how to cancel subscription for rocket lawyer

by Vincenza Schumm 5 min read

To cancel your Rocket Lawyer premium plan:

  • Log into your Rocket Lawyer account.
  • Navigate to the main dashboard.
  • Go to your profile in the top right corner.
  • Select 'Account Settings' from the dropdown list.
  • Scroll down to the 'Current Plan' section.
  • Click on 'Cancel' next to your subscription to downgrade your account.

To cancel your Rocket Lawyer premium plan:
  1. Log into your Rocket Lawyer account.
  2. Navigate to the main dashboard.
  3. Go to your profile in the top right corner.
  4. Select 'Account Settings' from the dropdown list.
  5. Scroll down to the 'Current Plan' section.
  6. Click on 'Cancel' next to your subscription to downgrade your account.

Full Answer

How do I cancel Rocket Lawyer?

Click your name or the icon in the upper right-hand corner, and then click "Account Settings". On the following page, locate the "Downgrade" or "Change plan" button. You will then be offered to switch to our promotional Loyalty Plan. With this plan you can still create personal documents to protect your family.

Can I pause my Rocket Lawyer subscription?

Making a Membership Cancellation Letter online is simple. Just answer a few questions, and Rocket Lawyer will build your document for you. Consider these questions beforehand to make the process speedier: What is the name and address of the organization who will receive this letter? What is the reason for your cancellation?

Can I try Rocket Lawyer for free?

Cancel / Downgrade. Cancel membership . You may cancel your Rocket Lawyer membership at any time. The documents that you have created and the answers to your legal questions will be saved and Read more... I don't want to be charged when the trial ends.

How do I cancel a membership or subscription?

Click on menu, then go to "Subscriptions". Choose the Rocket Lawyer subscription you wish to cancel and tap on the "Cancel Subscription" option. Finish up as directed. Once your Rocket Lawyer subscription has been removed from Google Play, your future subscriptions will be cancelled and won't be renewed anymore.


How to cancel your Rocket Lawyer subscription

Use this contact form to get in touch with the company and ask for a cancelation.

Let DoNotPay help you cancel your Rocket Lawyer subscription

The best way to cancel Rocket Lawyer is to delegate the task to us! Take these simple steps:

Does Rocket Lawyer offer a free trial?

Yes, you can try Rocket Lawyer for free for 7 days if you sign up for a premium membership. Unless you cancel, your credit card will be automatically billed for the membership and result in a monthly subscription fee.

Does Rocket Lawyer prorate their cancelations?

Rocket Lawyer explains that when you cancel your subscription, the documents that you have created and the answers to your legal questions will be saved and still available for you when you log into your account.

Are things getting messy with Rocket Lawyer? Ask DoNotPay to help

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