how to fight a lawsuit without a lawyer

by Arielle Bogan I 6 min read

You can file a lawsuit on behalf of yourself without an attorney by preparing a complaint and filing it with the appropriate court. The court will issue a summons, and you'll have to serve the summons and complaint upon the person you're suing. The manner of service will depend upon your local rules of court.

To start a lawsuit without a lawyer, you may need to file a verified complaint, along with the specified filing fee. It is the same first step that a lawyer may take in commencing a lawsuit. This step is immediately followed by the filing of a civil summons form.

Full Answer

How do I file a lawsuit without a lawyer?

Present your case in a calm, clear and logical manner. Start at the beginning of the occurrence and proceed with facts in a chronological manner until you come to the end. Do not give unnecessary details. Follow acceptable court etiquette. Address the judge as “Your honor,” and do not address the defendant. References Writer Bio Cite this Article

What do I do if I don't have a lawyer?

 · How to File a Lawsuit Without a Lawyer Preliminary Considerations Before Filing On Your Own. If you talk to an attorney about filing a legal case for you, she... Understanding the Paperwork. To file a lawsuit, you have to prepare the opening documents. These are called the summons... Preparing the ...

What should you do if you’ve never been sued?

 · Perform legal research. Attorneys spend years learning how to research and craft arguments. If you decide to proceed without a lawyer, you will have to find legal authority as best you can. Every argument made to an appellate court must be based on the law. The court will not consider arguments that appeal only to common sense.

Should I settle my case with my attorney?

South Yarmouth, Massachusetts. Defeated a West Point lawyer and my Ex (retired Army J.A.G. attorney) without a lawyer, saving myself $160,000 by using your course to point out their multiple errors. I tell everyone!


How do you successfully win a lawsuit?

Tips for Success in the CourtroomMeet Your Deadlines. ... Choose a Judge or Jury Trial. ... Learn the Elements of Your Case. ... Make Sure Your Evidence Is Admissible. ... Prepare a Trial Notebook.Learn the Ropes.Watch Some Trials. ... Be Respectful.More items...

How do you stop someone from suing you?

Ten common sense ways to avoid being suedMaintain good communications. ... Avoid giving false expectations. ... Make the client make the hard decisions. ... Document your advice and the client's decisions. ... Don't initiate hostilities against the client. ... Avoid, or handle with care, the borderline personality client.More items...

How do you negotiate before suing?

Offer to Compromise Before You Sue Before you reach for pen and paper, try to negotiate directly with the person, preferably in person. Know that any offer of compromise, made either orally or in writing, does not legally bind you to sue for that amount if the compromise is not accepted.

Has anyone ever won a case representing themselves?

people who represented themselves in court Bundy, a former law student, represented himself while on trial for the murder of two college students and assaulting others in 1979. He grilled some of his surviving victims – sorority sisters of the two women murdered -- in the courtroom, but was ultimately convicted.

What should you do if you are being sued?

If you have been sued in small claims court, you have several options:You can settle your case before the trial. ... You can prove you were sued in the wrong court. ... You can go to your trial and try to win. ... You can sue the person suing you. ... You can agree with the plaintiff's claim and pay the money. ... You can do nothing.

What happens when someone sues you and you have no money?

You can sue someone even if they have no money. The lawsuit does not rely on whether you can pay but on whether you owe a certain debt amount to that plaintiff. Even with no money, the court can decide that the creditor has won the lawsuit, and the opposite party still owes that sum of money.

What are good reasons to sue?

If you have injured them, broken a contract with them, broken or damaged their property or said something defamatory, they may want to sue you for money or to make you do something. Being involved in a court case can be time consuming, expensive and confusing.

Should I tell someone im suing them?

After you file your lawsuit, you have to let the defendant know that you are suing them. Usually, the defendant knows about the case a long time before it starts.

How do you start a settlement negotiation?

Identify, gather and produce the most important information early. Settlement negotiations are most effective at the proverbial sweet spot, when each side has the information it believes it needs to make a judgment about settlement but before discovery expenses allow the sunk costs mentality to take hold.

How do you impress a judge in court?

Be clean.Be clean. It is important to wear neat and clean clothes when you are going to court. ... Stand when the judge enters the room. ... Address the judge as 'Your Honor. ... Be audible. ... Use proper language and speak in complete sentences. ... Prepare before every hearing. ... Be polite and respectful. ... Be punctual.More items...

Why is it bad to represent yourself in court?

When representing yourself in court, there's a risk that you may become defensive, angry and upset when the charges or evidence are presented to the court. Your every word, action and expression will be scrutinised in the courtroom and your response could influence the judge or jury's decision in a negative way.

How do you represent yourself in court?

Here are some basic steps you can take to make sure you are prepared to represent yourself in court:Read about the law that applies to your case. Do research at the local public law library. ... Look at the options that would solve your problem without having to go to court. ... Make sure you follow the court procedures.

What to do if you file a lawsuit without a lawyer?

If you decide to file a lawsuit without a lawyer, do extensive reading and research on your court's self-help website before you prepare your summons and complaint.

How to file a lawsuit?

To file a lawsuit, you have to prepare the opening documents. These are called the summons and the complaint or the petition. The court usually provides fill-in-the-blank forms that you can, and sometimes must, use. In the complaint, you name yourself as the person bringing the suit – the plaintiff – and identify the people or entities you are suing, called the defendants. You also must include facts that give a general description of the circumstances and the types of injuries or damages you suffered. The document called the "summons" tells the defendants how long they have to respond to the complaint by filing their own documents. In some jurisdictions, you complete the summons yourself; in others, the court generates the summons after you file the complaint.

What does it mean to complain about someone?

A complaint must state a " cause of action " against the defendant. This means that you have to do something more than merely complain about someone's actions. The facts you describe must constitute a legal claim over which you can sue.

Can a company represent itself in court?

If you want to file a lawsuit on behalf of your business and not yourself personally, you'll have to get an attorney. Most states don't allow corporate entities to represent themselves in court.

What to do if you lose a civil case?

If you have lost a case in civil court, you can challenge the court's decision through an appeal. Basically, you are asking a higher court to review the case and determine if the judge applied the law correctly. Appeals are complicated, but with work and attention to detail, it can be done without an attorney.

How much does it cost to file a lawsuit in California?

The filing fee in California can be as much as $775.00. If you cannot afford the filing fee, you can ask the court for a waiver. If you already obtained a fee waiver for your fees associated with your case at the trial level, simply include that fee waiver with the notice of appeal and your fees will be waived.

Who files the first brief in a court case?

As the “appellant” or “petitioner,” you are the one bringing the appeal and will therefore file the first brief. The other party, the “respondent,” will file the response brief.

What happens when you appeal a case?

Once you decide to appeal a case and file a Notice of Appeal, you will receive a schedule for the rest of the process. This schedule will include dates for all of the hearings and dates that briefs are due. As the “appellant” or “petitioner,” you are the one bringing the appeal and will therefore file the first brief.

How to serve a notice to the other party?

Serve the notice on the other party. Take one of the copies you made and serve it on the other party, either in person or through the mail. If you are having your notice served in person, you must have someone other than yourself complete the task. You can ask the sheriff or a private server to do so.

How does an appeal take up time?

An appeal also takes up a lot of time. You will be doing lots of legal research, writing a legal brief, and preparing to argue in front of the court. An appeal can also cause stress on you and your loved ones, and can extend the litigation for many years in some cases.

What does an appellate court look for in a case?

Appellate courts can only look at whether the trial court made a legal error and whether that legal error changed the final decision in the case. For example, an appeal might look at whether a trial court judge applied the wrong law to your set of facts.

What to do if you don't accept a counter offer?

Consider the counter-offer, and then decide if you want to accept it or not. If you do, fine. Take the money, and sign a release. If you don't, get ready to file a personal injury lawsuit in court.

Why do the stakes increase when you lose a case?

When losses ("damages" in legalese) are significant, the stakes increase for everyone—for you because you want fair compensation for your injuries, and for the defendant (usually an insurance company) because they don't want to pay a large amount to resolve the case.

Is it clear that the other party was at fault?

Is it clear that the other party was at fault? If it's obvious that the defendant or one of its employees is to blame for your accident—you've got witnesses who will testify on your behalf, for example—you may find it easier to prove fault, and to get a satisfactory settlement on your own.

Can an insurance adjuster settle a personal injury claim?

Most claims are negotiated and settled outside of court. Remember, most adjusters will be more willing to help you (i.e. settle your claim) if you are polite, reasonable, and explain your story. You will need to show clear liability and records of all your injuries before they can settle with you. Learn more about working with an insurance adjuster to settle your personal injury claim.

Can an insurance adjuster negotiate a low settlement?

Remember, the insurance adjuster will probably low-ball you but then you can start to negotiate. It's okay if your demand is on the high side - this will give you room to negotiate later. Learn more about responding to a low personal injury settlement offer.

What is a multiplier in personal injury?

Lawyers and writers have often talked about a "multiplier" in personal injury cases, used by insurance companies to calculate pain and suffering as being worth some multiple of your special damages. But that is only true up to a point.

Can you represent yourself in an accident?

When To Consider Self-Representation. It's certainly possible to represent yourself in a personal injury claim after an accident come away with a satisfactory result. This is especially true if you have experience handling your own legal matters in the past, and you're able and willing to stand up for yourself and your case.

What to do if you don't have a lawyer?

Still, whether it's a divorce or you're being taken to court for something else, if you don't have a lawyer, a logical move would be to call the courthouse and ask who they would suggest going to. You think you're the first person who couldn't afford a lawyer? Hardly.

What happens if you can't afford legal assistance?

In a criminal proceeding, if you can't afford legal assistance, a court will appoint an attorney for you. In a civil case, generally described as a dispute between two private parties, to get legal representation, you have to get creative.

Can you go to small claims court after divorce?

For instance, you can't go to small claims court if you're trying to work out your financial affairs after a divorce. But if the stakes are fairly low where someone owes you money or is trying to collect money from you, and it isn't worth risking lawyer fees, you might consider small claims court.

What time does the Akron Bar Association answer legal questions?

The Akron Bar Association, in Akron, Ohio, is an example of what's out there. You can call the second and fourth Fridays of each month from 9 to 11 a.m., as part of their Ask an Attorney Service, and they'll answer legal questions for free.

What is

You can find more ideas at, a nonprofit aimed at connecting people with low and moderate incomes to free legal aid programs in their communities.

Do low income people get legal aid?

And even if you have a low income, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll receive legal aid. According to a 2017 report by the Legal Services Corporation, a nonprofit established by Congress to ensure equal access to justice for all Americans, 86% of the civil legal problems reported by low-income Americans received inadequate or no legal help in the previous year.

What is legal aid?

Legal aid societies are nonprofit organizations found in almost every corner of the country that provide free legal services to low-income people. While this is certainly worth exploring, the problem for many households is that the individual or couple makes too much money to qualify for help.

How to win a civil lawsuit?

Civil lawsuits are often very complicated and require specialized knowledge to proceed through the legal process and towards a successful conclusion. There are no guarantees that an attorney will be able to win your case.

How to check if a complaint was filed against my attorney?

Local or state legal bar associations. Local and state bar associations often provide referral services to attorneys in your area. Through state bar associations, you can check whether any complaints were filed against your prospective attorney. The American Bar Association has compiled a list of state-by-state resources that can direct you to attorney referral sites, such as contact information for state bar associations. The ABA provides this information at

Why do you have to be calm in front of a jury?

Appear calm in front of the jury because this is the first impression that the jury will have of your case.

When choosing a jury, what should you think about?

When choosing a jury think about the following: You want to strike the juror that opposing counsel wants the most. You want to seem disinterested in the jurors that you want the most so that opposing counsel doesn’t strike them. Be wary of individuals who seem to really want to get on the jury.

What is a trial consultant?

Professional trial consultants provide attorneys with psychological and sociological advice on how best to present your case to a jury. This advice may include the most effective way to present evidence or the best ways to get jurors to relate and sympathize with you.

How to win a case?

Attend all scheduled meetings with your attorney. Your participation is an important part of winning your case. Your attorneys may request that you meet with them to discuss your case, sign medical releases, and prepare for depositions and trial. It is crucial that you attend these meetings so that your case can move forward quickly.

Who to ask about a case?

Ask the attorney who will keep you informed about the case and how best to contact them with questions.

What is the correct legal handling for a dispute between two or more owners of a property?

Where two (or more) owners of a property cannot agree on the disposition of the property, partition is the correct legal handling for such a dispute. Since you cannot force him to continue to own the property, if it is a house that you don't want to lose, you can also make him an offer to purchase his share.

What is a suit for partition?

A suit for partition is where one owner of a parcel sues the other owner to divide the property. If the property is divisible, the court will split propert down the middle. However, with single family homes the courts do not divide the house. The court sells the house on the court house steps.

What to do if you have never been sued?

And if you’ve never been sued, do what you can to prevent such a thing from ever happening. 1. Review for Lawsuit Vulnerability. Review your business and personal practices to identify areas or actions that make it more likely that you will be subject to future legal actions.

What to do after being served in a lawsuit?

3. Collect Information. Once you’ve been served in a lawsuit, do not destroy any information that could be remotely connected to the matter in dispute. The information includes electronic data such as emails, accounting records, files, memos, or notes, as well as their paper counterparts.

What happens after you get served?

Sadly, once you’ve been served, circumstances move beyond your control, dictated by the requirements of the legal system. The most probable outcome is that you will spend money and time defending yourself before being in a courtroom or settling the matter.

Is America the land of lawsuits?

America: The Land of Lawsuits. Americans, in general, are hesitant to restrain citizens from seeking redress through the legal system, even though the result is extended court dockets, excessive costs ($233 billion annually, according to the Association of Trial Lawyers of America), and enormous stress on the participants.

Does being sued have merit?

Of course, being sued doesn’t mean that an issue actually has merit, especially when you consider these frivolous lawsuits filed in 2011:

Is a lawsuit a personal affair?

Lawsuits are generally nasty, often personal affairs. Even if you’re successful in defending the claim against you, you will pay a price financially and emotionally. Hopefully, the incident will just be a minor pothole in the road of your life. Consider yourself a survivor, not a victim.

How long does it take for a lawsuit to be settled?

Lawsuits can take years to come to actual trial or before realistic settlement offers are made. Fortunately, time is generally on the side of the defendant – your side. The plaintiff has to undergo the same discovery process as you do.
