how long does it take to get ss disability via a lawyer

by Lexus Cummings 6 min read

Yes, the SSA doesn't give special considerations to applicants represented by lawyers. But hiring a disability lawyer can fast-track your disability claim. According to the SSA, the average processing time for disability benefit claims is 103 days. But some disability reviews may take up to 2 years.Nov 8, 2021

How long does it take to get a Social Security disability decision?

Jun 07, 2010 · The process can take anywhere from one month to three years, depending on where you live and the complexity of your case. It typically takes up to six months to receive a decision when you initially apply for disability. If you are denied, you have the right to a Request for Reconsideration. This stage takes approximately two to seven months.

Do I need a lawyer to get Social Security disability?

First-time applicants may win approval in 3-5 months, on average. In December 2020, the SSA approved a little more than 1 in 5 first-time applicants. Most claimants have to appeal their initial denials, especially if they don’t have a lawyer handling their cases.

How much does a lawyer charge for SSDI/SSI?

Jul 20, 2021 · The Social Security disability review conducted as part of the application process generally takes anywhere from three to five months. However, the exact length of time it takes in each case depends on how easy or difficult it is for the DDS to obtain the medical records needed to make a decision. Having a Social Security disability lawyer ...

How does the long claims process work for Social Security disability?

Feb 22, 2018 · The SSA makes no guarantees about its application processing time. In general, you can expect to hear back on your application three to five months after submitting it. In our years working as disability attorneys, we have talked to many qualifying applicants.


How long does it take to get Social Security disability Once approved?

On average, it takes about 1 to 2 months to get your disability check after your social security disability claim is approved. In some cases, it can take longer. Back payments, however, usually arrive much later.Aug 30, 2021

What is the fastest way to get Social Security disability?

How to get Social Security Disability benefits fast ― or at least, speed up the process.Meet the criteria for a “Compassionate Allowances” condition. ... File appeals quickly. ... Express “dire need.” ... Request an “on the record” decision. ... Launch a Congressional Inquiry. ... Hire a skilled Disability attorney.

How far back does Social Security disability pay you?

By law SSDI benefits have a five-month waiting period — they start the sixth full month after the onset date — so you're entitled to 10 months of past-due benefits. Social Security typically pays past-due SSDI in a lump sum within 60 days of the claim being approved.

How long after I receive my award letter will I get my money?

You can usually expect your back pay and first monthly check to start 30-90 days after the award letter.Feb 1, 2022

What is the most approved disability?

Arthritis and other musculoskeletal disabilities are the most commonly approved conditions for disability benefits. If you are unable to walk due to arthritis, or unable to perform dexterous movements like typing or writing, you will qualify.Dec 16, 2021

How can I survive waiting for disability?

How can I stay afloat while waiting for Social Security benefits?Tip #1: Work While Waiting For Social Security Approval.Tip #2: Apply for Other Types of Support While Waiting For Disability.Tip #3: Find Other Sources of Support or Financial Assistance.BEWARE:More items...•Mar 2, 2021

What is the 5 month waiting period for SSDI?

Generally, if your application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is approved, you must wait five months before you can receive your first SSDI benefit payment. This means you would receive your first payment in the sixth full month after the date we find that your disability began.

What is the monthly amount for Social Security disability?

Social Security disability payments are modest At the beginning of 2019, Social Security paid an average monthly disability benefit of about $1,234 to all disabled workers.

What is the most back pay for Social Security?

Therefore, the maximum amount of retroactive pay that you can receive would be one year's worth of benefits, and that would require you to have been disabled for 17 months or more prior to your application date (due to the 5-month waiting period).

Who makes the final decision on Social Security disability?

An applicant can receive payments for up to 6 months while the Disability Determination Services (DDS) reviews the claim and makes the final decision.

Why is my disability taking so long?

Because there are so many applications that are filed each year, it takes time for the SSA to process and review each one. This review time can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months on average. Most people have their initial application denied.

What other benefits can I get with Social Security disability?

If you get SSI, you also may be able to get other benefits, such as Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). For more information about SSI, read Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (Publication No. 05-11000). After you receive disability benefits for 24 months, you'll be eligible for Medicare.

The “3 to 5 Months” Wait Time, and Why It’S Disappointing

The Social Security Administration (SSA) website claims that applicants typically wait three to five months to receive a decision—but how long real...

Inside The Social Security Disability Claims Approval Process

Getting your SSD benefits claim approved by the SSA is a lengthy process full of questions: What goes on behind the scenes during the Social Securi...

Why There Is Such A Long Wait For Social Security Disability Benefits?

While there may be ways to speed up the approval process for your SSD benefits, waiting for SSD eligibility can take months—and even longer if you...

Getting Approved For Disability Benefits

While there may not be a concrete answer as to how long it will take for a Social Security disability approval, there are ways to possibly speed up...

Why Hire a Lawyer to Get Disability?

Your attorney can ensure that you follow the standard required to get your claim legally. When you follow the normal procedure, you will never make mistakes that may eliminate your chances of getting the disability claim. In short, your lawyer will help you avoid the pitfalls which in turn can fasten your case.

How Long Does It Take Get Disability With A Lawyer?

The waiting time for hearing on Disability cases are all back to back with each other especially around the US, Washington, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and DC areas. This is due to many reasons like;

Processes for Getting Disability

The first process is the initial claim or the application for the disability level. At this level, it can take you a minimum of 100 days for your initial claim to get a decision. Majority of the initial claims are rejected by the state’s disability examiners of course.

How long does it take to appeal an SSD claim?

The SSD application process doesn’t end if your first claim’s denied. Instead, you have 60 days from the day your denial letter arrives to file an appeal. However, where you live largely determines how long you’ll wait for an appeals hearing. See average appeals hearing wait times in your state or region here. Currently, the national average wait time for an appeals hearing is 11.8 months. In other words, you’ll wait at least 1.5 years from the date you apply if you win SSD benefits on appeal.

How many steps do you have to take to appeal a disability claim?

Most claimants have to appeal their initial denials, especially if they don’t have a lawyer handling their cases. Appealed disability claims have four steps before you should attempt to reapply for benefits. The SSA may approve your claim at any point in this process: Reconsideration.

What is the ODAR for disability?

The ODAR is the department that schedules and holds disability hearings and fields all SSA applications, including retirement and survivors benefits. Because there is a limited number of judges and the ODAR’s two case-processing divisions have only a few hundred offices across the country, this part of the process can take up a large chunk of time.

How to appeal a disability claim?

Appealed disability claims have four steps before you should attempt to reapply for benefits. The SSA may approve your claim at any point in this process: 1 Reconsideration 2 A hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) 3 An appeals council review 4 Federal court

What information should I include in my disability application?

You should also provide names of all doctors who treat you, facility addresses (including hospitals, doctor’s offices and anywhere else you go for treatment) and your appointment dates. Offering all necessary information from the start saves the disability examiner from having to track it down later. In fact, those steps are often most responsible for slowing down the entire process.

What is the first step in the long claims process?

According to Tim Moore, a former disability examiner for the SSA, the first step in the long claims approval process is to send your Social Security disability benefits application to a state disability agency, which is also called Disability Determination Services (DDS).

How many ALJs are there in the SSA?

The ODAR will then schedule your case and notify you of your upcoming hearing date. According to the SSA, approximately 1,535 administrative law judges (ALJs) make more than 558,000 rulings every year, so it can take a while.

What can a disability lawyer do for you?

Having a Social Security disability lawyer helping to prepare and submit your application for benefits may expedite the process by knowing what information to provide along with the application to support your claim for benefits.

How does Social Security Disability work?

When you submit an initial application for Social Security disability, it goes through a review process to determine whether you are disabled and eligible to receive benefits. Once you receive notification of approval and start getting monthly payments, the Social Security Administration conducts periodic reviews to determine whether you remain ...

How long does it take for a medical review to be approved?

As a general rule, reviews may be scheduled as follows: 1 If you have a medical condition that is expected to improve, you may receive a letter advising you of a medical review within six to 18 months after your application for benefits was approved. 2 If your medical condition may improve, but how long it may take for that to happen cannot be predicted, your case must be reviewed at three-year intervals to comply with federal law. 3 For medical conditions that are not expected to improve over time, you may receive notice of a medical review every five to seven years.

How often do you have to have your medical case reviewed?

If your medical condition may improve, but how long it may take for that to happen cannot be predicted, your case must be reviewed at three-year intervals to comply with federal law. For medical conditions that are not expected to improve over time, you may receive notice of a medical review every five to seven years.

How Long Does It Take to Receive Disability?

The SSA makes no guarantees about its application processing time. In general, you can expect to hear back on your application three to five months after submitting it.

How Can I Cut Down on the Time It Takes to Receive Disability Benefits?

The more thorough and the better organized your application, the less chance it has of getting held up at any point in the application process.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Apply for SSDI or SSI?

While the SSA does not require you to apply with the help of a lawyer, doing so can help streamline the application process for you.

What Happens If I Receive a Denial?

If your application is not approved, you can ask the SSA to reconsider its decision. This generally requires that you submit additional, more compelling evidence proving your disability.

Call 865-566-0800 for a Free Consultation With a Disability Lawyer

The disability attorneys at the Disability Advantage Group, want to help you get approved on the first try and in the fastest time possible. We have a long track record of helping our clients win SSDI and SSI benefits. Let us put our resources to work for you. Call 865-566-0800 for a free consultation.

How long does it take to get SSDI?

For those who go to a disability hearing, the entire SSDI/SSI application process typically takes 2-3 years. If you can’t work because of a serious medical condition, you may be thinking of applying for Social Security disability benefits. Or maybe you’ve already applied and are still waiting to hear the results.

How long does it take to get a hearing for disability?

Most reconsiderations are denied, but this step adds time to the overall process: an average of 109 days according to government data for 2019. Wait Times for Hearing Dates.

How can a disability lawyer help you?

A disability lawyer can help you through that process in many ways, including gathering the right kind of medical evidence, preparing you for a disability hearing, recognizing when testimony from a medical expert would help, and knowing where to find a good expert. Effect of Representation on Overall Approval Rate.

How long does it take to get a hearing in 2020?

Social Security has been working on reducing the backlog. By October 2020, the overall average wait time for a hearing was about 10 months, although the average waits at different hearing offices around the country ranged from six to 16 months.

How long does it take to get back pay on SSDI?

If it took eight months for your claim to be approved , you can expect to receive back pay for those six months.

How important is the onset date for disability?

The onset date is also very important because of the potential five-month waiting period the SSA may impose after the onset date before you are eligible for benefits.

How long do you have to wait to get Social Security?

Recipients in this category have to wait the longest to find out whether they get to keep their benefits— five to six months, sometimes more.

How long does it take to get a medical record from Social Security?

Social Security will then do a full medical review (FMR) of your case, which may take three to five months.

What is a SSA 454?

If you receive Form SSA-454, called the Continuing Disability Review Report, means that you're getting a CDR. You need to fill out this form in full and send it in.

How long does it take for Social Security to do a medical review?

Most people who fill out the mailer and send it in will get a letter from Social Security after one to three months saying that Social Security does not need to do a medical review at this time. This means you do not have to go through a CDR at this point and your CDR is deferred until your next periodic review.

What does it mean to have a low profile on Social Security?

A low profile means you have a low probability of showing medical improvement, and you'll be less likely to have to undergo a CDR. Social Security determines your profile by looking at your age, any recent earnings, your impairment, how long you've been receiving benefits, and the date of any previous CDRs.

Can you get your benefits terminated if you have a long form?

Benefits can only be terminated if you are sent the long-form and go through a full CDR.) For those who undergo the full CDR, and for children, however, the chances of losing benefits are quite a bit higher. Those who go through a full medical review will have their benefits terminated if the claims examiner finds that their condition has improved ...

Is SSI more likely to terminate?

SSI recipients are slightly more likely to have their benefits terminated after a full medical review (17% in 2017) than SSDI recipients (15% in 2017). For more details, read our articles on your chances of SSDI termination after a CDR and your chances of SSI termination after a CDR. Finally, children are much more likely to have their benefits ...

How long does it take to get a Social Security denial letter?

In a survey we took of our readers who had gone to a Social Security disaiblity appeal hearing, it took on average about seven weeks to get an approval letter after the hearing, and almost ten weeks to get a denial letter.

How long does it take to get a decision from a hearing?

It can take anywhere from two weeks to three months or more.

How long does it take for a judge to make a decision?

If your lawyer is familiar with the judge, he or she may have an idea of how long that judge is known to take to issue a decision. The average is eight weeks. You can also call your hearing office to ask about the status of your particular case.

Does Buffalo have a long wait for hearings?

Answer. New York's hearing offices are experiencing long wait times for hearings, and the Buffalo office in particular has a long backlog of disability cases. Long wait times for hearings also generally mean longer than usual wait times for the final decision letter. That said, it does often take longer to get a denial decision from a judge ...
