how much does a lawyer charge to expunge felony virginia

by Cleve Swaniawski 8 min read

But at least in Virginia, here’s how much it costs to get an expungement per charge: Certified Copy – $2.00 Filing Fee – $50.00 to $120.00* Sheriff’s Service Fee – $12.00 Fingerprint Cards – $5.00 to $20.00* Legal Costs – Varies *Depends on circuit court fee schedule and law enforcement department.

In general, you will likely need to pay $2.00 to get a certified copy of the charge you want expunged; $86.00 to file the petition; $12.00 to serve the petition on the Commonwealth's Attorney; $10.00 to obtain a fingerprint card; and, legal costs to your attorney to process the expungement.

Full Answer

How much does it cost to get an expungement in Virginia?

The fee is $86 to file the expungement petition and a $12 service fee when filed by the sheriff. If you are seeking expungement because you were the victim of identity theft, the petition is free. Get fingerprinted. Go to a Virginia State Police (VSP) department and have your fingerprints taken.

How can a Virginia criminal expungement lawyer help you?

If you have a charge on your criminal record, and you would like to get it removed, a Virginia criminal expungement lawyer can help. There are many reasons to seek expungement of your Virginia criminal record. The primary reason most people contact us is because they don’t want the record to show up on a background check at work or school.

How long does it take to expunge a criminal record?

Bring a copy of your filed petition with you to the police department. The VSP will have the Central Criminal Records Exchange (CCRE) run a record check on you and then send the record to the court, which will take about four to six weeks. Your petition for expungement will not move ahead until the court gets the record from the CCRE.

Can a dismissed charge be expunged from your record?

In general, the charge must have been dismissed to be expunged from your permanent record. Either you were acquitted or found not guilty. Or, the charge was otherwise dismissed, whether by the prosecutor (a “nolle prosequi”) or after compliance with a deferred disposition.

How much does it cost to expunge a name in Virginia?

How much does it cost to get an identity theft expungement in Virginia?

What is expungement in Virginia?

How to see if a juvenile record is expunged?

How long does it take to get a fingerprint in Virginia?

How long does it take to get a misdemeanor expunged?

What happened to you when you were charged with contempt of court?

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How much does an expungement cost in VA?

What does it cost to file an expungement petition in Circuit Court? The cost of an expungement proceeding can vary a little, based upon local charges. The fee for filing a proceeding is currently around $84 and the cost of serving the petition on the state is $12, for a total of $96.

How long does it take to get felony expunged Virginia?

Felonies that were reduced to misdemeanors, deferred dispositions or first offender program dismissals are not eligible for expungement in Virginia. In Virginia, the expungement process often takes about six (6) months to complete and can take longer in some jurisdictions.

Does Virginia expunge felonies?

In 2021, the Virginia General Assembly passed a new law that will greatly expand eligibility for record sealing. Non-convictions, many misdemeanor convictions, and some felony convictions will be eligible for sealing, and some of these records will be automatically sealed instead of the typical court process.

Can you get a charge expunged in Virginia?

To have your record expunged, a petition must be filed in the Circuit Court of the jurisdiction where you were originally charged. You will need to be fingerprinted, and there is a waiting period. During that waiting period, the Commonwealth's Attorney receives a copy of the petition, and has an opportunity to object.

What is the expungement process in Virginia?

The current expungement process in Virginia requires the individual charged with the offense to file a petition and fingerprints with the circuit court, pay a filing fee, and possibly attend a hearing on the matter.

Can you clear your criminal record in Virginia?

The state of Virginia does not allow the expungement or sealing of criminal conviction records unless you were granted an absolute pardon for a crime you did not commit.

How do I get a pardon for a felony in Virginia?

In order to be eligible for a simple pardon, you must:Be free of all conditions set by the court (including any probation period, suspended time, or good time behavior) on all convictions followed by a waiting period of five years.Have been granted your Restoration of Rights before petitioning for the pardon.

Can a Class 6 felony be reduced to a misdemeanor in Virginia?

A Class 6 felony is the lowest category of felony and is one step up from a misdemeanor. In fact, both Class 6 and Class 5 felonies, after being reviewed by a judge or jury, may remain a felony or may be downgraded to a misdemeanor.

How do you get an absolute pardon in Virginia?

You must petition the appropriate Circuit Court pursuant to Va. Code §18.2-308.2. An absolute pardon may be granted when the Governor is convinced that the petitioner is innocent of the charge for which he or she was convicted.

How do you get a felony expunged in Virginia?

To obtain an expungement, you will file a formal petition for expungement in the circuit court of the jurisdiction where you were arrested and/or charged. You must also submit to fingerprinting when submitting your petition. Your fingerprints are used to pull up your criminal records in Virginia.

Can I clear my criminal record after 5 years?

You may apply for expungement if: - The offence was committed when you were under 18 years of age. - Five years have lapsed after the date of conviction in the case of a Schedule 1 offence.

When a case is dismissed is it still on your record?

If you do end up in court, you will have a court record even if you are found innocent or have your charges dismissed. This record will not show a conviction, but it will show that you were charged and went to court.

Virginia Expungement - Expungement Guide

A Virginia expungement is when somebody files to have all records associated with the arrest and court proceedings expunged. This would include police reports, investigation reports, any reports leading up to the conviction, detention or correctional facility records and court documents.

How to Expunge and Clear Your Criminal Record in Virginia

First, you will need to file a petition for expungement (by hiring an attorney or representing yourself). This will include the date of your arrest, the arresting agency, and a copy of your warrant or your indictment.

New Virginia Expungement and Sealing Laws | Lugar Law

New Virginia Expungement and Sealing Laws. Prior to April 2021, Virginia was one of the most challenging states to get records sealed.On April 7, 2021, Governor Northam signed House Bill 2133 and Senate Bill 1339 amending §§ 9.1-101, 9.1-128, 9.8-134, 17.1-293.1, 17.1-502, 19,2-310.7, 19.2-389.3, and 19.2-396 and creating 17.1-205.1 and Chapter 23 (19.2-392.5 – 19.2-392.17 et seq) of Title ...

Virginia - Guide to Pardon, Expungement & Sealing

Last updated: June 16, 2022. I. Loss & restoration of civil/firearms rights A. Civil rights. Persons convicted of a felony lose the right to vote and serve on a jury.


Form CC-1473 PETITION FOR EXPUNGEMENT FILED IN A Form CC-1473 CIRCUIT COURT – ACQUITTAL/DISMISSAL OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY SUPREME COURT OF VIRGINIA Form CC-1473 Revised 11/15 Using This Revisable PDF Form. 1. Copies . a. Original – to court. b. Copy – arrange to have served on Commonwealth’s Attorney in the county or city

PETITION FOR EXPUNGEMENT - Judiciary of Virginia

expungement filed in a circuit court – acquittal/dismissal is filed. form cc-1473 master 11/15 petition for expungement case no. ..... filed in a circuit court – acquittal/dismissal commonwealth of virginia va. code § 19.2-392.2 a

How to get your record expunged?

To have your record expunged, a petition must be filed in the Circuit Court of the jurisdiction where you were originally charged. You will need to be fingerprinted, and there is a waiting period. During that waiting period, the Commonwealth's Attorney receives a copy of the petition, and has an opportunity to object.

What is expungement in criminal justice?

An expungement is a process whereby we can petition the court to remove arrests and dismissed charges from your record. ***The records are not destroyed and are still visible if the judge gives permission (for example, to a law enforcement officer). However, they are removed from public view, so that they will not show up on background checks.***.

What are the types of dispositions that can be expunged?

This law is still in effect and can be used to expunge the following types of dispositions: - Dismissals with prejudice. - Dismissals without prejudice (nolle prosequi) - Dismissals by accord and satisfaction. - Not guilty findings. - Arrests that did not lead to a conviction.

Can you seal a felony in Virginia?

Under Virginia's new expungement laws, you can petition to “seal” low-grade felony convictions (class 5 or 6), misdemeanor convictions, and dismissals pursuant to a deferral in a first-offender program, e.g., a first-time marijuana charge.

Can you get a conviction expunged in 2021?

Up until July 1, 2021, only criminal charges that were dismissed or for which the disposition was not guilty were eligible for expungement. If you were arrested, but were ultimately not convicted, the arrest and the charge will still show up on your criminal background check and you can petition the court to have these records removed.

Can you seal a conviction?

Finally, you may only petition to seal convictions, or dismissals pursuant deferral, a total of twice in your lifetime. If you previously had two petitions granted under the new expungement laws, you are not eligible. To grant your petition to seal a conviction or dismissal pursuant to deferral, the Court will have to make ...

How to get an arrest expunged?

First, you will need to file a petition for expungement (by hiring an attorney or representing yourself). This will include the date of your arrest, the arresting agency, and a copy of your warrant or your indictment.

What happens if you move states after a conviction?

If you have moved states since your conviction, you have to find a attorney who practices in that state to handle your case.

Can a misdemeanor be expunged?

Those who are guilty of misdemeanor offenses and have no other criminal history will likely have their expungement granted as well. If the expungement is granted , documents will be forwarded to local authorities to remove all publicly available records of the conviction and arrest .

What does expunging a charge mean in Virginia?

"Expunging" criminal charges in Virginia means sealing records of a charge that did not result in a conviction, so the public can’t see them. When a court in Virginia issues an expungement, all physical records of your arrest and subsequent court proceedings become inaccessible except through a request approved by the court. However, not all charges are eligible for expungement. If you’ve been accused of a crime, it’s important to understand how an expungement can benefit you and your family, when a person is eligible to petition for an expungement, how to secure one, and how an attorney can help.

Why is it important to get criminal charges expunged?

Being granted an expungement can benefit you and your family because criminal charges often come with a social stigma. It’s important to get those charges expunged, so they don’t negatively influence key areas of your life, including:

Can you expunge a criminal record in Virginia?

Expungement is limited in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Typically, you cannot expunge an entire criminal record— only individual criminal charges. In addition, a Virginia court may only expunge certain charges under the following circumstances:

What happens if you get arrested in Virginia?

In fact, simply being arrested for a crime will create a criminal record that can negatively affect an individual’s job prospects, housing options, and eligibility for government services.

Can a conviction be removed in Virginia?

Virginia’s criminal laws state that an arrest for a charge will remain on an individual’s criminal record indefinitely. While actual convictions can never be removed, any case that ends in an acquittal or other form of innocence may be removed upon a petitioner’s motion.

How much does it cost to expunge a name in Virginia?

Most county sheriffs do this for you. Pay the fee. The fee is usually included when you file the petition with the court clerk. The fee is $86 to file the expungement petition and a $12 service fee when filed by the sheriff.

How much does it cost to get an identity theft expungement in Virginia?

The fee is $86 to file the expungement petition and a $12 service fee when filed by the sheriff. If you are seeking expungement because you were the victim of identity theft, the petition is free. Get fingerprinted. Go to a Virginia State Police (VSP) department and have your fingerprints taken.

What is expungement in Virginia?

What is Expungement? Virginia offers expungement of some adult criminal records, which is similar to what most states call "sealing.". In Virginia, an expunged record is simply hidden from public view, not destroyed. For example, private employers, landlords, and banks cannot see an expunged record.

How to see if a juvenile record is expunged?

All police departments and courts seal the record. The only way to see the expunged record is with a court order. Once you receive an expungement, you can legally deny that arrest or charge. Once a Virginia court expunges juvenile records, the records are available only by another court order.

How long does it take to get a fingerprint in Virginia?

The VSP will have the Central Criminal Records Exchange (CCRE) run a record check on you and then send the record to the court, which will take about four to six weeks.

How long does it take to get a misdemeanor expunged?

The Commonwealth Attorney has 21 days after receiving your petition to object to the court. If the attorney does not object, the charge to be expunged is a misdemeanor, and you have no other charges, you are entitled to expungement. If you are entitled to be expunged, the court will order it and notify you.

What happened to you when you were charged with contempt of court?

You were charged with contempt in a civil court but found not guilty. You were charged with assault and battery or other misdemeanor that could have resulted in a civil lawsuit; the victim wrote a statement that he or she has received satisfaction for the injury; and the case against you was dismissed.

Can You Expunge a Felony in Virginia?

Unfortunately, you can only expunge your record in Virginia if the case was dismissed after a trial, the charge was nolle prosequi’d (withdrawn) or the charge was deferred and ultimately dismissed without a finding of guilty or facts sufficient to support a finding of guilt.

How we help

This website was created by a few folks who have personally watched their loved ones struggle to get a job due to having a felony.

What does expungement mean in Virginia?

Expungement means gone forever. Whatever the reason that you need to seal your criminal record, Virginia law allows you to request that certain charges or convictions be permanently deleted, wiped clean, and expunged from its files.

What happens after a police officer expunges a charge?

After the court grants your petition for expungement, the court will enter an order requiring the expungement of the police and court records related to the charge. The clerk of the court shall forward a copy of the order to the Department of State Police, which shall, pursuant to its established polices and procedures, direct the expungement or removal of such records.

How much does it cost to expunge a name in Virginia?

Most county sheriffs do this for you. Pay the fee. The fee is usually included when you file the petition with the court clerk. The fee is $86 to file the expungement petition and a $12 service fee when filed by the sheriff.

How much does it cost to get an identity theft expungement in Virginia?

The fee is $86 to file the expungement petition and a $12 service fee when filed by the sheriff. If you are seeking expungement because you were the victim of identity theft, the petition is free. Get fingerprinted. Go to a Virginia State Police (VSP) department and have your fingerprints taken.

What is expungement in Virginia?

What is Expungement? Virginia offers expungement of some adult criminal records, which is similar to what most states call "sealing.". In Virginia, an expunged record is simply hidden from public view, not destroyed. For example, private employers, landlords, and banks cannot see an expunged record.

How to see if a juvenile record is expunged?

All police departments and courts seal the record. The only way to see the expunged record is with a court order. Once you receive an expungement, you can legally deny that arrest or charge. Once a Virginia court expunges juvenile records, the records are available only by another court order.

How long does it take to get a fingerprint in Virginia?

The VSP will have the Central Criminal Records Exchange (CCRE) run a record check on you and then send the record to the court, which will take about four to six weeks.

How long does it take to get a misdemeanor expunged?

The Commonwealth Attorney has 21 days after receiving your petition to object to the court. If the attorney does not object, the charge to be expunged is a misdemeanor, and you have no other charges, you are entitled to expungement. If you are entitled to be expunged, the court will order it and notify you.

What happened to you when you were charged with contempt of court?

You were charged with contempt in a civil court but found not guilty. You were charged with assault and battery or other misdemeanor that could have resulted in a civil lawsuit; the victim wrote a statement that he or she has received satisfaction for the injury; and the case against you was dismissed.