how to get child visitation rights without a lawyer in utah

by Elliot Watsica 8 min read

Any adult interested in the minor child's welfare may file a petition in the district court in the county in Utah where the minor child resides or is present. The petitioner is usually the person who wants to be the guardian, but the petitioner may request the appointment of some other qualified adult.

Full Answer

What are the visitation laws in Utah for parents without joint custody?

A judge can award a parent additional visitation time, but not less. The Utah Courts website provides more information on child custody and parent-time in Utah. In limited circumstances where a child's safety and well-being at issue, a judge may grant one parent only supervised visits.

Can a judge require supervised visitation for a child?

Oct 10, 2018 · Types of Child Custody in Utah Filing for visitation rights A child’s parents, grandparents and siblings may file for visitation rights. Filing for visitation is a first step toward gaining rights to spend time with a child. However, just because a person files for visitation does not mean the court will grant them visitation rights.

How can a child visitation attorney help with a visitation agreement?

Oct 10, 2018 · Free Consultation with Child Visitation Lawyer. If you have a question about child custody question or if you need to collect back child support, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will aggressively fight for you. Ascent Law …

How do Utah courts decide child custody?

Mar 31, 2018 · Free Consultation with Child Custody Lawyer. When you need legal help with child custody, please call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you. Ascent Law LLC. 8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite C. West Jordan, Utah. 84088 United States. Telephone: (801) 676-5506.


What rights does a father have in Utah?

In the state of Utah, married fathers are automatically given parental rights on the birth of their children, provided a court has not decided otherwise. An unmarried father must go through the process of proving his paternity before he can ask the court to grant him visitation rights with the child.Apr 26, 2019

How long does a parent have to be absent to lose rights in Utah?

six months
In Utah, grounds for involuntary termination of parental rights include: Child abandonment. If a parent didn't visit or stay in touch with their child for at least six months, they're considered to have abandoned their parent-child relationship.

How old does a child have to be to refuse visitation in Utah?

14 years old
The court will consider the child's wishes to the extent that the child is sufficiently mature to express reasoned and independent preferences as to the parenting time schedule. Usually the court will not consider child's preference unless the child is at least 14 years old.

What are my rights as a mother in Utah?

Primary Custody Falls to the Mother

No matter how fit the father is, in Utah the unmarried mother gains a natural right to custody after the child is born. As a result, she has legal control over the child and her rights are superior not only to the father's, but also to any other person.
Jul 3, 2017

What makes a parent unfit in Utah?

According to Utah child custody laws, an unfit parent is one who fails to provide proper care, support, and guidance for his or her child. A parent is also unfit if he/she neglects or abuses the child or has substance abuse disorder.

How do I give up my parental rights in Utah?

File the forms. If a juvenile court already has jurisdiction over the child, file the Petition to Terminate Parental Rights upon Voluntary Relinquishment in that court. Otherwise, file the Petition in the county in which you reside. You will have to pay a fee when you file the forms.Sep 1, 2021

When can you deny visitation to the non-custodial parent?

The court can restrict or deny a noncustodial parent visitation grounds on the flowing grounds: If the parent has a history of molesting the child. If the court believes that the parent can kidnap the child. If the parent is likely to abuse drugs while taking care of the child.Apr 16, 2020

How can I see my child without going to court?

  1. You and your ex-partner agree child arrangements rather than having a judge make the decisions for you.
  2. Mediation is quicker, cheaper and less stressful than resolving disputes in court.
  3. It is easier for you and your ex-partner to review and change arrangements if you need to do so.

What is parental kidnapping Utah?

Parental kidnapping, also known as parental child abduction, according to Utah Department of Public Safety and in spite of child custody rights or a custody agreement, involves one parent or a family member with no custody order taking, retaining, and/or concealing a child.

Is Utah a mom State?

Utah is widely considered to be a state that favors mothers over fathers.Feb 5, 2016

Is Utah a mother or father state?

Under federal and state laws in Utah, when the child is born to unmarried parents, the mother will gain the natural or primary right to custody. The father whose name was not included on the birth certificate, meanwhile, has no right to custody until paternity is legally established.

How does child custody work in Utah?

Utah's divorce laws control how custody works, even if the parties were never married. Most orders award custody to one or both parents of the minor child. However, a custody order may award custody to another adult, like a grandparent.