working including brake lights and turn signals. When driving to and from where you are taking your revenge, stay at the speed limit, have your seatbelt on, make a complete stop at stop signs, etc. Break no traffic laws at all .

How long before you take revenge do you charge your phone?

At least 24 hours before you are about to take your revenge, allow the battery in your cell phone to go dead, and do not charge your cell phone until 2 to 3 days after you take your revenge, and only then do you turn your cell phone back on.

What happens if someone breaks a law?

Depending on what that person did, you can often “get back at them” using the Law. If this person broke any laws causing you injury, you can press criminal, or (in some cases) civil charges against them. Or, in the event they caused you monetary damages, including injury or property damage, or defamation of your character, ...

What is the problem that requires some cruel action?

The existing problem that requires some cruel action is your problem, and the person that is being cruel is the one that deserves punishment . If you don’t have the motivation to do this yourself it is possible that you could find someone who enjoys dealing out punishment.
