how long take bodiy claim take to be resolve when they hire lawyer

by Ralph Jaskolski 9 min read

Full Answer

How long does it take to resolve a lawsuit?

Some settle within 3 months while others can take several years. In some cases, a settlement is not achieved and a personal injury lawsuit goes to trial.

How long do negotiations take for a settlement?

The average settlement negotiation takes one to three months once all relevant variables are presented. However, some settlements can take much longer to resolve. By partnering with skilled legal counsel, you can speed up the negotiation process and secure compensation faster.

How soon can you expect to receive compensation from the lawsuit?

In most cases, compensation from settlements is received within six weeks after negotiations complete.

Why do lawyers take so long to settle a case?

The reasons a case can progress slowly can be summed up into three general points: Your case is slowed down by legal or factual problems. Your case involves a lot of damages and substantial compensation. You have not reached maximum medical improvement from your injuries (this will be explained below)

How do lawyers negotiate settlements?

The negotiation process typically starts with your lawyer providing a written proposal for settlement to the insurance adjuster or the defendant's lawyer. The adjuster or lawyer will respond to your lawyer either in writing or over the phone.

How long does it take to resolve a personal injury claim?

Some personal injury claims are resolved in a matter of months, whereas others can take two or more years to resolve. The time that it takes to resolve a claim will typically depend on the answers to these questions: Is there a dispute over liability?

How Long Will It Take to Recover Compensation in a Personal Injury Case?

Some personal injury claims are resolved in a matter of months, whereas others can take two or more years to resolve. The time that it takes to resolve a claim will typically depend on the answers to these questions:

How Can a Personal Injury Attorney in Atlanta Help?

It’s not wise to speed up the personal injury claim process by rushing through your recovery or accepting an unfair offer. But, an attorney can help you speed up the process in ways that will not negatively affect the outcome of your claim.

How Severe Are Your Injuries?

The severity of your injuries can impact the time it takes to resolve two reasons. First, severe injuries can increase the value of the case. In fact, cases involving the most critical and devastating injuries are often worth seven-figures. The higher the value of the case, the harder it will be to reach a fair resolution. After all, the insurance company is only interested in protecting their profits.

Is There a Dispute Over Liability?

These cases are typically resolved relatively quickly. But, if there is a dispute over who is liable, this can affect the time it takes to settle your claim.

What to do if you are out of work for a couple of days?

If you are out of work more than a couple of days, or have any sizable medical expenses, you should find legal representation. Personal injury lawyers will walk with you through the entire process so you do not have to worry about all of the legal details of your case.

Do you have to go to trial for a case?

As we stated before, the vast majority of cases never make it to trial. The attorneys representing the parties usually come to an agreement well before the courts hear the case. The lawyers may not need to get a third party mediator involved if they can settle everything between themselves. When they cannot, mediators and/or arbitrators are used to aide the parties. If the mediation or arbitration process is not successful, a lawsuit will be filed.
