how lawyer ask questions in clientinterview

by Carolyne Ortiz 7 min read

Open ended questions allow clients to talk about problems or concerns from their point of view. Failure to ask open ended quest ions discourages clients from giving you the very ammunition you need in court. By asking client centered questions you show that you are actively concerned and interested in your clients and their specific problems.

Full Answer

What questions do lawyers ask their clients?

Some relevant questions to ask include:

  • Do you have time to represent me?
  • Are there other criminal defense attorneys in your office who will work on my case? May I meet them?
  • When I have questions, whom should I call? How do you prefer to be contacted? How quickly should I expect a reply?

What questions should I Ask my Lawyer?

You seem to mainly want an acknowledgment and (presumably) an apology from your cousin. You should also explore with your therapist any other options you might have, including legal options.

What questions would a lawyer ask?

Ask a Lawyer; Free Q&A with attorneys. Every 5 seconds someone gets free legal advice from Avvo. How it works . Ask your question—it’s free and anonymous. Get notified when a lawyer responds—usually within 12 hours. Ask follow-up questions—make sure you understand your options.

What questions do they ask during an interview?

  • What would you do in the first week, month and year in this role?
  • What techniques do you use to stay motivated?
  • What can you offer us that other candidates can't?
  • How would you manage many deadlines at once?
  • How would you work with a difficult client?
  • What would you do if you didn't agree with a client's feedback?

More items...


What questions do lawyers ask clients?

What Questions do Lawyers Ask Their Clients?What is your case about? A lawyer will want to know every single detail of your case. ... What do you hope to accomplish? ... How do you want us to communicate? ... Why did you choose me? ... Are you comfortable with my rates?

What type of questions are asked in client interview?

Potential Client Interview Questions to AskBefore we started working together, what were you trying to do? ... What did you want? ... What are your expectations? ... What was your fear? ... How did the other people involved in the decision all feel about this? ... What is your overall budget and projected starting date of the project?More items...

How do you conduct a client interview?

Follow these tips for interviewing in a client-centric way:Make the client feel comfortable. ... Observe non-verbal communication. ... Listen, listen, listen during your initial consultation. ... Integrate with your practice management software. ... Track potential clients by their stage in the client intake process.More items...•

How do lawyers advise clients?

As advocates, they represent one of the parties in criminal and civil trials by presenting evidence and arguing in court to support their client. As advisors, lawyers counsel their clients about their legal rights and obligations and suggest particular courses of action in business and personal matters.

How do you ask clients questions?

9 Business Questions to Ask a Potential ClientWhat Do and Don't You Need? ... What Problems Are You Facing? ... Who Are the Decision-Makers, and What is the Approval Process? ... What Are Your Expectations? ... What is Your Budget, and When Do You Want to Start? ... What Would You View as a Success? ... What's the Next Step and by When?More items...

What is client interview in law?

Open ended questions The main purpose of client interviewing is to encourage the free flow of expression of the client's problem, his/her concerns and feelings. Therefore, you should allow the client to narrate his/her problem with least interference.

What are the stages of lawyer/client interview?

Scroll down to learn about the three key stages in a legal interview. Or click on one of the stages to go directly there: listening, questioning, advising.

What questions should I ask in a first client interview?

Here are nine interview questions you should ask potential clients and why asking them matters:#1: Why did you come in today? ... #2: Have you ever worked with an attorney before? ... #3: Why did you decide to pursue this matter? ... #4: How can I help you? ... #5: Tell me about your case.More items...•

What is client round interview?

If someone tells you that you're having a client round interview, this means that you are working for a third party and are being presented by a primary vendor to the client. Therefore, this means you passed the primary vendor round of interviews, and have moved to the client round of interview(s).

How do lawyers introduce themselves to clients?

1. How do lawyers introduce themselves? Lawyers typically introduce themselves by stating their name, firm, and area of practice. For example, “My name is Jane Smith and I'm a lawyer with the law firm of Smith & Associates.

How do lawyers communicate with their clients?

Lawyers are always communicating with their clients. Sometimes, lawyers communicate more with a tone of voice, a facial expression, a body position, or a lack of contact than with the accompanying words and phrases. Clients often feel angry or anxious after not hearing from their lawyer for a period of time.

How do lawyers argue?

Lawyers stick with the topic. Subjective opinions are not objective facts. No matter what strategies the opposing side uses to distract you from the main issue, or how tempting it is to draw in other connections, a good lawyer always brings the argument back to the original point.

How would you like to communicate with your lawyer?

If, for example, you like face-to-face communication because it allows you to understand things better, inform them. You may also live in a place where telephone connection is weak, and they need to know so that you can look for better ways to communicate. With the best communication channels, you can solve your case faster.

What does a lawyer need to know?

Your lawyer needs to know the results you desire at the end of the suit. It helps them to work towards attaining them. For instance, if you want monetary compensation for something terrible that was done to you, let them know. Do not forget to tell them the amount you think would be enough for you.

Why do you want to know why you picked a lawyer?

Your prospective lawyer or attorney will want to know why you picked them. It will allow them to understand how you think, approach problems and your life in general. This makes it easier for you to work together since they know you, your needs and desires. When answering this question, be frank but always show them that you value their competence. This will motivate them to provide their best services.

Do lawyers want to know your case?

A lawyer will want to know every single detail of your case. This includes the circumstances that forced you to file the suit. When answering this question, be as honest as possible. Do not withhold any important information from your attorney. It will increase your chances of winning in court.

Can a lawyer negotiate with a client?

You can even ask them to lower them for your convenience. Most lawyers have no problem negotiating with their clients. These are some of the many questions that your attorney might ask you during your first meeting. Be as genuine as possible because it will lay a solid foundation for your working relationship.

Why is questioning important?

In the context of clients, these skills are important for learning about the details of the case, confirming information, and avoiding misunderstandings.

What is a leading question?

Leading questions are typically closed-ended lines of inquiry that result in the interviewer upholding the interviewee’s opinion. For instance, “when’s the soonest you can get me the report today?” already assumes the report can be ready today, leaving it more difficult for the interviewee to suggest an alternative timeline.

What is the purpose of rhetorical questions?

The purpose of rhetorical questions is not to elicit answers, but rather, to express key ideas or opinions in an engaging way.

Why are rhetorical questions useful?

Rhetorical questions are useful for persuading a listener by drawing them in, rather than simply telling or stating an opinion as fact, with no opportunity for engagement.

Why are leading questions important?

Leading questions can be useful to persuade one or more interviewees to a specific point of view or course of action. Of course, leading questions are not allowed during direct examination, but are permitted during depositions. Outside of trial and deposition contexts, using this technique to influence business decisions may not be ethical, and can harm relationships in the long run.

What is the difference between open and closed questions?

Open-ended questions typically elicit more information, while closed-ended questions can be answered with one word or phrase. For instance, “Tell me what happened that night” is an open-ended question that might lead to your gathering plentiful information from the interviewee, whereas “where was the party” is a closed-ended question that can be answered directly with the address of the event, with no other detail.

Why do we use probing questions?

Probing questions are useful if you need more information to clarify a situation, or if you need to sort out an issue by uncovering layers of details, opinions, or feelings.

How to ask a client about their potential?

Instead of asking a litany of questions about their potential matter, ask broader questions that could very well net you more information. Pay close attention to what they willingly tell you, and what you feel the need to inquire further about – this can provide clues to this potential client’s priorities and what they might and might not want to be forthcoming about.

When it comes to clients, should you never make promises you might not be able to keep?

When it comes to clients, you should never make promises you might not be able to keep. When the prospective client answers this question, use their response to gauge and manage their expectations regarding the success of their case.

What is the first step in the client acquisition process?

The first step in the client acquisition process for legal professionals is usually the initial client interview. Here are nine interview questions you should ask potential clients and why asking them matters:

What is client centered open ended question?

When you ask client centered, open-ended questions about their motivation for pursuing legal action, you demonstrate your interest in their case and show them that you appreciate and value any information they can provide.

Why do people retain lawyers?

Legal clients choose to retain attorneys for many different reasons – to recover damages, right a wrong, enter into a contract, obtain a divorce – and it’s important to find out what your client is hoping to accomplish.

What to say when someone says "how expensive your services might be"?

If they say, “how expensive your services might be,” you’re likely dealing with someone who is going to want to know exactly how their money is being spent. If they say, “that I’ll lose,” you need to talk in depth about the strengths and weaknesses of the case. If they express feelings of fear or intimidation, you’ll need to be prepared to explain every step in the process.

Is it a good idea to communicate with clients?

A one-size-fits-all approach to communication with clients is usually not a good idea. Some will want copies of everything sent via snail mail, others will appreciate regular emails or texts with case updates, and some clients will want to speak to you in person or via phone. Frequency must also be determined – daily, weekly, monthly, or as needed.

Why do law firms ask questions?

At law firms, partners ask questions to gauge your knowledge of the specific field, understand how you balance your caseload and learn about your process for interacting with clients. It's important to know what kinds of questions to expect so you can prepare for your interview. When you deliver detailed answers, you can leave a lasting impression on partners, increasing your chances of getting a job offer.

Why do you ask questions in an interview?

An interviewer may ask these questions to get to know how you build a relationship with clients and navigate court issues. These questions also give you a chance to explain your processes and display the parts of your personality that make you the right candidate for the role.

Why is it important to show that you have researched the firm?

Especially if the law firm is well established in the community, the partners want to make sure you will continue to bring good representation to them. It's important to show that you have researched the firm and are excited to work there. You'll also be able to better explain what makes you a good fit for the firm and why you chose it as your new place of employment.

Why do I want to practice law?

Example: "I want to practice law because I'm passionate about bringing justice to clients and upholding the law of our country. I believe it's important to be fair and unbiased, and I'd like to help someone experience that in their case. Being an attorney is more than filing paperwork with the court—it's a chance to represent someone who needs help."

Why do employers want to know your strengths?

Employers want to know your strengths so they can see how you could work with their current team. Since your strengths are unique, you can use your response to stand out from other candidates. Answer this question by relating your strengths to the job you're applying for and the tasks you expect to be responsible for.

Why is it important to interview a client?

Interviewing a client is the first step in judging whether a good attorney-client relationship is likely. It reveals whether the parties have the same expectations for representation and whether they are capable of sharing open, honest communications.

How to resolve a legal issue?

Determine if you can adequately resolve the person's legal issue. Decide through observation and questioning whether the two of you would work well together. Jointly decide if your expectations about results, fees, time and commitment are the same.

Should a client give a lawyer all the facts?

The client should give the lawyer all the facts about his legal matter during the interview. As the lawyer, you should determine whether your expertise can be useful based on those facts, and directly disclose your analysis of the circumstances.

What should be the focus of client interview questions?

The focus should be on learning a bit more about the client’s company and figuring out where you fit into their growth plan, if at all.

Why do you need a client interview?

A client interview can provide you with the peace of mind that you need before your partnership begins or, if things don’t go well, will allow you to avoid what could have been a disaster of a situation.

What is the importance of knowing how the client measures success?

Knowing how the client measures success is vital. This will give you an idea of what you need to be focussing on (e.g: more social media followers, more revenue, more email list sign-ups, etc).

What should a client know about your website?

Based on your website, your client should be well-informed of your portfolio, prior experience and why you would be an amazing choice for the job. This is most likely why they’ve reached out to you in the first place.

Is it necessary to conduct an interview in person?

Conducting all of your client interviews in person is rather time consuming. Meetings with each and every client will leave you with little to no time for yourself. This is why it’s important to remember that you can gather all of the information you need using an online tool like Content Snare .

Is a partnership with a client one way?

However, a partnership with a client is never just a one-way street. In most cases, it’s necessary to also ask some questions of your clients in order to get a feel for what working with them could be like. Let’s face it, nobody wants to deal with the stress that comes with difficult clients.

Why do attorneys ask questions during client intake?

During this intake process, many attorneys ask interview questions that give them more insight into a potential client's case. If you're streamlining your client intake process, consider conducting client interviews to help you learn more about potential cases. In this article, we discuss what client intake interview questions are, why they're essential during the intake process and what questions you can ask to better assess new cases.

Why is it important to ask questions in an attorney interview?

Ensuring clients feel their concerns and needs are important helps attorneys build trust and establish relationships with clients. Asking questions and providing guidance encourages clients to feel comfortable seeking legal assistance with your firm. Intake interviews are also beneficial for showing clients that your firm approaches cases in a client-focused way, which is important to evaluate both the client's fit and your firm's ability to help them.

Why do you ask questions before accepting a new case?

For instance, a family lawyer may suggest a client seek a litigation attorney if their intake interview helps them determine the family lawyer's services are unsuitable for the case. Therefore, asking intake questions before accepting new cases can help you evaluate how your services can fit clients' needs.

Why do lawyers ask questions in an intake interview?

Typically, lawyers ask intake questions to gather additional information, documentation and witness accounts that help them determine the feasibility of achieving a client's desired outcome.

How to help clients with concerns?

Listening to clients' concerns about their cases and understanding what worries them can help you plan more effective approaches for serving their needs. For example, a client may have concerns about court proceedings. Understanding these worries can help you provide additional counsel to help calm them and allay their worry. Clients' answers can also tell you how to proceed with budgeting and whether they may require financial assistance.

Why is client interview important?

Using the client interview before accepting new cases is essential because it allows you to better understand how you can help potential clients and whether your law services are suitable for their specific needs. Consider several more benefits of using intake interview questions to evaluate potential cases:

Why do you ask intake questions?

The purpose of asking client intake questions is to get a deeper understanding of a client's perceptions, concerns and overall goals for their case. Understanding what outcomes your client is expecting can allow you to evaluate how your services can benefit them. This way, you can provide counsel that's more personal to each client.

Lawyer-Client Relations: Socrates Was On to Something

Case in point: Your first meeting with a new client. There will never be a better or more important time to ask all sorts of questions. At this meeting, it should be your No. 1 priority to launch what you hope will be a long, productive relationship to achieve the best lawyer-client relations, by learning all you can upfront.

1. Why did you come to me?

In Colorado, where I live, 632 people just passed the 2014 state bar exam. That brings us to a total of 21,726 active lawyers here. And this is one of those big square empty states. Just imagine how many lawyers a client can choose from in other places.

3. What worries you most about this matter?

The answer to this will tell you so much about the person you are dealing with, as well as the dynamics you should expect. If the answer is something like “that your services will be too expensive,” or “that I don’t know what this is going to cost,” you’ve been put on notice to over-communicate about money.

4. Have you ever worked with a lawyer before?

If this is his first time, you will know to be gentle. More than that, you will know that you must guide this client through the experience, to serve as the host or narrator so it’s always clear what is going on.

5. How would you like me to communicate with you?

Depending on the focus of your practice, one-size-fits-all communication with your clients may not be a good idea. If you have any room at all for flexibility, it will improve the experience for clients and you if you can tailor how you communicate to meet the client’s needs and preferences. (Give it a good hard think.

Why do you conduct an interview with a client?

You are expected to conduct an interview with a ‘client’ in order to obtain and convey the information required without stepping outside of what you know or can do. The information you obtain should be enough for you to take the next steps without going back to the client for more.

What should a client know when he leaves the interview room?

This is a biggie – the client should know when he leaves the interview room what you are going to do, what he needs to do and how long the next step will take. It is very important you are clear who is going to contact who next and you must be certain about anything the client needs to do before you next contact them.

What to do if client claims he has permission?

If the ‘client’ claims he has permission, explain you will need to check with your supervisor first and that you are under a duty of confidentiality. You may be able to safely provide generic advice about process, e.g. what happens in probate, but don’t give anything specific. Managing client expectations.

Why do you have to open questions in an interview?

Open questions are good to get the client talking and to get the conversation flowing whereas closed questions get the details out. A good interview technique is to start with open questions and slowly narrow down to closed until you have the information you need.

What is client interview assessment?

The client interview assessment is all about your face-to-face customer service skills under the watchful gaze of the professional conduct rules. You are expected to conduct an interview with a ‘client’ in order to obtain and convey the information required without stepping outside of what you know or can do. The information you obtain should be enough for you to take the next steps without going back to the client for more. What you tell the client should cover off your professional conduct and give a little advice regarding their situation.

How to explain the interview process?

1. Introduce yourself and explain a little about what will happen during the interview: ‘I am going to ask you a few questions about the situation to get some information about the background. I may take some notes while you talk, please don’t worry.’ Explain the stages of the interview. This puts the client at ease and helps you take control. You could even offer the client a cup of tea or a drink.

What to do when you come across a conflict?

If you come across a situation where a conflict might arise, you should close the interview down and explain you need to carry out a conflict check before going any further. If they ask why, explain that you may already act for the other party and will be under a duty to them.


What Lawyer-Client Interview Questions Should You Ask Potential Clients?

  • While the exact questions you’ll ask should be customized to each potential client’s specific situation, these lawyer-client interview questions are a good starting point:
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What Answers to Client Questions Should Lawyers Prepare for?

  • The meeting isn’t just about you interviewing a potential client—the client will have questions for you, too. Being prepared for the common questions that clients have is key. Here are four common questions you should prepare to answer:
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Conducting The Lawyer-Client Interview

  • If you want to nail your initial consultation, it’s about more than just what attorney-client interview questions you ask. Follow these tips for interviewing in a client-centric way:
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  • Conducting a great client interview is critical to an effective client intake process. It’s also an important part of providing a client-centered experience. If you want to perfect your process, the key is to prepare with the right lawyer-client interview questions—and truly listen to their answers. By asking questions at the start, you’ll get a better idea of what your client expects from you (wh…
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General Questions

These questions help a hiring partner get to know you a little more by understanding your passions, interests and how you may fit into the firm's culture: 1. What adjectives would your friends use to describe you? 2. What are your biggest strengths? 3. How do you handle feedback? 4. What is your biggest accomplishm…
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Questions About Experience and Background

  • These questions help an interviewer understand how your education and previous experience translate to the role: 1. What was your favorite course in law school and why? 2. Tell me about a case you were lead on that substantially broadened your knowledge of the legal field. 3. Which extracurricular groups were you involved in during law school? 4. Tell me about your law school i…
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In-Depth Questions

  • An interviewer may ask these questions to get to know how you build a relationship with clients and navigate court issues. These questions also give you a chance to explain your processes and display the parts of your personality that make you the right candidate for the role. 1. How do you build trust with a client? 2. How would you keep clients i...
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Law Firm Interview Tips

  • Here are some interview tips to consider so you can present yourself well to the hiring partner: 1. Familiarize yourself with recent court rulings. 2. Research the law firm. 3. Bring examples of papers you've written.
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