how long do consultations take with a dui lawyer

by Lolita Treutel 9 min read

If you know you want to plead guilty to DUI as charged it can take only a matter of weeks. If you want to try to get some type of reduced plea that usually takes a significant amount of investigation and negotiation and in some cases can take many months, or even more than a year, depending on the court.

Full Answer

How long does a DUI case take to settle?

Apr 14, 2016 · Misdemeanor DUI Cases A misdemeanor case is normally going to take around three to six months to be completed. The speedy trial rule means that the case should be resolved in 90 days or less. The reality is, when a notice of discovery is filed, you usually do not get all of the information the state is obligated to provide.

How long does it take to get a DUI citation in California?

Jun 22, 2021 · How long does a DUI case take to resolve? The answer to this question depends on many factors. Here are a few things you should consider when choosing a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles. Is the lawyer and his office responsive when you approach them? This will give you an idea of their attitude towards your case. Is the lawyer transparent about their ...

How long does it take to get a DMV hearing for DUI?

This is much better than the lawyer stating he’s handled a DUI last year, sometime. How Long Should An Attorney Talk To The Client During A Consultation? The lawyer must make time to sit down, listen to what the prospective client has to say, review the paperwork issued by the arresting officer, and answer the client’s questions.

What should a DUI attorney do once they are retained?

Mar 09, 2017 · If you are charged with a DUI in Georgia, you have 30 days to decide on whether to appeal your automatic license suspension or install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. This decision should not be made without first consulting with a top-rated Georgia DUI Attorney. We are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because your problems should not have to wait until …


Does CT allow you to get an attorney for a DUI conviction?

You do not have a right to an attorney until you have refused or submitted to chemical testing (blood, breath, or urine test). In the state of Connecticut, you have a right to consult with counsel when you are being arrested or before you decide to submit or refuse chemical testing.

How much does a DUI lawyer cost in WA?

I typically tell people the range is anywhere from roughly $2500-$3000 on the low end all the way up to $10000 plus on the high end. Most Seattle DUI lawyers offer a free initial consultation and at the end of the meeting will provide their fee.Jun 27, 2012

How much is a DUI lawyer in Massachusetts?

between $5,000 and $10,000.00Most good Massachusetts Lawyers who specialize in DUI charge between $5,000 and $10,000.00. Good lawyers aren't cheap and cheap lawyers aren't good. Legal fees usually represent the largest expense in a Massachusetts First Offense DUI case.Jan 22, 2011

How much does a DUI lawyer cost Oregon?

Oregon DUI lawyer fees for defense on a DUI charge can from $1,500 to $10,000 and up depending on the lawyer and depending on the case.Jan 9, 2016

How do you beat a DUI in Washington State?

3 Tips On How To Beat a DUI You Can't Afford To MissWhy it's Important to Contest DUI Charges. ... Remain Silent Until You've Spoken With a DUI Attorney. ... Prove That the Officer had no Cause for Stopping You. ... Prove the Breathalyzer Test Was Faulty. ... Fight DUI Charges With a Reliable DUI Defense Attorney.Apr 28, 2020

How long do you stay in jail for a DUI in Washington?

A first time DUI in WA State is normally charged as a gross misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of 364 days in jail and a $5000 fine. In all cases where a conviction is entered, there are mandatory minimum sentences, which a judge is required to impose and cannot reduce.

How much does a DUI cost in Massachusetts?

OUI Penalties in Massachusetts1st Offense3rd OffenseJailUp to 2 ½ years180 days to 2 ½ years jail or 2 ½ to 5 years prison (minimum 150 days served)Fines$500 to $5,000$1,000 to $15,000License Revocation1 year8 years

How much does an OUI cost in Massachusetts?

OUI-1st Offense: Alternative disposition/ plea negotiation: 1 Hr. class once a week/16 weeks) States fines/fees: $600. License Suspension 45- 90 days (on and after the suspension for breath test refusal (if any), unless under 21.

How much does DUI diversion cost in Oregon?

a $490Diversion Program Requirements Successful completion of the diversion program—and the dismissal of the DUII charge that follows—generally requires the defendant to: pay a $490 diversion fee, restitution (if any), and court-appointed attorney fees (if any)

How much is a first time DUI in Oregon?

For a first conviction, the minimum fine is $1,000. The driver's license suspension period is 90 days. For a second conviction, the minimum fine is $1,500. The driver's license suspension period is one year where the commission of the second offense occurred within five years of the first offense.

How much will a DUI cost you in Oregon?

Criminal Penalties For most first-offense DUIIs, the minimum fine is $1,000, plus a $255 conviction fee. However, if your BAC was . 15% or more within two hours of driving, your fine will be at least $2,000. The maximum fine, in either case, is $6,250.

How long does it take to resolve a DUI?

There is a multitude of factors that can affect the duration of a case. Some cases are resolve d quite quickly, while other extreme, outlier cases can take several years.

How long does Richard Lawson have to defend his case?

Put his experience to work for you. In DUI cases, you only have 30 days to protect your right to drive. Call now for immediate attention. We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Laurie Keel Landsittel

I agree with the other attorneys that said it can be resolved as early as arraignment. Also, depending on what county you are in, you may be able to talk to the public defender or an attorney who can have your arraignment date moved up for you.

Douglas Blake Chanco

How long a DUI case lasts can really be quick or take a while. Cases can be resolved as early a date as the arraignment. That is the date you got on the citation and or when you bonded out of jail.

Matthew Benjamin Bennett

If you know you want to plead guilty to DUI as charged it can take only a matter of weeks. If you want to try to get some type of reduced plea that usually takes a significant amount of investigation and negotiation and in some cases can take many months, or even more than a year, depending on the court.

Sarah Lynn White

How long a DUI case takes can depend. It can resolve at arraignment or any time thereafter depending on your decisions.

How long does it take to get a DUI in California?

You may end up waiting a long time to find out about a DUI through the mail, as the court allows prosecutors to take: One year to file charges for a misdemeanor DUI. Three years to file charges for a felony DUI.

How long do you have to wait to get your license suspended after a DUI?

If you do not request your DMV hearing in time, your license will be automatically suspended in 30 days. Getting help immediately from a DUI lawyer in Los Angeles can help you protect your driving privileges.

What happens if you get a bench warrant?

Bench warrants appear on your public record and give police officers the right to arrest you. You could be arrested if you are stopped for a traffic violation. Law enforcement officers may also visit your home or business to arrest you. Once you are arrested, you may be brought before a judge.

How to contact Simmrin Law Group?

Just complete our online contact form or call (310) 929-6782. Our DUI lawyers in Los Angeles can assess the unique facts of your case with a FREE initial case evaluation.

What to do if you are stopped for DUI?

If you were stopped for a DUI and have reason to believe you will be facing a DUI charge, you can contact the office of the District Attorney. The District Attorney’s office can tell you if they have a case filed with your name and date of birth.

Can you go to jail for a DUI in California?

Once you are arrested, you may be brought before a judge. The judge may then inform you of your DUI charges and provide you with information about subsequent hearings that you must attend. You may sometimes be kept in jail after being brought in on a bench warrant in California.

Does California have a DUI?

The state of California provides information about charges for driving under the influence (DUI) in a number of ways. Some drivers receive paperwork related to their DUI at the time of their arrest, others are given information about future court dates after they are released on bail or their own recognizance.

How long does a DUI case last?

How Long Does A Typical DUI Case Last? A typical first-time DUI case will probably take between two and six months to conclude, depending on the complexity of the case and the schedule of the attorney.

How long is a DUI in jail?

A person convicted of a first time DUI can be sentenced to anywhere from two days to six months in the county jail. A typical sentence for a first-time DUI would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 to 30 days, depending on the circumstances. In most cases, however, the jail sentence would be served on a jail alternative program known as work ...

What is the first court appearance?

The first court appearance is for filing the complaints and arraignments; if the district attorney’s office is ready to file the complaint,they will do so that day. Often they need more time to file the complaint. This happens when the blood test results haven’t yet been received from the lab.

What is the biggest mistake people make?

It can be very difficult to negate those tests if a person said too much about how much they had to drink or when they were drinking. Having a bad attitude with the officer can make the report look even worse. Doing very poorly on the field sobriety tests would obviously also be bad.

How long does it take to get a second DUI in California?

In California, it is considered a second DUI if you are arrested and charged within 10 years of your last DUI. DAs typically can see a previous DUI on someone’s record, even if was more than 10 years earlier, but in that case, you would not be charged with a second DUI. Still, they will make the punishment more severe because, even if the first DUI was more than 10 years ago, the current one is not truly a first offense.

Can you get a restricted license for a DUI?

Unlike other DUI suspensions, there will be no opportunity to get a restricted license to driveto and from work or to and from any DUI schools. Additionally, if someone refused a chemical test on a first DUI, the court will require them to go the extended nine month DUI school.

Can you be immune to prosecution for taking a prescription?

Many people think that just because they have a prescription from a doctor and are taking the prescribed drug within the levels the doctor recommends, they will be immune from prosecution. But that is not true.

How long does it take for a conviction to show up in NC?

There's no way to know for sure. Generally speaking, in North Carolina it would show up within a day or so of your conviction but it all depends on how fast the clerks process the paperwork and enter the information into the database.

How long does it take for a background check to show up?

Every background check starts with a driving record check. Your driving related convictions are typically transmitted to the Secretary of State within 48 hours of when they are entered in Court. Your's will show up by now.
