how to declare bankruptcy when you can't afford a lawyer

by Arturo Reynolds 9 min read

If you can't afford to pay a bankruptcy attorney right away, you might consider: asking friends and family getting help from a legal aid society or other free legal clinics in your area finding an attorney who will take your case pro bono (free of charge), or filing your case without an attorney.

Full Answer

What if I Can’t afford a bankruptcy attorney?

If you can't afford to pay a bankruptcy attorney right away, you might consider: asking friends and family. getting help from a legal aid society or other free legal clinics in your area. finding an attorney who will take your case pro bono (free of charge), or. filing your case without an attorney.

How do I find a free bankruptcy lawyer?

Even if you can't afford a bankruptcy lawyer, consider talking to an attorney. Many attorneys provide free consultations. You could learn about hidden dangers your case might present. Negotiate Reduced Attorneys' Fees. If you can't afford the quoted fees, you can try offering the attorney the amount you can pay.

Do I need a lawyer for a chapter 13 bankruptcy?

 · While hiring a bankruptcy can alleviate many stresses in the process, there are some others ways to file bankruptcy when you can’t afford an attorney. Call for a Free Consultation 708.425.9530 Home

Do I need a bankruptcy lawyer for a complex case?

Apply for Chapter 7 Filing Fee Payment Plan. If you can’t afford a bankruptcy attorney near you or a Chapter 7 filing fee in full, you can apply for a Chapter 7 filing fee installment payment plan (Form 103B). You must have a steady income source to qualify. The application process requires disclosing income, expenses, and family size ...


Do you get out of all debts if you declare bankruptcy?

While the goal of both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy is to put your debts behind you so that you can move on with your life, not all debts are eligible for discharge.

What debts are not discharged in bankruptcy?

Examples of other non-dischargeable debts in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case include:401k loans.Other government debt such as fines and penalties.Restitution for criminal acts.Debt arising from fraud or false pretenses.Debts you intentionally did not include in your bankruptcy forms.Damages related to a DUI accident.

What is the downside of filing for bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy can negatively impact your immediate financial future. Obtaining credit after filing for bankruptcy could mean increased interest rates. Obtaining credit after filing for bankruptcy might require security deposits.

What gets forgiven in bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge Wipes Out Most Debts Forever credit card debt. medical bills. personal loans and other unsecured debt. unpaid utilities.

How do I file Chapter 7 with no money?

Eligible filers are able to file Chapter 7 for free. If your household income is less than 150% of the federal poverty level, you can ask the bankruptcy judge to waive your court fees with a simple application submitted along with your bankruptcy petition.

What happens if someone owes you money and they file bankruptcy?

If the person who owes you money filed Chapter 11 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, he or she will have to abide by the payment plan. Debts such as secured claims will be paid first. Unsecured claims rank low in the hierarchy, so if your debt is unsecured, you might be waiting for a while.

How do you knock out debt?

How to Pay Off Debt FasterPay more than the minimum. ... Pay more than once a month. ... Pay off your most expensive loan first. ... Consider the snowball method of paying off debt. ... Keep track of bills and pay them in less time. ... Shorten the length of your loan. ... Consolidate multiple debts.

What happens if I declare bankruptcy?

If you're struggling financially, bankruptcy gives you the opportunity to pay down a portion of your debts over time or have some of them eliminated entirely. Either way, declaring bankruptcy grants what's called an automatic stay, which is essentially a block on your debt to keep creditors from trying to collect.

Does Chapter 7 wipe out all debt?

Unsecured debts wiped out by Chapter 7 bankruptcy include credit card debt, medical bills, and gasoline card debt. However, you can't wipe out all unsecured debt.

What are 5 types of debt that are not dischargeable in bankruptcy?

Nondischargeable debt is a type of debt that cannot be eliminated through a bankruptcy proceeding. Such debts include, but are not limited to, student loans; most federal, state, and local taxes; money borrowed on a credit card to pay those taxes; and child support and alimony.

When should someone file for bankruptcy?

You should consider bankruptcy only after you have considered every debt management option including a consumer proposal. You should contact a Local Bankruptcy Trustee who can advise you about the potential affects of filing bankruptcy as well as explain all of your debt relief options.

Paying A Bankruptcy Attorney Instead of Certain Creditors

When you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the court—and your creditors—assume that you’ll stop making payments on bills that will get discharged (wip...

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Retaining A Lawyer to Field Creditor Calls While Making Payments

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Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Without An Attorney

You aren’t required to have an attorney when filing for bankruptcy relief. Whether you should, however, will depend on how complicated your case is...

Free Clinics, Legal Aid, and Pro Bono Attorneys

Resources are available to debtors who can’t afford a bankruptcy attorney, but they vary depending on where you live. Some bankruptcy courts have f...

Filing For Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows debtors to pay all or a portion of their attorneys’ fees through their repayment plan. If you can’t afford...

How to file for bankruptcy?

A knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney can provide you with legal advice, prepare your bankruptcy paperwork, and guide you through the bankruptcy process. But these services come at a cost. If you can't afford to pay the fees, you might be able to: 1 represent yourself as a "pro se" debtor 2 negotiate reduced attorneys' fees 3 pay your fees through your Chapter 13 repayment plan 4 seek help from a free legal clinic or legal aid society, or 5 find a pro bono attorney who will take your case free of charge.

What can a bankruptcy attorney do?

A knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney can provide you with legal advice, prepare your bankruptcy paperwork, and guide you through the bankruptcy process. But these services come at a cost. If you can't afford to pay the fees, you might be able to: represent yourself as a "pro se" debtor. negotiate reduced attorneys' fees.

What Does a Bankruptcy Attorney Do?

Attorneys who specialize in bankruptcy cases provide sound legal advice throughout the process and inform clients about specific risks. Those filing for bankruptcy should know what to expect from a bankruptcy lawyer and determine if they can handle these tasks on their own.

Consult a Trusted Bankruptcy Attorney

Filing a bankruptcy case without a lawyer requires heavy research into the law, attending hearings and filling out detailed paperwork. For many debtors, the process is time-consuming and too intimidating to handle independently. Instead, consult a bankruptcy lawyer from Berry K. Tucker & Associates, Ltd.

Get a Free Consultation

To schedule a free consultation with our bankruptcy attorneys in the Oak Lawn, IL area, please give us a call at (708) 425-9530.

Negotiate Reduced Fees

Try negotiating if you can’t afford the amount your attorney has quoted. Make a proposal based on what you can afford to pay and are willing to offer. If your lawyer understands your financial situation and/or your income is low, they may agree to accept your case. Otherwise, consult with other local attorneys that charge a more affordable fee.

Chapter 13 Repayment Plan

Your Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney can agree to an option that allows you to pay your attorney’s fees through the plan. While you’ll need to pay a filing fee and other costs, you can pay out attorney’s fees and your creditors will cover the costs up front.

Apply for Chapter 7 Filing Fee Payment Plan

If you can’t afford a bankruptcy attorney near you or a Chapter 7 filing fee in full, you can apply for a Chapter 7 filing fee installment payment plan (Form 103B). You must have a steady income source to qualify.

Contact a Legal Aid Society

There are legal aid societies in the U.S. that offer low-income individuals with free legal services. One in your area can help if you can’t find an affordable bankruptcy attorney.

Seek a Pro Bono Attorney

Some legal professionals will take on a case pro bono, or free of charge/at a reduced rate. You can find pro bono attorneys through your state bar or a local bar association, by referral from other lawyers, and on the internet. The American Bankruptcy Institute also provides resources to locate pro bono attorneys by state and city.

Contact OakTree Law

If you’re looking for a bankruptcy attorney in Los Angeles or Orange County, OakTree Law can help find the right solution for you based on your financial situation, starting with a thorough evaluation. We specialize in Chapter 7, Chapter 13, and Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

What to do if you can't afford bankruptcy?

If you can't afford a Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer, consider whether one of the following might work for you: stop making payments on debts that will get wiped out in bankruptcy and pay your attorney instead. borrow the fees from a friend, family member, or even your employer. retain a bankruptcy lawyer who will handle creditor calls ...

Do you need an attorney to file for bankruptcy?

You aren't required to have an attorney when filing for bankruptcy relief. Whether you should, however, will depend on how complicated your case is and how comfortable you are researching the law and filing on your own. In general, people who have a simple case will be better able to complete a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

How to avoid bankruptcy?

borrow the fees from a friend, family member, or even your employer. retain a bankruptcy lawyer who will handle creditor calls while you pay fees over time. file on your own.

Can you stop creditors from collecting on your bankruptcy?

The automatic stay order that stops creditors from collecting doesn't go into effect until you file the bankruptcy case. However, once you hire an attorney, you can cut down on annoying calls by instructing creditors to call your lawyer instead of you.

Do you have to file bankruptcy in Chapter 7?

All Chapter 7 cases require you to fill out extensive bankruptcy forms, research exemption laws (to protect property) and follow all local court rules and procedures. If you aren't comfortable doing the work—and assuming the risk—consult with a bankruptcy lawyer.

Can you file bankruptcy on your own?

If you decide to file bankruptcy on your own, and you have little or no income or property, consider Chapter 7. Based on this type of financial situation, this is the only form of bankruptcy that may be successful without an attorney.

What is the second most common bankruptcy?

The second most common form of bankruptcy is Chapter 13. It consolidates outstanding debt to create a repayment plan that works for individuals with a steady source of income. Payments are automatically taken from earned wages. You may be able to include the lawyer fees in this repayment plan.

What is a pro se?

Pro Se is the term used when representing yourself in a court proceeding. The Pro Se Clerk’s office can answer specific bankruptcy questions about the process and filing requirements in the state of Ohio.

How Hard Is It To File for Bankruptcy on Your Own?

You will at least need an understanding of the legal issues before filing the bankruptcy petition. How hard a case will be will also depend on other factors including :

Can You File if You Have No Money?

In general, you need to at least pay a filing fee and the credit counseling and financial management course fees to finalize your bankruptcy petition.

Chapter 13 Bankruptcies and Other Situations

While in some cases you can file bankruptcy without a lawyer, there are exceptions, depending on the type of bankruptcy. Some examples include:

Legal Advice From an Experienced Attorney May Help

Although filing bankruptcy without an attorney may be possible, it may not always be the best route for you. If you need legal help with your bankruptcy case, speak to a bankruptcy attorney near you.

Is bankruptcy good for unsecured debt?

Bankruptcy is most helpful to people with unsecured debt, like credit cards and medical bills, because these kind of debts are dischargeable. You can potentially walk away from them completely. Secured debts are those which are tied to a specific item as collateral.

Is Chapter 13 bankruptcy good?

A Chapter 13 case may be more beneficial to you if you have secured debt. There are also debts which are non-dischargeable in a bankruptcy case. Non-dischargeable debts include things like child support, alimony, most tax debt, etc. If the bulk of your debts are non-dischargeable a Chapter 7 bankruptcy may not offer the relief you are seeking.

What are non-dischargeable debts?

There are also debts which are non-dischargeable in a bankruptcy case. Non-dischargeable debts include things like child support, alimony, most tax debt, etc. If the bulk of your debts are non-dischargeable a Chapter 7 bankruptcy may not offer the relief you are seeking.

How long does a Chapter 7 bankruptcy last?

A Chapter 7 is what you think of as a traditional bankruptcy, where you walk away from your debt and get a fresh start. A Chapter 7 case lasts for a significantly shorter amount of time than a Chapter 13 case. A Chapter 13 can be much more complicated. A Chapter 13 involves a repayment plan that will run for three to five years.

How to determine if you qualify for Chapter 7?

First you will need to determine if you are eligible to file a Chapter 7 by passing the means test. If you are below a certain threshold for your state you will qualify, otherwise you need to complete both parts of the means test calculation to determine your disposable income.

What is the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13?

A Chapter 7 is what you think of as a traditional bankruptcy, where you walk away from your debt and get a fresh start. A Chapter 7 case lasts for a significantly shorter amount of time than a Chapter 13 case. A Chapter 13 can be much more complicated.

How can I get a car loan after filing bankruptcy?

One of the worst myths out there about bankruptcy is the assumption there’s no way you can get a car loan if you need one after filing bankruptcy. People end up paying what little cash they can scrape together for a horrible car that ends up being more trouble than it’s worth.

Will I lose everything if I file for bankruptcy?

Most people understand very little about bankruptcy, which is why some resist filing bankruptcy even when it would be the best thing for them to do. One of the biggest myths out there is that people just assume filing bankruptcy means they’re going to lose everything. Not true!

Will filing bankruptcy ruin my credit forever?

People filing for bankruptcy often ask this question: Will bankruptcy ruin my credit forever? The short answer is no, but it is a little more complicated than that. Here’s what you need to know.
