how might a lawyer gain the jury's trust

by Prof. Daphne Schmitt 7 min read

Full Answer

Why do attorneys ask so many questions during a jury trial?

That’s why attorneys will keep their questions brief and to the point, and will follow up to guide a conversation with the juror. It’s all about seeing through the masks that everyone wears on a daily basis, and finding the truth underneath. Juries fulfill one of the most vital roles in the jury trial.

How do lawyers convince judges and jurors?

They call attention to particularly happy or harrowing facts, and ensure their audience is captivated every step of the way. While this is not an exhaustive list of all techniques successful lawyers use to convince judges and jurors, these are some of the most common.

How does a plaintiff present a case to a jury?

The plaintiff will tell a jury a story of how their client was victimized by the defense, how they’ve suffered at the hands of the defendant. The defense can’t afford to try and demonize the plaintiff, as this makes the defendant look very negative.

How can you increase your chances of staying on jury duty?

YOUR ATTITUDE If you come into jury duty with an air of positivity, you increase your chances of staying on as a juror. “If they’re ticked off, I don’t wanna take that chance because that could be transferred to my case,” says King.


How do lawyers persuade the jury?

To persuade, lawyers must appeal to their audience. They must know whom they are trying to convince. In a jury trial, lawyers should establish juror profiles during jury selection to identify individuals likely to render a verdict in their client's favor.

Can juries be trusted?

To the contrary, there is much evidence for trusting juries to be fair and even restrained. Most of the verdict is predictable based on the extent of the injury, medical costs and lost income, indicating rational decision making.

How do you win the jury over?

Tips for Success in the CourtroomMeet Your Deadlines. ... Choose a Judge or Jury Trial. ... Learn the Elements of Your Case. ... Make Sure Your Evidence Is Admissible. ... Prepare a Trial Notebook.Learn the Ropes.Watch Some Trials. ... Be Respectful.More items...

What factors may affect a jury's decision?

1) Pre-trial publicity 2) Characteristics of the defendant 3) Minority influence Pre-trial publicity. Characteristics of the defendant. Minority influence.

Why is the jury system effective?

Trial by jury is democratic in that the community participates in a vital way before people accused of serious crime can be convicted. Juries, because they do not give reasons for their decisions, can bring the conscience of the community to bear on issues in a trial in a way that a judge cannot do.

Which are strong arguments in favor of a jury system?

Which are strong arguments in favor of a jury system? - Juries provide an impartial body to hear charges brought against the accused. - The jury system fosters a greater confidence in the judicial system.

How do you look trustworthy in court?

3 Ways To Come Across As A Credible WitnessDress the part. If possible, you should dress in business attire for your court appearance. ... Make eye contact with the Judge and Opposing Counsel. ... Answer the questions directly.

What should I wear to court female?

Women should wear slacks and a dress shirt or a skirt and a dress shirt. Don't be too revealing, sexy, or inappropriately dressed. Do not wear exercise outfits, tight tops, short skirts, or sundresses.

What color should a woman wear to court?

What Color Should a Woman Wear to Court? Darker, more serious colors are preferable, and bright colors should be avoided. The best colors to wear to court are “conservative” colors (white, blue, navy, gray, and the like) and to steer clear of crazy patterns and shocking fashion statements.

How does a jury reach its decision?

All jurors should deliberate and vote on each issue to be decided in the case. When it is time to count votes, it is the presiding juror's duty to see that this is done properly. In a civil case, the judge will tell you how many jurors must agree in order to reach a verdict.

What factors can make a jury's decision different from that of a judge?

Jurors tend to be less concerned with technical details and more so with listening to a compelling story and making a decision based on who they believe should win under the circumstances. Meanwhile, judges analyze all the facts, evidence, and details of the case.

What is jury decision making?

The manner in which individual jurors perceive, interpret, and remember evidence, as well as the group processes involved in jury deliberation, can be described in terms of fundamental cognitive and social psychological concepts.

Why do lawyers pick jurors?

Selecting the jury is the only time an attorney has the opportunity to discover the life experiences, biases, beliefs, and attitudes of the people who will decide their case. The last thing any attorney wants is for bias to come out during the trial. Thus, how lawyers pick jurors is an essential indicator of the experience and knowledge ...

What is the good and bad about a plaintiff juror?

When the plaintiff picks jurors, they’re looking for those who are very sympathetic, who are willing to view the prosecution as the victim in the case. Very often, union employees make for good prosecution jurors as they are used to fighting injustice.

What is the purpose of a plaintiff telling a jury a story?

The plaintiff will tell a jury a story of how their client was victimized by the defense, how they’ve suffered at the hands of the defendant.

What does "undesirable" mean in jury selection?

In this case, “undesirable” means people who are likely to sympathize with the defense.

What is jury selection?

Jury selection is a bit like ping pong, volleyball or tennis game where there’s no out of bounds. The ball is always in motion, and there’s a constant back-and-forth going, where it’s important to always react to what you’re getting, without hesitation.

What is the difference between winning and losing a case?

Picking the right jury is the difference between winning and losing a case. The greatest mistake that an attorney will make is trying to find a jury that’s biased towards their side, rather than trying to find one that’s as impartial as possible. Trying to find a jury that’s anything less than fair can be a fast path to losing a case , and a good lawyer knows this.

Is a jury good for the defense?

Good Jurors for the Defense. From a defense standpoint, most of the jurors that look bad for the prosecution are good for the defense. You want people who can relate to the defense, and who were on the defending end of an injury case.

What are the strategies lawyers use in court?

There are, a number of tried-and-true strategies that successful lawyers use when handling a case. Here are just a few: They Anticipate Likely Objections – Anticipation is key when it comes to the courtroom. Convincing lawyers are able to anticipate the objections and questions judges and jurors may have about their case and address them head on, ...

Why do lawyers get paid?

Lawyers are paid to convince others. Whether they are convincing a judge that a defendant is guilty or they are defending their own client’s position, one thing is for certain: they must be persuasive. In fact, a lawyer’s success is directly correlated to their ability to convince.

What do lawyers do?

They don’t just talk about the facts; they present them. They give their audience visible, tangible proof that the case is as they say it is by providing concrete evidence, clothing, pictures of the crime scene or the victim, documents etc.

What is a convincing lawyer?

Convincing lawyers are able to anticipate the objections and questions judges and jurors may have about their case and address them head on, before the audience even has time to realize it.

November 10, 2010

When I started in the jury trial business, back when we scrawled our trial briefs on the cave walls and juries deliberated around the campfire, one of my mentors, who had successfully tried hundreds of cases, gave me a golden rule: "When you speak to the jury, don't ever apologize for anything." Well, times change. Points of view change.

Guest Post -- How To Win The Jury's Trust

When I started in the jury trial business, back when we scrawled our trial briefs on the cave walls and juries deliberated around the campfire, one of my mentors, who had successfully tried hundreds of cases, gave me a golden rule: "When you speak to the jury, don't ever apologize for anything." Well, times change. Points of view change.

Why do trial lawyers make opponents pay?

Second, trial lawyers make opponents pay for unprofessional conduct. Revealing someone has withheld discovery results in opposing counsel losing credibility. Bad trial conduct leads to adverse inferences by the judge and jury and makes for easy and effective argument by an adversary.

How to be the jury's vehicle to the truth?

Make your goal to be the jury’s vehicle to the truth. Any lawyer who tries cases knows jurors are looking to determine the truth and seeking to determine who their way to truth is. Respect the jury, and never doubt that a jury represents collective wisdom and insight. Jurors can determine the most technical cases.

What happens if a lawyer cannot control his emotions?

If a lawyer cannot control his own emotions, he cannot control the witness. The cross-examining lawyer looks even worse if the witness is humble or scared or appears honest to the jury. If a witness is not answering the question, hold the witness accountable but maintain a professional demeanor.

What is the importance of knowledge and preparation in a trial?

By Wayne Morse. Knowledge and preparation are important, but a trial is about credibility. For a jury to believe in your case, the jury must believe you. You must earn a jury’s trust, and then do it again each day when you question a witness and interact with the judge, opposing counsel, and witnesses. With jurors, you are “always on.”.

What is an effective advocate?

Effective advocates are viewed by the jury as an authority on the facts, a person who does not mislead, and is likable and worthy of respect. Lose credibility and effectiveness is lost. Once credibility is lost, it cannot be regained.

What is the key to advocacy?

The key to effective advocacy requires a commitment to ethics, professionalism, and authenticity. Character determines what we say and how we say it. Character is the prism through which our words and conduct are reconsidered and refined by others. If you have character, you have credibility.

Why is a lawyer with character persuasive?

A lawyer with character is persuasive because authentic advocacy strengthens the message and the presentation.

What is the question asked by jurors?

One common question presented to jurors is, “Are there any religious beliefs that prevent you from passing judgment on another person?” Frederick says this is to weed out people whose faith might impede their ability to view a case objectively .

What happens if you don't vibe well with an attorney?

Indeed, research shows that if you don’t vibe well with an attorney, you’re more likely to decide against their argument. “One attorney told me, 'If I can tell they don’t like me, I get rid of them,’” King says.

What does the defense look for in a lawsuit?

The plaintiff attorney or prosecutor will generally look for people more inclined to trust authority.

Who can be pivotal in a verdict?

Leaders, contrarians, and independent thinkers can be pivotal in a verdict. These people have the potential to rally the rest of the group behind a unanimous decision, which is great for the plaintiff or the prosecutor.

Do attorneys pick their jurors?

But there are a few general traits attorneys take into consideration when trying to decide whether you’d help or hurt their argument. Attorneys don’t get to pick their jurors.
