how many times do you meet with a lawyer custody

by Prof. Myra Stamm Sr. 4 min read

Do I need an attorney for a custody dispute?

If you think the custody of your child should be your decision, but you cannot find an agreement with the other parent, then you have some options when going to court. You do not need to have an attorney for a custody dispute in most states. Representing yourself in court is your right and can have pros and cons.

Are you prepared for a fight over child custody?

Some parents can work out a parenting plan or child custody agreement on their own, peacefully, while others will fight for what they believe is fair and right for their child. If you are preparing for a fight, you will want to consider legal help, but you have options.

What does a judge consider when ruling in a child custody case?

It’s crucial to understand the things that a judge will consider when ruling in a child custody case. These factors are considered because the judge wants to decide in favor of what’s going to best for the children involved in the case.

What should I know before going to court for child custody?

Each state has a different set of rules and guidelines that must be met by a child custody case that’s tried in the courtroom. Before heading to court, your lawyer should inform you of all of the current laws that have to do with your case.


How long do most custody cases take?

The Average Length of Custody Battles While one might resolve itself within weeks, another could take years. An average value means nothing; all the quick cases and lengthy cases skew the data. That said, there is one way that you can determine the maximum length of a custody dispute. However, it depends on your state.

Who gets custody most often?

MothersMothers get custody more often than fathers–although not nearly at the rate that they were getting it when I began practicing family law twenty years ago. There are three reasons mothers typically get custody. Two of those reasons should be obvious to anyone who practices family law.

How do you win a custody battle against a narcissist?

How Do You Win a Custody Case Against a Narcissist? Follow These 9 Steps#1 Remember That You Are Dealing With a Narcissist. ... #2 Take Note of Everything That Happens. ... #3 Stop or Limit Communication. ... #4 Contact Law Enforcement. ... #6 Ensure Your Physical Safety. ... #8 Continue Being Dependable. ... #9 Secure the Right Attorney. ... Stay Calm.More items...•

At what age can a child choose which parent to live with in PA?

There is no magic age before they turn 18. A judge must take a child's preference into account, along with that child's age, maturity and other factors. But the final decision is always up to the judge. Simply put, in a custody action, a child has a voice but not a choice.

What can be used against you in a custody battle?

The Reigning King of What Can Be Used Against You in a Custody Battle: Verbal or Physical Altercations. We wanted to start with the most simple pitfall to avoid: When tempers get high, it's quite alluring to get into a verbal sparring match with your ex-spouse.

What do judges look for in child custody cases?

Mental and Physical Well-Being of Parents Parents' mental well-being is of great concern to a judge in a child custody case. Psychological disorders, overwhelming stress, drug or alcohol abuse, and mental health crises can prevent a parent from acting in their child's best interests.

Do judges recognize a narcissist?

All attorneys, and especially judges, need to first recognize, understand, and then learn effective means to deal with the mental health disorder classification of 'personality disorders', and in particular, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as it is often completely missed by many professionals.

Should a narcissist get 50 50 custody?

Co-parenting likely won't work Co-parenting and even a 50/50 split for parenting time likely won't work when one parent is a narcissist. This is because the narcissistic parent will try to control everything about the situations that come up during the course of the child's life.

Can narcissist lose custody of a child?

A major way how a narcissist affects custody is by pursuing parental rights as a form of enhancing or creating a power disparity between themselves and the other parent. It is believed that many narcissists primarily want child custody not for the welfare of the kid, but for their own gratification.

How can a mother get full custody?

Factors Considered for Granting Full CustodyBest interests of the child: The family court usually determines that it's best for parents to share custody of a child. ... Courtroom demeanor: A judge may determine a parent's fitness for full custody, in part, on the basis of the parent's demeanor in court.More items...•

Can a mother move a child away from the father?

If so, they must generally apply to the court for permission to relocate, if the other parent objects to the move. Often a child abduction case will involve an 'after the fact' application to relocate. In relocation cases, the court will want to know details about arrangements for the child's future.

At what age can a child refuse to see a parent?

Age 18Legally, Your Child Can Refuse Visitation at Age 18 When your child reaches 18, he or she is an adult. Adults can decide who they spend time with. You will not be able to force your child to continue to see you. A family law court will no longer be able to enforce any possession or visitation clauses over an adult.

Free Case Evaluation

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Gathering Documents to Show to a Child Custody Attorney

The child custody attorneys will find it helpful if you bring several documents with you, such as:

Questions to Ask

It's helpful to collect your thoughts before you head out to your first initial consultation with a child custody attorney. Write them down on paper and bring them with you. You don't want to forget to ask something. Also bring some writing material so that you can jot down the answers.

Your Ideal Child Custody Lawyer

It is a worthwhile practice to consider what qualities your ideal child custody lawyer would have. That way, you'll recognize the right one when you meet. Here are some qualities to consider:

How to handle a custody dispute?

Even if the other parent isn't entirely willing to cooperate, you may have some options to save money while handling a child custody dispute: 1 Some law firms can advise you on a case by-the-hour, or act as your counsel outside of court. 2 You can save money by handling all paperwork and case prep yourself, but this is a large, time-consuming feat. 3 You can ask a lawyer to review your paperwork and help ensure it will meet the judge's expectations 4 You can have an attorney only for your court hearings. Just remember that the case will not be as strong if the attorney gets involved last minute, so involving them early is a good idea. 5 An attorney can work with your ex-partner to compromise on a parenting plan, which keeps the case out of court. 6 You can also use a lawyer to try to convince the other parent to use mediation if they refused before.

What is a custody battle?

While child support considers the money needed to raise a child, a custody hearing (sometimes called a child custody "battle") considers the visitation rights and parenting plan that most benefits your child. If you feel frustrated that a court can tell you what is best for your child, you are not alone. Many parents think a custody order (also ...

How much does an attorney cost?

Attorney are always a large expense that people do not plan for. Most cost $100-$500 per hour, and your case may need many hours. However, attorneys can cost less in the long run because they don't make mistakes in the process, and generally, the overall process goes faster.

How to save money on court case prep?

You can save money by handling all paperwork and case prep yourself, but this is a large, time-consuming feat. You can ask a lawyer to review your paperwork and help ensure it will meet the judge's expectations. You can have an attorney only for your court hearings.

Can both parents have custody of their children?

Both parents have the right to seek custody of their children — with or without an attorney. However, some factors make the case lean in favor of one side or the other. It is a good idea to have an attorney if: You have a history of drug or alcohol use.

Is it a right to represent yourself in court?

Representing yourself in court is your right and can have pros and cons. The obvious pro is that you will save money on legal fees. However, going to court generally means the parents cannot find a solution. So you are looking at a complex process in front of you before you even get to the courtroom.

Can a judge split up a blended family?

Blended families are not a problem for the courts, but the judge will want to look carefully at the care and finances your child needs from you. Most judges are hesitant to split up siblings. The custody battle is happening at the same time as a divorce, separation, or other legal issues.

What to expect at a child custody meeting?

What Questions Should I Expect at a Meeting with a Child Custody Lawyer? For many parents, child custody is an important and emotionally charged issue. Before you meet with a child custody lawyer, you should prepare for your appointment. In order to understand your claim, the lawyer will need accurate and detailed information.

How to change custody order?

Most states have specific rules about changing a child custody order. Typically, you must show a significant change in circumstances. A change in circumstances may include evidence that: 1 A child’s safety and welfare is now seriously at risk, 2 A parent has willfully violated the current parenting plan, 3 An older child is reasonably requesting a modification, or 4 A parent’s relocation makes the current parenting plan impossible or impractical.

What do lawyers want to see?

The lawyer may want to see: The child’s birth certificate, Any existing custody orders or parenting plans, Information about the child’s safety and welfare, Information about the other parent’s ability and willingness to parent, and. Any relevant communications between you and the other parent.

What happens when parents cannot agree on custody?

When parents cannot agree on custody, the courts must determine what arrangement is in the child’s best interests. This assessment typically involves a series of factors, including: The child’s wishes (if age appropriate), The physical and mental health of both the child and parents,

What is the primary custody of an unmarried child?

In many states, an unmarried mother receives primary custody of the child. An unmarried father typically must establish paternity and request custody or parenting time. Paternity may be established in a variety of ways, including DNA testing and acknowledgement on a child’s birth certificate.

Can a parent's relocation change custody?

A parent’s relocation makes the current parenting plan impossible or impractical. Some states also impose waiting periods before the court will change a custody order. If you have an existing custody order or parenting plan, the lawyer will need to review the document.

Do you have to meet with a child custody lawyer?

This information will help the lawyer evaluate and understand your child custody dispute. However, most child custody lawyers will not want to meet with your child at the first appointment. You will be discussing a lot of sensitive information about yourself and the child’s other parent.

Background Questions for Custody Attorneys

Questions to ask about a child custody attorney's legal education and professional experience include:

Legal Philosophy & Style

You'll want to ask about the custody lawyer's style and approach to practicing law. Among the questions to consider asking:

Assessment of Your Child Custody Case

Get the lawyer's assessment of your case. Relevant questions to ask include:

Case Management

Questions to ask about how your custody issue will be managed include:

Legal Fees

Questions to ask about the estimated cost of your custody case include:

At the End of Your Meeting

Before the meeting ends, ask the lawyer if there are other questions you should have asked, or anything else the attorney wants to tell you. Is there anything you should know before deciding whether to hire him or her?

Hiring a Child Custody Attorney

Once you've had the opportunity to meet one or more attorneys, you'll need to review the results of those meetings before deciding which lawyer to hire. Among the factors to consider:

1 attorney answer

The answer with essentially every legal question is "that depends." Essentially there needs to be a substantial change in circumstances to have consideration of a change in custody but only by entertaining the action can it be determined if the alleged change actually exists.

Trudy A. Mintz

The answer with essentially every legal question is "that depends." Essentially there needs to be a substantial change in circumstances to have consideration of a change in custody but only by entertaining the action can it be determined if the alleged change actually exists.

What to know before meeting with a lawyer?

Before you get too far into a meeting or conversation, the lawyer will want to know about any possible conflicts of interest that might prevent him or her from ethically representing you.

What do lawyers want to see?

In addition to learning about you and hearing your narrative, your lawyer will also want to see documents and evidence, both for informational purposes and to help assess the strength of your case. Obviously, the nature of the evidence will vary dramatically from one type of case to another. As you prepare to meet with your lawyer, try ...

What are the goals of a lawyer?

Typical goals might include: review and provide comments on a contract or legal document. draft a will.

What to include in a dispute narrative?

Some important details to include in that narrative include: names of the key players in your dispute. date the dispute or problem began. type of the dispute (harassment, contract, divorce) key events of your dispute, including a "who, what, where, when and why" narrative, and. current status of your dispute.

How to respond to a legal complaint?

respond to a legal complaint, lawsuit, or threatening letter. research whether you have a meritorious legal claim against another person or entity. draft a legal complaint or demand letter to another person or entity, or. negotiate a lease, contract, or other agreement.

What documents are used to dispute a contract?

contracts (such as employment agreements , leases, promissory notes, and the like) financial documents (for example, if you'll be drafting a will or starting a company) correspondence (letters, emails, or text messages between you and the other party or otherwise relevant to your dispute)

What to do after meeting with a lawyer?

This is normal. Reopening wounds, new or old, can do that. It’s significant that you plan something pleasant to do after your first meeting with your lawyer. Plan a shopping trip with friends , meet with your favorite relative for lunch, or treat yourself to your favorite meal immediately after your meeting. This can settle any negative feelings you may have, and properly prepare you for your court date.

How to dress for a divorce lawyer?

You don’t have to opt for formal wear necessarily, but make sure you look presentable. Wear business casual attire. Women can wear a nice dress with dress shoes, while men can wear khakis with a nice polo. There are no strict and exact rules here, but try to make the best impression possible.

What folder should I keep documents in for a lawyer meeting?

You want to make sure you have gathered all the necessary documents, photos, and evidence. Keep everything safe in a manilla folder for your lawyers or lawyer to review the day of your meeting.

Can a lawyer help you through divorce?

Knowing all of the intricacies of the law can be difficult. But thankfully, whenever you are tied up in a situation that requires a vast knowledge of the legal system, you can always count on a knowledgeable lawyer to help you get through it. Whether we are talking about child custody or divorce, lawyers can help you walk through the entire process, answering every single question you may have along the way.

Why is it important to understand the things that a judge will consider when ruling in a child custody case?

These factors are considered because the judge wants to decide in favor of what’s going to best for the children involved in the case.

When filing for divorce, do you have to rotate your wishes for custody?

When you’re filing for divorce written into the petition for divorce, you’ll need to rotate your wishes for custody of your child. Another way to file for custody is during a legal separation. This is when you’re not married to the person you’re separating from, but there is a child that the two of you share.

What happens when you file for separation?

Once you file for separation, you’ll file another suit seeking custody of the child involved. A paternity action suit is a step a father needs to establish that he is the child’s biological father. Once paternity has been proven, he can then move forward with filing a suit for custody rights. 7.

What happens if your home doesn't accommodate a child?

If you’ve found that your home doesn’t accommodate a child, then you may have to take steps to make it suitable before the case begins to increase the chances of the judge ruling in your favor. ...

Can a father get custody of his child if the mother is incompetent?

Some states do award the mother custody outright, and in those situations, the father still has rights that they can have enforced. In other states, if a father presents a strong case against the mother showing her incompetence at parenting, then the father can receive sole custody. When heading to court, if you feel your ex-spouse doesn’t have ...

How much does a divorce attorney charge per hour?

The retainers can vary, but in our area they ususally range from $3000-$10,000 and most attorneys bill $250-$350 per hour.#N#There are a few attorneys that do not charge hourly. They will review your case and...

Can you dispute marital distribution?

However, on the surface it appears that you may not have a dispute over marital distribution of assets or property. If that is the case, that will help keep costs down. In addition, if you can come to some mediated agreement as to child custody and visitation, that will also help. If not, you may want to consider going through...
