how much does an lawyer charge for a durable power of attorney

by Prof. Lawrence Hamill MD 4 min read

While the costs may vary widely, attorneys often charge flat fees for individual legal documents like POAs. A consumer could probably expect to pay a lawyer less than $200 for a POA in most cities.

On average, power of attorney in costs about $375 with average prices ranging from $250 to $500 in the US for 2020 to have a lawyer create a power of attorney for you according to PayingForSeniorCare. Some sites allow you to create a POA online for about $35 but you will also have to get it notarized for about $50.Jan 7, 2020

Full Answer

How much does a durable power of attorney cost?

Aug 23, 2021 · Drafting a Power of Attorney comes with costs because it usually requires the time of a trained lawyer to complete the project. ContractsCounsel's marketplace data shows the average Power of Attorney drafting costs to be $250 across all states.

What is the cost to obtain a power of attorney?

Feb 01, 2022 · Many lawyers charge a set fee to prepare a POA. Fees may vary according to the type of POA, its length, and complexity, but the average cost of a power of attorney is about $300. Some lawyers charge by the hour, with the average hourly rate for a family or probate lawyer typically in the $250 to $350 range.

How do you create a durable power of attorney?

Oct 05, 2015 · For a well drafted durable power of attorney by a lawyer anywhere from $150 to $500.00. I package my durable power of attorney, healthcare surrogate designation and living will as a 3 document package.

What is the value of a durable power of attorney?

While the costs may vary widely, attorneys often charge flat fees for individual legal documents like POAs. A consumer could probably expect to pay a lawyer less than $200 for a …


What is the best power of attorney to get?

You can write a POA in two forms: general or limited. A general power of attorney allows the agent to make a wide range of decisions. This is your best option if you want to maximize the person's freedom to handle your assets and manage your care.Mar 19, 2019

How do I get a power of attorney in South Africa?

The Power of Attorney needs to be signed by the principal, giving the agent authority to act on his/her behalf. The principal's signature has to be co-signed by at least one witness to confirm that it was indeed the principal signing the document.May 14, 2021

How long is a power of attorney valid in South Africa?

South African common law determines that a power of attorney terminates once the principal becomes mentally incapacitated. In other words, when a principal is no longer able to perform the act in question himself, the agent can no longer do it for him.

Does power of attorney need to be certified?

If you're sending us a copy it needs to be certified in a particular way. If you would prefer to send us a copy of the power of attorney, instead of the original, it must be certified in a particular way. The person who created the power of attorney can certify it (if they're capable of making their own decisions).

Kelly Scott Davis

I agree; it depends on what you need done. For example, a durable power of attorney for health care (e.g., an advance medical directive) can be found online for free at

Timothy P. Daniels

There really is no way to answer this because every attorney will have slightly different rates depending on what you need done.

Matthew D Rasmussen

More than $5, Less than $5000. How much does probate cost? How much does one month of long term care cost? How much does anything cost? The question, dear sir/madam, is not what it costs, but what needs to be done... and a good attorney can help you figure out that part for free.

How much does a lawyer charge for a POA?

A consumer could probably expect to pay a lawyer less than $200 for a POA in most cities. Many also offer reasonably priced estate planning packages that include a financial power of attorney, a medical power of attorney, a living will and a last will and testament. All these documents are important for ensuring an elder’s wishes are respected and their affairs are taken care of both in life and after their passing.

How much does a notary charge?

Most states set maximum fee limits for basic notarial acts to keep prices reasonable. Fees range from $2 to $10 per signature and some notaries will come to clients who are hospitalized or otherwise unable to travel. There may be additional travel fees associated with notary visits.

Why is POA important?

This is particularly important when drawing up a financial POA because it grants the agent legal authority over all financial decisions, including selling property, paying taxes, managing investments, Medicaid planning, paying for where the principal will live and deciding how their money will be spent.

What is a POA?

A power of attorney (POA) document is one of the most important legal tools that family caregivers must have to effectively manage their aging loved ones’ health care and/or finances. Without these documents, a caregiver (known as the agent) lacks the legal authority to handle important decisions on behalf of their elder (known as the principal).

Can you name multiple children on a POA?

Therefore, attorneys (myself included) don’t normally recommend naming multiple adult children on a POA document to share the role of agent for an aging parent. This is known as a joint power of attorney and can be highly problematic. With this type of POA, all agents must act jointly and come to agreement on each matter before any action can be ...

Do POAs go into effect immediately?

If a principal wants to place any limitations on their agent’s power, then an attorney will need to tailor the language in this document accordingly. There is a great deal riding on the way in which a POA document is written, and there are several different kinds of powers of attorney. Some POAs go into effect immediately but end upon ...

How much does a power of attorney cost?

Depending on what needs to be done, a power of attorney can range anywhere from $75 to as much as $450. Typically, a power of an attorney for a single person is going to be cheaper than for a couple. The costs, in the end, will depend on the route you take. If you were to file the paperwork on your own and use an online service, for instance, the costs could be in the $100 to $150 range; however, if you were to use an attorney, then the costs could be as much as $700 or even more if the case was complex and/or you needed to draft a living will as well.

What are the extra costs of a power of attorney?

What are the extra costs? Some attorneys often require additional costs to cover other aspects of the legal process such as medical expenses and treatments. Usually, the lawyer who is appointed a contract for the medical power of attorney does not have any right to deal with financial transactions.

What does it mean to have a lasting power of attorney?

The lasting Power of Attorney is something that you have to work and deal with if you are someone who is mentally and physically incapacitated due to some accident or ailment.

Why do people need power of attorney?

Because of the personal nature of these decisions, you are able to choose whomever you would like. Essentially, the power of attorney is given when the person becomes incapacitated to do work or to fulfill their own obligations. In other cases, the document is applied temporarily when the person cannot be in that particular place ...

What is a power of attorney?

For many people, the power of attorney, sometimes referred to as a “DPOA,” acts a piece of paper that authorizes another person to do legal tasks and actions on their behalf. These legal actions and tasks most often have to do with money, but it can also involve medical decisions.

Does a power of attorney have an expiration date?

Lasting Power of Attorneys’ would also be added costs. Typically, the document will have an expiration stated on when it will be legal. For the longer time frames, you can expect to pay for an added expense.

What is a living will?

Last will or living trust. Last wills and living trusts are state-specific documents that let you decide what happens to your property after you die.

Can a real estate attorney review estate documents?

Real attorneys in our network can review your estate planning documents to make sure they're done right and answer your pressing questions .

Can you refund third party processing fees?

What it doesn't cover: We can't refund third-party processing fees (e.g. paid directly to our service partners or to facilitate fulfilling your order like courier fees) once you make a purchase. And, we can't refund filing fees once we submit your paperwork to the government.

How much does a power of attorney charge in Pennsylvania?

Most Agents will charge on an hourly basis, but there are occasions where they will charge on a flat fee amount on a monthly basis. I most commonly see hourly rates for family members acting as Agent in the $20.00 to $40.00 range.

Who is acting as an agent under a power of attorney?

Typically, a son or daughter will be the person acting as Agent under a power of attorney document on behalf of their parents. Before setting a fee structure, an Agent should know that there are two groups that could bring payment complaints. They are: The children and beneficiaries of the incapacitated person.

Do hard working agents deserve a payment?

Overall, a hard working Agent deserves payment. They have day-to-day decisions, worries and obligations that others cannot understand unless they have been in that position. Others might think the Agent just drops by a couple of times a week to check on the incapacitated person. In reality, there can be endless hours of dealing with the care facility, the doctors and staff, financial institutions, bill payments and the general ups and downs of the health and mental state of the incapacitated person. This can be an exhausting a thankless job that can limit a person’s ability to work and care for their own family. Monetary payment may be necessary to allow someone to properly perform the necessary jobs under the POA. In the end, other family members should be thankful that someone has taken on the responsibility of handling the incapacitated person’s affairs.

9 Answers

While cheap forms from the office supply store are certainly available, and probably better than nothing, the small fee that a good elder law attorney charges for his or her preparation of a durable power of attorney for financial and legal matters would be money well spent.

Popular Questions

The nursing home is holding my Mother "hostage" with a POA that was forged. Any help?

Related Questions

How do you invoke power of attorney when the aging parent is no longer making sound financial decisions?

What is durable power of attorney?

Drafting a durable power of attorney is an act of love: By detailing how you want matters regarding your health and finances handled in the event of an emergency, you are sparing your family and friends the unpleasant task of making such decisions in a stressful time.

What is a power of attorney for healthcare?

Power of Attorney for Healthcare. The power of attorney for healthcare designates the person who will make medical decisions for you in an emergency. Even though you may have set out your wishes in your living will, such documents cannot cover every circumstance.

How old do you have to be to get a power of attorney?

In order to create a power of attorney for healthcare, most states only require that you be an adult (typically 18) and be competent when you create the document. This document takes effect when your doctor declares that you lack the "capacity" to make your own health care decisions.

When does a power of attorney end?

The power of attorney for finances is typically extinguished upon death, revocation, or divorce.

Do you need a power of attorney to act in your best interest?

The person is required to act in your best interests. Most states offer simple forms to help you create a power of attorney for finances. Generally, the document must be signed, witnessed and notarized by an adult.

Why is it important to have a durable power of attorney?

This is good advice because every adult should have these durable powers of attorney. They give someone the power to act on your behalf (always in your best interests) if you should become incapacitated— for example, because of an accident or unexpected serious illness. These are not complicated documents, and many states have their own forms for the advance directive. But they'll probably add a few hundred dollars to the bill. (See the results of this national survey on how much lawyers charge to prepare estate planning packages .)

How much does a lawyer charge for a will?

Depending on where you live and how complicated your family and financial circumstances are, a lawyer may charge anything from a few hundred to several thousand dollars for a will and other basic estate planning documents.

Why do lawyers have flat fees?

Finally, some lawyers feel that a flat fee arrangement lets everyone relax and makes for a better attorney-client relationship. You won't feel reluctant to call or email with a question, and the lawyer can take the time necessary to listen to your concerns and explain things to you without feeling like the meter is running.

Why do estate planning lawyers charge flat fees?

It won't take a lawyer much time to put your document together, but with a flat fee the lawyer can charge for his or her expertise and experience. A flat fees means they don't have to keep detailed records of how they spend their time, either .

How much does a lawyer charge for a living trust?

It's rare to see a price of less than $1200 or $1500 for a trust. One caveat: After your will has been property signed and witnessed, you're done. But after a living trust is drawn up ...

How long does a lawyer keep track of their time?

Many lawyers keep track of their time in six-minute increments (one-tenth of an hour). That means that you'll never be billed for less than six minutes' of the lawyer's time, even if the lawyer spends just two minutes on the phone with you.

How much does an estate planning lawyer charge?

The hourly rate will depend primarily on the lawyer's experience and training, and where you live. In a small town, you might find someone who bills at $150/hour, but in a city, a rate of less than $200/hour would be unusual. Lawyers in big firms generally charge higher rates than sole practitioners or small firms, unless a small firm is made up of lawyers who specialize in sophisticated estate planning and tax matters. A lawyer who does nothing but estate planning will probably charge more than a general practitioner, but should also be more knowledgeable and efficient. (See details of hourly fees reported by estate planning attorneys around the country.)
