how to find lawyer for patient lawsuit?

by Prof. Kelton Runolfsdottir 6 min read

Ask a Lawyer You Trust for a Recommendation Perhaps the best way to find a good medical malpractice lawyer is to ask a lawyer who you already know and trust to recommend one. Most lawyers have long contacts lists, gleaned from years of litigation and lawyer-to-lawyer networking.

Full Answer

How do I file a medical malpractice lawsuit against a lawyer?

Here's how it works: First, go to the main page of Type in the term “medical malpractice” just to the right of the arrow in the top search box. Next, type in your city and state in the box beneath the top one.

Do I need to hire a lawyer to sue a hospital?

Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer to Sue a Hospital? If you were injured while receiving treatment or care at a hospital, you should consult with a skilled and knowledgeable personal injury attorney. An experienced personal injury attorney can help determine who is at fault and against whom the lawsuit should be filed.

What happens when a lawsuit is filed against a hospital?

The hospital and its staff may be required to review and revise their standards for practice and operating procedures. Large class action suits may result in investigations into the hospital’s overall safety standards. There may also be product recalls if the lawsuit involved defective or faulty drugs or medical devices.

What is a lawsuit lawyer?

What is a Lawsuit Lawyer? A lawsuit lawyer, also known as a civil attorney or litigator, are lawyers that are hired by private individuals and entities to pursue a claim or to defend them in a civil lawsuit. In general, civil lawsuits typically attempt to address and resolve legal issues that affect people and organizations.


What is the most common lawsuit in healthcare?

What Are the Most Common Medical Malpractice Claims?Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis.Failure to treat.Prescription drug errors.Surgical or procedural errors.Childbirth injuries.

What's the largest medical lawsuit settlement ever?

A Baltimore judge upheld a medical malpractice verdict against Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. A Baltimore judge upheld a $205 million verdict in favor of a Prince George's County woman in what attorneys say is the largest medical malpractice verdict in U.S. history.

What is the basis for most medical malpractice claims?

The basis for most medical malpractice claims involves four elements: duty, breach, injury, and damages.

Who is the most sued Doctor?

Which Doctors Are Sued Most Often … And Why?Obstetricians/gynecologists — 85 percent.Surgeons — 83 percent.Orthopedists — 79 percent.Radiologists — 72 percent.Anesthesiologists — 58 percent.Internal/family medicine practitioners — 46 percent.Oncologists — 34 percent.

What is one of the most famous medical malpractice cases?

Top 10 Largest Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Settlements of All...$25 Million | Misdiagnosed Heart Condition.$23.2 Million | Oxygen Deprivation During Birth. ... $20.5 Million | Birth Injury. ... $15 Million | Breast Cancer. ... $11.4 Million | Cerebral Palsy Caused by Birth Injury. ... $11 Million | Foreign Objects in Man's Stomach. ... More items...•

What are the 4 elements of negligence in healthcare?

The injured patient must show that the physician acted negligently in rendering care, and that such negligence resulted in injury. To do so, four legal elements must be proven: (1) a professional duty owed to the patient; (2) breach of such duty; (3) injury caused by the breach; and (4) resulting damages.

What are the 3 types of malpractice?

There are three common types of medical malpractice lawsuits – failure to make the correct diagnosis, birth injuries and medication errors. In this blog, we discuss these medical errors in order to help you determine whether you have suffered an injury as a result of medical negligence.

What kind of mistakes can result in medical malpractice?

Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis. Misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis account for a large percentage of medical malpractice claims. ... Medication Errors. Medication errors harm thousands of people in the United States every year. ... Childbirth Injuries. ... Surgical Mistakes. ... Anesthesia Errors. ... Talk to a Medical Malpractice Lawyer.

What to do if you are a lawsuit?

Delaying your response to the lawsuit can have dire consequences for your defense. If you must file a lawsuit, or someone has filed a lawsuit against you, consult with a skilled and knowledgeable civil attorney. An experienced and local lawsuit lawyer will be able to represent you in court as needed. A good way to find an attorney is by searching ...

How to choose a lawyer for a lawsuit?

When selecting a lawsuit lawyer, you should first and foremost consider their experience with other cases similar to your own. Also take into consideration their expertise, reputation, and integrity. Maybe most importantly, consider how compassionately they treat their potential clients as well as the opposing side.

Why are civil lawyers hired?

These lawyers are hired by a client in order to pursue or defend a civil lawsuit in a court of law. Generally speaking, civil attorneys address and solve legal issues encountered by the citizens of society. Such issues typically arise everyday between people in a social or business setting. Because of this, civil attorneys are sometimes said ...

What are some examples of lawsuits?

Some examples include: Personal injury law; Employment law; Family law; Business and finance law; Immigration law; Real estate law;

What to do if you believe you have been wronged financially?

If you believe you have been wronged financially or otherwise, it would be ideal to hire a civil attorney in order to help you assess the merits of your case . Additionally, if another person or business ever sues you, it is best to immediately consult with an attorney to determine the best course of action.

What do you do in a deposition?

Prepare for and conduct depositions to be used as testimonial evidence; Handle all correspondence with the other party’s lawyers as well as the court; File motions, briefs, and other documents with the court; Make a discovery plan and serve discovery requests to the other party;

What to consider when hiring an attorney?

Something to consider when hiring an attorney is the cost of their services. The cost of your civil attorney will vary depending upon some of the following criteria: The area of law that your claim encompasses; The experience of the attorney you hire; The difficulty of the case; and. The amount of time spent pursuing or defending the lawsuit.

What are some examples of hospital lawsuits?

Some common examples of a hospital lawsuit include but may not be limited to: Emergency room malpractice; Refusing to admit or treat a patient without adhering to proper denial protocol;

How is a hospital lawsuit different from a malpractice suit?

Hospital lawsuits are different from malpractice suits against an individual doctor, as proceeding in the lawsuit against a corporation is different than suing an individual. For example, when initiating a lawsuit against an individual, you may serve them directly with your lawsuit.

What is medical malpractice?

Medical malpractice refers to the negligence of a healthcare professional resulting in the injury of a patient with whom they have, or previously had, a professional relationship. Under the corporate negligence doctrine, the hospital itself may be held responsible for a mistake made by a doctor or other staff employed by the hospital.

What is hospital lawsuit?

In general, hospital lawsuits are personal injury lawsuits arising from injuries suffered by a patient. Those injuries are usually based on negligence, or a failure to use reasonable care which results in the damage or injury of another person. Negligence is based on a person’s failure to do something, rather than their actual actions.

What is hospital negligence?

Hospital negligence may be direct, such as: Losing, mishandling, or unlawfully transferring confidential patient records. Disregard of proper medical care standards. Due to the specific nature of a hospital environment, injuries that result in a lawsuit against the hospital often involve different areas of the law.

Why are hospitals being sued?

Lawsuits are filed against hospitals for a wide variety of reasons. As previously mentioned, negligence and malpractice are the most common. Some lawsuits may be for small or one-time incidents, while others are for larger or more far-reaching incidents.

What is negligence in medical malpractice?

Negligence is based on a person’s failure to do something, rather than their actual actions. However, lawsuits against hospitals may involve various legal claims and theories besides negligence. Lawsuits involving hospitals are most commonly related to some sort of medical malpractice.

What does legal insurance cover?

These plans vary. Many cover most, if not all, of the cost of legal consultations, document preparation, and court representation in routine legal matters. Other programs cover only advice and consultation with a lawyer.

What is legal group plan?

Employers or unions set up a fund to pay the employees’ legal fees, with the employee sometimes contributing a small co-payment. Legal group plans have become much more widespread in recent years. Some retail department stores and credit card companies even offer such plans to their customers.

Do legal aid offices have their own lawyers?

Some legal aid offices have their own staff lawyers, and others operate with volunteer lawyers. Note that people do not have a right to a free lawyer in civil legal matters. I have been accused of a crime, and I cannot afford a lawyer.

How to find a good medical malpractice lawyer?

Perhaps the best way to find a good medical malpractice lawyer is to ask a lawyer who you already know and trust to recommend one. Most lawyers have long contacts lists, gleaned from years of litigation and lawyer-to-lawyer networking. If you don't know any lawyers, but have a close friend or relative that has used a lawyer, ...

What happens if you can't find a medical expert witness?

If you have a medical malpractice case and cannot find a qualified medical expert witness to give an opinion that the defendant was negligent, your case will almost surely be dismissed. Experienced medical malpractice lawyers know how to find a medical expert in any specialty.

Is medical malpractice a rare specialty?

But medical malpractice is a relatively rare specialty. If you think you have a legitimate medical malpractice case, how do you find the right lawyer?

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In some cases, you may just be wanting to sue a hospital for the negligence of one of its employees. Be aware that the law only allows lawyers to take on these types of cases within a set time frame. If you have failed to contact a lawyer for help in time, they may be legally barred from taking on your case.


If you must change lawyers in the middle of a lawsuit, be aware that your first attorney will have a right to recoup his or her expenses.

About This Article

This article was co-authored by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD. Clinton M. Sandvick worked as a civil litigator in California for over 7 years. He received his JD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 36,396 times.

What happens if you sue a doctor?

When you sue the doctor or hospital, you will often be dealing with their insurance company. In rare cases, a doctor may lose their license or go to jail. Or, a hospital could be shut down. But generally, you are suing their insurance company to compensate you for your suffering.

How long do you have to sue a hospital for negligence?

Discrimination (a staff member refusing to treat you do to your race, sexual orientation, your nation of origin, etc.) You generally have between two to six years to sue for hospital negligence. This is called the statute of limitations, and it varies by state.

What do you need to prove medical malpractice?

You may need medical records, dates, records of the job-related mistakes, and more to help prove your case. Your personal injury attorney will handle the medical malpractice lawsuit and will tell you exactly what they need. Without their expertise, it can be hard to know what information is relevant.

What to do if you are told something is wrong?

If your instincts are telling you something is wrong, then you should investigate your case. A personal injury lawyer is going to be the best person to have on your side when you seek justice from a hospital — you deserve justice when a hospital makes a mistake with your illness or injury.

What happens if a hospital gives you the wrong treatment?

If a hospital gives you the wrong treatment, their staff makes the wrong call, or a loved one dies in their care, you may have options to sue. Although medical professionals may be the ones who actually made the mistake, the hospital is responsible for its employees and their training. If, however, the doctor who injured you is an independent ...

What is a negligent action in healthcare?

Dangerous or negligent actions by hospital staff (reusing equipment or needles, leaving floors wet, stealing or abusing medications) Wrongful death of a family member.

Why was Duke University Hospital sued?

Duke University Hospital was sued in 2003 for never checking the blood type of an organ donor and the recipient before surgery. Rhode Island Hospital performed operations on the wrong part of three patients' heads in 2007. In a 1995 case, the wrong leg was amputated during surgery.
