how long take to get ssi if i got a lawyer

by Tanner Fadel 4 min read

This process often takes anywhere from two to six months. Those denied a second time have the right to appeal and request a hearing in front of an administrative law judge. Depending on where you're located, receiving a hearing date could take anywhere from several months to a year.Jul 27, 2021

How long does it take to get back SSI?

Since 2011, the Social Security Administration required all recipients of SSDI benefits to receive their monthly disability payments via direct deposit into their bank accounts. Most applicants receive their back pay within 60 days of having their claim approved.May 5, 2020

How fast can I get SSI benefits?

The earliest payments can start is five months from the date that Social Security determines your disability began, based on the medical evidence you provide. This is the case even if your application is fast-tracked and approved during those months. There is no such waiting period for SSI payments.

How long after I receive my award letter will I get my money?

You can usually expect your back pay and first monthly check to start 30-90 days after the award letter.Feb 1, 2022

How do I check my SSI status?

Sign in to your my Social Security account to check your application status. Already have a my Social Security Account? Sign in to your account, scroll down to the “Your Benefit Application” section and select “View Details” to see your application status.

How much back pay does SSI pay?

The SSI awards back payments in installments. You will receive a third of the back pay due to you soon after approval, one six months later, and the final payment after another six months. Note: If the SSA deems you “presumptively disabled,” you can begin receiving benefits before the SSA approves your application.

How do you get SSI back pay faster?

You can get some of your SSI back pay faster in certain circumstances. If you are approved for SSI or SSI and SSDI both, and you find you need this money sooner than the SSA has scheduled it for release to you, contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) and ask that they release funds to you early.Mar 11, 2020

Who makes the final decision on Social Security disability?

An applicant can receive payments for up to 6 months while the Disability Determination Services (DDS) reviews the claim and makes the final decision.

What is an award letter from Social Security?

An award letter (also known as an award notice) is what the Social Security Administration sends out to inform an individual that a claim for benefits has been approved. Though award letters go out for any type of benefit application, the term is most commonly associated with disability claims.

How long does it take to get a disability claim?

According to the SSA, the average processing time for disability benefit claims is 103 days in 2018. But some disability reviews may take up to two years. Some factors that can affect the turnaround time include: A disability lawyer knows what the SSA wants to see and hear.

What to do if your disability application is denied?

If your initial application got denied, you have the right to request a disability hearing. To skip the wait for the hearing, your lawyer can file for an on-the-record (ORD) decision. To help you get approval at this stage, your lawyer can: help you gather substantial medical evidence proving the extent of your disability.

How to get disability approval?

To help you get approval at this stage, your lawyer can: 1 help you gather substantial medical evidence proving the extent of your disability 2 present a clear and concise argument as to why you deserve the benefits 3 negotiate your disability onset date 4 convince the Attorney Adjudicator on the specific merits of your case

Who is Judy Ponio?

Judy Ponio is a writer for Victor Malca Law P.A. and enjoys helping people with questions about social security, workers compensation, and other serious matters involving people’s livelihood. She is not an attorney and her writing should not be considered legal advice.

Who is Victor Malca?

Victor Malca P.A. has over 25 years of litigation experience in Workers Compensation and Social Security Disability lawsuits. His experience and continued success in fighting for his clients puts among the most trusted workers’ compensation lawyers in Florida. Our area of expertise is in representing injured workers on compensation benefit cases and disabled individuals claim social security disability benefits.

How long does it take to get SSDI?

For those who go to a disability hearing, the entire SSDI/SSI application process typically takes 2-3 years. If you can’t work because of a serious medical condition, you may be thinking of applying for Social Security disability benefits. Or maybe you’ve already applied and are still waiting to hear the results.

How long does it take to get a hearing for disability?

Most reconsiderations are denied, but this step adds time to the overall process: an average of 109 days according to government data for 2019. Wait Times for Hearing Dates.

How can a disability lawyer help you?

A disability lawyer can help you through that process in many ways, including gathering the right kind of medical evidence, preparing you for a disability hearing, recognizing when testimony from a medical expert would help, and knowing where to find a good expert. Effect of Representation on Overall Approval Rate.

How long does it take to get a hearing in 2020?

Social Security has been working on reducing the backlog. By October 2020, the overall average wait time for a hearing was about 10 months, although the average waits at different hearing offices around the country ranged from six to 16 months.

How long does it take to hear back from SSA?

If you have submitted your appeal for reconsideration (the first step in the appeals process in most states) the SSA states it could take 30 to 90 days to hear back from them. Unfortunately, this is just an estimate and it could be more or less in certain states.

How to file for disability in California?

What can the Disability lawyer do? 1 Review your medical records and get more information if they feel that your current medical documentation is not sufficient to prove you cannot perform substantial gainful activity. 2 Send additional information to the administrative law judge prior to the hearing. 3 Prepare arguments that for the disability hearing. 4 Challenge the job expert at the hearing if they argue you can perform different types of work. 5 Prepare a brief for the administrative law judge outlining the case.

How to prepare for a disability hearing?

Prepare arguments that for the disability hearing. Challenge the job expert at the hearing if they argue you can perform different types of work. Prepare a brief for the administrative law judge outlining the case.

Can a disability lawyer speed up SSDI?

Before your appeal your SSDI application review the process and make sure you have realistic expectations about what a disability lawyer can and cannot do to speed up your SSDI case.

How long does it take for a disability claim to be approved?

Unless you have added additional medical information to your claim, it is unlikely your claim will be approved. The request for reconsideration may take 30 to 90 days to complete. If you are approved for benefits the SSA will send you a letter detailing your payment amount and the estimated date of payment.

How long does SSDI last?

For instance, SSDI denials can be made if the SSA determines you have not worked long enough to be considered insured, your condition is not expected to last for at least 12 continuous months, you are currently working. too much, your condition is not considered severe, or the SSA believes you could work.

How to request reconsideration of disability?

A Request for Reconsideration can be completed by you or your disability lawyer by filling out form (SSA-561). You must provide your name, Social Security number, the type of claim that you are appealing (listed on the notice of decision), the claim number (listed on the notice of decision), the reason for the appeal, ...

How long does it take to appeal an SSDI denial?

The SSD application process doesn’t end if your first claim’s denied. Instead, you have 60 days from the day your denial letter arrives to file an appeal. However, where you live largely determines how long you’ll wait for an appeals hearing. See average appeals hearing wait times in your state or region here.

How to get approved for disability?

While there may not be a concrete answer as to how long it takes for Social Security disability approval, there are ways to possibly speed up the process. 1. Consult a Lawyer. An attorney or advocate who specializes in Social Security disability cases knows exactly what you need in terms of documentation, ...

How to appeal a disability claim?

Appealed disability claims have four steps before you should attempt to reapply for benefits. The SSA may approve your claim at any point in this process: 1 Reconsideration 2 A hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) 3 An appeals council review 4 Federal court

How many ALJs are there in the SSA?

The ODAR will then schedule your case and notify you of your upcoming hearing date. According to the SSA, approximately 1,535 administrative law judges (ALJs) make more than 558,000 rulings every year, so it can take a while.

What information should I include in my disability application?

You should also provide names of all doctors who treat you, facility addresses (including hospitals, doctor’s offices and anywhere else you go for treatment) and your appointment dates. Offering all necessary information from the start saves the disability examiner from having to track it down later. In fact, those steps are often most responsible for slowing down the entire process.

What is the ODAR for disability?

The ODAR is the department that schedules and holds disability hearings and fields all SSA applications, including retirement and survivors benefits. Because there is a limited number of judges and the ODAR’s two case-processing divisions have only a few hundred offices across the country, this part of the process can take up a large chunk of time.

How long do you have to wait to get Social Security?

Recipients in this category have to wait the longest to find out whether they get to keep their benefits— five to six months, sometimes more.

What is a CDR form?

Most disability recipients receive the short-form Form SSA-455 —what the agency calls a "mailer"—with just six questions, whose answers Social Security can scan into its computers. ...

Is a suspension a termination?

A suspension is not a termination and that is a key distinction that should ease the minds of many who are dealing with this issue. Still, when the benefits stop for a short-term or the stoppage is permanent, it is imperative to understand what steps can be taken to restart the Supplemental Security Income.

Can a blind person get SSI?

If they meet the income and resource limitation requirements , are blind, disabled and 65 or older, they are likely eligible for SSI. Even with that, there are often factors that prevent them from getting benefits. Being approved can take all the worries and fears out of the equation.
