how do you testify if you are your own lawyer

by Raina Thompson 4 min read

Present your testimony clearly, slowly, and loud enough so that the juror farthest away can easily hear and understand everything you say. Avoid distracting mannerisms such as chewing gum while testifying. Although you are responding to the questions of a lawyer, remember that the questions are really for the jury’s benefit.

Full Answer

How to give a good testimony in court?

Oct 02, 2015 · Family court, as you may know, is without juries. The judge will let you speak openly in narrative fashion… you do not have to ask yourself questions. The other attorney will cross exam you. Be prepared. You really should consider hiring attorney especially if the matter is going to final hearing. Even attorneys do not represent themselves. Helpful

How to be your own lawyer in court?

Feb 08, 2022 · If you choose to represent yourself, the court will hold you to the same standards as if you were a lawyer. Some cases are simple and straightforward. Do I have to be a witness if I don't want to? With this in mind, if you received a subpoena to testify as a witness in court, or a subpoena ad testificandum, you are required by law to appear and testify. If you don’t show up …

Who have you talked to before you testify in court?

Feb 10, 2015 · Speak in your own words. Don't try to memorize what you are going to say. Doing so will make your testimony sound rehearsed and unconvincing. Instead, just be yourself. Prior to the trial or hearing, go over in your own mind those matters about which you will be questioned. Dress neatly. There is no dress code in a courtroom.

How can I avoid the obligation to testify in federal court?

Aug 15, 2020 · Whenever a law enforcement officer wants to speak with you about a crime, you should exercise your legal rights and demand to speak with a lawyer before answering any questions, because whatever you say can and will be used against you in court even if you do not choose to testify at trial. If you are convicted in Virginia even for a misdemeanor charge, the …


What are the four types of witnesses?

Typically the Four Types of witnesses are:Lay witness.Expert witness.Character witness.Secondary witness.Mar 2, 2021

What should a witness never do with their testimony?

Don't nod, shake your head or make faces or noises no matter what someone says. The judge and both lawyers can look at anything you take to the witness stand. Don't take anything you don't want them to see or read. Don't try to trick the judge and lawyers.

What to say when you don't want to answer a question in court?

If your answer was not correctly stated, correct or clarify it immediately. Don't say, "that's all of the conversation" or "nothing else happened." Instead say, "that's all I recall" or "that's all I remember happening." It may be that after more thought or another question, you may remember something important.

What do you say when being sworn in at court?

Do you swear that the evidence you shall give to the court in this matter shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth [so help you God]?

Is testifying in court scary?

Not many people like to testify under oath. Scary, intimidating, emotional are how some describe court. Others may also describe it is liberating (believing that “the truth shall set you free”). Some people get enjoyment or feel it is a civic duty to tell on other people.Jan 31, 2018

How do you prepare for court testify?


What does it mean to plead the 5th Amendment?

To "plead the Fifth" means you have the right not to answer police questions both while in custody or in court. The right against self-incrimination is spelled out in the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and also extends to state and local jurisdictions.Dec 29, 2021

How do I calm my nerves before testifying?

Keeping Calm on the Stand | 7 Tips for Testifying in CourtClothing is Important. No matter who you are, you're going to want to dress in your best clothing. ... Act Respectfully. ... Refresh Your Memory. ... Speak Slowly and Truthfully. ... Answer Questions Only. ... Avoid Absolutes. ... Stay Calm.Mar 8, 2019

What to say and what not to say in court?

8 Things You Should Never Say to a Judge While in CourtAnything that sounds memorized. Speak in your own words. ... Anything angry. Keep your calm no matter what. ... 'They didn't tell me … ' ... Any expletives. ... Any of these specific words. ... Anything that's an exaggeration. ... Anything you can't amend. ... Any volunteered information.Apr 15, 2018

Do you have to say so help me God in court?

Normally, it is not required to be said if the speaker has a personal or moral objection, as is true of all oaths administered by the United States government. However, a change in October 2013 to Air Force Instruction 36-2606 made it mandatory to include the phrase during Air Force enlistments/reenlistments.

Which president did not use the Bible to take the oath of office?

Theodore Roosevelt did not use the Bible when taking the oath in 1901, nor did John Quincy Adams, who swore on a book of law, with the intention that he was swearing on the constitution. Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in on a Roman Catholic missal on Air Force One.

How do lawyers talk?

8:4911:16How to Speak like a Veteran Lawyer in 11 minutes - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo when you speak and it's very hard to explain empathy and non verbals. But you're going to useMoreSo when you speak and it's very hard to explain empathy and non verbals. But you're going to use very soft friendly. Body language tonality and eye contact.

Why do people want to represent themselves in court?

People want to represent themselves in court for a variety of reasons. For example, they may be involved in a civil trial but cannot afford a lawyer. Although defendants have the right to an attorney in a criminal trial, they do not have the same right in a civil trial. Furthermore, some people feel that they can handle their case better ...

How long can you be in jail for a criminal case?

Court-appointed attorneys. In a criminal case, you are entitled to a court-appointed attorney if you face at least six months in jail. You can also have a lawyer appointed as “stand by” counsel. Stand-by counsel can answer questions, look over any forms you must fill out, and appear in court with you.

What is limited scope representation?

Historically, a lawyer took over the entire representation and did everything. Today, most states allow lawyers to provide “limited scope representation.”. Under this arrangement, the lawyer does only the tasks you agree to. For example, the lawyer may look over documents or coach you as you prepare for trial.

What is hearsay in court?

Hearsay is any statement made outside of court which is offered as proof of the matter asserted. For example, if a bystander said at a crash scene, “The blue car was going too fast,” then it would be hearsay to admit that statement in court as proof that the blue car was driving too fast.

Where do depositions take place?

Depositions: in a deposition, one party answers questions in person under oath. Depositions usually take place at a lawyer’s office with a court reporter present. If the party deposed cannot later appear at trial, then sometimes the deposition testimony can be read into evidence at trial.

What are the rules of federal court?

The federal court system also has rules of civil procedure and rules of criminal procedure. These rules cover all aspects of a civil or criminal trial: deadlines for filing papers with the court, acceptable methods of service, what kinds of motions the court allows, etc.

How many members of a jury are there in a civil trial?

Pick a jury. If you are in civil or criminal court, you have the option of using a jury to decide your case. In criminal trials, the jury usually has 12 members. In civil trials, the number can vary by state, with juries of 12 or 9 being common. In civil trials held in state courts, jury verdicts do not always have to be unanimous.

What to say when you testify?

Tips for Testifying. Tell the truth. This is the single most important advice any witness should remember. When you are called to testify, you will first be required to take an oath or affirmation to tell the truth. When you take the oath or affirmation, say "I do" clearly.

How to testify in a courtroom?

Avoid distracting mannerisms while testifying. Avoid chewing gum, candy, or other objects that may make you difficult to understand . Present your testimony clearly, slowly, and loud enough so that the juror seated farthest away from you can easily hear and understand everything you say.

What to do when you are called to court?

When you are called into court for any reason, be serious and avoid saying anything about the case until you are actually on the witness stand. Also, do not read in the courtroom, unless asked to do so by the judge or the attorneys. Do not exaggerate or guess.

How to answer questions in court?

Answer the questions verbally. Do not nod your head for a "yes" or "no" answer. Speak out loud, so that the court reporter can hear the answer. For the same reason, try to avoid words like "yah," "nope," and "uh-huh.". Answer only the questions asked.

What is the purpose of cross examination?

The basic purpose of direct examination is for you to tell the judge and jury what you know about the case. The basic purpose of cross-examination is to raise doubts about the accuracy of your testimony. If you feel you are being doubted in cross-examination, remember that to raise doubt is the defense counsel's job.

What is a jury?

Jurors are ordinary people, just like you. Although you are responding to the questions of a lawyer, remember that the questions and answers are really for the jury's benefit. Jurors are the ones who decide the facts of the case. Always speak clearly and loudly, so that every juror can hear you.

Can you speak to a juror?

If you see a juror, you are not allowed to speak to the juror, even to say hello. Conduct yourself in a dignified manner. From the moment you enter the courtroom or courthouse, your behavior should be appropriate to the seriousness of the proceedings.

What Will a Defense Attorney Recommend?

If a criminal charge has been filed against you, it is essential to adhere to your defense attorney’s advice and recommendations. Most defense lawyers in Virginia, for example, will advise a defendant not to testify in a criminal trial.

How Do Prosecutors Handle Defendants Who Testify?

With a defendant’s freedom and future at stake, many defendants are nervous or stressed-out. Prosecutors can take advantage of that stress, and even well-prepared defendants can be tricked into tripping over their own words and saying something that might be deemed incriminating.

What Happens When Defendants Testify?

But when defendants testify, what happens is that juries tend to shift their focus, and they expect a defendant to say something that will prove either guilt or innocence definitively. When a defendant testifies in a criminal trial, that testimony is inevitably what determines the verdict.

What Will a Criminal Defense Attorney Do on Your Behalf?

As much as you would like to “tell your side of the story,” that is your attorney’s job. The right attorney will make sure that your side of the story is plainly told and fully understood. Your attorney will find the flaws in the state’s case and develop an effective strategy for your defense.

What if the Case Against You is Persuasive?

Especially if your rights were violated by the police or if you have been falsely accused, your defense attorney may be able to have the charge dropped or the case dismissed quickly.

What is Important to Remember?

Whether you are innocent or guilty as charged, if you are accused of a crime, the right defense lawyer will do what it takes to bring your case to its best possible conclusion. What is important to remember if you are placed under arrest in the Roanoke area and charged with a crime?

What to do before you testify?

Review the Facts: Before you testify, try to picture the facts of the case in your mind, including people, objects, distances, and exactly what happened at the scene.

What to do if you are not a party to a lawsuit?

If you are a party to the lawsuit, your attorney will help you prepare for your deposition or court appearance. If you are not a party, you should contact the lawyer who issued the subpoena to determine the subject of inquiry for your testimony.

What is a subpoena in court?

subpoena is a court order for you to appear as a witness at a deposition or in court. The subpoena may also require that you bring certain documents with you. A lawyer issues a subpoena to make sure that you appear and testify. Do not ignore a subpoena since your failure to appear could place you in contempt of court.

Do you have to answer questions when you are testifying?

As a general rule, you must answer all questions asked when you are testifying. However, you may not have to answer questions that involve certain privileged communications or personal information that has no bearing on the case. Privileged communications are most commonly seen where the witness is a clergyman, physician, lawyer or a member of certain other professions. If your attorney knows that you possess privileged information it can be discussed before you testify. During testimony, your attorney may object to inquiry into such privileged information or to testimony that has no bearing on the case. If the opposing lawyer believes that the question is proper, the lawyer can ask a judge to order you to answer the question. If the judge decides that the question is proper, you will then have to answer it.

What is a deposition in a case?

deposition is one of the tools that lawyers use to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of both sides of a case. The deposition makes a record of your recollection of the facts at a time when they are relatively fresh in your mind.

Can you be prosecuted for lying in a deposition?

Before you testify at a deposition or trial, you will take an oath to tell the truth. You can be prosecuted for the crime of perjury if you lie when you testify. Don’t let your personal judgment about the merits of the case or your connection with the parties aff ect your testimony.

How to make your testimony sound unconvincing?

Instead, be yourself, and prior to trial go over in your own mind the matter about which you will be questioned.

What to do if you answer incorrectly?

If your answer was not correctly stated, correct it immediately. If your answer was not clear, clarify it immediately. It is better to correct a mistake yourself than to have the attorney discover an error in your testimony. If you realize you have answered incorrectly, say, “May I correct something I said earlier?” Sometimes witnesses give inconsistent testimony – something they said before doesn’t agree with something they said later. If this happens to you, don’t get flustered. Just explain honestly why you were mistaken. The jury, like the rest of us, understands that people make honest mistakes.

What is the importance of dress in court?

A neat appearance and proper dress in court are important. An appearance that seems very casual or very dressy will distract the jury during the brief time you’re on the stand, and the jury may not pay attention to your testimony.

What is cross examination in court?

The questions asked are for the purpose of “direct examination”. When you are questioned by the opposing attorney, it is called “cross examination”. This process is sometimes repeated several times in order to clearly address all aspects of the questions and answers. The basic purpose of direct examination is for you to tell the judge and jury what you know about the case. The basic purpose of cross examination is to raise doubts about the accuracy of your testimony. Don’t get mad if you feel you are being doubted during the cross examination. The defense attorney is just doing their job.

What is the most important thing to tell the truth?

Most important of all, you are sworn to TELL THE TRUTH. Tell it. Every true fact should be readily admitted. Do not stop to figure out whether your answer will help or hurt either side. Just answer the questions to the best of your memory.

What is the purpose of cross examination?

The basic purpose of direct examination is for you to tell the judge and jury what you know about the case. The basic purpose of cross examination is to raise doubts about the accuracy of your testimony. Don’t get mad if you feel you are being doubted during the cross examination.

What to say when someone says "that's all I remember"?

Unless certain, don’t say “That’s all of the conversation” or “Nothing else happened”. Instead say, “That’s all I recall,” or “That’s all I remember happening”. It may be that after more thought or another question, you will remember something important.

What Should I Know If I Am to Call Myself as a Witness?

It is not the best idea for people to represent themselves in court, although there are some situations people do represent themselves. Remember that the other party’s lawyer may wish to cross-examine you just like any other witness.

Where Can I Go Wrong When Representing Myself?

Most people who represent themselves often find themselves frustrated after making court appearances as they do not know what went wrong or where they should have done better. You’ll find many feeling angry at the judge or court staff for not helping them.

Why Should a Person Testify If They Never Witnessed the Crime

California requires witnesses to testify in court once they receive a subpoena. Witnesses are sometimes not limited to the people who witness a crime. You may be called to testify if you know something about a defendant, the evidence, or other witnesses. The prosecutor should be able to tell you why you are testifying.

Can I Speak About My Testimony

You may discuss some parts of your case with the Assistant United States Attorney as you prepare to testify. You may ask questions, but you may not receive all the answers as they might affect your case or endanger witnesses.

When Should I Consider Having a Lawyer

If possible, get a lawyer. Every person is expected to know what they are doing, even if they are representing themselves. The court expects you to understand what information is needed to help prove your case, how to get this information, and how to present it.

Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether to Hire an Attorney

You have a complex case. (Unfortunately, you can only know if you have a complex case by speaking to a lawyer)

Get Legal Advice From a Professional Before Deciding

While you can testify on your own behalf, this largely depends on how complicated your case is. This decision will also depend on how prepared you are to take the stand. That is why you are advised to seek an LA criminal lawyer’s help before making that decision.

Why do you have to testify on your own?

Testifying on your own behalf has the potential to hurt you more than it helps you. One reason is that defense attorneys get to cross-examine you. They may ask questions that force you to appear confused or secretive and cut you off before you can explain further. By you not testifying, your attorney can better control what information the jury hears.

What happens if you smile on the witness stand?

It is true, though, that if you decide to smile a lot on the witness stand while facing an embezzlement charge, a juror may think that is odd behavior. If you decide to keep a neutral face, a juror may see you as calculating and take a dislike to you. Maybe your race, way of speaking or cultural background could affect how your jurors think too. It can take just one little mistake that is not really a mistake to send a juror’s thinking down a dangerous path.

Can you speak up when you face a criminal charge?

When you face a criminal charge, it can be natural to want to speak up and explain, especially if you are innocent. You may feel that if you get the opportunity to lay out your version of events on the stand, it will sway the judge or jury. So, it can be frustrating and even mystifying if your defense attorney advises you not to testify.

How to avoid subpoena?

If you have been served with a subpoena in connection with a federal investigation, another option for avoiding the obligation to testify is to seek to negotiate a favorable resolution to the government’s inquiry. This is true whether you have received an administrative subpoena from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) or another agency, or you are being subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury. If you can convince the agents and prosecutors handling the investigation that obtaining your testimony is not necessary to achieve a legitimate law enforcement objective, then you can avoid testifying without the need to assert a formal objection in court.

What is Oberheiden P.C.?

Oberheiden P.C. is a federal defense law firm that represents individuals and corporate entities in civil litigation as well as state and federal law enforcement matters. If you have received a subpoena requiring your testimony, we encourage you to discuss your options with one of our senior defense attorneys promptly. To arrange a complimentary initial consultation as soon as possible, call 888-680-1745 or tell us how we can reach you online now.

What is jurisdictional issue?

A jurisdictional issue exists when either ( i) the court that issues a subpoena does not have jurisdiction over the matter at issue, or (ii) the court’s (or agency’s) subpoena power does not extend to authorize service of the person from whom testimony is being sought. Similar to invalid service, if you have grounds to challenge a subpoena ad ...

Can you challenge a subpoena ad testificandum?

Depending on the issues presented, it may be possible to challenge a subpoena ad testificandum in its entirety, or it may be more feasible to seek to limit the scope of the testimony you will be required to provide.

Do you have to testify in a subpoena?

If you were invalidly served with a subpoena ad testificandum, you may not be required to testify in ...

Can you ignore a subpoena?

If you were invalidly served with a subpoena ad testificandum, you may not be required to testify in response to the subpoena; however, you cannot ignore the subpoena, either.

Is a subpoena specific?

The subpoena is insufficiently specific. In addition to being sufficiently limited in scope, subpoenas ad testificandum must also be sufficiently specific as to the information that is being sought. When preparing to testify in response to a subpoena, you have the right to know how you need to prepare. If your subpoena is insufficiently specific as ...
