how facebook can hurt your job search + lawyer

by Josephine Dickinson 8 min read

Is Facebook hurting you?

Below we review some research suggesting seven ways that Facebook may be hurting you. It can make you feel like your life isn’t as cool as everyone else’s. Social psychologist Leon Festingerobserved that people are naturally inclined to engage in social comparison.

Is social media helping or hurting your job search?

But social media can be beneficial, too. A CareerBuilder survey found that nearly one third of employers hired a candidate because of something positive they saw on the candidate’s social media profile. The key? First, cleaning up your profile. Then, use social media in creative ways to give yourself a competitive edge in the job hunt.

Can a Facebook post affect a personal injury lawsuit?

For example, in a recent personal injury lawsuit, Largent v. Reed, the plaintiff claimed that a recent accident had left her with severe physical and mental pain. During the course of the litigation, defendants presented the court with that person's post-accident photos posted to her Facebook account.

Is it legal to complain about your boss on Facebook?

That is, complaining on Facebook that your boss is a jerk does not fall under the category of protected speech. Employees, regardless of whether they are talking around a water cooler in an office or on Facebook, have the right to discuss working conditions. 4 Stating your opinion on working conditions is a protected activity.


Can social media Hurt Your job search?

Not having a presence on social media could hurt your career chances. According to the results of CareerBuilder's annual survey on social media recruitment, 35 percent of employers are less likely to interview applicants they can't find online.

Can employers legally use your social media accounts to help decide if they hire you?

As long as a hiring manager reviews public posts and information, there are no direct laws that prohibit them from reviewing a candidate's social media and using the information to make their decision. There are plenty of laws that prohibit discrimination.

How social media can hurt your job search and your future career?

Studies show that 90% of employers consider the candidate's social media activity when hiring and 79% of HRs have rejected a candidate because of what they found on their social media.

What impact does a social media posting have on your ability to get hired?

Dangers of Social Media Posts Social media posts have allowed them to filter candidates based on the content of their online profiles. Companies take an applicant's conduct on social media seriously; showing behavior that is uncalled for can make or break their hiring potential.

Can employers use Facebook against you?

The short answer is yes. It is completely legal for employers to check employees' social media profiles. Some states even allow employers to solicit social media usernames and passwords from their workers. In general, state and federal privacy laws dictate what employers can and cannot ask for.

What discrimination risks are involved when using social media in hiring?

The purpose is to find desirable candidates, but it can also trigger discrimination claims. Social media can reveal race, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, a disability, and other protected characteristics that may not be revealed in a resume.

Do employers check Facebook before hiring?

While it's important to check every account, there are some platforms hiring managers are more likely to check, such as LinkedIn. “The three main platforms that most employers check are LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter,” said Matt Erhard, managing partner of Summit Search Group.

Can social media posts get you fired?

Since California is an at-will employment state — and California Labor Code 2922 states that at-will employees “may be terminated at the will of either party on notice to the other” — employers can fire employees for anything, including their social media posts.

Why employers should not look at social media?

Employers Risk Lawsuits If They Don't Conduct a Legal Social Media Background Check. This is the single most important reason employers shouldn't run social media screens on their own. When done improperly, a social media background check can put your organization at risk for lawsuits.

How many employers consider social media when hiring?

Studies show that 90% of employers consider the candidate’s social media activity when hiring and 79% of HRs have rejected a candidate because of what they found on their social media.[1] Therefore, it only makes sense to pay attention to our present and past social media activity and not let our social networks harm our professional prospects.

What to do if you come off as negative to recruiters?

If you come off as negative to recruiters, they might decide they don’t want to work with you. Try to keep your social media image and the content of your posts constructive and positive by sharing your hobbies and interests, being respectful, and presenting yourself as a social and well-balanced personality.

Does social media hurt your job search?

Social media can hurt your job search or become an obstacle on the way to your desired career, but it doesn’t have to. In fact, a good social media profile can increase your chances of getting hired! Besides, even your present employer may be checking your social profiles time after time and dislike something they see.

Is it bad to post disrespectful things on social media?

It’s never a good idea to post disrespectful things, but it’s even more frivolous to do so on your social media accounts. A wise employer will go through your post history scouting for red flags like aggressive tweets, illegal stuff, very unpopular opinions, or badmouthing someone publicly.

How many people have never customized their Facebook privacy settings?

It may sound obvious, but according to ZDNet, 13 million Facebook users have never customized their privacy settings. On platforms that you use primarily for personal interactions, like Facebook, set your privacy settings so that only those closest to you can see your posts, uploads, and tagged photos.

How can social media be used to advance your career?

And while social media is great for making personal connections, it can also be used to advance your professional goals. Put a little thought into your social media presence and actions, and you could see big returns. Social could even be the key to the next big step in your career.

Why do we use social media?

Then, use social media in creative ways to give yourself a competitive edge in the job hunt. Social media gives employers a fresh, different look at a candidate. And social media can even be used to showcase qualities that don’t necessarily belong on a resume.

How many people use social media?

Millions of people use social media every day. In fact, 72% of all Internet users are on social media. And social is no longer just a platform for communicating with your college roommate or your grandma. People, organizations and companies all over the world can see your activity on social media. And the people you work for – or who are ...

Is it bad to delete college pictures from Facebook?

If you stopped reading this and rushed to delete all your college pictures from Facebook, you’re not alone. But it’s not all bad news. For job seekers, employers' use of social media in the hiring process presents an opportunity as much as it presents a potential risk.

Can employers see your personality on social media?

However, keep in mind that if you work (or hope to work) in a creative industry, like entertainment, your potential employers may want to see your personality on social media – and locking down your privacy settings could actually have a negative effect. Take advantage of social media .

What percentage of employers pay attention to social media posts?

Misspelled words and erroneous grammar on your posts reflect back on you and the business you represent. In fact, 66% of employers not only pay attention to social media posts; they also hold strict grammar and spelling rules on them.

Why do employers use social media?

Employers that use social media for recruitment purposes are able to target a broader market of potential candidates for their job positions.

What is the biggest mistake that can ruin your future chances with other companies?

It’s one mistake that can even ruin your future chances with other companies because a supposedly prospective one has just asserted your lack of credibility. Plagiarism. Plagiarism is one of the top forms of social media posts that can greatly affect your hiring potential.

Why do college graduates use social media?

In the case of college graduates, social media is regarded as a useful tool for showcasing their portfolio of achievements, skills, and abilities. Generally, social media posting is recommended for college graduates who want to make a good first impression for clients and companies.

Is it acceptable to post on social media about alcohol?

It goes without saying, then that social media posts on drug use are not in any way acceptable.

Is cyberbullying acceptable?

Cyber bullying. In every practical sense, cyberbullying is unacceptable. Social media posts that show malice or profanity towards a fellow college graduate, or any other individual for that matter, may pose an undesirable impact on your hiring potential or present career.

Is social media a source of infotainment?

While social media sites are sharing platforms and a source of infotainment, college graduates and employers are now leveraging its power. These days, it’s not uncommon for employers and job seekers alike to spend an ample amount of time on social media sites to boost their hiring efforts. Table of Contents.

Why was the employee fired from Facebook?

The employee, who had posted a negative comment about her boss on her Facebook page from her personal computer on personal time, was reportedly suspended and then fired for her Facebook postings because the posting violated the company's internet policies. According to the NLRB, "An NLRB investigation found that the employee's Facebook postings ...

Should employers review social media policies?

Employers should review their social media policy to be sure they aren't limiting protected employee speech and to be sure employers are reasonable. Reasonable policies do include the right of employers to restrict the use of company equipment and spending company time on non-work activities. These policies need to be consistently enforced.

Can employees post on Facebook?

Employees can't just post anything they want on Facebook or anywhere else. Libel or slander or posting comments about individuals that are not related to your work environment are not protected. Posting confidential company information, good or bad, is not protected. Be careful.

Is social media against labor law?

Bottom line: Some speech is protected, and employers should be careful their social media policies do not go against labor law. But not all speech is legally protected. Per the NLRB, "An employee’s comments on social media are generally not protected if they are mere gripes not made in relation to group activity among employees.". 4.

Can a company set out rules about what can and can't be said?

While this amendment protects the government from restricting your speech, it does not mean that a private company can't set out rules about what can and can't be said. 3. Being fired for social media posts may at first seem unfair, particularly if the posts were not related to your workplace.

Is Facebook a protected activity?

According to the NLRB, "An NLRB investigation found that the employee's Facebook postings constituted protected concerted activity, and that the company's blogging and internet posting policy contained unlawful provisions, including one that prohibited employees from making disparaging remarks when discussing the company or supervisors and another that prohibited employees from depicting the company in any way over the internet without company permission."
