how should i present myself to a lawyer

by Anthony Mills 4 min read

Here are some tips to keep in mind when introducing yourself to clients:

  • • Introduce yourself by name, but let them know that you are an attorney before you give out your business card.
  • • Talk about where you went to school and where you received your undergraduate degree.
  • • Highlight any areas of practice experience in which they might have an interest.

Full Answer

How do I introduce myself to a lawyer?

A lawyer introduction: Know Your Purpose — and Get Them Talking! That means your goal is to have short qualifying conversations, tee up subsequent contact with those who qualify, quickly and graciously escape from those who don’t, and then hunt for the next suspect.

Can you afford a lawyer if you’re self-represented?

And for that reason, more and more people are showing up to court as self-represented litigants who’ve convinced themselves that they can’t afford a lawyer. It’s true that sometimes you could make out fine showing up to court unrepresented, but if you truly have something at stake in that lawsuit, can you afford not to have a lawyer?

When do you need a lawyer for a client?

Rule No.1: If the party on the other side has a lawyer, then you should have a lawyer as well. Law firm clients are looking for more than just legal services. It’s one thing to go to court and not know what you’re doing because you’re not a lawyer.

Can you represent yourself in court if you can’t afford an attorney?

Look, although many individuals can represent themselves in court. Some types of law are considered complex, and a simple mistake could land you in jail. If you can’t afford to have an attorney represent you, be sure to consider your options: Find a pro bono attorney.


How do you introduce yourself in court as a lawyer?

At the beginning of a hearing, attorneys should always state their name and who they represent. This should be done while standing, and oftentimes judges will expect an attorney to speak from a podium rather than at counsel's table. Figure this out in advance.

How do I present my case to my lawyer?

Consider how much you are willing to do to organize your evidence, provide your witness contacts, write down a chronology (time line) of events, and generally sell yourself to your attorney, as well as the case, by appearing organized. Tell your story in the shortest possible way.

How do you introduce yourself in a legal letter?

Paragraph 1 – Introduce yourself by telling the recipient who you are and what you do. Be brief, but make sure you mention any important qualifications or experience you have. Paragraph 2 – Explain why you're getting in touch. Make it clear what you're hoping to achieve.

What should I say to my lawyer?

Tips for Talking to an AttorneyAlways be as honest and candid as possible about the facts of your case. ... Ask questions if you don't understand something that your attorney mentions or explains to you.Approach an attorney about your case as soon as you think you may need one.More items...•

How can I calm my anxiety before court?

Develop a Ritual: Stave off performance anxiety with a calming habit or ritual such as wearing the same tie or bracelet, meditating before court, having breakfast or coffee at your favourite cafe or reading an inspiring quote from a mentor advocate.

What are good questions to ask lawyers?

Questions to Ask Your Lawyer During a Consultation1) What kind of experience do you have with similar cases?2) What would be your strategy for my case?3) Are there any alternatives to going to court?4) What are my possible outcomes?5) Who will actually handle my case?6) What is my role in my case?More items...•

How do you introduce yourself professionally?

You can use the below phrases to introduce yourself:I don't think we've met (before).I think we've already met.My name is ...I'm ...Nice to meet you; I'm ...Pleased to meet you; I'm ...Let me introduce myself; I'm ...I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ...More items...•

How do you introduce yourself in an email to a lawyer?

How to Introduce Yourself in Email – ChecklistWrite a concise and relevant subject line.Write to the person, not the lead.Use a formal greeting.Include personal connections and referrals.Be clear, concise but always courteous.Write a professional closing.Proof and spell check.Include promised attachments.More items...

What to say in introduce yourself?

Here are some examples:Morning! I don't think we've met before, I'm Aryan.Hey there! I'm Surya. I'm new—I just moved to the building a couple of days ago. ... Hi Amy. I heard it's your first day so I thought I could reach out and introduce myself. We haven't officially met but I'll be working with you on this project.

How do you prepare to talk to a lawyer?

How to Prepare for a Lawyer ConsultationFinding the Right Attorney. Before you can have an attorney consultation, you need to find a lawyer who might be a good fit. ... Background Knowledge. ... The Legal Plan. ... Working with Your Attorney. ... Money Matters.

Why do lawyers ignore you?

If your attorney is not experienced or efficient, they may have missed a deadline or made another mistake and aren't willing to confess their error. There could also be some bad news that is entirely outside of the attorney's control.

Should you tell your lawyer everything?

It's almost always advisable to tell your lawyer the whole truth about your case, even if you've committed a crime. Giving your lawyer all the facts helps them craft the best defense by raising reasonable doubt. Even when a client admits guilt, there are usually many mitigating circumstances that can come into play.

Why is it important to know the rules of the court?

This, again, is why it is so important to know the rules of the court. Whether you are objecting to a claim made by your adversary, or you are filing a motion. You will need to know the court’s rules in order to control the court.

How long does it take to learn evidence?

There are a lot of rules for evidence. Learning them all could take years. Fortunately, court cases generally move slow, giving you plenty of time to prepare.

Is being respectful to others the best way to go?

In my experience, being respectful to others is the best way to go. I have found that judges will not only look upon you favorably, they will even try to point you in the right direction.

Do you need to do more research to win?

You will need to do A LOT more research if you plan to win!

Can you go to jail for a simple mistake?

Look, although many individuals can represent themselves in court. Some types of law are considered complex, and a simple mistake could land you in jail.

Do you have to serve a copy of a court order to your adversary?

Many people don’t know this, but when you file paperwork with the court, you HAVE to properly serve a copy to your adversary too.

Why do I feel like I can't afford a lawyer?

Generally there are two reasons: (1) you feel like you know the facts of your case better than anyone else, including the lawyer that you hired; or (2) you say you can’t afford a lawyer. Okay, there may be a third reason, too— you’re insane. If you’re in the first category (or the third), there’s not much I could say that’s likely ...

Can a lawyer be a witness?

If you’re in the first category (or the third), there’s not much I could say that’s likely to change your mind. For one reason, it’s usually true that you know the facts of your case better than your lawyer. You should. You were there. But that’s why lawyers are lawyers, and they’re not allowed to be witnesses ...

Do you need a lawyer on the other side of a dispute?

Rule No.1: If the party on the other side has a lawyer, then you should have a lawyer as well.

Be respectful to the court and court staff

Be respectful to the court and court staff. Regardless of what you may have seen on television, judges are overworked, underpaid and unimpressed by intimidation tactics. You serve no useful purpose in being rude to the court or to any member of the court staff.

Be respectful to the opposing party and their counsel

Be respectful to the opposing party and their counsel. Similarly, it is unlikely that being rude to the opposing party or their attorney will win you the day. Judges get very tired of hearing offensive accusations of misconduct.

By being polite you will be more persuasive

By being polite you will be more persuasive. Far too often, the legal arguments an individual is trying to make get lost in the "noise" of the accusations being leveled against the opposing party or their counsel. You assist the court by remaining calm, and presenting your case in an even manner.

Dress appropriately

Dress appropriately. Finally, think about where you are -- a court of law. Regardless of whether you have any respect for the judicial system, everyone else connected with it has considerable respect for our judicial system. So dress appropriately. Put on nice, clean clothes.


DUTY Establish the basis of the duty or obligation that the other party owed you. Typically, this is either a statute or a contract or the "common law." Examples are: (1) I had a verbal contract with my neighbor to paint his house for $500. (2) I found a statute that says my boss cannot blacklist me with other potential employers.


BREACH If there is a duty or obligation that the other party breached, present it quickly without telling all of the ways in which this makes you angry. Example: (1) My neighbor refused to pay the agreed price after I painted his house.


CAUSATION You must then explain how this directly led to your legal complaint. Usually, this means you believe nothing else contributed to the issue. Example: (1) The paint job is beautiful and there is no excuse for my neighbor to not pay.


Check out any legal bases for your claim in addition to what your instinct tells you. For example, go to the legislative website to see if there is a statute that also relates., "search" and hit the "document" button, then "RCW" for Washington statutes.


Jane wants to know more. It’s time to offer a short bit of categorical evidence that a solution exists, then make your exit.

Timing is Everything

Why did Rachel delay declaring her value so long? Because unless Jane acknowledges having the talent-leaving-with-trade-secrets problem and demonstrates that it’s one she must care about, there’s no point. Unless there’s a specific reason to move forward, Jane isn’t likely to remember Rachel or anyone else she meets tonight.
