how to get a court date without a lawyer

by Cruz Keebler 4 min read

Other options besides looking up your court date online are to call the court that you are scheduled to appear at and ask. If you have a lawyer, you may also reach out to him or her, and he or she will likely know the court date. For more information about online legal searches, check out how to find a free criminal arrest warrant search online.

Full Answer

What if I Can’t be at my court date?

If you cannot physically be present for your court date, there are two avenues to pursue to postpone the date: by obtaining permission from the court; or by agreeing to postponement with the opposing counsel.

How do I start a legal case without an attorney?

A person wishing to begin a legal case without an attorney can also find help in the forms themselves. Like IRS forms, many court forms come with instructions as to how to fill them out. Finally, state or local law libraries might offer assistance or steer a self-represented petitioner in the right direction.

Can I change the date of my court date?

In the case that you are able to come to an agreement to postpone the date, the court still needs to approve that continuance. Contact the court in advance of the date and confirm that the date has been changed.

Can I postpone my court date?

This article has been viewed 370,543 times. Postponing a court date, no matter the reason, typically requires permission from either the court or opposing counsel, though more specific rules vary based on regional laws.


Alex De Marco

You cannot just "talk with the Judge." You may file a Motion seeking different types of relief and be heard in court on those motions. In most instances the prosecutor must be served with those motions.

Maury Devereau Beaulier

It's often quite difficult (and futile) to attempt to "set up a date" to go and talk with the judge in your own case. Ex parte communications with the judge are either discouraged or outright prohibited by most state's code of judicial conduct, so even if a judge WANTED to talk to you, he couldn't.

John Joseph Westerhaus

Depends on what you want to talk to the judge about. Call court administration and tell them what you are looking to do. They will help you the best they are able. A better idea would be to set up a consultation with an attorney and get what you want done right the first time.

How to get a copy of a court case?

1) Contact the Court Clerk assigned to handle documents in the jurisdiction the case occurred. Confirm you have the case or docket number, the date and time of the proceeding, the parties involved, and the specific court that heard the case. Almost every courtroom today records audio and video of every case. Also, confirm your request for a DVD of the audio file.

What to do before you retain a legal transcription company?

Before you retain a legal transcription company, it’s a good idea to personally speak or communicate with someone other than a customer service representative who can answer all of your questions. Our senior management, including our CEO, is available to answer all of your legal transcription questions at Transcription Outsourcing.

Why is it important to have a transcript of a court case?

Sometimes a party to a legal case will appeal, and interested parties need to review what transpired in a previous court proceeding. Plus, it’s always good to have a record of what occurred during previous legal proceedings in order to be ready for future hearings. Hiring a professional legal transcription company is also extremely vital if you want an accurate transcript.

How long does it take to transcrib a court transcript?

Once we receive your court audio file in a digital format, transcribing the file can occur as fast as the same day, or up to 10 business days, depending on your needs.

How much does it cost to burn a court hearing DVD?

However, it’s best to confirm what you are ordering and the costs by speaking to an authorized employee in the clerk’s office. In our experience, most court clerk offices usually charge between $10 and $25 to burn a DVD of the court hearings.

Can a court reporter order transcripts?

Attorney’s and legal firms know how to order and get court transcripts of civil and criminal courtroom proceedings or depositions. Depending on the format needed, sometimes they can order files from a court reporter. However, court reporters are not present in all courtroom or legal settings because they are expensive and there aren’t nearly as many of them as there used to be.

Can a court accept a transcribed audio file?

If a transcribed audio file doesn’t meet its standards or requirements, the court will not accept the transcribed document.

What is the opening document of a divorce?

However, a petition can also serve as the opening document in a divorce, bankruptcy or probate filing. A complaint contains an outline of the facts of the case. It usually must be accompanied by a summons, notifying the defendant of when the response is due. Together these opening case documents provide the defendant with notice of the lawsuit.

What should be included in a divorce petition?

If the petition is for a divorce, it should include the names of the spouses, the date of the marriage, the date of the separation, the names and ages of the children as well as the fact that the petitioner seeks a divorce. Once the summons and petition are prepared, the petitioner must file them with the court and see that a copy is personally ...

What goes in a court petition?

What Goes in a Petition? Individuals drafting a court petition should keep in mind that the purpose of the document is to advise the other party of the basic facts of the case. In order to do that, a petitioner must include the core facts and dates and must sign and date the petition.

Can a person file a complaint without an attorney?

A person filing a complaint without an attorney may be able to get assistance from the court. A plaintiff in that situation should find out if the relevant court has a court facilitator or an online self-help website for litigants without attorneys. A judge, however, cannot assist parties, and no court employee can give legal advice.

Can a lay person fill out a court form?

In many states, it is possible for a lay person to fill out the court form herself without hiring an attorney. This is easiest in states that offer assistance and instructions for individuals filing on their own.

Do you have to file a summons before filing a lawsuit?

Once the summons and petition are prepared, the petitioner must file them with the court and see that a copy is personally delivered to the defendant by an adult who is not a party to the lawsuit. It is always advisable to have an attorney review a petition before filing to be sure it contains all necessary allegations.

How to fill out court forms?

Most people find it easier to fill out court forms by approaching each one, one section at a time. If you have questions, leave that section blank until you can get your questions answered. You can ask a private attorney, the self-help center or Family Law Facilitator in your county’s court, or legal aid clinic for help in understanding and completing your court forms. You can also go to the law library and ask for books on how to fill out the paperwork.

What is an uncontested divorce?

If you and your spouse or domestic partner can agree about the money and parenting issues in your divorce, legal separation, or annulment, then you have an “uncontested” case. For some, this means that your spouse or domestic partner won’t even have to file a Response to your court forms. Most uncontested cases can be handled by mail or brief contacts with the clerk or judge. You may not have to go into court to handle your case.

What is Option A in a divorce?

your Petition for Dissolution or any other papers with the court and has not signed a written and notarized settlement agreement (in Step 5 this is called an “option A” case).

How to get a default judgment?

First, you need to decide whether you want your judgment forms reviewed by the judge at a court hearing (which you must attend) or whether your case is one that can be finished by mailing in your completed forms. If your case is uncontested, the court hearing to get your default judgment is generally short and your spouse or domestic partner can choose whether or not to attend. Usually, you only have to answer any questions that the judge may have or correct anything that is not clear from your forms. If there is a problem, the judge can tell you then what has to be corrected, and you can ask for a new hearing date that gives you enough time to make the changes.

How to file a self-represented petition?

If you do not have an attorney to represent you, you must add the words “self-represented” where the form says “Attorney for.” Next, fill in the court name and address (and if necessary the district courthouse where you will file your Petition). If you are the person who starts the court case, you are the Petitioner, and your spouse or domestic partner is the Respondent. The court clerk will assign a case number when you file the first set of forms. Use this case number on all your forms.

What are the different types of family law cases?

The first type of family law case is a divorce (which is called “dissolution of marriage” or “dissolution of domestic partnership”). The second type of case is an annulment (which is called “nullity of marriage” or “nullity of domestic partnership”). This is a rarely used proceeding which establishes that the marriage or domestic partnership was never legally valid because of unsound mind, incest, bigamy, being under the age of consent, fraud, force or physical incapacity. The third type of case is a legal separation. A couple might choose to get a Judgment of Legal Separation if they want to live apart but do not want to get divorced. This might be for religious reasons or because an ill spouse or domestic partner is still covered by the other spouse or domestic partner’s health insurance policy. A Judgment of Legal Separation will describe how you will handle the money and (if you have children) parenting issues. You cannot marry someone else or register a new domestic partnership if you are legally separated but not divorced.

Is everything you acquire during your marriage or domestic partnership part of your community property?

Except for those things covered in the definitions section below, everything you acquire during your marriage or domestic partnership is part of your “community property” (even if only one of you earned or spent the money). Community property should be divided equally.

How to file a motion in court without an attorney?

Before filing a motion in court without an attorney, check the court's website for a fill-in-the-blank form. If they don't offer blank forms, you'll have to draft your own. Once drafted, make 2-3 copies of your motion and supporting materials.

How to schedule a hearing in the court?

If your court has a special method of scheduling motions, then the clerk will let you know. Once your hearing is scheduled, fill in the blanks on the original and all copies of the Notice of Hearing.

How to check if a court has a blank motion?

1. Check if the court has blank motion forms. Some courts have "check the boxes" or "fill in the blank" motion forms. Look for these forms on the court's website, or contact the clerk of the court where your case has been assigned. If your court does not have blank motion forms, don't use a blank form from another state.

What does a notary certification block look like?

An acceptable notary certification block might look like this: “I, ______, a Notary Public for the [insert county name] for [insert state] do hereby certify that __________ personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, this the __ day of ___ 20___.” Then include a line for the Notary’s signature and a line for the date the Notary’s commission expires.

How to make a legal argument?

To make a legal argument, you need to state the legal rule and then explain how the facts you just listed apply to the legal rule.

What is the heading of a court case?

The heading information is called the caption . Typically, the caption includes the name of the court, the name of the parties, and the case number. This information should always remain in the same form in all documents filed in your case, both in content and format.

Where to insert Notice of Hearing?

If you can't find it on your court's website, then insert "Notice of Hearing" about two lines below the Certificate of Service, in the center of the page.

What to do if you can't afford an attorney?

If you cannot afford an attorney, local nonprofit organizations can often help you obtain one at low or no cost.

What to do if you can't attend a court?

If the reason you cannot attend is an appropriate basis for a continuance, the court will inform you what forms or motions must be filed with the court.

How to ask for a continuance in court?

If you desire a postponement of the date because you simply need more time, you can opt to attend and ask the judge for more time on that date. Check in with the judge’s clerk when you arrive. Tell them what case you are there for and that you would like to ask the judge for a continuance.

How to get a continuance in a state court?

1. Contact the court. Call or visit the clerk’s office of the court that is handling your case and explain why you cannot attend the scheduled date. The clerk will inform you how continuances are handled in that state, county, or city.

What happens if you don't get a continuance?

Failure to be present if you have not received a continuance can result in extremely negative consequences including money penalties, loss of rights, and even incarceration. Be sure to confirm that your court date has in fact been confirmed before deciding not to attend the original date.

How does wikihow mark an article as reader approved?

wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 91% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status.

What happens if you cannot attend a court hearing?

If the reason you cannot attend is an appropriate basis for a continuance, the court will inform you what forms or motions must be filed with the court. The exact forms or motions that need to be filed will vary based on the state or local rules or even the rules that the judge has set for her own courtroom. [1]
