how long does it take fo lawyer to settle accident case

by Sydnee Kautzer 8 min read

It can take anywhere from a couple of weeks to several months (or years) for a car accident case to settle. There is plenty to investigate on each party's end, and if you suffered extensive injuries and property damage, this could explain why the settlement process is lengthy.

How long does a car accident lawsuit take to settle?

How long does it take for a personal injury case to go?

How long does a car accident trial take to complete?

 · Obviously, each car accident is unique, and the length of time it takes to conclude a car accident lawsuit varies depending on the specifics and facts of the case. A car accident case can take anything from a few weeks to several months (or years) to settle. There is a lot to look at on both sides, and if a victim has serious injuries and ...

How long does a defendant have to respond to a lawsuit?

 · Once a lawsuit is filed, the defendant usually has between 30 and 45 days to respond. A car accident case involving a lawsuit will typically take a bit longer to reach a …


How long does it take to negotiate a settlement?

Negotiations can take weeks to several months to years and usually come to an end when both parties are agreeable to a number that has been offered. In the process of negotiating to settle, parties will typically refuse offers and make counteroffers in different amounts.

How long does it take to reach a settlement?

The average settlement negotiation takes one to three months once all relevant variables are presented. However, some settlements can take much longer to resolve. By partnering with skilled legal counsel, you can speed up the negotiation process and secure compensation faster.

How long does it take an insurance company to offer a settlement?

It can take as little as 7-8 days, and up to more than 30 days, to reach a settlement in cases that only involve property damage once negotiations between your personal injury lawyer and the adjuster begin.

How do lawyers negotiate settlements?

The negotiation process typically starts with your lawyer providing a written proposal for settlement to the insurance adjuster or the defendant's lawyer. The adjuster or lawyer will respond to your lawyer either in writing or over the phone.

How long does it take for a case to settle?

A case can settle almost immediately after the plaintiff files the complaint, or it can settle even after a trial finishes.

How long does it take to get a car accident trial?

Step 5: The trial occurs. A car accident trial usually only takes a day or two to complete. Step 6: Potential appeal. If one of the parties isn't happy with the result of the trial, an appeal is possible.

What is the first step in a lawsuit?

Step 1: The plaintiff files the complaint and the lawsuit officially begins.

How long does it take for a defendant to answer a complaint?

Step 3: The defendant answers the complaint. Depending on the specific court where the lawsuit is pending, the defendant will have about one month to file its answer to the plaintiff's complaint.

What do you want to do after a car accident?

All you want to do is heal, get your car back on the road, and get on with your life feeling whole again. Especially when filing a personal injury lawsuit is the only way to achieve this goal, you may wonder how long it will take to resolve the matter.

What is the step 6 of a trial?

Step 6: Potential appeal. If one of the parties isn't happy with the result of the trial, an appeal is possible. There are several levels of appeals. Even just one level of appeal could add several years to the length of a case.

Do car accidents settle?

Most car accident cases settle, and do not result in litigation (the civil lawsuit process). However, if there is a dispute as to who was at fault for the crash, or the scope and extent of an injured person's damages, a car accident lawsuit becomes a distinct possibility.

Overview of the Car Accident Settlement Process

Having a vehicle accident attorney on the victim's side can help them determine the value of their case early on. When a victim meets with a car accident lawyer about their case, the lawyers are familiar with the details and circumstances of the client's case and they can get the proof they need.

What Factors Affect How Long It Takes to Settle a Car Accident Case?

The higher the value of a case, the longer it can take to resolve. Because the insurance company wants to keep the compensation as low as possible, this is the case. They are more ready to spend time and money on legal defense for a high-value claim than, say, a claim for less than $20,000.

Most Personal Injury Cases Settle Before Going to Court

The majority of car accident cases are negotiated privately outside of court, often without the need for a lawsuit to be filed. Regrettably, this is not always the case. Insurance companies can sometimes refuse to accept a claim or make demeaning offers.

Complications that Can Affect When Your Case Settles

The time it takes for a case to settle could be longer if certain factors exist that could complicate matters. Some of these factors can include:

How Do You Determine and Prove Liability?

If a driver's carelessness caused a victim's collision and injuries, they are most likely responsible for their losses. However, proving liability can be challenging, especially when there is a dispute over who caused the accident.

Determining Compensation for Your Injuries from the Car Accident

The details of the client's injuries can also influence how long it takes to settle a car accident lawsuit.

Why Is My Car Accident Settlement Taking So Long?

When victims inquire about why their car accident settlement is taking so long, they are frequently implying that their car accident lawyer's negligence is to blame. What is the solution? Maybe the settlement procedure has constraints that no amount of hustling can overcome.

What happens if you don't have a fault?

If the fault is not established, the other driver or his insurance provider will be unwilling to pay, or at least reluctant to settle for as much as you are requesting.

What is the payout rate for personal injury lawsuits?

A Cornell University Law School professor argued that the payout rate for personal injury lawsuits was unlikely to be higher than 90% in a law review article. However, the study found that the payout rate for personal injury claims could be as high as 87 percent, with other research finding rates as high as 95 percent. As a result, the case is likely to resolve, and it will likely do so sooner than most types of tort litigation.

What happens if an insurance adjuster refuses to settle a claim?

If an insurance adjuster refuses to settle for a legitimate cause, they do not lose points. If the insurance provider claims there is a valid reason to contest a claim, you might be in for a long fight.

How long does it take for a car accident to settle?

The study also discovered that car accident injury lawsuits settle quicker than other tort cases, with almost half of the cases in the study sample settling in less than 14 months.

How long does it take to settle a traffic accident case?

Those types of cases can often be settled in less than a year. It is rarely advisable, however, to attempt to settle a case if you have not completed medical treatment, or have not reached what doctors call “maximum medical improvement”. A traffic accident case can take a long time to resolve due to several complicating factors.

Is an insurance adjuster on your side?

And if you have a claim against your own insurance provider, the adjuster is on the insurance company’s side, not yours.

Can you sue someone for a car accident?

If you were injured in a road accident, you can file a lawsuit against the other driver. If, the other driver is at fault, you’ll almost certainly file a claim against the other driver for damages. If you’re like most people, you’ve never dealt with a personal injury claim resulting from a car accident. When a car accident causes you harm, you have the right to seek financial compensation from the parties at fault.

How to get insurance to agree to a settlement?

To get an insurance company to agree to a high settlement amount, you need to prove that the amount is warranted based on the victim’s damages. This involves determining the full scope of economic and non-economic damages, putting a dollar amount to these damages, and assembling proof that the damages occurred and that the dollar amount accurately reflects the damages.

How long does it take to negotiate a car accident claim?

On average, negotiations take around two weeks to three months, but this average may not apply to every case. Negotiation time can vary depending on the skill of the negotiator, the complexity of a case, and the evidence available in a case.

How long does it take to report an accident in California?

Per California law, auto accidents must be reported to the DMV within 10 days if anyone was injured or killed, or if the accident caused more than $1,000 in property damage. Reporting your accident is time sensitive, required by law, and will be relevant to your claim if California auto insurance is involved, so don’t neglect this step in the post-accident process.

What to do after an accident?

Immediately following an accident, there are two important things to do: seek medical care and document the scene. The first, seeking medical treatment, is the most important of all, since you need to take care of your health above all else. From a legal perspective, seeking medical treatment right away is also vital because medical records provide an official documentation of your injuries. Having this documentation can be very important for settling a personal injury claim swiftly and for an amount that’s appropriate. That’s why you should always seek medical care after being injured in an accident. This is true even when you think your injuries aren’t particularly severe, since injuries that seem minor right after an accident can end up being extremely serious at a later date.

Do car accidents go to trial?

Car accident cases usually resolve with settlements, but sometimes a trial is required for a victim to receive fair and appropriate compensation for their losses. Whether or not an accident case goes to trial has the biggest impact on the time it takes to close it. Generally, settling is always the easier and faster option, and that’s why most cases end in settlements. However, in some cases, an insurance company may refuse to negotiate in good faith. In such instances, a victim may need to go to trial to receive appropriate compensation for their damages. So, while litigation takes longer than settling, filing a personal injury lawsuit is sometimes the best option for an injury victim.

Timeline for an Injury Case Settlement

Think of your case as a timeline. Understand that there are three main hurdles to leap before your case can be ready for resolution.

Liability and How it Works With Insurance Companies

In every personal injury or workers compensation case, the insurance company must first determine liability before there is any consideration for any payment and then any evaluation for value of the claim. Liability has nothing to do with how badly you were injured.


Once the liability issue is resolved then the length to complete your treatment is the next hurdle to overcome. In every case, we want our client to be fully released from care before we attempt to settle. This is important because we probably won’t know the full value of your claim until you are released from your doctors.

We have all of your economic damages

The last bit of information that must have before we try to negotiate your case is all of your economic losses. These losses usually include: For Injury cases 1) Past medical bills

Social Security Cases

Social Security cases don’t have a timeline governed by treatment or collection of economic data. You are either determined eligible for benefits by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or ineligible.

How to get a case settled quickly?

Contacting an attorney right away is the best way to ensure that your case gets settled as quickly as possible.

What to talk to a lawyer about an accident?

The first thing your lawyer will do is talk to you about how the accident happened, what your background is, and your medical condition and the treatments you need.

How many questions do you have when you have been in a car accident?

If you have recently been in a car accident, you likely have 1,000 questions running through your mind.

What to do if you are injured in an accident?

If you're injured, the first thing you need to do is go to the emergency room. This is obviously the best thing you can do for your health, but if you choose not to see a doctor after your accident, the insurance adjuster will likely assume that your injuries aren't severe or your accident didn't cause them.

Why are trials rescheduled?

Trials are often rescheduled due to scheduling conflicts with the judge. If your trial gets canceled, don't worry.

How long does it take to settle a personal injury case?

If it was a minor accident, your injuries aren't severe, and everything is pretty straightforward, it will be settled relatively quickly. If it was a major accident with severe injuries, it could take years to settle.

How long does it take to settle an accident?

Every accident and every client's health afterward is different. Your settlement could be as quick as a couple of weeks, or it could take a couple of years.

Why does it take so long to settle a personal injury case?

If you can afford to wait, you never want to settle a personal injury case until you have reached a point of maximum medical improvement (MMI) from your injuries.

How much does an insurance adjuster offer for a short settlement?

There are no hard and fast rules about short settlements. The insurance adjuster's settlement offer might be 30 to 40 percent of what you might be offered if your case makes it all the way to the eve of a court trial. If you have a personal injury case, and are thinking that you just want to settle it fast without getting involved in a long litigation process, you should still contact a personal injury lawyer for tailored advice on the risks of a quick settlement.

Why do insurers delay settlements?

Further, sometimes insurers will delay settlement on a big case simply to see if the plaintiff will give up and accept less money. Some claimants cannot wait very long for compensation. Insurers know this and will try to wait it out. Get tips on negotiating the best personal injury settlement.

Why do insurance companies delay settlement?

Another factor that can delay settlement is if the case involves significant damages (a lot of money). Insurers simply will not pay big money on a settlement until they have done their due diligence. That means investigating every aspect of the case until they are convinced that:

Can a doctor testify against a defendant?

For example, the treating physicians may be unsure that the defendant's negligence caused the plaintiff's injury. The insurer is not going to make a reasonable settlement offer until it is satisfied that your lawyer can produce a doctor to testify that the defendant's action (or inaction) caused your injuries.

Can you settle a personal injury case fast?

What if you have a personal injury case, and you don't want it to drag on for months, or even years? You might wonder whether you can just sett le your case fast even if you have to accept less money to do it. The answer is yes, but that doesn't mean it's a good strategy.

Can an insurance adjuster make a settlement offer?

If liability is hard to prove (for example, the parties and multiple witnesses all say different things), then the insurance adjuster is not likely to make a reasonable settlement offer until the plaintiff's lawyer has demonstrated a willingness to fight—by filing a personal injury lawsuit and hiring liability experts to show exactly how the defendant was at fault. If there are legal issues in the case (i.e., the insurer believes that you have no legal right to sue), then it is unlikely the insurer will make any significant offer on the case until a judge has ruled on your right to sue.
