how stressful is it to be a lawyer

by Ms. Lora Heathcote V 3 min read

Why is being a lawyer stressful?

  • Client facing. Whether you’re working remotely or interacting face-to-face, it is incredibly difficult to navigate...
  • Difficult matters. Practicing law is high stakes. Attorneys need to apply their professionalism to emotional or...
  • Long hours. It’s not a stereotype: Lawyers work very long hours. Most lawyers work outside the usual...

The Stress
Deadlines, billing pressures, client demands, long hours, changing laws, and other demands all combine to make the practice of law one of the most stressful jobs out there. Throw in rising business pressures, evolving legal technologies, and climbing law school debt and it's no wonder lawyers are stressed.
Nov 20, 2019

Full Answer

What is the hardest part of being a lawyer?

What Is a Lawyer's Hardest Job?

  • Overzealousness. Lawyers often must deal with arm-chair attorneys -- the clients who believe they know more about the law than the licensed attorney they hired to represent them.
  • Moral Dilemma. ...
  • Interpretation. ...
  • Fees. ...

What are the harsh realities about being a lawyer?

The harshest reality for a contemporary young lawyer is that you may not even become a lawyer. There are over 200 law schools in the USA, and we probably only need 100. Current statistics show that less than 2/3 of graduates ever get “full-time, long term, bar passage required jobs.”

Can a good lawyer be a bad person?

Can a good lawyer be a bad person? Let us grant that laws may be inequitable or inequitably used, in even the most enlightened society. These may allow unjust ends or the use of unjust means. Legal and moral are not congruent terms. Let us also agree that a person may be judged immoral though she pursues a legal goal in a lawful way; and ...

Is being a lawyer better than being a doctor?

Therefore, a doctor just starting out would be at the lower end of the doctors' list, while an experienced lawyer with a good reputation would be at the higher end of the lawyers' list, possibly with a salary greater than the doctors'.


Is becoming a lawyer hard?

Becoming a lawyer in California is one of the most difficult, and most rewarding, career choices you can make. California is notoriously one of the most difficult bars to obtain membership in, and the steps necessary to do so include earning multiple college degrees, taking entrance examinations, and submitting ...

Is it depressing to be a lawyer?

The statistics are staggering: Lawyers are 3.6 times as likely to be depressed as people in other jobs, while the landmark 2016 American Bar Association and Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation study found that 28 percent of licensed, employed lawyers suffer with depression.

Is being a lawyer exhausting?

While legal work can be incredibly fulfilling, it can also, by nature, be stressful and downright exhausting. Industry wide, ultra-competitive professional cultures and excessive hours are leading to overworked lawyers and widespread wellness and mental health struggles.

Is it fun being a lawyer?

Being a lawyer can be very fun and very rewarding. But as the other posts have indicated it requires a lot of work, time, money, and attention to detail. As with most challenging things in life it can be well worth it.

What percent of lawyers are unhappy?

Studies show that 56% of lawyers are frustrated with their careers.

Why are lawyers so stressed?

Long hours, billing demands, the pressure to generate business, and a rapidly changing legal landscape also contribute to lawyer stress. This is not the case for all lawyers, of course, but the grim statistics on stress-related illness, alcohol/drug dependency, and suicide point to a profession under great stress.

What is the most stressful job?

For the third year in a row, enlisted military personnel, firefighter, airline pilot, and police officer are the four most stressful occupations, according to CareerCast's annual Most Stressful Jobs report.

What job is the least stressful?

Some low-stress jobs come with good to excellent annual salaries.10 Low-Stress Jobs. In its annual report, CareerCast considered 11 stress factors when ranking the jobs. ... Data Scientist. ... Dietitian. ... Medical Records Technician. ... Massage Therapist. ... Appliance Repairer. ... Librarian. ... Diagnostic Medical Stenographer.More items...

What are the disadvantages of being a lawyer?

Disadvantages of Being an AttorneyLawyers often work long hours.You will often no longer have a life apart from work.Clients can be quite demanding.Working climate may be rather bad.You may get sued.Law school can cost a fortune.Digitalization is a threat to lawyers.More items...

How do you know if you're meant to be a lawyer?

You work well with others. That's right—being a lawyer means working with people! ... You can persuade others. The ability to persuade=the practice of law. ... You are independent and self-disciplined. ... You can endure the grind. ... You don't take things at face value. ... You must be able to network.

Are lawyers good in bed?

Why are lawyers so good at sex? Lawyers are confident, dominant, and even intimidating. While these are good qualities to have in the courtroom as well as in bed, good attorneys possess other qualities that make them exceptional lovers. They are innovative inventive and most importantly good listeners.

How do I know if I want to be a lawyer?

Here are the factors to think about before you decide to become a lawyer:School commitment. A law degree requires two to three years of school for full-time students. ... Cost of law school. ... Competitive entrance requirements. ... Testing. ... Speaking and writing. ... Formal work environment. ... Long hour. ... Logical reasoning.More items...•

Are a lot of lawyers depressed?

A study conducted by researchers at Johns Hopkins University revealed that of 28 occupations studied, lawyers were most likely to suffer from depression.

Are all lawyers miserable?

Yes. Repeated industry surveys confirm that lawyers, particularly young lawyers, are increasingly unhappy. More concerning are growing numbers of lawyers suffering from severe anxiety, depression, stress and substance abuse problems.

Is lawyer still a good career?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 8.9 percent employment growth for lawyers between 2020 and 2030. In that period, an estimated 71,500 jobs should open up. A lawyer advises and represents individuals or organizations in legal matters.

What is life as a lawyer like?

A day in the life of a lawyer is anything but a nine-to-five routine with an hour or more for a leisurely lunch. Bloomberg View reported that an attorney at a large law firm works anywhere from 50 to 60 hours a week on average. The long hours are the result of the obligations the practice of law imposes on an attorney.

What happens when you are stressed as a lawyer?

When you’re stressed, your relationships with friends, family, and even yourself suffer. Stressed-out lawyers get into a cycle of working and having work on their minds constantly—even on the weekends or when spending time with loved ones. If stress leads to overwork that tips the scale of your work-life balance in a negative way, that means less time—or less quality time—with the people you care about.

How to deal with lawyer stress?

Another lawyer stress solution could be sitting in your home or at the other end of a phone call. Connecting with your loved ones can be a wonderful way to manage stress. If you’ve had a long, stressful workday, try unplugging from your devices and spending time with the people in your life who make you feel happy.

How does stress affect a lawyer?

For example, if your client is going through a divorce, the stress of the situation can impact you as a lawyer. It is also not unusual for clients to take their negative feelings and stress from their legal situations out on their lawyers. This can add to the emotional and mental toll lawyers experience.

Why does stress cause physical symptoms?

One major reason for this: Stress activates a human “fight-or-flight” response in the body and the release of stress hormones. An overabundance of stress hormone in your body can lead to physical symptoms.

How does being a lawyer affect your health?

Whether it’s due to your workload, the emotional toll of legal work, or the pressure to keep up in a competitive industry, stress can have serious impacts on our physical, mental, and social health. While these stressors won’t go away, you can react to them and manage your stress more positively. The key is knowing how to handle stress and having strategies to smooth the peaks. From exercise to talking to experts to practicing mindfulness, the way that we respond to stress is within our power, with some practice.

Why are lawyers high achievers?

Lawyers are high achievers by necessity. To succeed in the competitive, pressure-filled legal industry, successful attorneys have exceptional work ethic and perseverance. But that heightened capacity, unfortunately, also applies to increasing levels of lawyer stress.

What are the consequences of being a lawyer?

Mental consequences. An abundance of stress is an enemy to the mental wellness of lawyers. Unchecked, excessive stress can contribute to long-term mental health issues. This includes issues like depression, anxiety, and substance-addiction problems—all of which are prevalent in the legal profession.

How to deal with burnout when you cannot take time off

So I am no stranger to self care or burnout, but this is my first full time job. I have been working 60-80 hours a week for months, and usually work 6 days a week. My case load is insane and won't be letting up any time soon.


Why do Judges think they can be unprofessional and assholes during a hearing. Legit, I have been nothing but respectful to judges, I don’t talk until it’s my turn, provide whatever is asked for right away, very respectful with how I speak…and still, both judges I’ve ever talked to in court were straight up douchebags with how they talked to me.

JD or Esq?

I'm working on a cover letter, and I keep flipping back and forth between these options:


NOT FOR LEGAL ADVICE A place for lawyers to talk about lawyer things. Firm culture, amusing anecdotes, and the legal world. NOT FOR LEGAL ADVICE.

Why do people want to be a lawyer?

Many people view the lawyer profession as one with a high level of prestige. This typically stems from their impressive degrees and the level of authority they have over others. This profession demands respect and is often viewed as glamorous by the media.

How many hours do lawyers work?

This is mostly the case for new lawyers barely starting their careers. While a normal workweek consists of 40 hours, some lawyers put in 60 to 90 hours each week depending on the needs of the case they're working on.

What does a lawyer do?

Lawyers use their knowledge of the law and fair legal practices to provide quality legal advice to their clients. They advise them on the best course of action in both civil and criminal cases. Lawyers also interpret the law and various regulations for individuals and businesses.

Why do lawyers have a decorating budget?

For example, some lawyers can also enjoy a decorating budget to help make their work environment more conducive to their productivity. Other work perks they may be able to take advantage of include plush accommodations, gym memberships and support staff to help minimize their workload.

Why do lawyers help people?

While this profession allows you to seek justice for these parties, it also provides you with emotional rewards. Depending on your perspective, this can be more beneficial than the money you earn in this profession.

How much do lawyers make?

Lawyers have the ability to earn a generous income. They make a national average salary of $50,979 per year. Though you may not earn this income as a new lawyer, you can work your way toward this salary with enough hard work and experience. However, finding satisfaction in your specific field may be worth more than your annual salary.

What do lawyers do when they have a case?

When they have a case, they prepare the necessary documents, gather evidence, analyze probable outcomes and often appear in court to represent their clients. While in court, they present their case to the judge and the jury using logical reasoning and a combination of their persuasiveness and analytical abilities.

Why is law so stressful?

Deadlines, billing pressures, client demands, long hours, changing laws, and other demands all combine to make the practice of law one of the most stressful jobs out there. Throw in rising business pressures, evolving legal technologies, and climbing law school debt and it’s no wonder lawyers are stressed.

Why do lawyers feel dissatisfied?

The stress and demands of practicing law have fueled high levels of career dissatisfaction among members of the bar. Depression and suicide are common among lawyers and 44 percent of those recently surveyed by the American Bar Association said they would not recommend the profession to a young person.

How has technology changed the practice of law?

Technology has transformed the practice of law and, like it or not, lawyers must become proficient in a wide range of technology platforms. These range from document review and management tools to spreadsheet, presentation, and billing software.

What to ask before starting a legal career?

Before you start down the long educational road toward becoming a lawyer, ask yourself if you have a tolerance for these disadvantages and how well you'll be able to deal with them.

Do lawyers work longer?

Today’s lawyer s work longer and harder and 50-plus hour work weeks are not at all uncommon. A competitive environment has forced lawyers to spend more time on client development and business management activities in addition to billing hours. Many lawyers complain of a lack of work-life balance as a result.

Will the market pay more for lawyers?

The market will no longer pay top dollar for expensive lawyers to perform tasks that can be accomplished more cheaply, quickly, and efficiently by technology or by other professionals such as ​ paralegals .

Is outsourcing legal work a trend?

It’s not a trend — the outsourcing of legal work to foreign countries is an economic reality. As more legal work is sent to low-wage workforces overseas or to regional delivery centers onshore, many traditional lawyer jobs are being eroded or displaced altogether.

What does it mean when a client doesn't understand the role of a lawyer?

Sometimes, clients don’t understand the role we must play as a lawyer, which often involves telling the client he or she is totally wrong or what the client wants isn’t possible. Clients who don’t get the answer they want will often think the attorney is acting against the client’s interest. Also, clients sometimes have wildly unrealistic ...

What do lawyers wish non-lawyers understood about them, and why is it so hard to be a lawyer in the first place?

As I travel across the U.S., connecting with lawyers to talk about self-care, wellness, and mindfulness, lawyers often tell me how difficult it is to be a lawyer. I asked them to share what they wished non-lawyers understood about us lawyers, as well as what it is about being a lawyer that’s so difficult. Here are the 11 most common responses.

Is it expensive to prepare for trial?

First, it is shockingly expensive to prepare for trial, and preparation is required. Clients do not understand the long hours and work in preparation for pleadings, briefs, mediation, hearings, trials. Secondly, that day in court is rarely as invigorating and cleansing as they expect.

Is it hard to be a lawyer?

It’s hard to be a lawyer and not constantly walk around with the lawyer brain and mindset. (Law school has ruined any hopes of having a normally functioning brain.)

Do lawyers need quick answers?

Many lawyers complained about clients who just need a “quick answer” to their “simple question.” Then the potential client gets frustrated when the answer is inevitably “it depends.” Of course, we lawyers know that “there’s usually not ‘an’ answer. We’re not being argumentative or wishy washy when we won’t give a definitive ‘answer.'” ~Pamela Parker
