how much does a seller pay a lawyer to close on a house

by Lura Mraz 5 min read

As noted, which of these costs the seller is responsible for also varies from sale to sale. In Massachusetts, there are five major closing costs typically paid by the seller: The real estate agent’s commission, usually 5% to 6% of the price of the home. The real estate attorney’s fee, usually between $800 and $1100.

How much you'll pay for real estate attorney fees depends on your market and how involved they are in the transaction, but they typically charge a flat rate of $800 to $1,200 per transaction. Some attorneys charge hourly, ranging from $150 to $350 per hour.

Full Answer

Do sellers pay attorney fees at closing?

Mar 07, 2019 · A settlement fee is paid to the escrow or title agent who handles your closing. If an attorney is handling the closing, you will pay attorney fees instead. Cost: $150 to $500 for attorney fee, according to, and the settlement fee is around $2 per $1,000 in sales price, according to Money Crashers Any additional state requirements

How much does a real estate attorney charge to sell a house?

How much you’ll pay for real estate attorney fees depends on your market and how involved they are in the transaction, but they typically charge a flat rate of $800 to $1,200 per transaction. Some attorneys charge hourly, ranging from $150 to $350 per hour. If I have an attorney, do I need an agent or broker to sell my house?

Do I need a lawyer to close on a house?

Oct 21, 2021 · Depending on who you hire, you can expect to pay anywhere from $150 to $500 an hour for a good attorney. You can also hire attorneys for flat fees for specific services. This can run anywhere from $800 to $1,500 when selling a home.

How much do buyers pay at closing?


How much does a real estate attorney charge?

How much does a real estate attorney cost? How much you’ll pay for real estate attorney fees depends on your market and how involved they are in the transaction, but they typically charge a flat rate of $800 to $1,200 per transaction. Some attorneys charge hourly, ranging from $150 to $350 per hour.

What is a real estate attorney?

Real estate attorneys help oversee home sales, from the moment the contract is signed through the negotiating period (aptly called the “attorney review”) to closing. A seller’s attorney reviews sales contracts, communicates terms in a professional manner and attends closings to prevent mishaps. Selling a home is a complex process ...

Why do you need an attorney for real estate?

An attorney helps you protect your investment and assets while ensuring you’re conducting your side of the transaction legally — which can prevent costly missteps. Real estate attorneys are required in many states, but even if you aren’t legally required to use an attorney while selling, it can be a good idea.

What to do if you inherited a home?

An attorney can help you navigate the complexities. Estate sale: If you inherited the home you’re selling, hiring an attorney to sort through ownership documents can ease the burden, which is especially helpful when you’re grieving the loss of a family member.

What is the job of a home inspector?

Their job is to make sure the buyer knows about everything that may need to be repaired on the home. Sellers also sometimes hire an inspector to do a pre-inspection so they can make any necessary repairs before putting the house on the market.

Do you need an attorney for a closing?

In 21 states and the District of Columbia, attorneys are legally required as part of the closing process. Attorney-required states include: As a best practice, if the other party in your transaction has a lawyer representing them and supporting their best interests, you should too.

What can a real estate attorney do?

A real estate attorney can help you through all of the paperwork required to make the sale. He or she usually comes in after you have determined the selling price and terms of the sale. Even in states where you are not required to hire a lawyer, you may want an attorney to look over the contract.

What to do when selling a house with tenants?

You will also want to contact an attorney if you are selling a property that has tenants. There are a myriad of local and state laws when it comes to tenants rights.

How to stop foreclosure?

They may be able to find a way to stop foreclosure through an injunction. You may also want to hire an attorney if you are going through a divorce or separation. The attorney can help you negotiate the sale with an uncooperative partner.

What does a clever partner agent do?

After all, no one wants a dispute over a home sale to end up in court. A Clever Partner Agent can help you determine if and when you need an attorney. He or she will also be able to suggest reliable legal resources and refer you to a lawyer that you can depend on.

What are the laws regarding tenant rights?

There are a myriad of local and state laws when it comes to tenants rights. Most have legal requirements that you must meet (and notices that you must provide to tenants) before tenants have to vacate. The last thing that you want is a legal entanglement due to your rental unit.

What are closing costs for sellers?

Additional closing costs for sellers of real estate include liens or judgments against the property; unpaid homeowners association dues; prorated property taxes; escrow fees; and homeowners association dues included up to the settlement date.

What is title insurance?

Title insurance fees are another fee to keep in mind when you sell real estate. As part of closing costs, sellers typically pay the buyer’s title insurance premium. Title insurance protects buyers and lenders in case there are problems with the title in a real estate deal.

What is transfer tax?

Transfer taxes are the taxes imposed by your state or local government to transfer the title from the seller to the buyer. Transfer taxes are part of the closing costs for sellers. Along with transfer taxes and transfer feeds, property taxes must also be up to date for sellers before they hand over keys to the buyer. 4.

Do you have to pay prepayment on a mortgage?

In some cases, your lender may require you to pay a prepayment penalty for paying off your mortgage loan before the end of the term. If you have a home equity loan or line of credit, in addition to your mortgage, the lender will require this be paid in full at settlement as part of closing costs for the seller.
