how do you see yourself in 5 years lawyer

by Ike Marquardt 3 min read

The key to answering “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” is being clear and concise while delivering your answer. Long ridden statements sometimes hamper the meaning of the decision and fail to present you as someone who has a firm grip on their career aspirations. Be Eloquent Being an expressive speaker has its own benefits.

Full Answer

How to answer'where do you see yourself in five years?

Another win-win answer to the "Where do you see yourself in five years?" interview question is to focus on how you plan to help the company. Hiring managers want someone who will add value to the team and help advance the company.

Do employers want to know what you will be doing five years?

It can be difficult to know or even plan for what you will be doing in five years, however, managers still look to hire candidates who have a sense of how they want to grow and progress in their career. It’s important to note that employers are particularly interested to know your goals within this role.

How do you write a 5 year plan for yourself?

Write out your five-year plan. While it's hard to know exactly what you'll be doing or where you'll be in five years, try visualizing and imagining where you would love to be, the type of culture you'd like to be in, the types of positions you'd like to maintain, the type of experience and accomplishments you'd like to have had, and so on.

What would you like to achieve within 5 years?

For example, when interviewing for a sales job, you could say: Within five years, I would like to be recognized as an expert in terms of product knowledge, have developed very close relationships with clients, have significantly expanded the client base in my region, and perhaps have been assigned some major national clients.


How to plan for a 5 year career?

Write out your five-year plan. While it's hard to know exactly what you'll be doing or where you'll be in five years, try visualizing and imagining where you would love to be, the type of culture you'd like to be in, the types of positions you'd like to maintain, the type of experience and accomplishments you'd like to have had, and so on. Take these items into consideration and then make a list of them with a roadmap as to how you'll achieve them. This will help you share where you see yourself in five years from an honest and thoughtful perspective.

What do interviewers want to know?

When asking this question, an interviewer isn't expecting you to know 100 percent where you see yourself in the future, but they do want to know if you have ambition, goals, focus, and drive. They want to know you've at least considered your future and what you'd like to accomplish.

What are some good interview questions?

Hiring managers may pose this common interview question in different ways.Below are a few examples of similar job interview questions that aim to uncover the same information: 1 What are your long-term career goals? 2 What is your ideal dream job at this stage in your career? 3 What are you looking for? 4 How do you define success? 5 What is most important to you in your career? 6 What is your five-year plan? 7 What is your goal in the next five years? 8 Where will you be in five years?

Do interviewers need to know you have two kids?

The interviewer doesn't need to know that you plan on having two kids and a white picket fence in five years. In fact, if you do share this, they might hear, "I'm going to be taking a lot of time off from work to take care of my kids after they're born. Work is not my priority.". It might seem unfair, but it's true.

Do interviewers want to know you are ambitious?

That you want their position. Yes, the interviewer wants to know you're ambitious, but you don't want to let it be known that you're very eager to move up and see yourself in their position, ...

Why don't you know where you'll be in 5 years?

You don’t know where you’ll be in 5 years because you’re right in the middle of trying to figure that out. The one advantage you have is that you know that you want to do the job you’re interviewing for right now.

How long does it take to make significant career progress?

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that it will only take 5 years to make significant career progress. You could set off red flags. The interviewer might assume that you’d leave if you weren’t satisfied with the pace of your progress. Also, the candidate does not come off as prepared.

Why is it important to respond poorly to interview questions?

Responding poorly or being vague in your response could make interviewers believe that you're not invested in your career, aren't a good fit for the company, or are covering something up. Here are tips for responding to questions about the next stage of your career, while affirming your interest in the role you are being interviewed for.

Is it appropriate to emphasize mastery of a job?

For example, with positions such as counseling, sales, event planning, teaching, and computer programming, it’s perfectly appropriate to emphasize mastery of that job as your five-year goal. Think about components of the job in which you can excel.

How to ask where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Keep in mind that there are other ways to phrase, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” The interviewer could also ask: 1 What is your ideal job? 2 What are you looking for with this job? 3 When you think about your career, what’s important to you? 4 Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 5 What are your long-term goals for your career?

What to say when interviewing for a job?

Mentioning jobs or companies other than the one to which you’re applying. For instance, you wouldn’t want to say, “I’d really like to start my own company one day.” You want to give the interviewer a glimpse into your potential future at this company.

What are employers looking for in your answer?

When employers ask, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” They’re likely looking for a few key pieces of information:

How long do employees stay at the same company?

The length of time employees stay with the same company varies based on age and industry. On average, 54% of people stay in the same role for at least 5 years. Hiring, onboarding and training a new employee is often seen as an investment and turnover is costly, so most employers seek candidates who plan on being at the company long-term. ...

How long does it take to become an expert?

There might be a particular area of interest you want to focus on in the role you’re interviewing for and it might reasonably take several years for you to reach an expert level.

How to write a job posting?

When crafting your answer, remember to carefully review the job posting. Consider which of the required skills and traits you already have and would like to strengthen and also those you’d like to gain more experience in. It can be helpful to look at the specifics of what the job entails and think about what it would mean to advance your knowledge and expertise in these areas over the next five years.

Do you have to include all points in your answer during an interview?

You may not need to include all of these points in your answer during the interview. However, thinking about what your future resume might look like can help you shape your response.

Is it important to know your goals in 5 years?

It’s important to note that employers are particularly interested to know your goals within this role. While having grand ambitions can certainly be a positive character trait, it may not be appropriate to discuss all of them when answering this question if they aren’t relevant to the job.
