how to find and pick a good disability lawyer

by Misty Klein 7 min read

There are many ways in which you can go about finding a lawyer or advocate to handle your disability case, including: Ask a lawyer. If you have an existing relationship with a lawyer, you can ask that lawyer for a reference to another attorney who has experience with Social Security disability law.

There are many ways in which you can go about finding a lawyer or advocate to handle your disability case, including:
  1. Ask a lawyer. ...
  2. Ask family and friends. ...
  3. Free consultation with a disability firm. ...
  4. Your local Bar Association. ...
  5. Ask others who have been through the disability process.

Full Answer

How do I find a good disability lawyer?

What makes a good disability law firm?

Do I need a lawyer to represent me at a disability hearing?

Nov 30, 2021 · You can find disability firms in a variety of ways: through a personal recommendation, in a directory, or through a lawyer referral service. If you use a referral service, make sure it guarantees its lawyers are active members of its state's bar in good standing.

How should I prepare for an interview with a disability attorney?

Deciding on a Disability Representative. You should feel comfortable speaking with them. You should be able to tell the lawyer or advocate information about yourself openly and honestly. You ... You should not feel like you're being judged for things you …


What are the disability criteria for a person on Social Security?

There are a myriad of disabilities covered by Social Security disability insurance and the Social Security Administration has a defined set of guidelines, called the Disability Impairment Criteria, for each conditions, from cancer and diabetes to fibromyalgia, AIDS and strokes.

What are the two types of SSDI representatives?

There are two primary types of SSDI representatives: organizations and lawyers . The benefit of working with an organization is that they may have a staff of specialists and representatives who are experienced in handling Social Security disability claims around the country.

Can I file for SSDI after being denied?

While there may be some attorneys that only accept SSDI clients after their disability applications are denied, there are a growing number who are providing early stage assistance. One of the first things to do when filing for Social Security Disability Insurance is to complete the Activities of Daily Living questionnaire.

Here are some easy ways to find a Social Security Disability attorney for help with your case

Having the right help on a Social Security disability case can easily make the difference between winning and losing a claim for benefits, so deciding the issue of legal representation, and which legal representative will handle your SSD or SSI disability case, is no small matter.

Where Can I Find a Good Social Security Disability Lawyer?

Social Security disability representatives can be found in a variety of different listing sources. The Yellow Pages, the Internet, legal aid clinics, and the referral service operated by each state's bar association are often used to locate qualified disability lawyers and attorneys.

How Should I Select the Best Disability Lawyer for Me?

How do you determine whether an attorney disability representative is especially suited to handle your Social Security disability or SSI disability case? Simple. Contact a representative's office and ask questions. First and foremost, ask if the lawyer has experience in winning disability claims for your medical condition.

Disability Lawyers vs. Nonlawyer Representatives

Good representation at the initial application stage and first two levels of appeal can usually be obtained from an attorney or a nonattorney representative (many of whom are former disability examiners and Social Security claims reps). But for an appeal to the Appeals Council, you'll definitely want to hire a lawyer.

How to choose a disability lawyer?

Deciding on a Disability Lawyer 1 You should feel comfortable speaking with the lawyer. You should be able to tell the lawyer information about yourself openly and honestly. You should review your medical history and physical or mental problems, since the disability may be hard to talk about, but it is important that the lawyer has all of that information. 2 You should not feel like you are being judged by the lawyer for things you have or have not done. If you feel like you are being judged, you might unintentionally withhold information. And if your lawyer does not know all information about you, he or she cannot properly prepare your case to give you the best chance at receiving benefits. 3 You should feel like you are being heard and understood by the lawyer. You should not feel rushed or like your case is not a priority for the lawyer. 4 You should feel you trust the lawyer that you choose. The lawyer will play a very essential part in your Social Security disability process, and you need to be able to work together well.

How to ask a lawyer about their experience?

The advantage of asking someone who has been through the process before is that they can tell you about their experience working with that particular lawyer (though you do not want to be overly influenced by others' experiences, which are apt to be different than yours). Helpful, objective information that you can ask about include whether: 1 the lawyer was helpful in answering questions and explaining things 2 the lawyer got back to the client in a reasonable amount of time when a message was left, and 3 the lawyer followed through on the deadlines and commitments made to the client.

What is the purpose of the Bar Association?

The Bar Association is intended to provide services and support to lawyers, as well as to those who are in need of a lawyer. Generally, there is a section on the Bar Association website ...

What is phone book?

The phone book provides you with contact information but nothing further. With regards to ads placed on the Internet or in the phone book, lawyers are held to a strict code of ethics for advertisements and may not put false or misleading information in their ads.

1. Start Your Search Early

You don't have much time to make the decision to hire an attorney when OPM denies your claim for federal disability retirement. Research attorneys early, and, at the very least, have a list of attorneys that you will call when you decide to make the decision to hire an attorney.

2. Make Sure to Hire a Licensed Attorney

There are many attorneys and many non-attorneys that handle disability retirement claims. There is no rule that the advocate you hire must be an attorney. However, you can't get representation fees reimbursed by the MSPB (Merit Systems Protection Board) if you hire a non-attorney.

3. Talk to More Than One Attorney

There are a few reasons that I recommend investing the time and money on two to three consults with different attorneys for federal disability retirement claims for FERS/CSRS employees. Attorneys' styles are different; our approaches to cases are different; and our interactions with clients are different.

4. Confirm Your Attorney's Experience

If you need to appeal a denial, an attorney who handles federal disability retirement claims before OPM, but who has never represented employees before the MSPB, is like a car without wheels.

5. Prepare for Your Initial Meeting With Potential Attorneys

If you are hiring an attorney to help you apply to OPM for federal disability retirement, you should be prepared to provide a copy of your position description, your most recent SF-50, and any medical records that you have available.

6. Be Candid and Open About Attorneys Fees

There are many good attorneys who handle federal disability retirement applications and applications. Unlike attorneys who help with Social Security disability claims, all of us charge different types of fees. Those fees can be fixed fees, hourly fees, monthly fees, and so on.

Do attorneys charge for consultations?

Most attorneys do consultation appointments for free. However, some may charge a small fee for a consultation. Make certain that you know whether you will be charged, and don't make an appointment with an attorney who isn't forthcoming about these details. Most attorneys offer consultations for free.

What is a family law attorney?

Family law attorneys handle matters such as separation, divorce, pre-nuptial agreements, adoption, guardianship, child custody and support. Personal injury law. Personal injury attorneys handle cases involving medical malpractice, dog bites, car accidents and any injury to a person that may be the fault of another.

What is an engagement letter?

This is a contract between you and your attorney that defines the nature of the legal engagement you are involved in, and the conditions and terms of your agreement with your attorney.

How to find a lawyer for a lawsuit?

Here are a few other sources you can turn to for possible candidates in your search for a lawyer: 1 The director of your state or local chamber of commerce may be a good source of business lawyers. 2 The director of a nonprofit group interested in the subject matter that underlies your lawsuit is sure to know lawyers who work in that area. For example, if your dispute involves trying to stop a major new subdivision, it would make sense to consult an environmental group committed to fighting urban sprawl. 3 A law librarian can help identify authors in your state who have written books or articles on a particular subject -- for example, construction law. 4 A women's or men's support group will probably have a list of well-regarded family and divorce lawyers.

Do lawyers work with you?

Fortunately, many lawyers will work with you to help you acquire a good working knowledge of the legal principles and procedures you need to deal with your problem at least partly on your own. If you are hoping to represent yourself and use a lawyer only for advice, make sure the lawyer is open to that type of set-up.

What is Nolo lawyer directory?

Nolo offers a unique lawyer directory that provides a comprehensive profile for each attorney with information that will help you select the right attorney. The profiles tell you about the lawyer's experience, education, and fees, and perhaps most importantly, the lawyer's general philosophy of practicing law.

What is a lawyer referral service?

Lawyer referral services are another source of information. There is a wide variation in the quality of lawyer referral services, however, even though they are required to be approved by the state bar association. Some lawyer referral services carefully screen attorneys and list only those attorneys with particular qualifications and a certain amount of past experience, while other services will list any attorney in good standing with the state bar who maintains liability insurance. Before you choose a lawyer referral service, ask what its qualifications are for including an attorney and how carefully lawyers are screened.

What can a law librarian do?

A law librarian can help identify authors in your state who have written books or articles on a particular subject -- for example, construction law. A women's or men's support group will probably have a list of well-regarded family and divorce lawyers.

Can a disability lawyer take your case?

Some disability lawyers won't take your case until you've been denied benefits. They'd rather not help out at the application stage, but they'd be more than willing to represent you at the appeal hearing.

Can a lawyer take my SSDI claim?

For SSDI, if you haven't worked for a numbers of years, meaning your " date last insured " is in the past, a lawyer won't likely take your case—unless you might be eligible for disability through SSI. For SSI, if you have significant income or assets, a lawyer won't be interested in your case. A lawyer might also try to estimate the amount of backpay you'll receive, as lawyers' fees are paid out of your backpay.

Can a lawyer take a client with substance abuse?

Whether There Is Substance Abuse. Most lawyers will not take clients with a current substance abuse problem, unless their medical conditions are extremely severe and quitting the alcohol or drug use very clearly wouldn't make their problems less disabling.

What happens if you don't see a doctor?

If you aren't currently seeing a doctor, and don't have a history over the past several years of seeing a doctor, you'll have a harder time finding a lawyer to take your case. Good medical records are probably the most important factor in getting an approval for benefits, and this is especially true for mental claims.


Get Help Early

Finding The Right Representative

  • There are two primary types of SSDI representatives: organizations and lawyers. The benefit of working with an organization is that they may have a staff of specialists and representatives who are experienced in handling Social Security disability claims around the country. The benefit of working with a law firm is that they have the legal muscle t...
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Experience Matters

  • There are a myriad of disabilities covered by Social Security disability insurance and the Social Security Administration has a defined set of guidelines, called the Disability Impairment Criteria, for each conditions, from cancer and diabetes to fibromyalgia, AIDS and strokes. When preparing a case, it is important to use language specific to the disability type to prevent denials or delays.
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