how much does a good dui lawyer cost in pa

by Laverne Cremin 7 min read

Attorney Fees (average): $2,500 Total: $5,482 to $9,482 In all, you could be looking at more than $10,000 in associated fees after your arrest – and that’s just for a first-time DUI.

With a range of between $300 and $10,000, you can see how just how a great DUI attorney can save you money. A bad one will not argue for a low fine and just accept whatever the court says.

Full Answer

How much will a DUI cost you in Pennsylvania?

Again, those are just the court-ordered penalty fees. For third or subsequent DUIs you’ll likely have to pay upwards of $20,000. Considering the median household income of $61,744 in Pennsylvania, DUI charges often leave individuals and families in financial ruin.

How much does a DUI lawyer cost in Illinois?

DUI lawyers charge $700 to $1,500 when accepting a plea, and $1,500 to $4,000 when going to trial. From the time you're arrested to the time that your case is resolved, you can expect to undergo a 6 to 12-month process.

How much does a DUI lawyer cost in Florida?

DUI lawyers charge $700 to $1,500 when accepting a plea, and $1,500 to $4,000 when going to trial. From the time you're arrested to the time that your case is resolved, you can expect to undergo a 6 to 12-month process. The cost of a DUI is much more substantial than just lawyer fees.

Why should I hire a Pennsylvania DUI lawyer?

These high costs are exactly the reason that anyone arrested for driving under the influence should find a reputable Pennsylvania DUI lawyer. The Law Offices of Steven E. Kellis offers free case consultations, so call (215) 977-4183 if you or someone close to you is arrested for DUI.


How much does an average DUI cost in Pennsylvania?

As explained by the breakdown above, court-imposed DUI fines in Pennsylvania can range anywhere from $300 to $10,000, depending on the details of the offense. But, remember; those fines aren't the only expenses that accrue from DUI cases.

Do I need an attorney for a DUI in Pennsylvania?

There is no requirement in Pennsylvania that you hire an attorney to defend against DUI charges. But it is a big gamble – and maybe a big mistake – to go to court without legal counsel. There is urgent work to do to protect your rights and prepare your defense.

Can DUI charges be dropped in PA?

It is important to remember that any DUI case can potentially be fought and won in court, regardless of Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level at the time of arrest. It is possible to reduce DUI sentencing and fines or have them dropped altogether.

Can a DUI be dismissed in Pennsylvania?

Failure to Provide Complete Discovery: Your charges could be dismissed if all required evidence from the police is not submitted to the judge. Your Right to a Speedy Trial: If the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania exceeds the limited amount of time to try your case, it could be dismissed.

What Can a DUI be reduced to in PA?

Reckless Driving Alcohol RelatedIn some instances Pennsylvania DUI charges can be reduced from DUI to Reckless Driving Alcohol Related, also known as 'wet reckless'. This reduction of charges is only possible if circumstances surrounding your case allow for it.

How do you beat a DUI in PA?

The best strategy to avoid any license suspension time is to hire a qualified and experienced DUI attorney to successfully fight your charges. Many counties in Pennsylvania have a program for certain first time offenders called Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, or ARD.

What happens if you refuse a breathalyzer in PA?

The Penalties for Refusing a Breathalyzer Test First offense: 12-month suspension of your driver's license and up to a $500 fine (which you must pay to reinstate your license after a year). Second offense: 18-month suspension of your driver's license and up to a $1,000 fine (required to reinstate your license).

What happens with first DUI in PA?

A first DUI conviction in PA could mean up to six months in jail, a $5,000 fine and loss of your license for up to a year. The penalties for a DUI in PA, depending on your blood alcohol content level (BAC), are severe.

What is the new DUI law in Pennsylvania?

In June 2022, even a first offense DUI conviction in Pennsylvania for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, can result in: A driver's license suspension of at least 1 year. Court costs and fines, with an average up to $8,000 in fees.

Is jail time mandatory for 1st DUI in PA?

There is no mandatory jail time or loss of driver's license for a first offense, general impairment DUI.

How much is a DUI fine in Pennsylvania?

fines as determined by the Court. The minimum fine for a first offense DUI in PA is $300, but depending on your BAC, your prior record, your license type, and whether your case involved an accident, injury, or death, your fines could be as high as $10,000. With a range of between $300 and $10,000, you can see how just how a great DUI attorney can save you money. A bad one will not argue for a low fine and just accept whatever the court says.

Who is the only board certified DUI attorney in Pennsylvania?

Attorney McShane is the only Board Certified DUI Specialist in Pennsylvania. This means he had to pass rigorous examinations about his knowledge of DUI law to become certified. At The McShane Firm, advanced DUI training is our passion and we use that knowledge to protect our clients.

What to do if you are accused of DUI in Pennsylvania?

If you’ve been accused of DUI in Pennsylvania, the smartest thing you can do is hire an experienced DUI lawyer to fight back against your charges. Good lawyers aren’t cheap and cheap lawyers are no good. In America, you generally get what you pay for. Sure you can find someone to do an entire DUI case for $500, but what do you think you’re going to get for that? Nothing.

What is an interlock device in Pennsylvania?

installing and maintaining an interlock device for your car. An interlock device is a sort of personal breathalyzer that will only let you drive after it tests (and clears) your breath.

How many hours of community service do you need for a DUI in Pennsylvania?

If you are convicted of DUI in Pennsylvania, the following types of soft costs happen at a minimum: a minimum of 40 hours to as much as 300 hours of community service on your own time and at your own expense, even if you’re not convicted, at the very least you’ll need to take time off of work for your court dates.

Is it true when you consider the true costs of a DUI conviction?

Not when you consider the true costs of a DUI conviction.

How much is a DUI fine in Pennsylvania?

As explained by the breakdown above, court-imposed DUI fines in Pennsylvania can range anywhere from $300 to $10,000, depending on the details of the offense. But, remember; those fines aren't the only expenses that accrue from DUI cases. Read on to learn more about some additional costs you may face.

How much is a DUI fine?

For example, if your blood alcohol content or blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was in the .08 to .099% range, and this is a first-time DUI, you may face a fine of $300. But, on the other hand, if this is your second offense and you have a BAC in the same range, you may face a fine up to $2,500.

What are the costs of a DUI?

But, to sum it up, individuals faced with DUI charges can typically anticipate costs for court-ordered fines, impound fees, vehicle accident property damage fees, lost employment wages, increased automobile insurance premiums, a license reinstatement fee, and driving courses or treatment. As you can imagine, these DUI penalties combined can quickly add up to thousands of dollars.

How much does it cost to have an ignition interlock device installed?

On top of all the costs we mentioned earlier, you may even have to have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed on your vehicle, which can run between $500 and $1,500. And, of course, in more severe DWI/DUI convictions you could face community service, numerous court dates and court costs, and even jail time - which can really rack up in attorney fees if you don't opt for a public defender.

What are the penalties for driving while intoxicated in Pennsylvania?

One of the penalties for a DUI, or DWI, as it is sometimes referred to (driving while intoxicated) in Pennsylvania, can include driver's license suspension. Aside from the obvious inconvenience of being unable to drive, this can also impact your ability to maintain or obtain employment, due to the difficulty of your new commute issues.

Who to contact if arrested for DUI in Pennsylvania?

If you have been charged with a DUI in Philadelphia or anywhere else in Pennsylvania, contact the law firm of Scarpello & LaTour today at (215) 732-0460.

What to do if arrested in Pennsylvania for driving under the influence of a controlled substance?

If you were arrested in Pennsylvania for driving under the influence of prescription pills, marijuana, or another form of controlled substance, you should seek legal advice from an experienced DUI/DWI attorney right away.

How much does a DUI lawyer charge?

Your attorney fees will depend if you accept a plea or take your case to trial. DUI lawyers charge $700 to $1,500 when accepting a plea, and $1,500 to $4,000 when going to trial.

How much does a DUI attorney charge per hour?

The first option is hourly, which typically costs an average of $300 per hour. Depending on the lawyer and location, you may pay $200 to $500 per hour. The key advantage here is that if your case is resolved quickly, you will not overpay. You will only be billed the short time period in which the DUI attorney worked on your case.

How much is a DUI fine in Florida?

For example, in Florida, a standard first-offense DUI carries an average fine between $500 and $1,000. However, if your blood alcohol concentration is above .15% or a passenger under the age of 18 was present in the vehicle, you will face a fine closer to $2,000.

How much does a flat rate attorney cost?

In comparison, a flat rate is a fee that covers the entire course of your case. Depending on your circumstances, expect to pay around $3,000 in flat rate attorney fees with most offering a payment plan.

How much does it cost to get your license reinstated after a DUI?

Once you are eligible to reinstate your license, this fee depends on your state. For example, in California, this fee is $125, and in Washington, this fee is $150.

How much does a public defender cost?

Those who are represented by a public defender tend to spend an average of $5,500 on their case, including between $700 and $800 on DUI lawyer fees. However, the cost of a public defender significantly ranges depending on numerous factors, including the state in which you reside. For example, in California, defendants are required to pay an upfront registration fee of $50.

What happens if you have a first offense?

If you are currently facing a "standard" first offense, you will likely be offered a first-offense plea offer. Typically, this is provided when there are no prior convictions and no aggravating variables involved in your case, such as a significantly high blood alcohol concentration, injuries, or accidents.

How much is a DUI fine?

According to state law, first offense DUI convictions can carry fines up to $5,000. Second and subsequent offenses carry fines up to $10,000. These potential fines are daunting, but they are not the only costs associated with a conviction.

What happens if you get a DUI in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, a drunk driving conviction carries hefty fines, as well as court costs and fees. Potential jail time and a lengthy driver’s license suspension may prevent you from working or possibly even cost you your job. A DUI conviction will also leave you with a permanent criminal record, which will drastically increase the cost ...

What happens to car insurance after a DUI?

According to the Value Penguin, your car insurance rates may double after a DUI conviction.

How long can you keep your license in Pennsylvania?

Upon conviction for a DUI, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) can suspend your driver’s license for as long as 18 months. This means you will have to arrange alternative transportation to get to work and school and to run personal errands.

Do you have to pay for ARD?

You will have to pay an initial cost the day you enter the program and you may have a balance due after you complete it.

Does a DUI affect your car insurance?

A DUI conviction will also leave you with a permanent criminal record, which will drastically increase the cost of car insurance and may even prevent you from getting a job in the future. The direct costs of a DUI conviction can add up quickly.

How much does a DUI lawyer save?

If your attorney can get your first-time DUI charges reduced or dropped, you can save as much as $4,000 on car insurance alone.

How much does a DUI cost in insurance?

Insurance: A DUI makes you a high-risk driver and will result in higher insurance premiums for three to five years, as well as risk of policy cancellation. You will get rate hikes that average $830 more per year for car insurance than if you had a clean record. That means an extra cost to you cost of over $4,000 over a five-year period.

What happens if you get a DUI in Kentucky?

In addition to costs, if you are convicted of a DUI in Kentucky, you may face jail time and wind up with a criminal record that will follow you for the rest of your life. Fortunately, the Lexington DUI attorneys at Dan Carman, are available to fight for your rights and your freedom. We know Kentucky prosecutors, courts and the system. We can negotiate to get you the best deal possible and take your case to trial if necessary.

Can a public defender be paid?

In some circumstances, you may be able to use the services of a public defender, paid by the state. Unfortunately, public defenders have heavy case loads and are overworked and underfunded. This means they rarely are able to put in the time and effort necessary to investigate and litigate a DUI, especially if you go to trial.

How much does a lawyer cost?

Based on ContractsCounsel's marketplace data, the average cost of a lawyer in any legal field is $250 - $350 per hour .

How to determine how much a lawyer will charge?

The type of legal work, or the type of case , is probably the most crucial factor in determining how much your legal fees will be. The more specialized an area of law, the more costly the lawyer for that case will be.

Why do attorneys charge flat fees?

The attorney benefits from collecting a lump sum fee upfront and not keeping track of hours or regularly bill the client.

How do lawyers bill?

Lawyers work with different types of billing structures which can also affect the overall price of their services. Some lawyers bill by the hour for their work, while others quote a flat fee rate, contingency rate, or use retainer fees.

How does an attorney work after being hired?

Once an attorney is hired, the cost to speak to them depends on the fee arrangement. If an attorney uses an hourly rate schedule, the client will be charged for meetings, phone conservations, and returned emails. If the lawyer is working off a flat fee arrangement, the client will not have to pay extra to talk to the lawyer.

What is flat fee?

A flat fee is a pre-arranged total fee for legal services usually paid upfront before the lawyer begins work on your case. It is most common to see this type of payment structure for form-based matters like bankruptcies or contract drafting .

Why do lawyers charge more?

Experienced lawyers can charge more because their experience and knowledge make them more valuable.

Who is the best DUI attorney in Pennsylvania?

PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane is the President/CEO of The McShane Firm, LLC - Pennsylvania's top criminal law and DUI law firm. He is the highest rated DUI attorney in PA as rated by Justin McShane is a double Board certified attorney. He is the first and so far the only Pennsylvania attorney to achieve American Bar Association recognized board certification in DUI defense from the National College for DUI Defense, Inc. He is also a Board Certified Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Approved Agency.

What is the most common question someone asks when charged with DUI?

One of the most common questions about when someone is charged with a DUI is “How much is the going to set me back?”

Is it a good idea to contact a DUI attorney?

A DUI will affect everyone differently and that is why it is a good idea to contact an experienced DUI attorney who can give you the right information so you can make the right decisions.

Does Pennsylvania have a tiered system for DUI?

Pennsylvania uses a tiered system for DUI charges. That means the penalties increased based on the number of prior offenses as well as the BAC. Below is a chart showing the fines for each level. As you can see, there are some very heavy fines for a DUI conviction, if you are convicted.
