how real estate lawyer helps buy a house

by Demarco Mitchell 4 min read

Real estate attorneys sometimes handle additional parts of the home purchase like title searches and title insurance, to ensure there are no outstanding claims or liens against the property. They may also provide documentation of the transfer of funds to the seller and to your lender, or facilitate the transaction as a third party.

Full Answer

Why do I need an attorney to buy a house?

Attorneys make sure all paperwork is properly drawn up and filed with the authorities. Attorneys do title searches and can negotiate should a search uncover a problem. Ideally, buyers and sellers in a real estate deal should be represented by lawyers to safeguard their rights and watch their interests.

What does a real estate lawyer do?

A real estate lawyer is licensed to practice law and specializes in real estate transactions. A real estate lawyer is familiar with all aspects of the home purchase process and can represent...

Can a real estate attorney represent the buyer or the seller?

When a person is ready to buy or sell real property, a real estate attorney can represent the buyer or the seller but not both. Representing both is not allowed because it could lead to a conflict of interest.

Can a real estate agent sell a house without a lawyer?

For example, in many areas only a licensed attorney can put together legal documents related to the sale of a home, because they consider that to be within the realm of the practice of law. (However, in some areas, real estate agents now use standardized form contracts for home purchases that non-lawyers can legally fill out on their own.)


Why do you need an attorney when selling a house?

You’re the heir or executor of a property whose owner is now deceased. You’re selling a house with an uncooperative partner. You have judgments or liens on the property.

What does a real estate attorney do, anyway?

The job of a real estate attorney is to negotiate and make a transaction come together in a peaceful manner that’s fair and amenable to all parties.

What is the education required for real estate agents?

As part of agents’ licensing education, they’re taught and tested on real estate contracts used within their state, many of which also require continuing education courses and/or certifications on subjects such as ethics, buyer’s agency, distressed property sales, and more.

Which states require a real estate attorney to be present at closing?

These include Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. Keep in mind that these rules can vary by region within states, too.

Who attends closing with real estate agent?

In case any last-minute issues crop up, the attorney will attend your closing along with your real estate agent and possibly a representative from your lender.

Does make commissions?

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What do attorneys do in real estate?

Attorneys make sure all paperwork is properly drawn up and filed with the authorities. Attorneys do title searches and can negotiate should a search uncover a problem. Ideally, buyers and sellers in a real estate deal should be represented by lawyers to safeguard their rights and watch their interests.

Why do you need a lawyer for a mortgage?

Furthermore, attorneys can secure proof that judgments or liens have been resolved. That is important if you ever plan to obtain a mortgage or loan against the property.

Why do attorneys do title searches?

The title search is essential because it reveals whether the seller has the legal right to sell the property.

Why is legal counsel important?

Having legal counsel makes good business sense because of the complexities that come with real estate transactions. Experienced real estate attorneys can help to protect your interests. They ensure that your transaction adheres to the applicable rules of your state and municipality.

How long do you have to review a real estate contract?

In many states, the buyer and the seller have three days to review a real estate contract before it becomes legally binding. Some buyers and sellers aren't aware of this. A lawyer will make the client aware of it, review the contract for legal glitches, make necessary changes, and insert useful contingencies .

What happens if a deed is not transferred correctly?

If a deed is not transferred correctly, it could lead to income or estate taxes for buyers and sellers.

What is a contract attorney?

An attorney understands these different types of business arrangements and their legal boundaries within your state's law. The attorney will ensure that the contract is consistent with the law and the partnership's, trust's, or corporation's charter agreements.

Why do you need a real estate agent?

One of the best reasons to hire a real estate agent is that the sellers are likely to use their own agent— and you want to keep that agent from taking over the process. In fact, the seller's agent might pressure you to let him or her represent both seller and buyer, in a " dual agency " relationship that primarily benefits the seller.

What do experienced real estate agents do?

What's more, experienced agents usually have contacts with good inspectors, mortgage loan brokers, and others who can make your buying process easier. And they know what's considered appropriate behavior and practice in your geographical area.

How much commission does a seller pay?

The seller typically pays the commission to both the seller's agent and your agent—usually around 5% of the sales price, to be split between the two agents. This percentage isn't cast in stone, however. For example, the seller might negotiate the percentage down if the house is particularly expensive. (And in probate sales, the court sets the commission.) Some buyers' agents have even been known to offer the buyer a percentage of their commission at closing.

How much does an attorney charge per hour?

Attorneys normally charge by the hour, at rates ranging from $100 to $500. You might also find attorneys who charge flat fees for specific services, such as preparing real estate closing documents.

How to get through the process of buying a house?

The process of buying a house is complex, and most people find it's easiest to get through with an agent by their side. Paperwork will be flying around like a small tornado, and it can be helpful to have someone familiar with the process to deal with it. Other parts of the transaction will be happening quickly too—hiring inspectors, negotiating over who pays for needed repairs, keeping up good relations with the sellers (through their agent) and more.

Who wrote Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home?

To learn more about working with agents and attorneys to bring about a smooth, affordable house purchase, see Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home, by Ilona Bray, Ann O'Connell, and Marcia Stewart.

Can a real estate agent answer a legal question?

However, legal issues might arise that your real estate agent can't answer. In that case, you'll need an attorney's help. Although good agents know a lot about the negotiating and contracting part of the process, they can't make judgments on legal questions. For example, what if your prospective new home has an illegal in-law unit ...

Why do you need an attorney for real estate?

An attorney helps you protect your investment and assets while ensuring you’re conducting your side of the transaction legally — which can prevent costly missteps. Real estate attorneys are required in many states, but even if you aren’t legally required to use an attorney while selling, it can be a good idea.

What is a real estate attorney?

Real estate attorneys help oversee home sales, from the moment the contract is signed through the negotiating period (aptly called the “attorney review”) to closing. A seller’s attorney reviews sales contracts, communicates terms in a professional manner and attends closings to prevent mishaps. Selling a home is a complex process ...

How much does a real estate attorney cost?

How much you’ll pay for real estate attorney fees depends on your market and how involved they are in the transaction, but they typically charge a flat rate of $800 to $1,200 per transaction . Some attorneys charge hourly, ranging from $150 to $350 per hour.

What is an escrow manager?

Escrow manager: The escrow manager, officer or agent is a third-party representative responsible for holding funds during the transaction and making sure every party gets paid the correct amount at closing. In some cases, escrow officers work at title companies, blurring the lines of which party is distributing funds at the closing table.

What to do if you have liens on your home?

Liens: If there are outstanding liens on your home, an attorney can help resolve those issues and clear the path to closing. They can communicate with the title company to make sure all lien holders get paid correctly.

What to do if you inherited a home?

An attorney can help you navigate the complexities. Estate sale: If you inherited the home you’re selling, hiring an attorney to sort through ownership documents can ease the burden, which is especially helpful when you’re grieving the loss of a family member.

What to do when selling a house with someone other than your spouse?

Joint sale: If you are selling a home with someone other than your spouse, an attorney can help you keep both your best interests in mind . As mentioned before, an attorney for each party ensures both sellers’ interests are prioritized.

What happens if you don't hire an attorney?

After all, if you don't use an attorney and the transaction later goes awry, you'll still have to hire one, at much greater time and cost. Save yourself the headache by working with a lawyer to structure the deal, not salvage it.

Do you need a private loan to buy a house?

You need to structure a private loan from a relative or friend to make the purchase.

Can you move into a basement before closing?

The seller will let you move some of your belongings into the home's garage or basement before the closing date, but both of you want to clarify that it's your property and how any damage to it will be dealt with.

Can an attorney text you?

Attorneys have the option, but are not required, to send text messages to you. You will receive up to 2 messages per week from Martindale-Nolo. Frequency from attorney may vary. Message and data rates may apply. Your number will be held in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

What Does a Real Estate Lawyer Do?

A real estate lawyer is licensed to practice law and specializes in real estate transactions. A real estate lawyer is familiar with all aspects of the home purchase process and can represent buyers, sellers or lenders.

How much does a lawyer cost?

The cost for a lawyer could be around $200 to $300 an hour, or just a flat fee of several hundred dollars that you pay at closing.

What does exclusive representation mean when buying a house?

Exclusive representation. When you are buying or selling your home, everyone has an interest in the deal getting done, including real estate agents and the lender. This can make you feel like you’re on your own at times. However, if you hire a lawyer, you’ll have access to an independent third party who can review the contract and represent your best interests throughout the transaction.

What are some situations that are unusual and might require an attorney’s advice and negotiating skills?

Here are some situations that are unusual and might require an attorney’s advice and negotiating skills: You’re buying a home that is part of a special type of sale, such as an estate sale, short sale, auction or purchase from a bank. You’re purchasing a home that’s in another state.

What is closing on a home?

Closing. The moment you’ve been waiting for— closing on a home sale or purchase —often involves dozens of pages of legal documents to review. A lawyer can help both the seller and buyer navigate the review, which can be especially intimidating and confusing to a first-time homebuyer.

Why is it important to have a lawyer in a negotiation?

This is important because when you’re in the middle of a potentially contentious negotiation that needs to be resolved quickly, you’ll want the lawyer to be available to advise you and negotiate with the other party.

What is the most important document in the home sale process?

It can help you avoid potential problems down the line by making the contingencies as favorable to you as possible. The contract is the most important document in the home sale process, and it includes several negotiable issues. Some of the most important issues in the purchase contract involve: Timing. Your timeline for closing on the property ...

Why do you need a real estate attorney?

As much as you rely on your real estate agent for their expertise, agents like having a trusted resource to consult, too, especially when a deal becomes complicated. A home is for many people the biggest investment they have, and therein lies a real estate attorney’s value: offering peace of mind.

What does a real estate attorney do for the seller?

A real estate attorney shields your home sale from legal trouble by tackling difficulties that arise along the way.

What does an attorney do for a short sale?

An attorney also will know your state law’s specifications regarding short sales and foreclosures, adds Nogee, who handle s a lot of estate and probate work. He helped to resolve one case where the executor of a woman’s estate in New York City didn’t pay the bills, sending the property into foreclosure.

Who can draft a contract for a home sale?

Depending on where you live and how involved the attorney is with your home sale, a real estate attorney also can draft and negotiate the contract for the sale, as well as prepare the deed, says Jeffrey L. Nogee, a New York City-based partner at the nationwide firm Tully Rinckey PLLC.

Is a realtor neutral?

While a real estate agent is a neutral party in this situation , an attorney can ensure there are no conflicts of interest — or be prepared to go to court in a partition action if necessary. Sometimes even a sale with one owner can turn adversarial, though.

Can you sell a house with multiple owners?

Whether you’re selling property that you own with a spouse or one that you’ve shared with siblings, a sale with multiple owners can dissolve into chaos if there’s no agreement in place (such as a joint tenancy or living trust). While a real estate agent is a neutral party in this situation, an attorney can ensure there are no conflicts of interest — or be prepared to go to court in a partition action if necessary.

Do you need an attorney to close a transaction?

Although many states require a real estate attorney’s involvement at closing, regardless of the complexity of the transaction, using an attorney is more than a formality.

How much is a real estate attorney?

Real estate lawyer fees vary significantly, said Michael Romer, managing partner at Romer Debbas, LLP based in New York City. For example, fees vary depending on the level of experience an attorney has.

What is the difference between a realtor and a real estate agent?

A real estate agent, or realtor, is tasked with marketing a property for sale or finding a property for a buyer, Romer said, while an attorney is enlisted to ensure someone’s legal rights are protected during a home sale. Real estate agents are paid based on commission , while attorneys are paid a separate legal fee that is typically a flat rate, he said.

How much does an attorney charge per hour?

While most attorneys charge a flat rate, some will charge by the hour, with hourly rates ranging from $150 to $350, according to Thumbtack.

Do you need a real estate attorney to close a house?

Some states require a real estate attorney for closing, while others don’t. In states that don’t require an attorney, it’s still a good idea to consider hiring one to help make sure everything is in good order. How much does a real estate attorney cost may factor into your decision-making given how many costs are associated with closing on a house .

Do real estate attorneys help you buy a house?

Real estate attorneys may give you the peace of mind that your home purchase will go smoothly, drastically lowering the possibility that you’ll be hit with any unexpected legal problems.

Who is David Reischer?

David Reischer, a real estate attorney based in New York City and CEO of, said real estate lawyer fees also vary depending on the market the home is in. “Geographic location plays a big part in the cost for a home closing,” he said. “Rural areas will typically charge much less than an urban major metropolis.”

Who to negotiate with to get a contract?

Negotiate your contract with the seller’s attorney if necessary.



Title Searches

Property Transfers


Sellers Need Attorneys Too

Dealing with Discrimination

The Bottom Line

  • Having legal counsel makes good business sense because of the complexities that come with real estate transactions. Experienced real estate attorneyscan help to protect your interests. They ensure that your transaction adheres to the applicable rules of your state and municipality. That way, the closing process can work to the satisfaction of all i...
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