how much for public intoxication lawyer texas

by Quentin Swift 10 min read

The cost for a first offense is $371 and a second or subsequent offense is punishable by a fine of $571. Fines can increase by $50 if an alleged offender fails to appear in court within 15 days of the offense. Find a Collin County Public Intoxication

Public intoxication

Public intoxication, also known as "drunk and disorderly" and drunk in public, is a summary offense in some countries rated to public cases or displays of drunkenness. Public intoxication laws vary widely from jurisdiction, but usually require some obvious display of intoxicated incompeten…

Attorney | Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy

Full Answer

What is a public intoxication charge in Texas?

Public Intoxication in Texas. Under Texas law, people commit the misdemeanor crime of public intoxication if they appear in a public place while intoxicated to a degree that they may endanger themselves or another person.

How does a Texas Prosecutor decide if an intoxicated person is dangerous?

Endangering self or others. It is enough that an intoxicated person may present a potential danger to herself or others—a Texas prosecutor does not have to prove that the person presented an immediate danger. And, the assessment of potential danger is left largely to the discretion of the arresting police officer.

What happens if you are arrested for public intoxication?

An arresting officer may release an individual detained for public intoxication to a licensed treatment facility for chemical dependency if the individual desires treatment and the facility accepts him.

What is an example of public intoxication in criminal law?

And, the assessment of potential danger is left largely to the discretion of the arresting police officer. For example, a man whom store employees observed loitering for hours outside their store and whose slurred speech and unsteadiness on his feet were observed by the arresting officer was convicted of public intoxication.


How much does a public intoxication cost in Texas?

$500Public intoxication is generally a Class C Misdemeanor. The penalty for a Class C Misdemeanor conviction is a fine of up to $500.

Can a public intoxication charge be dropped in Texas?

Getting Public Intoxication Charges Expunged in Texas Getting your public intoxication record expunged (or wiped clean from your record) is the next best option to outright dismissal. You may be eligible for public intoxication expungement if: Your arrest did not result in a criminal charge.

How do you fight a public intoxication charge in Texas?

If you are facing a public intoxication charge in Texas, you may be able to challenge the ticket to have the case dismissed or request a deferred adjudication. A public intoxication attorney can determine your best course of action.

How long do they hold you for public intoxication in Texas?

It is only when you are perceived to be a problem for other people when the police may detain you. They may arrest you for public intoxication or they may put you in custody for up to 72 hours for treatment and observation.

How serious is a public intoxication charge?

Penalties for being convicted of public intoxication will generally include fines and/or community service, and repeat offenders may have to spend a few days behind bars. Depending on the state and locality, the penalties may be harsher or more lenient.

Do you have to go to Court for public intoxication in Texas?

Texas state law stipulates that anyone over the age of 21 convicted of public intoxication will face charges of a Class C misdemeanor. Anyone over the age of 21 charged with and convicted of public intoxication will have the charge appear permanently on any background checks.

How do you get a public intoxication expunged in Texas?

Usually, the best way to accomplish this is through a deferred disposition deal. A deferral will result in your case being dismissed. You will most likely have to pay a fine of around $150, perform eight hours of community service, and attend a public intoxication class.

What happens on your first DWI in Texas?

DWI 1st Offense: A first offense DWI is a Class B misdemeanor. A conviction carries a maximum fine of $2,000 as well as a jail sentence of up to 180 days. A first offense becomes a Class A misdemeanor if your BAC at the time of driving was . 15 or more.

How long does a Class C misdemeanor stay on your record in Texas?

180 daysCheck out our other blog post to learn how long a misdemeanor and other types of crimes stay on your record. In Texas, a Class C Misdemeanor may be removed from a person's record or “expunged” 180 days after the date of the person's arrest.

Is DWI a Class C misdemeanor in Texas?

A DUI is defined as a minor having any detectable amount of alcohol in their system. Under Texas law, Section 106.041 of the Alcoholic Beverage Code makes it illegal for a minor to operate a vehicle in public while having any alcohol in their system. A DUI in Texas is a class C misdemeanor.

Is being drunk in public a crime?

A drunk person who appears in a public place or trespasses into any place and causes annoyance to any person is also guilty of an offence, punishable with a maximum sentence of six months' imprisonment, a fine of up to $1,000, or both for a first-time offender.

What is a Class B misdemeanor in Texas?

Class B misdemeanors are a class of criminal offense in Texas. They are midrange misdemeanors. They are not as severe as felony offenses. A conviction for a Class B misdemeanor carries up to 180 days in county jail. Defendants can also be made to pay a fine of up to $2,000.

What happens if you are charged with public intoxication in Texas?

If you have been charged with public intoxication in Texas, it can be confusing and frustrating. The criteria are very subjective and law enforcement officers have been known to use public intoxication as a way to control crowds especially at popular establishments or during the holidays.

What is public intoxication in Texas?

Public intoxication in Texas is a very serious charge that can be brought against anyone whom police officers believe to be intoxicated in a public place and a danger to themselves or others. Even for those of legal drinking age, this can bring with it an arrest and a permanent stain on your record.

What are the factors that go into determining a public intoxication arrest and conviction in Texas?

Texas Penal Code states that public intoxication is a legal offense if the individual is intoxicated in public to a degree that they endanger themselves or anyone else. This means there are three factors that go into determining a public intoxication arrest and conviction. 1. Intoxication.

What is considered intoxicated in public?

The statute stipulates that anyone who lacks normal control of their mental or physical faculties because of alcohol, drugs, other dangerous substances, or any combination of those can qualify as being intoxicated in public.

What does it mean to be arrested for public intoxication?

An arrest for public intoxication means being brought to a local police station, fingerprinted, booked, and enduring a mugshot. If the individual is severely intoxicated, the officers can decide to leave them in jail until they have sobered to the point that they are no longer a danger to themselves or others.

What does it mean when a police officer believes an individual is intoxicated?

This effectively means if police believe an individual is intoxicated they can be arrested anywhere whether it is heading to their car in the parking lot, leaving a restaurant or a public event, walking to a cab along the sidewalk, or going through the doorway of their apartment. 3. A danger to themselves or others.

When an individual appears in a public place as a danger to themselves or others, can police arrest them?

When an individual appears in a public place as a danger to themselves or others, law enforcement officers can arrest them on suspicion of intoxication. The third part is even more subjective. A danger to themselves or others is up to the discretion of the arresting officer. If a police officer, for example, sees an intoxicated person sitting on ...

What is public intoxication in Texas?

Under Texas law, people commit the misdemeanor crime of public intoxication if they appear in a public place while intoxicated to a degree that they may endanger themselves or another person. (Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 49.02.)

What is the law in Texas for acquittal of public intoxication?

A person who was under the legal blood-alcohol level for intoxication at the time of arrest should be acquitted of the charge of public intoxication under Texas law. And, where the arresting officer cannot testify to facts that gave rise to a reasonable suspicion of intoxication, the defendant should also win an acquittal. For example, a court threw out the conviction of a man on public intoxication charges when the arresting officer did not note anything abnormal about the defendant's speech or physical state and did not observe the defendant engage in disruptive or dangerous activity.

What is a public place in Texas?

Any place where members of the public have access is a public place under Texas law. This definition includes the common areas of schools, hospitals, office buildings, and even apartment buildings. A court in Texas ruled that a group of rowdy drunks hanging out on the porch of an abandoned house were in a public place and thus in violation of the public intoxication law.

Is public intoxication illegal in Texas?

(Tex. Penal Code Ann. § 49.01 (2) (B).) But, just being intoxicated in public is not illegal in Texas; in order to be convicted of public intoxication, a person must be both intoxicated (have at least the minimum blood-alcohol concentration) and pose a possible danger to himself or others.

Can an intoxicated person be a danger to herself?

Endangering self or others. It is enough that an intoxicated person may present a potential danger to herself or others —a Texas prosecutor does not have to prove that the person presented an immediate danger. And, the assessment of potential danger is left largely to the discretion of the arresting police officer.

Is it illegal to walk on the sidewalk in Dallas?

Even someone well over the legal limit for alcohol who is harmlessly strolling the sidewalks of Dallas is not doing anything illegal. Of course, if that same person had just left a public park where she created a scene by throwing empties at the dog-walkers, she could be charged with public intoxication because of the danger she had just presented. And, if a park police officer had observed her staggering around and winding up to throw a beer bottle, the officer would be justified in arresting her for presenting a potential danger to others.

Is a porch in Texas a public place?

A court in Texas ruled that a group of rowdy drunks hanging out on the porch of an abandoned house were in a public place and thus in violation of the public intoxication law. Any premises licensed or permitted to sell alcohol is also a public place in Texas, which could encompass even private clubs.

What to do if you've been arrested for public intoxication in Texas?

If you’ve been arrested for a public intoxication in Texas, be proactive! Call The Law Office of Brian S. Laviage for a FREE consultation of your case . We can help.

How long does it take to go to jail for public intoxication?

In most cases, an individual charged with Public Intoxication (P.I.) will be arrested and spend at least 6 hours in jail. However, a police officer could merely issue a citation and release the individual to the care of an adult who agrees to assume responsibility for the individual.

What to do if you are guilty of a P.I.?

If you are guilty of P.I. we can enter a plea of no contest or guilty and ask the court clerk for an uncontested hearing with the judge on the issue of punishment. At the hearing, we will introduce you to the judge and explain that you desire to avoid a P.I. conviction on your record. Therefore, you request that the court grant you Deferred Adjudication.

What is the charge of being intoxicated?

The charge of P.I. requires that the person be intoxicated to the degree that he/she is a danger to him/herself or another person. Being publicly intoxicated makes a person vulnerable to robbery, assault, and a number of other difficulties.

Can a person be convicted of an offense?

All persons are presumed innocent and no person may be convicted of an offense unless each element of the offense is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The fact that a person has been arrested, confined, or indicted for, or otherwise charged with the offense gives rise to no inference of guilt at that person’s trial.

Is it a defense to prosecution for P.I. that the alcohol or drugs were administered for therapeutic purposes and

that the alcohol or drugs were administered for therapeutic purposes and as part of the person’s professional medical treatment by a licensed physician. However, keep in mind that mixing alcohol and prescription medications is contrary to most medical advice.

Can you be under the influence of alcohol in Texas?

In Texas, a person may commit the offense of Public Intoxication by being under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This may include prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications or even aerosol sprays. It is a defense to prosecution for P.I. that the alcohol or drugs were administered for therapeutic purposes and as part of the person’s professional medical treatment by a licensed physician. However, keep in mind that mixing alcohol and prescription medications is contrary to most medical advice.
