how long my lawyer to get a personal injury

by Kaylee Gerhold 6 min read

The statute of limitations for personal injury cases varies by state, but is generally somewhere between 1-3 years. Keeping the statute of limitations in mind, your lawyer will begin drafting the complaint. It typically takes anywhere from 1 week to 1 year for your lawyer to draft a complaint and serve the defendant.

How long could my personal injury case take?

Mar 12, 2022 · You were out of work for a week, which made you lose $2,000 in income. Your average car accident settlement might be approximately $21,000. It is likely to fall somewhere between $14,000 and $28,000. The settlement is generally …

Should I hire a personal injury lawyer?

Apr 11, 2022 ¡ Never negotiate your offer from the insurance company without first consulting with a personal injury lawyer. How Can a Lawyer Help Your Personal Injury Claim. Filing a successful personal injury claim with your Montgomery personal injury lawyer takes time, depending on these factors. 1. Identifying your injuries and determining your liability

Can you settle a personal injury claim quickly?

Sep 26, 2020 · Your attorney will then deduct their fees and costs from your settlement amount. Depending on your agreement, this could be a percentage of the settlement or a fixed hourly rate. Finally, your attorney will send the remaining amount to you via a check. Possible Delays. On average, the whole personal injury settlement process could take 5 to 6 weeks from when you …

How long does it take to settle a car accident claim?

Aug 25, 2016 · In our readers’ experience, having a personal injury lawyer usually meant a longer claims process. On average, those who hired an attorney resolved their cases in 15.7 months, compared to 7 months for those who handled their claim on their own. But that extra time–and an attorney’s help—generally paid off.


How long do most personal injury claims take?

As a very rough guide, a claim may take 6 to 12 months if liability is accepted by the treatment or care provider immediately. If liability is disputed, it could take 12 to 18 months for more complicated claims. Very complex cases can take significantly longer.

How long does it take to reach a settlement?

The average settlement negotiation takes one to three months once all relevant variables are presented. However, some settlements can take much longer to resolve. By partnering with skilled legal counsel, you can speed up the negotiation process and secure compensation faster.

Why do lawyers take so long to settle a case?

Once a case gets filed in court, things can really slow down. Common reasons why a case will take longer than one would hope can include: Trouble getting the defendant or respondent served. The case cannot proceed until the defendant on the case has been formally served with the court papers.May 28, 2020

What is a reasonable settlement offer?

A successful outcome also includes “an offer of settlement which we recommend as acceptable and which, in our reasonable opinions, represents an appropriate conclusion or resolution of the matter”…the reason for this comes down to the repercussions which occur when a reasonable offer of settlement is rejected.

Personal Injury Settlement Process

The personal injury settlement process includes several steps. After receiving a reasonable settlement offer, you will be required to sign a release form. Next:

Possible Delays

On average, the whole personal injury settlement process could take 5 to 6 weeks from when you signed a release form. However, some delays could arise, which could hold up your payment. Possible reasons for this could include:

Talk to a Hudson County Personal Injury Attorney

The best answer to how long does it take to get a personal injury settlement check is ‘it depends.’ After your settlement amount has been set, the insurance company won’t just drop off a check in your mail. You will likely need to wait a few more weeks before you receive your settlement.

How long does it take to settle a personal injury claim?

Readers who took one of those steps reported average resolution times of 11.5 months, compared to 7 months for those who didn’t do so.

Why do attorneys turn down cases?

Attorneys turn down cases for a number of reasons. They simply may not have the time, or they believe a claim wouldn’t be worth the effort—for instance, because the other party doesn’t have insurance coverage or it would be too difficult to prove who was to blame for the accident.

What is Martindale Nolo research?

The data referenced above is from Martindale-Nolo Research's 2017 personal injury study, which analyzed survey responses from readers who had personal injury claims and had researched hiring a lawyer. The names of any quoted readers have been changed to protect their privacy.

Do people with serious injuries need a lawyer?

Also, people with more serious injuries are more likely to hire a lawyer—and those cases usually take longer to resolve. Learn more about how personal injury lawyers can make difference in your case.

Can you settle a lawsuit if you have a serious injury?

On the other hand, if you suffered serious injuries, it may take much longer to complete your medical treatment—and you certainly don’t want to accept a settlement until your condition is stable and you know the full scope of all your losses.

Can an insurance company issue a check if there is a lien on a settlement?

And the insurance company won’t issue a check until it has investigated to see if anyone ( like a medical provider) has placed a personal injury lien on your settlement.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Personal Injury Settlement Check?

Recovering compensation for serious injuries suffered in a car accident or other type of incident caused by the negligent or reckless conduct of another party takes time. How long it takes to settle differs from one case to another.

Settlement Of A Personal Injury Case

A personal injury case, such as an auto accident or a bicycle accident, can involve multiple disputed issues. Your lawyer and the claims adjuster or defense attorney for the other parties may not agree on who or what was responsible for causing you to be injured.

The Process To Receive Your Settlement Check

The insurance company or defense attorney for the party that agreed to settle the claim will not issue a check until you sign a general release. The release is a legal document in which you agree that the amount of the settlement resolves all claims you have against the other party arising from the accident.

What do experienced trial attorneys know?

Experienced trial attorneys know how to use the law and the facts of their client’s case to make sure that a jury will hear the evidence needed to win a case and make sure that unfair and manipulative evidence will not lead a jury in the wrong direction.

How to start a legal case?

The first thing you will need to do in order to begin the legal process is to select the lawyer who will represent you. It is important to act quickly, but you also want to be sure to choose your lawyer carefully. Consider their track record of past settlements and verdicts, reviews from past clients, as well as their credentials, experience, and areas of expertise. At our office, the process always begins with a free, confidential consultation where you can meet with a lawyer and ask any questions you may have before moving forward.

What happens if both sides reach an agreement?

Negotiations then commence and if both sides reach an agreement, the case will settle for the agreed upon amount and no lawsuit will need to be filed.

Why is it important to wait until the MMI stage?

This is important because until you have reached maximum improvement, there is no telling what your total medical costs will be and how much you will need to recover. Waiting until the MMI stage gives lawyers the most accurate information about how much each case is worth.

What happens if you can't agree on a pre-lawsuit settlement?

If the parties cannot agree on a pre-lawsuit settlement amount, your case will move to the “litigation” stage and your lawyer will file a lawsuit in court. This stage involves many technical and strategic decisions and therefore sheds light on the importance of selecting an experienced and knowledgeable legal team.

Why do civil cases settle before trial?

Because the discovery phase provides lawyers on both sides with far more information about what a case is worth and what is likely to happen at trial, a second attempt to settle the case usually takes place towards the end of discovery. Over 95% of civil cases settle before going to trial, so it is very likely that these discussions will lead to a settlement.

What does a good attorney know?

A good attorney knows what they need, how to request it, how to spot it amongst all of the extra information, and how to use it to win a trial or obtain a larger settlement for the client.

How Long Will My Personal Injury Claim Take to Settle?

How long it takes for a personal injury claim depends on a lot of different factors. We know. This is not the answer most people want to hear, but it is true. One of the biggest factors that will contribute to how quickly your personal injury claim takes to settle is how long it takes for you to reach maximum medical improvement (MMI).

Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorneys

The dedicated personal injury team at Compass Law Group knows how ready an accident victim can be to settle an injury claim. We also know that you get one shot at getting the compensation you deserve for harm suffered in an accident and we want to make it count. Contact us today.

What's up, Docs?

Once you settle the case, now your lawyer and the defense attorney (and/or the other side's insurance company) have to agree on the settlement documents, i.e., a "Release" and possibly a separate settlement agreement. (Learn more about how insurance affects a personal injury settlement .)

Lien on Me?

While all of this document prep work is going on, your lawyer and the insurance lawyer have to determine whether there are any liens on your personal injury settlement.

The Check Is (Almost) in the Mail

Finally, the insurer sends your lawyer a check for the settlement, but it’s still going to take a little more time for you to get your share of the settlement money. This is because your lawyer has to deposit the settlement check into his/her escrow account and wait for it to clear before disbursing your share of the settlement to you.

Why does it take so long to settle a personal injury case?

If you can afford to wait, you never want to settle a personal injury case until you have reached a point of maximum medical improvement (MMI) from your injuries.

Why do insurance companies delay settlement?

Another factor that can delay settlement is if the case involves significant damages (a lot of money). Insurers simply will not pay big money on a settlement until they have done their due diligence. That means investigating every aspect of the case until they are convinced that:

Why do insurers delay settlements?

Further, sometimes insurers will delay settlement on a big case simply to see if the plaintiff will give up and accept less money. Some claimants cannot wait very long for compensation. Insurers know this and will try to wait it out. Get tips on negotiating the best personal injury settlement.

What is problematic legal or factual issues?

there are problematic legal or factual issues. the case involves a signficant amount of money, or. you have not reached a point of maximum medical improvement. In these situations, your case is simply going to take some time to settle, unless you are prepared to take pennies on the dollar in order to resolve it.

Can you settle a personal injury claim quickly?

You can settle a personal injury claim quickly, but that usually means taking less money . The important consideration is how much you'll be giving up. Let's look at why settlement might be taking longer than usual, and why you should probably think twice before taking a quick settlement.

Should I contact a personal injury lawyer?

If you have a personal injury case, and are thinking that you just want to settle it fast without getting involved in a long litigation process, you should still contact a personal injury lawyer for ta ilored advice on the risks of a quick settlement.
