how do you find a lawyer in california who knows medicare law

by Maia Runolfsdottir 7 min read

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Representation For Patients

If you are a patient or other type of health care client and have legal issues related to Medicare and Medicaid, medical bills, health insurance, access to care, public health law, medical record confidentiality (HIPAA matters), consent to medical treatment, or anything else, a health care law attorney can help.

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Alexander W. Kirkpatrick

Medicare And Medicaid Lawyers Serving Los Angeles, CA and Los Angeles County, CA

Alexander W. Kirkpatrick

Medicare And Medicaid Lawyers at 1990 South Bundy Drive, Suite 777, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Barton, Klugman & Oetting LLP

Medicare And Medicaid Lawyers at 350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90071

Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman, P.C

Medicare And Medicaid Lawyers at 10940 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1600, Los Angeles, CA 90024

Kaiden Elder Law Group, P.C

Medicare And Medicaid Lawyers Serving Los Angeles, CA and Los Angeles County, California

Law Offices of Joseph E. Deering, Jr

Medicare And Medicaid Lawyers Serving Los Angeles, CA and Los Angeles County, California

Cunningham Legal

Medicare And Medicaid Lawyers Serving Los Angeles, CA and Los Angeles County, California

What to do if you are not entitled to Medicare?

If you feel you are entitled to Medicare and are not getting it, or there is a service that you feel should be covered that is not, contact a Medicare attorney. An attorney who is an expert at Medicare law can look at your situation and advise you as to whether you should be seeking additional coverage or benefts.

What is Medicare insurance?

What Is Medicare? Medicare insurance is a public, government-run and funded insurance plan that provides health coverage for Americans 65 and older. Those with End-Stage Renal Disease are also eligible for Medicare, as are people with certain disabilities even if they are not yet 65.

Is Medicare a government funded plan?

Medicare insurance is a public, government-run and funded insurance plan that provides health coverage for Americans 65 and older. Those with End-Stage Renal Disease are also eligible for Medicare, as are people with certain disabilities even if they are not yet 65.

What is Medicare Part B?

Medicare Part B covers many doctor’s services, as well as preventive services, medical supplies, and outpatient care. If you qualify, Part A and Part B are free, although there may be some services that are not covered or not fully covered and must be paid for.

What to do if you are denied Medicare?

If you have been denied such coverage, the best thing to do is to consult with a lawyer who specializes in Medicare and Medicaid law. Simply accepting a denial on a claim may not be a smart course of action. Many times, you do have legal recourse.

Do you have rights under Medicare?

Although Medicaid and Medicare are run by the United States government, individuals do have rights under law. If you feel that those rights have been abused in any way, you need to speak to an experienced attorney.

Is Medicare and Medicaid confusing?

Medicare And Medicaid. The Medicare and Medicaid system in the United States can be tremendously confusing. When you are denied Medicaid benefits or otherwise have problems with a social welfare program, it can feel like you are all alone.

Is physical therapy covered by Medicare?

Familiarizing yourself with a few basic facts is a good way to begin: Things like nursing home care and physical therapy may be covered by Medicaid or Medicare. If you have been denied such coverage, the best thing to do is to consult with a lawyer who specializes in Medicare and Medicaid law.
