how to find a lawyer for divorce

by Ian Schneider IV 8 min read

Here are three steps that I recommend in picking an attorney:

  • Ask friends or a family member if they know of any good attorneys.
  • Speak with a lawyer about your specific situation and needs (i.e., fee structure)
  • Look at Google Reviews of the divorce lawyer
  • It is important to note that you should not just go with the first attorney. ...

What to look for in a good divorce attorney?

You need someone who can take the following actions on your behalf:

  • Review the circumstances surrounding your divorce and how state laws are likely to apply;
  • File the appropriate legal documents with the court and respond to any pleadings you receive from your spouse;
  • Appear by your side at divorce-related hearings, making effective legal arguments on your behalf;

More items...

How do I find a good divorce attorney?

You can get divorced in England or Wales if all of the following are true:

  • you’ve been married for over a year
  • your relationship has permanently broken down
  • your marriage is legally recognised in the UK (including same-sex marriage)
  • the UK is your permanent home, or the permanent home of your husband or wife

How to know if a divorce lawyer is good?

  • Does your attorney explain the divorce process to you?
  • Does your attorney meet procedural timelines?
  • Is your attorney prepared?
  • Does your attorney communicate with you?
  • Who's the decision maker for important issues?

How to choose the best divorce lawyer?

How to Select the Right Divorce Attorney: 6 Tips From a Lawyer

  • Tips To Find The Right Divorce Attorney For Yourself. ...
  • Figure Out What Type of Divorce You Want First. ...
  • Create a Budget. ...
  • Ask People You Know For Recommendations. ...
  • Search the World Wide Web. ...
  • Create a List of Interview Questions. ...
  • Search For An Experienced Lawyer with Board Certification. ...


What to ask for during a divorce?

5 Things To Make Sure Are Included In Your Divorce SettlementA detailed parenting-time schedule—including holidays! ... Specifics about support. ... Life insurance. ... Retirement accounts and how they will be divided. ... A plan for the sale of the house.

What is the easiest state to get a divorce?

The 5 Easiest States To Get A Divorce:New Hampshire.Wyoming.Alaska.Idaho.South Dakota.

How do you play dirty in a divorce?

Top 10 Dirtiest Divorce TricksServing Papers with the Intent to Embarrass. You're angry with your spouse, and you want to humiliate him or her. ... Taking Everything. ... Canceling Credit Cards. ... Clearing Our Your Bank Accounts. ... Starving Out the Other Spouse. ... Refusing to Cooperate. ... Jeopardizing Employment. ... Meddling in an Affair.More items...•

How do I get a quickie divorce?

A quick divorce can be achieved when both parties agree the marriage has broken down irretrievably and want to get divorced. This is the simplest form of divorce. A quick divorce does always require the co-operation of both parties.

What are the worst states to get divorced in?

This Is the Worst State to Get Divorced in America, According to...New Mexico.North Dakota.Montana.Wyoming.Vermont.West Virginia.South Dakota.North Carolina.More items...•

How do you fight a narcissist in a divorce?

Divorcing a NarcissistDon't Even THINK That Your Divorce Will Be Amicable. ... Get a Strong, but Reasonable, Divorce Lawyer. ... Get a Therapist. ... Assemble Your Support Team BEFORE You Divorce. ... Get EVERYTHING in Writing! ... Stay Out of Court as Much as You Can. ... Find Ways Your Narcissistic Spouse Can “Win” ... Pick Your Battles Wisely.More items...

What happens to money in divorce?

State laws are relatively consistent, holding that marital property is subject to division in a divorce, and includes all money earned during the marriage, even if it is in an account solely titled in your spouse's name.

How can a woman protect herself in a divorce?

5 Helpful Tips to Protect Yourself When Your Spouse Files for...Hire An Attorney. You may not know that you are not actually required to litigate a divorce. ... Cancel Joint Credit Cards. ... Keep Tight Records. ... Don't Sign Anything. ... Choose Your Words Carefully. ... Protect Yourself.

What Does a Divorce Lawyer Do?

A divorce lawyer protects the rights of their client, along with handling the related custody and financial aspects of the divorce. Importantly, a divorce lawyer will also explain the law and your available legal options.

Do You Need a Divorce Lawyer?

Working through the legal process of divorce is often complex—characterized by significant paperwork, waiting periods, and filing multiple forms, among other requirements—adding hurdles to individuals who may wish to undergo a divorce without a lawyer.

Payment: What You Should Expect and How to Pay

The total average costs of a divorce can range from $7,000 to $28,000, with divorce attorneys charging an average of $270 an hour. In a 2019 study by Martindale-Nolo Research, attorney fees for divorces lasting less than six months clocked in, on average, at $6,500; those lasting more than 30 months came in at $23,000.

How to Find a Good Divorce Lawyer

As with many other services, finding a good divorce lawyer can start with referrals from friends or family. In addition, other professionals, such as accountants or financial advisors, may offer recommendations. Getting a deeper understanding of their experience with a lawyer can provide valuable information on what to look for—and what to avoid.

Finding the Right Lawyer for Your Situation

When you've identified possible candidates, interview your top choices. Some offer free consultations, but budget for a paid meeting if you think the attorney is worth it. You will learn something about how you want your divorce to proceed from each meeting.

The Bottom Line

The steep cost makes finding a divorce lawyer an option that is out of reach for many Americans. 7 Legal activists have suggested that the process of getting an uncontested divorce—which is when either spouse doesn't disagree with any aspect of the divorce—should be reformed, making it less arduous. 8

How Can I Afford a Divorce Lawyer?

Because the costs of getting a divorce can range between $7,000 and $28,000, many Americans question how it's possible to pay for it. 5 Withdrawal from a 401 (k) is a permissible option if the funds are spent on the divorce.

1. Know What You Want

The first thing you need to do is figure out what kind of lawyer you’re looking for. For example, suppose your issue is related to child custody. In that case, you should find a family law attorney to serve your needs better and make the divorce process more manageable.

2. Set a Realistic Goal

It can be hard to know where you want your case to go. There’s no right or wrong answer for what outcome a person wants, but it is important to have realistic goals in mind and make sure that they are being met with the plan of action put forward by your divorce lawyer.

3. Look for Divorce Lawyers in Your City and County

When looking for a divorce lawyer, you might want to first search by city and then county. This could allow you to see what qualified attorneys are available in your area that will be able to help with the type of case that you’re going through.

4. Pick at Least Three Attorneys to Consult

You could pick the first lawyer you find, or you could do your best to find the best lawyer out of all potential lawyers. The right lawyer could be your first divorce lawyer found in your search or the last when looking to choose a divorce attorney or experienced attorney. It is common for people to look at several attorneys along the way.

5. Interview and Research

Some divorce attorneys claim they are experienced in family law but don’t have any references to back up their claims. To find a good divorce lawyer, you need to interview and research prospective lawyers by asking for peer or client referrals that can attest the candidate’s professionalism and experience.

6. Listen to Red Flags

A good divorce attorney will be able to walk you through the family court system. Walk with them, and don’t get lost! Red flags include lawyers who don’t know what they are doing, lawyers trying to convince you not to say anything in front of your spouse’s attorneys, and those who misrepresent their qualifications or skills.

7. Make Your Choice

Some of the qualities I look for in potential attorneys or a divorce attorney are empathy, understanding, and knowledge. Potential Attorneys will understand your own unique circumstances.

Throughout a divorce, your attorney will be your advisor, spokesperson, negotiator, and trusted confidant. Finding the right one for you is essential

Now that you and your partner have made the difficult decision to get divorced, you have to set about the task of finding a lawyer. Unfortunately, it’s not something that you can resolve with just a simple Google search. Before settling on a divorce lawyer to oversee your proceedings, you have to make sure you haven’t left a single stone unturned.

Do. Your. Homework

Just like any other major decision in your life, you want to make sure that you go into the divorce process with your eyes wide open and as well-informed as possible.

Know What You Want

Before you settle on a lawyer, ask yourself what it is that you’re hoping to get from them. Are you looking for a lawyer who’s emotionally supportive? An impersonal but focused attorney? Are you looking for a team or a one-on-one personal experience?

Ask Around

If you know of friends or family members who’ve been through a divorce, definitely reach out to them and ask for advice and suggestions on who they went with and how it worked out for them.

Meet with More Than One Lawyer

Part of the research process for a good divorce lawyer should include multiple meetings with various attorneys. This will allow you to see how each lawyer will approach your divorce and what they will do to build the best possible case.

Ask the Right Questions

When meeting with an attorney, don’t waste time asking questions about their experience, as that is information you should have gathered already from your research.

Make Sure They Stay in Touch

Lawyers are busy, obviously, but that doesn’t mean that a call or email from you shouldn’t be returned as quickly as possible. Even a simple email back acknowledging that they’ve received your message and will get back to you soon can go a long way.

What can an experienced divorce attorney tell you?

An experienced divorce attorney will be able to tell you how likely it is you'll get what you're seeking in the divorce. An attorney can also help you devise a strategy for your case and give a rough timeline of how long it will take.

What can a divorce lawyer do for you?

What a Divorce lawyer can do for you. Hiring an experienced divorce attorney is the best way you get peace of mind when dealing with child custody, alimony, and asset division. Having a divorce lawyer advise you helps ensure that nothing is left out of your divorce agreement, which means that costly mistakes won't come back to bite you later.

How much does it cost to hire a divorce attorney?

Hiring a divorce attorney can cost anywhere from $250 to $350 per hour which may add up to a lot of money. However, attorneys may also handle divorces for a flat fee. The fee for an uncontested divorce might range from a $600 flat fee to a $5,000 retainer, depending on circumstances.

What are the complaints about divorce lawyers?

One of the biggest complaints about lawyers is their unresponsiveness to calls or emails. Make sure your attorney will be an attentive one. Realistic. You should have a good idea of what your divorce will cost you, and the settlement you'll likely receive, before you leave the attorney's office. Experienced.

What happens if you don't agree to custody?

You're dealing with custody disputes: If you and your spouse can't agree on a custody arrangement, you'll need to prove that your proposal is in the best interest of your children at the end of your marriage.

What is contested divorce?

A contested divorce occurs when couples can't agree out of court on one or more of these issues. That means you'll have to go to court to resolve them. And a court battle is a high-stakes process that can be difficult to take on without a lawyer's help.

Is divorce paperwork time consuming?

Divorce paperwork is also extremely time-consuming. In addition to spending late nights completing forms correctly, people often have to take time off work to travel to the courthouse--to collect the proper paperwork and later to file it. This is especially frustrating for those who are paid hourly.

What to do before you rush out to hire a divorce attorney?

Before you rush out to hire a divorce attorney, consider other alternatives to traditional litigation. If you aren't completely entangled with children and finances, you could hire a mediator to help you negotiate the terms of your divorce.

What is the cheapest way to get divorced?

Mediation is the fastest, cheapest way to get divorced, and you might not need to hire an attorney at all! If your negotiation is more complicated, you'll have to hire a divorce lawyer to negotiate a settlement with your spouse's attorney. Or you could consider a collaborative divorce.

What is collaborative divorce?

A collaborative divorce is focused on negotiation with the goal of preserving a co-parenting relationship. Your last resort is a litigated trial. Typically, these are the cases when neither side will compromise. So you need to determine what type of divorce attorney you need based on your unique circumstances.

What is the purpose of divorce?

First, you need to realize that divorce is a legal process with the sole purpose of dissolving your assets and resolving custody issues. Your divorce attorney's job is to represent you to the best of his or her ability in this process.

Do attorneys tell you what you want to hear?

Unfortunately, many attorneys will tell you what you want to hear just to close the deal. While this is your life, it's a business for them. There are no guarantees in this process, so if an attorney is making promises, don't believe it.

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Why is it important to hire a divorce attorney?

Hiring a divorce attorney is often one of the first steps any person seeking a divorce will perform, and it is easily the most important, as their guiding hand can help make every subsequent step that much easier. Once you have planned to acquire an attorney’s services, your first big decision is which attorney to choose and why.

What is a board certified divorce attorney?

Board Certified marital law attorneys have an additional legal education and training specific to legal separation and divorce law, and will be of particular use for your divorce. Going through a divorce is a painful event, but you don’t have to go through it alone. Compassion, hard-working, experienced are some of the qualities ...

How many attorneys should I schedule an interview with?

Create a List of Interview Questions. It is recommended that you schedule appointments (either phone or in-person) with at least 2-3 attorneys (after you have already narrowed down your search through personal recommendations and savvy internet research) before making your decision.

Why do you have to have an interview with an attorney?

Having an actual interview with the attorney can help solidify your mind if they are the right type of person with the right expertise for your case. To ensure that you get all the information you need to make an informed choice, create a list of questions beforehand, and ensure to go over each question in full depth.

What questions should I ask a lawyer?

To ensure that you get all the information you need to make an informed choice, create a list of questions beforehand, and ensure to go over each question in full depth. Just a few examples of questions to ask include: 1 How long have you been in practice? 2 What type of divorces do you usually handle? 3 Who is your typical client? 4 Have you been a representative of cases that were similar to mine?

Is divorce painful?

Deciding to divorce your spouse could be one of the most stressful and painful moments in a person’s life. The strong emotions that often accompany it can make going through the often complex divorce process feel like an insurmountable weight has been placed on your chest.
