how much does a divorce cost in pennsylvania without a lawyer

by London Cassin 5 min read

Full Answer

How much does a divorce cost in Pennsylvania?

The results showed that the average total cost of a Pennsylvania divorce with no contested issues is $3,500-$4,000 (based on minimum and maximum hourly fees). The average costs are $5,000-$6,000 for cases with one dispute, if it’s resolved through a settlement, and $8,500-$10,500 for cases with two or more disputes but no trial.

How much does it cost to get divorced without an attorney?

There are other costs to getting divorced besides attorneys’ fees. You’ll always have to pay filing fees, but you could also have to pay for mediation and experts such as child custody evaluators and financial analysts. In our survey, the national average for these non-attorney costs is $1,600.

How much do lawyers charge per hour in Pennsylvania?

The Pennsylvania lawyers in our study reported their minimum and maximum hourly rates. Across the state, the average minimum was $230 per hour, while the average maximum was $280 an hour.

Why do I need a family lawyer in Pennsylvania for divorce?

A good family lawyer can help you navigate the many questions and uncertainties that come with filing for divorce in Pennsylvania. You will have peace of mind knowing you have a trusted advisor you can turn to when thrown a curve ball or met with a challenge.


How much does it cost to file for uncontested divorce in PA?

Pursuing an uncontested or mutual consent divorce in Pennsylvania without hiring an attorney is the cheapest route. You can expect approximately a $300 fee to file your divorce papers. There can be an additional cost between $150 and $1,500 in case you use the support of an online service.

How much does a typical divorce cost in PA?

approximately $14,300The average cost of divorce in Pennsylvania state is approximately $14,300. The expenses can reach $21,500 if there are children or property involved. The average filing fees in Pennsylvania are $350.

Can I file for divorce on my own in PA?

your marriage must be irretrievably broken. you and your spouse must agree to the divorce. you and your spouse must sign an affidavit consenting to the divorce, and. you or your spouse must have lived in Pennsylvania for at least six months before the filing.

Who pays divorce fees in PA?

Generally speaking, you're on your own for your legal fees. In certain cases wherein one party has a very good income and the other party is low or no income, it is possible to ask the Court to have the well-to-do party pay the other's legal fees.

How can I pay for a divorce with no money?

Some of the funding options available include;Legal Aid. Legal Aid for divorce is now only available for a limited number of extreme cases. ... Help with Court Fees. ... Funding from your partner. ... Legal Services Provision Order. ... Maintenance. ... Sears Tooth Agreement. ... Borrow Money from Family. ... Litigation Loans.

How long do divorces take in PA?

Divorce in Pennsylvania can take between 90 days and 12 months on average, depending on whether it is a fault or a no-fault one. The mandatory waiting period for a no-fault marriage dissolution is 90 days. The average contested divorce takes 5-12 months, and an uncontested one – around 4-6 months.

How long do you have to be separated in PA before a divorce?

There is a One-Year Waiting Period For Filing for a No-Fault Divorce. If a couple is seeking a divorce without establishing grounds for fault (discussed further below), then Pennsylvania law imposes a one-year waiting period from the time of separation before either spouse can file for divorce.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce in PA?

A spouse is entitled to alimony only if the court decides that alimony is “necessary.” To decide whether alimony is necessary, how much should be paid, and how long it should be paid, the court must consider many factors – including but not limited to the relative income and earning capacities of the parties, the ages ...

Does it matter who files for divorce first in PA?

When Both Individuals Live in Pennsylvania. If both you and your partner currently reside within the state, there is no true advantage to filing first. Even if you file first, the case will usually be held at the Court of Common Pleas in the defendant's county, or the county where you married, by default.

Can I file for divorce online in PA?

No Fault No Blame The easiest way to complete a do it yourself divorce is to use an online site such as The site uses forms that are specific to the state in which you are filing for divorce, in this case Pennsylvania. Those forms allow the do it yourself divorce to proceed smoothly.

Who gets house in divorce PA?

Generally there are two options when it comes to dealing with the house in a divorce: The house is sold and the parties split the proceeds or the house is retained by one party and the value of the house is attributed to the party retaining it for the purpose of effectuating an equitable distribution.

Do you have to go to court for a divorce?

In short, no. The court is an integral part of the process but you do not have to attend at court unless you require a judge to adjudicate a dispute between you.

Who pays for a divorce in PA?

In Pennsylvania the court has the power to order one spouse to pay for the other’s attorney fees. The judge will consider factors such as the incom...

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The Pennsylvania Collaborative Law Act has made collaborative divorces legitimate. Couples are free to agree on any type of financial and custody s...

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You want to be sure that your lawyer has experience handling divorce cases in Pennsylvania -- specifically in the jurisdiction where your case will...

How much does an uncontested divorce cost in PA?

Pursuing an uncontested divorce without hiring an attorney is the cheapest route. You can expect approximately a $300 fee to file your divorce pape...

How much does a divorce cost in Pennsylvania?

The average cost for a divorce in Pennsylvania is about $14,300 if no kids are involved and about $21,500 if kids are involved. However, the amount your divorce will end up costing could be much more or much less than those averages depending on a variety of factors, including how many "contested" issues are involved in your case as well as the divorce route you take.

When do you pay filing fees for divorce?

You pay the filing fees at the beginning of the divorce process. They are required to formally start the divorce.

How does divorce save money?

Pros: You save money by not having to pay a divorce professional. If you and your spouse can work together to reach a settlement you both feel good about, more power to you.

How much does it cost to file a divorce complaint in Bucks County?

For example, in Bucks County, the filing fee for a divorce complaint is $382.50. There is an additional fee of $87.50 if there is an "equitable division" complaint involved, i.e., the couple needs help dividing marital property, and an additional fee of $95.25 if there are custody or visitation issues to resolve. Another fee of $88 is added if "special relief" is sought, such as temporary support.

Why do divorce cases have expenses?

However, the main cause of expense in divorce cases is being unable to reach a settlement agreement.

What is contested divorce?

A contested divorce means there are issues that still need to be resolved, such as property division, child custody, child support, or spousal maintenance. An uncontested divorce means you and your spouse have been able to reach an agreement on your own. There is nothing left to divide or figure out.

How to resolve a contested divorce?

In a contested divorce, you choose a dispute resolution process to attempt to work out any issues that you and your spouse don't agree on. Most people start with simple negotiations and perhaps hire a mediator. If you still can't reach an agreement, you might try other methods of dispute resolution, or you may decide to ask the court to intervene.

How much does it cost to get divorced in Pennsylvania?

Pursuing an uncontested or mutual consent divorce in Pennsylvania without hiring an attorney is the cheapest route. You can expect approximately a $300 fee to file your divorce papers. There can be an additional cost between $150 and $1,500 in case you use the support of an online service.

How to choose a divorce lawyer in Pennsylvania?

The best advice for choosing the right divorce lawyer in Pennsylvania is to look for character, education, and reputation.

What does a divorce lawyer do?

Working with a divorce attorney who can protect your interest in future financial benefits like pensions and retirement accounts will provide closure and peace of mind as you move on with your life. An experienced divorce lawyer will make sure that assets are appropriately re-titled to avoid unforeseen tax consequences.

Why is divorce so expensive?

In general, divorces become increasingly expensive based on three main factors: the complexity of your individual situation (which will impact how long the process takes); who you hire; how much you or your spouse are willing to compromise to reach agreements and keep costs down.

Why is it important to hire a lawyer for divorce?

Hiring a skilled lawyer will be among the most important decisions you make in your divorce process. You want to ensure that you have an attorney who will work to find the best outcomes for you, your children, and your financial future.

What is collaborative divorce?

In a collaborative divorce, each party agrees to resolve their issues cooperatively.

Can an incompetent attorney make divorce painful?

An incompetent attorney can make your divorce even more painful than it has to be; and more expensive in the long run. Without the proper legal guidance your spouse could take advantage of the situation in a way that might not be repairable later.

How much does it cost to get divorced in Pennsylvania?

The average cost of an uncontested divorce in PA is $500, depending on court fees in the county where the case is initiated.

How to get a divorce in PA cheap?

If you want to get a cheap divorce in PA, it is best to file for an uncontested one. In this case, it won’t be necessary to hire a lawyer, and thus, spend thousands for them to help you.

How much does a divorce lawyer cost?

Here are some factors that influence the cost of a divorce lawyer: 1 Professionalism level. An experienced attorney with lots of successful cases can charge around $500 hourly and request a huge retainer. 2 Location. Hourly rates can be significantly higher in big cities or counties. 3 Complexity of the case. The more trials you attend, the more money you will spend on an attorney’s fee. 4 Children, assets, and debts. If you and your spouse have minor children, own property, or owe someone money, this will increase the amount of paperwork and unresolved issues, and thus, prolong your divorce and raise its price.

What does "no fault divorce" mean?

A no-fault divorce means that spouses do not accuse each other of any misconduct, such as adultery, desertion, cruel treatment, or other, and just want their divorce to be finalized based on irretrievable breakdown.

How much does a custody evaluator charge?

On average, custody evaluators charge from $5,000 to $10,000 in big cities. They inspect the family situation, review factors that can influence custody decisions, talk to the child, and then make a court testimony based on their findings.

What to do if you have a hard time dividing your property?

To make a fair division that will satisfy both parties, you may need to hire experts, such as accountants or real estate appraisers.

What to do if you cannot come up with a settlement agreement?

If you and your spouse cannot come up with a Settlement Agreement that satisfies you both, you’ll have to rely on a judge to make a call and on your lawyer to support your stance .

How to file for no fault divorce in Pennsylvania?

To file for a no-fault divorce in PA, spouses should choose “irreconcilable differences” as the ground for ending their marriage. To make the case uncontested, they should also draft a comprehensive Settlement Agreement in which they outline:

How much does an attorney charge per hour?

Attorney’s experience. An experienced lawyer with lots of successful cases may charge up to $500 hourly. On the contrary, inexperienced ones may offer their services for $150-$200.

How much does it cost to dissolve a marriage?

If spouses are in agreement, they may choose whether to hire a lawyer, and the cost of their marriage dissolution will vary from $400 to $15,000 depending on the approach they take.

How much does a real estate appraiser charge?

Real estate appraiser. Makes an evaluation and determines the market value of an apartment, house, etc. An average hourly fee such a professional charges is $400.

How much does a forensic accountant charge?

A forensic accountant can charge up to $20,000 depending on the case.

Is a bad compromise better than a good lawsuit?

Sometimes, a bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. However, there are cases when spouses are unable to reach a consensus and have to go to court. In this case, the overall divorce costs will depend on many different factors outlined below.

Do you have to show a deep understanding of state-wide and local laws in court?

First of all, you will have to show a deep understanding of state-wide and local laws in court as you will be held to the same standards as lawyers.

Contested vs. Uncontested Divorce In Pennsylvania

Contested divorces may result in greater expense than uncontested divorces. Pennsylvania requires hired professionals to help divorcing couples reach divorce agreements. Uncontested divorces occur when a divorcing couple can compromise, eliminating the need for an attorney or mediator.

How Much Does An Uncontested Divorce Cost In Pennsylvania?

For the cheapest divorce, Pennsylvania couples can expect to pay minimal fees. Filing divorce papers amounts to around $300.

Common Costs Involved In A Pennsylvania Divorce

Divorce expenses in Pennsylvania depend on the situation and vary in expenses. The following factors impact the price of a divorce:

Divorce Costs In Pennsylvania: The Complexity Of The Divorce

A complex divorce usually requires a longer process, resulting in more expenses. Complex divorces may require more professional involvement, which increases expenses.

Divorce Costs In Pennsylvania: Hired Professionals

If a divorcing couple consults with professionals, such as an attorney or mediator, the divorce may become more expensive. Attorneys and mediators, who charge by the hour, may cause a Pennsylvania divorce to become increasingly more costly.

Divorce Costs In Pennsylvania: Compromises Between Each Spouse

If spouses are willing to compromise without using a hired professional, they can expect their divorce expenses to decrease substantially.

Do children add to divorce expenses in Pennsylvania?

Yes, children may cause divorce expenses to rise in Pennsylvania. Determining custody agreements, child support, and other concepts may cause a dispute between divorcing spouses, resulting in a higher probability of attorneys or mediators stepping in.

Who Pays for a Divorce in Pennsylvania?

Under regular circumstances, each spouse is in charge of paying their own attorney fees. In cases when the income gap between the spouses is too big, the court can order one of the partners to pay for the other’s attorney fees.

Factors That Influence the Divorce Cost in PA

The amount you need to spend on a divorce in Pennsylvania will depend on multiple factors, such as:

How Much Does an Uncontested Divorce Cost in PA?

The low-cost divorce option in PA is called a “ no-fault and mutual consent divorce,” also known as an uncontested divorce. If you don’t hire a lawyer, you will only need to pay for the filing fees, which are around $300.

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