how to divorce without a lawyer when the divorcing couple agree on everything

by Gregory Bosco 7 min read

Full Answer

Can I get my divorce myself without a lawyer?

Yes, it is possible to file your own divorce and complete the process without the aid of an attorney. However before you commence a do-it-yourself (DIY) divorce, consider these tips. You're a Good Candidate If … You're probably a good candidate for a DIY divorce if:

How do you file for divorce without an attorney?

The Divorce Filing Process

  • Fill out the necessary form. ...
  • Make sure to file the petition with the court clerk of your specific county. ...
  • After waiting for about 60 to 90 days, you can go and pick from the county clerk the signed judgment on your divorce. ...
  • When you complete the above steps, you are almost through with filing for your divorce. ...

Is it wise to divorce without an attorney?

Obtaining a divorce can be expensive, time consuming, and emotionally draining. If your divorce is expected to be mutually agreeable, civil, and uncontested, it might be advantageous to go through the divorce process without an attorney (pro se). Doing so can save you money and make the process less adversarial.

How can I get a divorce without an attorney?

Part 1 Part 1 of 4: Deciding if You Should File for Divorce on Your Own Download Article

  1. Discuss divorce with your spouse, if possible. If you both agree on the conditions of your divorce, filing your own divorce papers may be an option.
  2. Decide if a pro se divorce is appropriate for your situation. ...
  3. Determine if any major issues exist. ...
  4. Decide if you want or need help. ...


How do you divide everything in a divorce?

Dividing up property yourselvesList your belongings. Working together, make a list of all of the items that you own jointly. ... Value the property. Try to agree on the value of anything worth more than a specific agreed amount, say $100 or $500. ... Decide on the logical owner. ... Get the judge's approval.

Can my husband divorce me and take everything?

Separate, or nonmarital, property is considered to be anything you owned before you got married. If your marriage was short and lasted less than five years, any property you and your spouse had before you were married will go back to you after your divorce.

How do I divorce my wife and keep everything?

7 Tips to Avoid Giving Up Too Much to Your Wife in Your DivorceTip #1: Identify Your “Separate” Assets. ... Tip #2: Prioritize Your “Marital” Assets. ... Tip #3: Think about Your Wife's Priorities. ... Tip #4: Weigh Your Options. ... Tip #5: Consider the Other Financial Aspects of Your Divorce. ... Tip #6: Put Together a Plan.More items...•

What can wife claim in divorce?

For example, under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, both the husband and wife are legally entitled to claim permanent alimony and maintenance. However, if the couple marries under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, only the wife is entitled to claim permanent alimony and maintenance.

Does a husband have to support his wife during separation?

As for spousal support, common-law couples are entitled to spousal support after having lived together for three years, or if they have a child together, as long as the relationship was of some permanence. Married spouses are presumed to be immediately entitled to spousal support, if one spouse has the need for it.

Does my wife get half of everything?

Nine states (Arizona, California, Louisiana, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin) have what are known as community property laws, which divide marital property equally upon divorce. Marital property is generally defined as all income, property, and debts acquired during the marriage.

How do I get out of a marriage with no money?

How to leave a relationship when you have no money (6 ways)Start a side hustle. Think about what you're good at, and chances are you can turn it into a side hustle. ... Sell items you don't need. ... Set a budget. ... Use coupons and shop sales. ... Trade services with friends or family. ... Ask family for help.

Is my wife entitled to half my savings?

If you live in one of the community property states – Arizona, Wisconsin, California, Washington, Idaho, Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico or Nevada – the law treats all the money you saved as being equally owned by both of you.

How Long Does a Divorce Take and What Are the Steps to Getting One?

The time that the divorce process takes mostly depends on the type of divorce you seek. If you choose to get a contested divorce, the procedure will be longer than when getting an uncontested one . Here’s how they differ:

How long does it take to get divorced?

An uncontested divorce procedure usually takes a few weeks since the spouses don’t have to spend too much time in court. The divorce process requires you to complete various steps mainly revolving around paperwork. Take a look at the following table to see what steps you should take when filing for a divorce: Steps.

Can you get a settlement agreement for an uncontested divorce?

In a contested divorce, doing this properly is required for the court to proceed with the divorce. When it comes to the uncontested divorce, this step is merely a formality. You can obtain a divorce settlement agreement on your own or by hiring a lawyer to help you get one.

Do I Need a Divorce Lawyer if We Agree on Everything?

The answer is both yes and no. By law, you aren’t required to hire a divorce lawyer in either contested or uncontested divorce, but there are certain instances where having professional assistance can be beneficial.

How to get divorce without a lawyer?

Make sure you and your spouse have a discussion about how both of you see the divorce going. If you and your spouse both think the divorce can be completed amicably, consider getting a divorce without a lawyer. However, if you and your spouse are having trouble agreeing on the terms of your divorce, you will need the assistance of an attorney in order to protect your best interests. Have this discussion at the beginning of the divorce process so that you can make the best decision possible.

What to do if you have trouble agreeing to divorce?

However, if you and your spouse are having trouble agreeing on the terms of your divorce, you will need the assistance of an attorney in order to protect your best interests. Have this discussion at the beginning of the divorce process so that you can make the best decision possible. ...

How long do you have to be a resident to file for divorce in South Dakota?

Decide where you need to file for divorce. You will need to file for divorce in the state and county where you meet certain residency requirements. Often, in order to file for divorce, you will need to have been a resident of the state and county where you plan on filing for between six months to one year. Only Alaska, South Dakota, and Washington have no extended residency requirements, which means you can file for a divorce there so long as you are a resident at the time of filing.

How to split property in divorce?

1. Consider how assets are going to be distributed. If you have chosen to file for a divorce on your own, you and your spouse are going to have to agree on how your marital assets are going to be distributed. Depending on what state you live in, there are going to be different rules on how the property will be split.

What to do if you can't agree on alimony?

Discuss the need for any alimony payments with your spouse and agree on an amount, if any, before filing for divorce. If you cannot agree on alimony, consider hiring an attorney so he or she can help you protect your financial assets or get the spousal support you deserve.

How to get divorce papers?

Gather all the required court forms. To start the divorce process, you will first have to obtain all of the required divorce forms. Check with your state's website, or go to your court's office of the clerk, and download or ask for all the documents you will need to complete a divorce.

What is divorce in marriage?

A divorce is the ending of a valid marriage. The rest of this article will focus on this proceeding.

What do you agree to in a divorce?

You are in Complete Agreement With Your Spouse: You and your spouse agree about all details that must be resolved in the divorce , including the division of assets and debts and, when applicable, spousal maintenance, child custody and child support.

What to do if one spouse is concerned about the other spouse's assets?

Concerns About Hidden Assets: If one spouse is concerned that the other spouse may be concealing assets or income, it is best to involve a lawyer who can attempt to investigate the facts.

What happens if one spouse is disabled?

Mental Illness or Disability: If one spouse is impaired by mental illness or disability, whether of a long-term or short-term nature, that spouse may not be capable of negotiating a fair outcome for a divorce case.

Is there a free divorce form?

Unofficial Free Sources: You may be able to find websites that offer free forms for divorce and custody cases. Just be aware that unofficial forms may not be in proper form or may be out-of-date, and thus may complicate your effort to represent yourself.

Is custody more complicated than divorce?

Custody Cases are More Complex: From start to finish, a custody case is more complicated than a divorce in which there are no custody issues.

Can a divorce be completed without a lawyer?

But in other cases, the couple may be able to complete a divorce case without incurring the expense of a lawyer.

Is it a good idea to hire a lawyer for divorce?

Although the idea of saving money while getting a divorce may be appealing, sometimes one or both parties will need the assistance or protection that comes from having legal representation. Examples of cases in which hiring a divorce lawyer is a good idea include:

Why do people leave marriages?

One reason people leave marriages is physical or emotional abuse. Fortunately, the law in every state has mechanisms to protect abuse victims if necessary. If your relationship involves force, physical violence or the threat of either, you can ask the court to issue a protective order at the time you file, or at any time, for that matter. The idea is to protect you from harm. Thankfully, a protective order is needed only in a minority of break-ups, but it is one of the things to think about, even if just to rule it out when you're considering how to get a divorce.

What to do if playback doesn't begin?

If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Can you move out of a house after divorce?

As a rule, once the divorce papers have been filed, one or both parties move out of their shared home. Like most rules, however, this one has its exceptions. Some divorcing couples are on good enough terms to remain in the same home together, although they may no longer share a bedroom or mealtimes. This not only cuts down the burden of an extra rent payment on your still-shared finances, but it is also a good way to preserve your claim to the residence if the court assigns it to one of you. Generally, the party who moves out has forfeited the right to live in the house, if not the equity, and you have to decide if that's the way you're willing to go.

Is legal separation a trial divorce?

Legal separation also works well as a trial divorce, which lets you both get a taste of the process without fully committing to a do-it-yourself divorce. You may also find that annulment is the more appropriate choice.

Can a marriage end with divorce?

Not every difficult marriage needs to end with divorce. Many married couples, especially those who have significant assets or entangled business interests, find it's to their advantage to separate instead of dissolving their union. Legal separation also works well as a trial divorce, which lets you both get a taste of the process without fully committing to a do-it-yourself divorce.

Is it hard to divorce without a lawyer?

Living in a marriage that's gradually running out of steam can be very difficult . Sooner or later, it will occur to one of the spouses that anything, even divorce, would be better than to continue as things are. This is a hard mental hurdle to jump over, especially if you cherish your married identity or have children from the marriage, but once you've crossed the threshold and made the decision, it's time to make some serious choices that will affect how things go. Divorce without a lawyer is most people's goal when they start the process, and with any luck, the immense resource drain of dueling legal teams can be avoided. To decide whether or not a simple divorce is going to work for your family, ask yourself — and then answer as honestly as you can — these seven questions. Click here for more Relationship advice

Why are divorce lawyers called counselors?

While divorce lawyers are not therapists, there is a reason why lawyers are called “counselors.” They can listen to your complaints, help you formulate your goals, and make a legal strategy that will help you achieve your goals in your case. If you are so upset, angry or emotional that you can’t move forward toward your goals productively, they can do it for you. But, when you have no lawyer, there’s no one there to catch you if you mis-step.

How to get an amicable divorce?

To get an amicable divorce, you and your spouse have to agree about how you will deal with each and every issue in your divorce. Then you have to write down all of the terms of your agreement in a form that the court will accept. Then you have to go through the court process, present your documents to the judge, get the judge to approve them, and finalize your divorce.

What happens if you don't give financial information to your spouse?

If someone isn’t willing to provide the financial information you need to understand what’s at stake in your case, you’re divorce is going to be an uphill battle. You can’t divide what you don’t know exists. To find out what exists from a spouse who isn’t willing to come clean with financial information, you need a divorce lawyer.

How does divorce affect your life?

Divorce touches upon every major area of your life. It profoundly affects your finances, your family, your lifestyle, your home, and your psyche. To get through your divorce well, even with a lawyer, requires you to have your head together (at least a little bit). When you don’t have a lawyer AND you’re an emotional wreck, you risk making a wreck of your life.

What do you need to know about your children after divorce?

If you have children, you are going to need a parenting plan and a parenting schedule. You will have to determine who will have legal custody of your children. (In Illinois, instead of “custody” you need to figure out who will make major decisions for your children post-divorce.) You also need to figure out where your children will live, and set some basic post-divorce parenting ground rules.

Can I get divorced without a lawyer?

If you and your spouse agree on everything in your divorce, then maybe you can manage to get divorced without a lawyer. (I say maybe because you still have to consider how complicated everything else is in your case. If you and your spouse are both multi-millionaires, and you own several businesses and multiple homes, you are going to need lawyers even if everything in your divorce is agreed!)

Do you have to figure out if you are entitled to spousal support?

The laws surrounding spousal support/maintenance/alimony are anything but clear. Not only do you have to figure out if you or your spouse will be entitled to receive support, but you also have to determine how much support will be paid, and how long it will last. Each one of those determinations requires you to thoroughly understand the divorce law in your state, and to know how the law will apply to the specific facts of your case.

How to proceed with divorce?

1. Choose the Grounds for Divorce. Every state requires you to provide a reason for the end of the marriage. Every state also offers some kind of no- fault divorce. Either way, you have to prove that you have grounds for the divorce.

What to do if your spouse doesn't respond to divorce?

If your spouse doesn’t respond to the divorce petition at all, you’ll need to get ready for trial. Your lawyer can help you get the proper documentation together so you can successfully get the divorce granted.

Why does my wife fight against divorce?

Your wife might fight against the idea of divorce because she doesn’t think you really mean it. If your conversation has a “Should I divorce my wife?” feel to it, she will think that she can offer a different answer to the question.

Is divorce good for kids?

She may try to convince you to “stay together for the kids,” so have your argument as to why divorce is best for the whole family ready. The more long and argumentative the divorce is, the harder it is for the kids. Your wife may not want a divorce, but if she cooperates with the process, the children will be better for it.

Can a divorce be completed without one person agreeing to it?

The court needs to agree to grant the divorce, not the other person in the marriage. As long as the necessary financial and legal issues get resolved, the divorce can be completed with one person never agreeing to it.

Can a divorce be blocked?

However, the negotiation of these issues does offer a potential block to completing the divorce. You can file your divorce papers with the court, and your wife can argue against as many points in the agreement as she wants to.

Can a counselor help you with divorce?

However, a counselor or family therap ist can actually be helpful for you. They can give you a safe space to ann ounce your divorce plans to your wife, and help her through the process of accepting this fact.

What happens if you settle your divorce case?

Even if you've settled your case, you must file a divorce petition or complaint with the court to formally dissolve the marriage. Usually, whichever spouse files the complaint bases the divorce on no-fault grounds (reasons), such as "irreconcilable differences.".

How long does a divorce linger in court?

That's a luxury you don't have in court, where contested divorces can linger for over a year, and you can spend hours each time you're there, just waiting for a judge to become available. The major drawback of arbitration is that the decision is binding and final.

What are the issues in divorce?

If you and your spouse are on good terms, you can itemize your marital issues, and attempt to reach a meeting of the minds on each one of them. It would be wise to do some advance research to learn about the topics you'll need to discuss, so you don't omit anything. Typically, divorce issues include any or all of the following: 1 property and debt division 2 alimony or spousal support 3 child custody, and 4 child support.

What is collaborative divorce?

Collaborative divorce is another form of ADR. It's similar to mediation in that the goal is to reach a settlement, but it's structured differently.

How does arbitration work in divorce?

In court, you can't pick your judge. Also, you can decide to relax the usual rules of evidence. For example, you might agree to allow the production of a witness's sworn written statement, rather than having the witness appear in person. Additionally, you'll work together to set the dates, times, and duration of your arbitration sessions. That's a luxury you don't have in court, where contested divorces can linger for over a year, and you can spend hours each time you're there, just waiting for a judge to become available.

What is a divorce settlement agreement?

Once you've come to an agreement on all of your divorce-related issues, you should have a divorce lawyer formalize your settlement by preparing a Property Settlement Agreement (also known as a Marital Settlement Agreement). This will normally contain important legal clauses, in addition to the terms you've reached.

How long does it take to appear before a judge?

Ordinarily, you'll appear before a judge for fifteen minutes or so, verifying the basis for the divorce, and answering some questions about the agreement. Again, you can probably find helpful procedural information on the court's website.

How much does a divorce cost?

It's no secret that divorce can be expensive. In fact, according to Narris, the average cost of legal fees in a divorce is an astounding $15,000! One way to cut down on these expenses is to use a mediator.

Why is divorce so stressful?

Some people even see divorce as a way to seek revenge on a spouse by seizing money and assets. Although divorce can bail you out of an unhappy marriage, it can also milk you for all you are worth if you don't know your rights.

How to deceive your spouse?

You can try to deceive your spouse by hiding or concealing assets, but don't forget that you're also messing with the law. According to Narris, if what you're hiding is discovered, you'll lose your credibility in court. There could also be stiff penalties, including monetary sanctions. To protect yourself and your property during a divorce, it's best to declare all assets upfront.

Why do you need receipts after divorce?

Narris recommends keeping receipts so you have a good idea of what everything actually costs. Doing this will help you maintain quality of life after a divorce.

Why is it important to stay alert during divorce?

During a divorce, it's important to stay alert to hidden tax obligations.

What is a DOS in divorce?

Typically, the court uses a formal date of separation (DOS) to determine property division and the value of certain assets. "If you are expecting a large increase in the value of a major asset upon a certain occasion, be mindful of that when you decide to initiate the divorce," said Narris. 23.

Which states have the most lenient divorce laws?

Some States Are Better for Getting a Divorce. According to the government research site InsideGov, the five states with the easiest and most lenient divorce laws are Alaska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa and Washington.
