how to conduct a client interview lawyer

by Noemy Rutherford 7 min read

Conducting the lawyer-client interview

  1. Make the client feel comfortable. You may deal with the law every day, but pursuing a legal issue can be stressful, draining, and even scary for potential clients.
  2. Observe non-verbal communication. When asking your lawyer-client interview questions, is the client fidgeting, or do they look like they have something to add?
  3. Listen, listen, listen during your initial consultation. The best thing you can do when asking your lawyer-client interview questions during your initial consultation is just listen.
  4. Integrate with your practice management software. Keep in mind that the client interview is part of the client intake process. ...
  5. Track potential clients by their stage in the client intake process. ...
  6. Ask about their preferred mode of communication. If you’re committed to delivering an exceptional client experience, it’s important to make an effort to communicate with your clients the way ...
  7. Manage client expectations. Don’t over-promise just to win the client’s business. ...
  8. Communicate clearly. Clear communication goes hand-in-hand with effectively managing client expectations, so be sure to be open and honest when communicating with your client.

Full Answer

What should a client ask a lawyer during an interview?

Conducting a lawyer-client interview (1) Please sign up for the course before starting the lesson. The purpose of lawyer-client interviews is to get and give information and to decide on the best course of action for your client.

What is a lawyer-client interview?

 · For a first interview, I would suggest a structure along the following lines: 1. Introduce yourself and explain a little about what will happen during the interview: ‘I am going to ask you a few questions about the situation to ... 2. Ask the general questions – name, address, contact details. You ...

How do you communicate with a client in an interview?

IV. Conducting the Interview: As you conduct the interview with the client, the following tips may be useful: A. Listen to the client: One of the most important things that the lawyer must do in all of their communications with clients is to be an active listener. In the initial client

What is the purpose of a client interview?

 · For an Effective Client Interview, Begin On the Same Page. Start the interview with a brief meet and greet, as well as a clear statement of why you are there and what you hope to accomplish. A suggestion might be: “Thanks for coming in today.


Why is it important to interview a client?

Interviewing a client is the first step in judging whether a good attorney-client relationship is likely. It reveals whether the parties have the same expectations for representation and whether they are capable of sharing open, honest communications.

How to resolve a legal issue?

Determine if you can adequately resolve the person's legal issue. Decide through observation and questioning whether the two of you would work well together. Jointly decide if your expectations about results, fees, time and commitment are the same.

Should a client give a lawyer all the facts?

The client should give the lawyer all the facts about his legal matter during the interview. As the lawyer, you should determine whether your expertise can be useful based on those facts, and directly disclose your analysis of the circumstances.

How to help clients during an interview?

Client interviews can be stressful for clients, but you can document everything to help ease their minds. Offer the client a summary of the information you’ve gathered before concluding the interview. Ask if she has other questions or anything more she would like to add. If she has no final comments or questions, explain what your next steps will be. Give a time frame in which the client can expect to hear back from you, and then use your follow-up system to stay in touch.

What to ask a client in an interview?

Mercer University suggests asking the client open-ended questions that provide basic information you will need to assist her. Look at the problem from the client’s perspective and show her that you empathize with her situation.

Why is it important to have a client interview?

According to Clio, the importance of client interview processes lies in their ability to set the stage for all future interactions with your clients or potential clients. It is vital to review any information about the client that you may already have available. Learning more about the client beforehand will help you develop an idea of what specifics you need to get when you meet. You may be able to communicate better with the person as well. Have ready any paperwork the client needs to complete.

How to show a client that you understand what she is saying?

One way to show a client that you understand what she is saying is to rephrase a statement and repeat it back. As you get to know more about the client and her situation, follow up with additional questions that will provide you with more details.

How to get better results in a client interview?

Building a rapport from the start can get you better results. Begin by introducing yourself and shaking hands, then engage in a bit of small talk. Use this opportunity to get to know your client and let her know that she can trust you.

How to tell if a client is really thinking?

Watch the client’s body language. Pay particular attention to body posture and facial expressions. Body language can be a clue that a client may not be telling you all that he is really thinking. Look for signs that he may be more upset by a situation than he lets on.

How to build a rapport with a client?

Building a rapport from the start can get you better results. Begin by introducing yourself and shaking hands. Engage in a bit of small talk. Use this opportunity to get to know your client and let her know that she can trust you.

How to interview a client?

In an interview with a client, it is important to use the skill of empathic listening. Remember that empathy is not compassion (!), but the ability to feel the emotional state of another person. Avoid mentioning previous experience (“yes, I know, I’ve already had such case”), applying templates, stereotypes towards the client, differentiate your own interests (victory and “destruction” of the opponent) and the interests of the client.

What is the interview in a lawyer?

The interview – this is what the lawyer encounters at the initial stage of working with the client. First the lawyer should receive information about the circumstances of the case and what is happening or has already taken place, as well as to find out the interest of the client. Only if these goals are achieved can we talk about creating a solid foundation for further work with the client. Mistakes made during an interview, such as receiving inaccurate or incomplete information, deficiencies in determining the client’s interest, in the best case will lead to another interview, in the worst case, to poor-quality legal assistance.

How to lead a conversation with a lawyer?

The lawyer must be able to lead the conversation so that the client could reveal the most important information. To do this, respond to important facts and ignore those that are not relevant to the case; tactfully interrupt the story to find out the essential moments and record important information.

Why is it important to emphasize that lawyers, along with experts, learned ethical aspects of client relations?

It is important to emphasize that lawyers, along with experts, learned ethical aspects of client relations. They clarified the responsibilities of the client and the role of lawyer in providing access to justice. Also, a great amount of time was devoted to working with emotional intelligence and stress management.

Why is it important to apply key statements in an interview?

First, it will help convince the client that his lawyer listens to him attentively.

What is client interview?

A client interview is the first step in providing quality legal services. This is the foundation of the lawyer’s work with the client, on which all communication is based. However, it is not always possible to build fruitful relations with people who turn for legal assistance.

What to do if there is an opportunity to talk to client prior to meeting?

If there is an opportunity to talk to client prior to the meeting, do not hesitate to do so. This how you will find out the key problem and be able to take some initial preparations in advance, namely: to check the legislation, relevant court practice, to determine the list of issues that needs to be addressed.

Why do you conduct an interview with a client?

You are expected to conduct an interview with a ‘client’ in order to obtain and convey the information required without stepping outside of what you know or can do. The information you obtain should be enough for you to take the next steps without going back to the client for more.

What should a client know when he leaves the interview room?

This is a biggie – the client should know when he leaves the interview room what you are going to do, what he needs to do and how long the next step will take. It is very important you are clear who is going to contact who next and you must be certain about anything the client needs to do before you next contact them.

What to do if client claims he has permission?

If the ‘client’ claims he has permission, explain you will need to check with your supervisor first and that you are under a duty of confidentiality. You may be able to safely provide generic advice about process, e.g. what happens in probate, but don’t give anything specific. Managing client expectations.

Why do you have to open questions in an interview?

Open questions are good to get the client talking and to get the conversation flowing whereas closed questions get the details out. A good interview technique is to start with open questions and slowly narrow down to closed until you have the information you need.

What is client interview assessment?

The client interview assessment is all about your face-to-face customer service skills under the watchful gaze of the professional conduct rules. You are expected to conduct an interview with a ‘client’ in order to obtain and convey the information required without stepping outside of what you know or can do. The information you obtain should be enough for you to take the next steps without going back to the client for more. What you tell the client should cover off your professional conduct and give a little advice regarding their situation.

How to explain the interview process?

1. Introduce yourself and explain a little about what will happen during the interview: ‘I am going to ask you a few questions about the situation to get some information about the background. I may take some notes while you talk, please don’t worry.’ Explain the stages of the interview. This puts the client at ease and helps you take control. You could even offer the client a cup of tea or a drink.

What to do when you come across a conflict?

If you come across a situation where a conflict might arise, you should close the interview down and explain you need to carry out a conflict check before going any further. If they ask why, explain that you may already act for the other party and will be under a duty to them.

An effective client interview requires gentle control and clarity of process. Here are tips to help organize your thoughts and maintain direction

The key to an effective client interview is gentle control, clarity of process, and general transparency about what comes next. Here are a few tips to help you organize your thoughts and maintain direction during a client interview.

Effective Client Interviews

Many of us in law school didn’t take classes on conducting an effective client interview and/or counseling meeting. This meant that somehow we had to learn on our own, and the most direct route for that was to learn by doing, for better or worse.

How to conduct an initial interview with a client?

Following are some guidelines for conducting the initial interview with the client or witness: 1. Explain that the purpose of your interview is to record information and facts. 2. Let the client or witness tell you the facts in her own words. 3.

What is the purpose of a client interview?

The purpose of the intake interview is to identify the client’s problem and gather sufficient information to enable the attorney to seek a solution on behalf of the client. The follow-up interview is intended to make sure certain things have been done or to decide another way or a further way to proceed in the matter.

What happens if a client or witness is inclined to reveal personal matters to you?

If the client or witness is inclined to reveal personal matters to you, then she will spend less time with your attorney, and you will succeed in saving her legal fees and in saving your attorney valuable time. In addition, you will be instrumental in your attorney having a satisfied client or witness.

What does an attorney tell a client about a paralegal?

He tells the client that you are a paralegal (or legal assistant), explains what you do, and states that you will be working closely with the client and with himself ( the attorney).

How to prevent interruptions in an interview?

Interruptions should be prevented by instructing that your calls be held. Picking up the phone will diminish the importance of the interview in the client’s eyes. Close the door, and give the client your full attention. Discuss with your attorney whether you should tape record an interview.

What is a follow up interview?

The follow-up interview is intended to make sure certain things have been done or to decide another way or a further way to proceed in the matter. Legal interviewing is a learned skill. You must make the client feel comfortable enough to reveal very personal information to a stranger-you.

What is the responsibility of a paralegal?

Along with the attorney, the paralegal has a responsibility to protect the legal welfare of the client: A paralegal shall maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct.
