how to file a mesothelioma claim without a lawyer

by Tanya Daugherty 3 min read

There are two main ways patients who have received a mesothelioma diagnosis can pursue compensation: File a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against a liable asbestos


Asbestos is a term used to refer to six naturally occurring silicate minerals. All are composed of long and thin fibrous crystals, each fiber being composed of many microscopic 'fibrils' that can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion and other processes. Asbestos is a well known healt…

company that has not declared bankruptcy. File a claim for compensation through an asbestos trust fund.

Full Answer

How can a mesothelioma lawyer help my claim?

An experienced mesothelioma law firm can help you determine whether the company responsible for your injuries has a trust fund and, if so, they will walk you through the claim-filing process. Companies that exposed people to asbestos were forced to create trust funds before filing for bankruptcy.

Can I file a mesothelioma lawsuit for wrongful death?

Or if your loved one has already died from mesothelioma, the estate can file a wrongful death claim. You can contact a mesothelioma lawyer to start the claim filing process.

Can I file for workers’ compensation for mesothelioma?

It is possible to file for workers’ compensation over a mesothelioma diagnosis, but most workers’ comp systems are not designed to adequately compensate people for occupational cancer.

What types of asbestos and mesothelioma claims can I file?

There are two types of asbestos and mesothelioma claims that can be filed. Which type of claim you file depends on whether you were diagnosed with mesothelioma, or if you are filing on behalf of a loved one that has passed away from the cancer.


What is the average payout for a mesothelioma case?

between $1 million and $1.4 millionThe average mesothelioma settlement is between $1 million and $1.4 million. The average mesothelioma trial verdict is between $5 million and $11.4 million. In general, settlement payouts are nontaxable under federal tax laws.

How do I claim compensation for mesothelioma?

How to File for Mesothelioma Compensation. Mesothelioma victims and their loved ones can file a compensation claim with an experienced mesothelioma lawyer. Mesothelioma lawyers can file a lawsuit or trust fund claim on your behalf. They can also help you gather the right resources to access VA benefits.

How much is a mesothelioma claim worth?

What Is the Average Mesothelioma Case Value? The average mesothelioma case value is $1 million for legal settlements and $2.4 million for trial verdicts, according to recent Mealey's® Litigation Reports. These values vary widely because there are multiple ways to receive financial compensation for mesothelioma.

How long does it take to settle a mesothelioma case?

Most mesothelioma cases are resolved in a settlement within one year or less. But sometimes asbestos companies simply won't agree to a fair settlement amount. At this point, a mesothelioma attorney may urge the victim to take the case to a jury trial.

What is the average payout for asbestos?

between $1 million and $1.4 millionThe average asbestos claims payout is between $1 million and $1.4 million. Most cases are resolved with a mesothelioma settlement.

What is the average settlement for asbestos cases?

between $1 million and $1.4 millionThe average mesothelioma settlement amount is between $1 million and $1.4 million, according to recent reports. The average mesothelioma trial verdict award is around $2.4 million.

How do mesothelioma settlements work?

In a mesothelioma settlement, manufacturers of asbestos-containing products agree to pay a sum of money to individuals affected by asbestos exposure. This amount is determined through negotiations between both parties' lawyers.

Are mesothelioma settlements taxable?

Are Mesothelioma Settlements Taxable? In general, compensation received through a mesothelioma settlement is not taxable. According to section 104 of the IRS tax code, compensation awarded in direct connection to personal injuries or sickness is not taxed.

What is the highest mesothelioma settlement?

$250 millionOur Record-Breaking Results. One landmark verdict our firm secured awarded $250 million to Roby Whittington, who was diagnosed with mesothelioma after working at U.S. Steel for 30 years. This is the largest asbestos verdict against a single defendant in the history of asbestos litigation.

Can you sue for mesothelioma?

The two types of mesothelioma lawsuits are personal injury and wrongful death claims. A mesothelioma personal injury lawsuit allows the cancer patient to seek compensation from the company or companies that exposed them to asbestos. The average compensation from a mesothelioma lawsuit trial is $2.4 million.

How long does it take to get asbestos after mesothelioma?

It can take 20 to 60 years or more for mesothelioma to develop after asbestos exposure. Most people with asbestos exposure never develop mesothelioma.

What is the life expectancy of a person with mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma Survival Rate – The mesothelioma survival rates is typically 4–18 months after diagnosis, but there have been patients diagnosed with mesothelioma who have lived longer than 10 years.

How much compensation will I get for mesothelioma UK?

Victims of the fatal asbestos-induced cancer mesothelioma who can't trace a liable employer or an employers' liability insurer will soon be able to apply for compensation packages worth an average of ÂŁ123,000.

What is the average payout for mesothelioma in Australia?

ALP/Australian Democrat/Greens policy position/commitments The average claim for mesothelioma is around $300,000.

How do mesothelioma settlements work?

In a mesothelioma settlement, manufacturers of asbestos-containing products agree to pay a sum of money to individuals affected by asbestos exposure. This amount is determined through negotiations between both parties' lawyers.

How long do asbestos claims take?

On average, a compensation claim for an asbestos related disease can take up to 18 months to complete, but more complex claims that need more evidence could take as long as 3 years. Some cases involving terminal illnesses, like Mesothelioma, where someone has limited time left can be settled in only a few months.

What are the different types of mesothelioma claims?

There are three types of mesothelioma claims: Personal injury claims, wrongful death claims and trust fund claims. Veterans also have the option to...

How long does it take to resolve a mesothelioma claim?

It depends on the type of claim filed. Trust fund claims may take months, while mesothelioma lawsuits may take years to reach a settlement or a tri...

How much does an asbestos claim pay out?

The payout for an asbestos claim depends on the type of claim filed and the specifics of the individual case. For example, a mesothelioma claim usu...

Can loved ones of a mesothelioma patient file a claim?

Certain family members may be able to file a wrongful death claim if their loved one died of mesothelioma. A mesothelioma lawyer can let you know i...

What is the statute of limitations on mesothelioma claims?

Each state sets its own statute of limitations for mesothelioma claims. The range is one to six years, with two years being the average allotted ti...

What different types of companies have been legally responsible in asbestos claims?

Many different types of companies have been held liable in asbestos claims, including asbestos mining companies, raw asbestos fiber suppliers, asbe...

Is it possible for more than one company to be held legally responsible?

Yes, it is quite common for multiple companies to be ruled responsible. That’s because asbestos workers encountered different types of asbestos pro...

How much are asbestos claims worth?

Asbestos claims are often worth millions of dollars. Compensation amounts depend on several factors, including the type of asbestos claim, disease...

How do I make an asbestos claim?

Individuals diagnosed with an asbestos disease should speak with a mesothelioma attorney to file an asbestos claim against the parties responsible...

How long do mesothelioma claims take?

Asbestos bankruptcy trust claims can take less than a year to pay out. The time frame for a mesothelioma lawsuit verdict or settlement varies based...

What determines mesothelioma claim amounts?

Several factors determine mesothelioma claim amounts, including the type of claim, severity of asbestos disease and asbestos exposure history. Meso...

Can loved ones of a mesothelioma patient file a claim?

Family members and loved ones of a mesothelioma patient may be eligible to file different types of mesothelioma claims. A wrongful death lawsuit is...

How does a mesothelioma cancer claim work?

A mesothelioma cancer claim undergoes review once it is submitted. At this stage, lawyers can negotiate to ensure claimants receive the most compensation possible. The nature of the review will differ based on the type of claim.

What is financial assistance for mesothelioma patients?

Financial Assistance for Mesothelioma Patients. Mesothelioma claims allow mesothelioma patients and their loved ones to get financial compensation. This compensation can cover medical bills and other expenses associated with an asbestos-related diagnosis.

What is the benefit of filing a claim for asbestos?

Filing a claim can provide claimants with financial assistance, peace of mind and the opportunity to exercise their rights after wrongful asbestos exposure. Compensation can help with expenses associated with receiving mesothelioma treatment and provide families with financial security.

What information is required to file an asbestos claim?

The information typically required to successfully file an asbestos claim includes: Proof of asbestos exposure. Documented work history at an asbestos company.

What is asbestos personal injury?

Personal injury claims are filed by individuals exposed to asbestos who are later diagnosed with a related illness. Claimants file against the asbestos company responsible for their exposure. If patients are too ill to file a claim, a mesothelioma lawyer may be able to file on their behalf. The term “asbestos company” refers to ...

How much money is there in the asbestos trust fund?

Asbestos Trust Funds. Claimants may decide to pursue compensation from an asbestos trust fund. There is currently more than $30 billion available and more than 65 trust funds accepting claims. This money was set aside from bankrupt asbestos companies to pay out current and future claims.

What is wrongful death claim?

A wrongful death claim is filed by a family member after a loved one dies from an asbestos-related illness. An individual files a claim against an asbestos company to receive financial compensation.

What is a personal injury claim for mesothelioma?

Patients living with mesothelioma file a personal injury claim. It provides compensation for current and future medical treatment, lost wages, and any additional pain and suffering that occurs as a result of the disease.

How long does it take to get compensation for mesothelioma?

In a majority of cases, a mesothelioma attorney will travel to meet the person filing the claim to ask questions and take a statement. It may take several months to resolve a claim and receive compensation, but the client’s involvement is typically only one day .

What does a family claim after death?

Families file this type of claim after the death of a loved one. It covers past medical bills, loss of income, and even funeral expenses. In the event that a patient dies during the legal process, the case doesn’t end — it continues on in the name of the estate and remaining family members.

Can asbestos be dangerous?

People who are diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos- related illnesses were most likely exposed to asbestos without their knowledge or didn’t know asbestos was dangerous. This is an example of employer negligence, and patients are usually eligible for financial compensation.

How Long It Takes to File a Claim

The timeframe for your case greatly depends on several key factors, such as your exposure history, your age at the time of diagnosis, the stage of your illness, and available legal options. It could take a minimum of about six months before you complete all the essential documents and information for your claim.

Where You File Your Claim

It is possible to file your case in multiple states if your residence, current company, and site of exposure are in different states. Sometimes, it is enough to file the claim in your state. Your choice of court location can have an impact on your case, especially since some legal venues are willing to expedite cases.

Who Pays for Mesothelioma Claims

Depending on the situation, compensation can come from various sources. Parties that commonly pay for mesothelioma claims include the following:

The Types of Mesothelioma Claims

You will likely be filing either a personal injury or wrongful death claim. The most apparent difference between the two is that a patient can file a personal injury claim following a mesothelioma diagnosis, while loved ones of a deceased patient can file wrongful death claims.

You Do Not Have to Worry When You Have Us on Your Side

Even when you know how to file a claim for mesothelioma, the process can still feel intimidating. However, you do not have to go through the legal process alone because Pintas & Mullins Law Firm will be there to listen to you and evaluate your needs.

What is mesothelioma insurance?

Mesothelioma claims provide financial help for patients and families who are facing the high costs of medical bills and caregiving expenses, as well as other life-changing losses due to the devastating asbestos cancer .

Why is asbestos money set aside?

Because some asbestos companies have gone out of business or filed for bankruptcy, money has been set aside in special trust funds to compensate patients and their families. Pursuing money in a trust fund claim is different from filing a lawsuit, but you still need an experienced mesothelioma attorney to help you navigate the process.

Can you file a wrongful death claim for asbestos?

If you have lost a loved one to mesothelioma or another asbestos -related disease, you may be entitled to file a wrongful death claim. These claims can help families recover compensation for funeral and burial expenses, the patient ’s medical expenses, the value of lost support and services, the value of lost wages and benefits, etc. Although no amount of money can help ease the pain of losing a loved one, a wrongful death claim can help ease the financial burdens families face.

Can mesothelioma patients sue?

Mesothelioma patients can pursue personal injury claims against the company (s) responsible for their exposure. These claims seek payment for past and future medical expenses, lost wages, diminished earning capacity, and pain and suffering. Oftentimes, these personal injury lawsuits are settled out of court because the companies responsible want to avoid the risk and expense of going to trial. However, you should choose an attorney who has extensive trial experience in case your best option is to see your claim through to a verdict.

Can mesothelioma patients file for compensation?

For mesothelioma patients and their families, there are several options for filing claims for compensation or benefits to cover all of the expenses associated with this devastating disease. A top-rated asbestos attorney can explain your options and help you explore:

Does insurance cover mesothelioma?

When a person is diagnosed with mesothelioma, health insurance is typically the first option to help cover the costs of treatment. However, there may be other types of insurance coverage you can tap into to manage expenses while your legal claims are pending.

How long does it take to file a mesothelioma claim?

Every state is different in terms of filing deadlines for mesothelioma claims. For a personal injury claim, states normally require cases to be filed 1 to 3 years from the initial diagnosis.

What happens after mesothelioma?

After a death from mesothelioma, family members are often left with huge medical bills and dealing with the grief associated with a life that has been cut short too soon.

Is mesothelioma preventable?

Mesothelioma is a devastating disease that is almost entirely preventable. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you have certain rights that will help you and your family find your way through the storm.
