how to avoid paying a bad lawyer for lousy services

by Prof. Norwood Gerhold Sr. 9 min read

One way to avoid this type of bad lawyer is to ask explicitly about your lawyer’s preferred means of communication. While some attorneys prefer to speak with clients over the phone, others may prefer texts or emails. Regardless of their preferred method (and yours), communication with your lawyer should never be a significant challenge.

Full Answer

What happens if you don't pay your lawyer?

The agency is most likely to take action if your lawyer has failed to pay you money that you won in a settlement or lawsuit, made some egregious error such as failing to show up in court, didn't do legal work you paid for, committed a crime, or has a drug or alcohol abuse problem.

Should I dump my bad lawyer?

But dumping a bad lawyer can be expensive. If you hire a new lawyer, you'll have to pay him or her to get up to speed on your case. If the first lawyer hasn't done much, this shouldn't cost a lot.

What to do if your lawyer is not working on You?

1 Communicate. If your lawyer doesn't seem to be working on your case, talk to your lawyer and explain your concerns. 2 Get your file. If you can't find out what has (and has not) been done, you need to get hold of your file. ... 3 Research. ... 4 Get a second opinion. ... 5 Fire your lawyer. ... 6 Sue for malpractice. ...

How can you tell if a lawyer is a bad lawyer?

Although some lawyers may have bad habits such as lack of communication, one of the biggest signs of a lawyer is if they practice unethically or even illegally. As important as it is to win your case, your lawyer should never do so by breaking the law or lying and he is a bad lawyer.

How do you deal with a nasty lawyer?

Here are eight approaches to better handle the difficult lawyer.Point out Common Ground. ... Don't be Afraid to Ask Why. ... Separate the Person from the Problem. ... Focus on your Interests. ... Don't Fall for your Assumptions. ... Take a Calculated Approach. ... Control the Conversation by Reframing. ... Pick up the Phone.

What should you not say to a lawyer?

Five things not to say to a lawyer (if you want them to take you..."The Judge is biased against me" Is it possible that the Judge is "biased" against you? ... "Everyone is out to get me" ... "It's the principle that counts" ... "I don't have the money to pay you" ... Waiting until after the fact.

What is it called when your lawyer is working against you?

Legal malpractice is a type of negligence in which a lawyer does harm to his or her client. Typically, this concerns lawyers acting in their own interests, lawyers breaching their contract with the client, and, one of the most common cases of legal malpractice, is when lawyers fail to act on time for clients.

What are the four responsibilities of lawyers?

It describes the sources and broad definitions of lawyers' four responsibilities: duties to clients and stakeholders; duties to the legal system; duties to one's own institution; and duties to the broader society.

What is the most common complaint against lawyers?

Perhaps the most common kinds of complaints against lawyers involve delay or neglect. This doesn't mean that occasionally you've had to wait for a phone call to be returned. It means there has been a pattern of the lawyer's failing to respond or to take action over a period of months.

How do you know a bad lawyer?

Signs of a Bad LawyerBad Communicators. Communication is normal to have questions about your case. ... Not Upfront and Honest About Billing. Your attorney needs to make money, and billing for their services is how they earn a living. ... Not Confident. ... Unprofessional. ... Not Empathetic or Compassionate to Your Needs. ... Disrespectful.

Why do lawyers ignore you?

If your attorney is not experienced or efficient, they may have missed a deadline or made another mistake and aren't willing to confess their error. There could also be some bad news that is entirely outside of the attorney's control.

Can I sue a lawyer for lying?

No matter what name the agency in your state goes by, they will have a process you can use to file a complaint against your attorney for lying or being incompetent. Examples of these types of behavior include: Misusing your money. Failing to show up at a court hearing.

How do you tell a lawyer you no longer need their services?

Always terminate the relationship in writing. Even if you fire your attorney in a verbal exchange, you should follow up by sending a written termination letter. Be sure to send the letter by “certified mail with return receipt requested” so there's proof your lawyer received the letter.

What is a lawyers obligation to their client?

These principles include the lawyer's obligation zealously to protect and pursue a client's legitimate interests, within the bounds of the law, while maintaining a professional, courteous and civil attitude toward all persons involved in the legal system.

What is a professional negligence called?

In the law of torts, malpractice, also known as professional negligence, is an "instance of negligence or incompetence on the part of a professional".

Can a lawyer mislead their opponent?

It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to knowingly mislead the court. Under the Legal Profession Uniform Law (NSW), the Legal Services Commissioner is unable to reach conclusions about the truth or otherwise of evidence presented in court by your opponent's lawyer.

What happens if you hire a lawyer and you overcharge?

If you lawyer is overbilling you, they could be inflating a task time, also know as “padding time”.

What to do if you can't reach your lawyer?

If you can’t reach your lawyer you should be able to reach the office or another staff member who can set up an appointment with you or a good time to reach them . Keep in mind that missed phone calls happen to the best of us, but your lawyer should never ignore you.

How do you know if a lawyer is unethical?

Unethical/Illegal Behavior. Although some lawyers may have bad habits such as lack of communication, one of the biggest signs of a lawyer is if they practice unethically or even illegally. As important as it is to win your case, your lawyer should never do so by breaking the law or lying and he is a bad lawyer.

What to do if your lawyer isn't communicating?

If your lawyer isn’t communicating, you might consider switching to a new attorney. To avoid this in the future, ask your lawyer how the best way to reach them is during the consultation. This way you’ll know if they prefer email over phone calls and you can avoid any miscommunication. 2. Lack of Enthusiasm.

What is the biggest part of being a lawyer?

One of the biggest parts about being a lawyer is convincing the jury to go in your favor. If your attorney isn’t enthusiastic about your case or seems unsure, that should raise some red flags.

Is it bad to have no compassion or empathy?

Whether it’s a divorce case or a personal injury case, showing no compassion or empathy is a definite sign of a bad lawyer.

Do lawyers start at the bottom?

Like any job, some lawyers start out on the bottom and need to work their way to the top. Despite what online reviews say, if you notice a lack of respect for your lawyer in the courtroom or by other peers, it’s a red flag. Your lawyer needs to be respected and taken seriously, especially if your case goes to trial.

What Are You Mean By A Bad Lawyer?

In legal terms, a “bad lawyer” is an attorney who has been disciplined for violations of the ethical rules governing the practice of law. Breaking these rules can include a range of offenses, from unethical or incompetent behavior to breaking the law or being convicted by a court.

How to Avoid Becoming a Bad Lawyer?

A lawyer could become a bad lawyer for various reasons, like compulsive gambling or compulsive drinking. The key is to stay away from both compulsive gambling and compulsive drinking. The easiest way to avoid becoming a ‘bad’ lawyer is to become a good one. It’s not something taught in college, so what can you do to obtain the knowledge?

How to Identified Bad Lawyers

Defining what a “bad lawyer” is a difficult task. As a legal professional, it’s hard to determine who is or isn’t qualified to represent you in court, but it can be easy to identify those who are not good at their job. You must know what you’re signing up for when hiring an attorney and read as many reviews as possible before making your decision.

What Bad Lawyers Do Wrong?

Bad lawyers usually lack the necessary skills and knowledge to do their job well. They typically fail to consider all relevant facts, and they often inappropriately try to obfuscate the truth.

How Does It Feel To Be The Result Of A Terrible Lawyer?

Being a victim of a bad lawyer is more than just having a bad experience. It’s a life-changing event. It’s the type of experience that can make you lose your faith in humanity. You realize that people out there will stop at nothing to get what they want.

How to Spot a Bad Lawyer?

A bad lawyer is typically characterized by their indifference to the client’s plight, an inability to empathize with the client, a lack of knowledge about the case. A bad lawyer may be financially constrained and, as such, will not have any resources to put into the matter.

How Can Bad Lawyers Ruin Your Life?

Bad Lawyers can destroy your future. When you sign a contract, the lawyer’s job is to explain the terms of the agreement to you to make an informed decision about whether to sign it.

What to do if you lost money because of a lawyer?

If you lost money because of the way your lawyer handled your case, consider suing for malpractice. Know, however, that it is not an easy task. You must prove two things:

What to do if your lawyer doesn't work?

If that doesn't work, as a last resort you may need to sue your lawyer in small claims court, asking the court for money to compensate you for what you've spent on redoing work in the file or trying to get the file.

What is the agency responsible for licensing and disciplining lawyers?

Every state has an agency responsible for licensing and disciplining lawyers. In most states, it's the bar association; in others, the state supreme court. The agency is most likely to take action if your lawyer has failed to pay you money that you won in a settlement or lawsuit, made some egregious error such as failing to show up in court, didn't do legal work you paid for, committed a crime, or has a drug or alcohol abuse problem.

What is the defense of a lawyer who is sued for malpractice?

A common defense raised by attorneys sued for malpractice is that the client waited too long to sue. And because this area of the law can be surprisingly complicated and confusing, there's often plenty of room for argument. Legal malpractice cases are expensive to pursue, so do some investigating before you dive in.

What to do if your lawyer is unresponsive?

If the lawyer is unresponsive and the matter involves a lawsuit, go to the courthouse and look at your case file, which contains all the papers that have actually been filed with the court. If you've hired a new lawyer, ask her for help in getting your file. Also, ask your state bar association for assistance.

What to do if you can't find out what has been done?

If you can't find out what has (and has not) been done, you need to get hold of your file. You can read it in your lawyer's office or ask your lawyer to send you copies of everything -- all correspondence and everything filed with the court or recorded with a government agency.

What happens if a lawyer doesn't return phone calls?

A lawyer who doesn't return phone calls or communicate with you for an extended period of time may be guilty of abandoning you -- a violation of attorneys' ethical obligations. But that's for a bar association to determine (if you register a complaint), and it won't do you much good in the short term.

After a few of these experiences, I decided to figure out exactly what triggers that uneasy gut feeling

It’s not just intuition. Lousy clients are lousy potential clients, too. Here are some red flags:

What to do?

The more experience I get in my profession, the more I realize that bad potential clients will show up no matter what I do. For me, it’s not about never attracting a client who attempts to cross my boundaries. It’s about knowing exactly what those boundaries are for me and my employees, and standing firm.

How to tell if a lawyer is good?

As you’ve been reading this, perhaps you’re wondering, “I can tell my lawyer sucks, but how can I spot the signs of a good lawyer?” Here are five signs you’re dealing with a lawyer you can trust: 1 Responsive to your needs: a lawyer that is available for your questions, and proactively updates you on case developments 2 Transparent in decisions: a lawyer that readily provides both the detail and “why” behind each decision and fee. 3 Beyond reproach with the law: you should never have the slightest doubt your lawyer is working against the law. Instead, your lawyer should be able to demonstrate your rights, the law and their actions, every step of the way. 4 Personally invested in your case: you need a lawyer that truly cares about your freedom and the outcome of your case, not just a payday from your wallet. 5 Well respected in the legal community: your lawyer should command the respect of the court, community and clients alike.

What to do if you don't feel confident with your attorney?

If you don’t feel confident with the service you’re receiving from your attorney, you have every right to fire and replace with some better. Don’t get caught in an awful situation a day longer — hire an ethical attorney that is out for your best interest with and will fight like hell to protect your rights.

What to do if you see fees that don't make sense?

If you see fees that don’t make sense, aren’t accurate or that your lawyer can’t clearly articulate what you’re being charged for, you have every reason to fire them and hire new counsel. 1. Unreturned Phone Calls. Your lawyer should be available to answer your questions and inform you of new developments in your case.

How do you know if you have a lawyer you can trust?

Here are five signs you’re dealing with a lawyer you can trust: Responsive to your needs: a lawyer that is available for your questions, and proactively updates you on case developments . Transparent in decisions: a lawyer that readily provides both the detail and “why” behind each decision and fee.

What does it mean to win over a jury?

4. Lack of Enthusiasm for Your Case. Winning over a jury means presenting a thoughtful case with logic and conviction.

What happens if you get caught lying?

When this happens, best case scenario is that a mistrial is declared with the attorney getting disbarred.

Should a lawyer answer questions?

Your lawyer should be available to answer your questions and inform you of new developments in your case. While it is perfectly understandable for your lawyer to miss an occasional call or not be able to answer a message immediately, it is not OK for them to ignore you altogether.

Inadequate Communication

  • The first telltale sign that you hired a bad lawyer is inadequate communication. When you need legal services, you will probably have lots of questions. Since you are not a legal professional, you should be able to rely on your lawyer to guide you through the legal processes at hand. If they are unreachable for days or weeks, this is a red flag. Al...
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No Enthusiasm

  • Great lawyers have an ability to bring passion and determination to their cases. Convincing a jury to side with their client is a job that requires enthusiasm. If your attorney seems indifferent or unsure about your case, there is a problem. When your lawyer has little or no enthusiasm, they are much less likely to effectively secure a favorable outcome for you. It is also important to keep a…
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Confusing Billing Practices

  • Hiring a lawyer is not a low-cost prospect. This is not because of the greed of attorneys. It is due to the costs associated with delivering legal services, as well as the extensive work that a great lawyer will provide. However, you should always know exactly where your money is going. If you are experiencing confusion about your billing, there might be a problem. Having a bad lawyer ca…
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Unethical Or Illegal Behavior

  • Most of the items on this list point to a lack of professionalism or incompetence. However, if you learn that your lawyer is engaged in illegal or unethical activities, you should find new representation immediately. Although winning your case is important, an attorney should never try to do so through illegal or unethical means. Doing so makes them a bad lawyer, full stop. Beside…
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Lack of Compassion Or Empathy

  • As important as winning your case is, it is also important for your lawyer to show you the empathy and respect that you deserve. A good lawyer will treat you with compassion and understand that your circumstances may be difficult. Many life events that require legal services are emotional and overwhelming. Divorces, bankruptcies, and child custodycases are all very difficult to endur…
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Signs of Respect

  • Just as your lawyer should show respect to you, you should find a lawyer that is respected by others. If you notice that your attorney is not respected by judges, coworkers, or other legal professionals, be wary. In order for your case to be successful, your lawyer needs to be esteemed by their peers. If your case goes to trial and other legal professionals don’t take your attorney ser…
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