how to find a lawyer to sue for millions

by Karlee Stokes 7 min read

Can I Sue my Lawyer for a mistake?

Apr 24, 2020 · Reasons You Can Sue a Hospital. You can decide to file a lawsuit against a hospital for injuries you suffered as a result of problems such as: Wrong diagnosis or medical treatment from medical experts. The wrong medication was given to you. Mistakes made by medical technicians (failure to sanitize equipment, etc.)

Where will you be able to sue someone?

Oct 30, 2020 · is a fast, free, and confidential online platform to help you find the right lawyer for your case. provides attorney-client matching services based on the type of case, type of lawyer needed, and your location. You simply submit your legal issue and you will be matched with a lawyer that can help.

Should I settle my lawsuit or recover my attorney's fees?

Feb 12, 2022 · Inform clients of a decision requiring the client’s informed consent; Inform clients of how the attorney plans to achieve client objectives in their case; Keep clients reasonably informed about their case; Promptly comply with reasonable requests for information. Consult with the client about limitations on the lawyer’s conduct when the ...

How do you sue a company?

Call us 888.249.6944. We have a methodology to stop a lender in their tracks and quickly turn the tables in your favor. Suing banks, lenders, and servicers is all we do. It’s a complex and combative area of law and you need experienced banking lawyers who know the rules and the realities.


What happens if you sue a doctor?

When you sue the doctor or hospital, you will often be dealing with their insurance company. In rare cases, a doctor may lose their license or go to jail. Or, a hospital could be shut down. But generally, you are suing their insurance company to compensate you for your suffering.

How long do you have to sue a hospital for negligence?

Discrimination (a staff member refusing to treat you do to your race, sexual orientation, your nation of origin, etc.) You generally have between two to six years to sue for hospital negligence. This is called the statute of limitations, and it varies by state.

What do you need to prove medical malpractice?

You may need medical records, dates, records of the job-related mistakes, and more to help prove your case. Your personal injury attorney will handle the medical malpractice lawsuit and will tell you exactly what they need. Without their expertise, it can be hard to know what information is relevant.

What to do if you are told something is wrong?

If your instincts are telling you something is wrong, then you should investigate your case. A personal injury lawyer is going to be the best person to have on your side when you seek justice from a hospital — you deserve justice when a hospital makes a mistake with your illness or injury.

What happens if a hospital gives you the wrong treatment?

If a hospital gives you the wrong treatment, their staff makes the wrong call, or a loved one dies in their care, you may have options to sue. Although medical professionals may be the ones who actually made the mistake, the hospital is responsible for its employees and their training. If, however, the doctor who injured you is an independent ...

What is a negligent action in healthcare?

Dangerous or negligent actions by hospital staff (reusing equipment or needles, leaving floors wet, stealing or abusing medications) Wrongful death of a family member.

Why was Duke University Hospital sued?

Duke University Hospital was sued in 2003 for never checking the blood type of an organ donor and the recipient before surgery. Rhode Island Hospital performed operations on the wrong part of three patients' heads in 2007. In a 1995 case, the wrong leg was amputated during surgery.

What is a lawyer?

A lawyer is an individual who is licensed to practice law in a state. Lawyers are also known as attorneys or an attorney at law. Some lawyers are licensed in multiple states. Some lawyers are admitted to practice at the Federal level as well.

Why do you need a lawyer for a contract?

Even in transactional civil matters, such as drafting a contract, a lawyer can be very helpful. A lawyer can make sure contracts are drafted correctly and avoid problems at a later date. A real estate purchase, business purchase, and/or creation of a trademark or copyright will most likely involve a lawyer.

What kind of services do lawyers provide?

Lawyers can provide a wide range of services to their clients. Some lawyers handle many different types of cases. Some lawyers specialize in one or two types, such as family and divorce law.

Why is it important to have a family lawyer?

It is important in divorce cases for an individual to have a family lawyer representing them to ensure their rights are protected.

What is personal injury?

In a personal injury suit, an individual is injured, mentally and/or physically, because of an accident, defective product, or an act or failure to act by another. A court may award a plaintiff in a personal injury suit monetary damages for their injury. Civil law cases can be complex.

What is criminal law?

Criminal law is the body of laws that pertain to crimes. Crimes are actions or behaviors prohibited by state or federal laws. Crimes are punishable by fines, probation, and/or imprisonment. Usually, crimes are categorized as misdemeanors or felonies.

Do lawyers handle different types of cases?

There are many different types of lawyers that handle many different types of cases. Some cases may even overlap practice areas. Most lawyers have experience with a variety of cases and will be able to help you with your needs. Despite the prevalence of “lawyer jokes”, lawyers are service oriented and look out for the best interest of their clients.

What are the common mistakes lawyers make?

However, we tend to see common mistakes that lawyers make over and over, including: 1 Inaccurate billing; 2 Missed deadlines; 3 Failing to communicate with the client; 4 Settling a lawsuit without the client’s consent; 5 Giving inaccurate legal advice; 6 Stealing or losing money or property that belongs to the client; 7 Incompetently drafting legal documents that do not protect your rights; 8 Failing to file a case before the expiration of the statute of limitations; and 9 Taking a case despite an existing conflict of interest.

How to pursue a malpractice case?

Before pursuing a legal malpractice case, pull together all relevant documents and information. Collect communications between you and your lawyer as well as information about the case that led you to hire the attorney in the first place.

What is negligence malpractice?

Damages in a negligence malpractice claim are quantified by what was recovered and what would have been recovered but for the attorney’s negligence. A typical example of negligence occurs when an attorney fails to file a case before the statute of limitations expires.

What happens when a negligent lawyer falls below the standard of care?

When a negligent lawyer falls below this standard of care, they have committed legal malpractice.

Do lawyers have to keep a copy of a malpractice case?

Additionally, your lawyer is required to maintain a copy of your entire file, and give you notice before they destroy it. If you have a legal malpractice case you should obtain your file or hire an attorney who will obtain it for you.

Can a lawyer file a grievance in Connecticut?

In some situations, you can file a grievance but the grievance does not get the client compensation for their financial losses.

Can a lawyer make mistakes?

Lawyers may make mistakes from time to time. A claim of malprac tice may exist if your lawyer exhibited negligence in your representation. If your lawyer’s negligence caused you to suffer harm or a less advantageous outcome or settlement in your case, you may have a claim to sue your lawyer for professional negligence.

What is lender liability?

Typically, lender liability claims arise when a financial institution or fiduciary violates a duty of good faith or fair dealing to its customer – borrower or has assumed such a degree of control over the borrower that it assumes a fiduciary duty.

Can law firms sue banks?

Most law firms are not competent to sue banks either due to inexperience (commercial loans, mortgage commitments, loan securitization issues, and CMBS problems are a complex and evolving field) or level of resources (banks put unlimited money into herds of lawyers who create more paper than the New York Times) available;

What to think about before sueing a company?

1. Do You Have a Good Case? This may seem obvious, but you need to have a genuine legal claim or " cause of action " in order to have a court support your position .

Why do I get more money than I would get by suing?

From a purely practical point of view, you may receive more money that way than you would by suing, because you will have to pay attorneys' fees and other costs in connection with a lawsuit. 4.

What is the statute of limitations for a lawsuit?

Laws that place a time limit on bringing a lawsuit are called " statutes of limitations .". You do not need to handle the entire case within the statute of limitations. You will have a certain amount of time to file the lawsuit, and then the lawsuit can take whatever time the state courts determine it needs. 8.

How does a lawsuit affect your life?

A lawsuit may take a lot of time and energy, and can be emotionally draining. Remember that you might find that you have less time and energy to devote to your work, business, family, and social life for the duration of the lawsuit. The case may involve completing demand letters and paperwork, filing at the clerk's office, waiting in court until your turn to speak, and following any of the judge's orders.

What is the last step to take to avoid a lawsuit?

If you have done everything you can to avoid a lawsuit, then your last step is to sue the company. You need to be within the statute of limitations for your state, and you will need the company's legal business name, the name of the owner, and their contact information before you file the lawsuit.

What to expect when taking a case to court?

You can expect to gather evidence, have contact information for yourself and the other party, talk clearly in front of a judge or courtroom of people, and follow any court orders. Even if you do not win, taking your case to court means you must follow whatever the court decides.

What is a small claims court?

Each state's court system has some variation of " small claims court " or "conciliation" court, which only hears disputes in which a certain dollar amount is at issue (usually $5,000 or less).

How to sue a company?

To sue a company, start by talking to your insurance company since they might be able to help with the negotiations and provide you with an attorney or legal team. Even if your insurance isn't able to help, you should still consult with an attorney about your case.

How to handle a lawsuit?

2. Consult with an attorney. Some lawsuits are simple, and you can handle them on your own. However, other cases are complex and you might need to hire a lawyer. In any event, you should consult with an attorney to talk about your case. Ask friends or family if they can recommend someone.

What to do when a business hurts you?

When a business harms you, you can do more than write an angry letter to the owner. Instead, you can bring a lawsuit and get financial compensation for your injuries. To start the process, gather evidence that the company is responsible for your injuries — whether they're physical, financial, or emotional — and then choose ...

Can I sue in small claims court?

Sue in small claims court if your case is small. In the U.S., each state has a small claims court that handles smaller matters. These courts are ideal, especially if you don’t have a lawyer. Each state has a maximum limit that you can sue for in the court.

Who do I need to serve papers in small claims court?

If you sue in small claims court, you can usually mail the papers to the defendant.

Can I hire a lawyer for a personal injury case?

The lawyer can give you good advice about how complicated the case will be and whether you should even sue. Generally, you can hire a lawyer in a personal injury lawsuit or discrimination lawsuit without having to pay fees. Instead, the lawyer will represent you on contingency, meaning they only get paid if you win.

Can you sue in federal court?

To sue in federal court, your case should arise under federal law. For example, federal antidiscrimination law allows you to sue in federal court. Alternately, you can sue in federal court if you reside in a different state from where the defendant has its principal place of business.

What happens if you sue the police?

If you sue the police for misconduct and win, you may be awarded damages, or monetary compensation, as restitution for the violation of your civil rights and any physical or emotional injuries. The court may also require the police officers and police department involved to pay punitive damages, which is meant as punishment for the misconduct.

What is the law that prohibits people from sueing the police?

Typically, people sue the police under Section 1983 of the Civil Rights Act of 1871. This law is known simply as Section 1983, and it specifically prohibits anyone acting under the authority of the law from violating another person’s civil rights under the U.S. Constitution.

What is the role of an attorney in a police investigation?

In addition, an attorney will usually conduct an independent investigation that involves interviewing witnesses, interviewing doctors who treated you for any injuries you sustained, and obtaining police experts to testify about appropriate police conduct, which will help solidify your case.

What happens if you are charged with a crime?

Also, if you have been charged with a crime as part of the incident; oftentimes, police will charge victims of their misconduct with a crime, such as resisting arrest or assault, in order to defend their behavior – it can impact your case tremendously.

Can you sue police for harassment?

In order to sue the police for discrimination or harassment, the victim must show that there is a pattern of this behavior; one incident of discriminatory or harassing conduct is not enough. False arrest claims usually assert that the victim’s Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable seizure was violated.

Can you get compensation for assault?

Answer. If you have been the victim of a physical attack such as an assault, you have the legal right to get compensation for your medical expenses and other losses. You can do this by filing a personal injury lawsuit alleging that the attacker committed the intentional tort of assault, and you were harmed as a result.

Can the same act be used as a basis for a civil lawsuit?

The same act can serve as the basis for both a criminal action (in which the offender is subject to a criminal conviction and a sentence including imprisonment and the imposition of fines) and a civil lawsuit (in which the victim sues the offender in civil court, seeking money damages as compensation for the harm inflicted by the act).
