how do i know if i should contact a lawyer regarding my work related injury

by Ms. Anastasia Kihn PhD 4 min read

A work related injury attorney is often hired in cases where an employee will have to miss work and will not be able to be paid a livable wage for the length of recovery. In these cases, an employee may be entitled to compensation. This compensation can cover medical costs, lost wages, and emotional damages associated with the injury.

Full Answer

How do I find a good work-related injury lawyer?

Finding a good work-related injury lawyer can take a little time and involve doing some homework. Perhaps a coworker or someone you know got injured at work and can refer a great injury lawyer to you. You could also ask friends and family for attorney referrals.

Should I talk to a workers comp lawyer after a work injury?

However, if your work injury is serious and things get contentious between you and your employer or the insurance carrier handling the case, there is no question that it’s in your best interests to at least talk to a workers comp lawyer. A twisted knee or strained back can turn into knee or back surgery and things get serious very quickly.

How can a lawyer help after a workplace accident?

If you have suffered an injury or illness and believe it may be work-related, make sure you get immediate medical attention, but also consider contacting an experienced, local law firm for a review of your claim. They can help you get paid for medical expenses and ongoing medical treatment after your workplace accident.

What should I do if I’m injured on the job?

Your employer drags its feet with your claim – If you’re injured on the job, you should immediately notify your employer and start the reporting process. The company must provide you with the proper paperwork, report your case to the state workers comp board and file a claim with its insurance carrier.


What responsibility do you hold in the case of an injury while on the job?

You are responsible for making sure that you do not violate any laws or rights of the injured employee. If an injured employee needs medical attention for a serious injury, allow them to see the company doctor or leave work to see their own doctor.

What qualifies as a workplace injury?

According to OSHA Standard 1904.5, an injury is defined as work-related if an event or exposure in the work environment either caused or contributed to the injury or significantly aggravated a pre-existing injury or illness.

What is not considered a work-related injury?

Usually, injuries that happen on an employee's lunch break are not considered work-related. For example, you probably can't claim workers' comp for spraining your ankle while walking to a deli to pick up your lunch (or lunch for your coworkers).

What happens if you get injured in the workplace?

you have the right to file a claim for your injury or illness in workers compensation court or the state industrial court. you have the right to see a doctor and to pursue medical treatment. if you are released to return to work by your physician, you have the right to return to your job.

How can one determine if an injury should be considered serious?

The injury or illness must have resulted in absences from work, restricted work, job transfer, medical treatment, or loss of consciousness. The case should be considered serious as diagnosed by a physician or licensed health care professional, or PLHCP.

What is the most common workplace injury?

The most common work injuries are slips, trips, and falls, overexertion, and contact with equipment. All of these injuries are mostly preventable by taking the proper precautions and adhering to OSHA's guidelines.

What is not provided with workers compensation?

Intentional acts: When a worker intentionally causes their workplace injuries or illnesses, they are not covered under a Workers' Comp insurance policy. Illegal activities: Employee injuries due to illegal activities at the worksite are not covered by an organization's Workers' Compensation insurance policy.

How do you prove RSI is work-related?

If you want to make a repetitive strain injury claim, you will need to be able to prove that:you were diagnosed with RSI in the last three years.your employer breached their duty of care towards your health and safety at work.their negligence caused your repetitive strain injury.

What kinds of work-related situations do you think could result in such a claim for compensation?

Illnesses or pre-existing conditions that are worsened by work activities; Injuries sustained when travelling due to work; and. Injuries sustained when received medical treatment for a different work injury.

Should I get full pay if injured at work?

While you do have some rights after being injured at work, there is no obligation on any employer to pay a staff member their full standard salary if they are off work due to illness or injury – even if it was caused by an accident at work, or materials used at work.

What are my rights after an accident at work?

It is your right to seek work injury compensation for your pain and discomfort, and also to recover losses (such as lost income) should you be out of pocket. You can make a personal injury claim if you suffer an injury or illness at work that is a result of your employer's negligence.

Can I sue my employer for negligence?

How to Sue Your Employer for Negligence. You must gather as much evidence and proof as possible in order for a negligence claim to be successful. With this said, there are specific steps that must be taken prior to filing your claim which includes trying to resolve the problem directly with your employer.

What to do if your insurance doesn't agree with your rating?

If the insurance company doesn’t agree with the rating, it can require you to get an independent medical exam (IME) by a doctor of its choosing. Chances are that doctor will give you a lower rating than what you (and your sore neck) feel you deserve. A lawyer can help convince a judge you are entitled to a higher rating.

What does an attorney do for you?

A lawyer will file the paperwork on time, build your case, negotiate with the insurance company and draft a settlement, if one is agreed on. If it’s not, you’re headed for a hearing.

What happens if an injury is unreported?

That injury is aggravated further at work, suddenly becomes serious and the employer/carrier says the original injury didn’t occur at work.

How long does it take to file a workers comp claim?

Reporting regulations and deadlines vary from state to state, but it should typically take no longer than 30 days to complete this process.

What happens when you lift one?

Halfway through lifting one, your boss shoots you with a bow and arrow. He doesn’t really, but pain shooting through your shoulder and neck makes you think he did. Whether it turns out to be a pulled muscle or a slipped disc, you’re going to need medical help. That means you’re about to enter the workers compensation maze.

Do attorneys cross-examine witnesses?

An attorney not only will prepare your argument, he or she will prepare you to say the right things in testimony. They also will cross-examine the insurance company’s witnesses. That job should not be left up to amateurs. Unlike civil cases, workers compensation law has a safety net of sort.

Is it bad to handle workers compensation?

Unless you’re an attorney or enjoy reading workers compensation manuals in your spare time, probably not. Handling a case on your own is usually a bad idea, especially since the insurance company will be represented by someone who’s probably handled hundreds of cases.

Know Your Rights as an Employee

America takes employee rights and compensation seriously, especially during times of injury. On average, about 135 million federal and state workers are covered through worker’s compensation. In 2015, workers were given $7.2 trillion. During the two years, the total payout was increased.

Finding a Lawyer for a Work-Related Injury

You probably will not need to get a layer if the injury that occurred is a minor one and heals on its own relatively quickly. If you are able to still return to your job quickly, you may have even less of a case.

Why is it important to know if an injury is work related?

Whether or not accidents and illnesses are caused by something in the work environment is crucial to understanding whether an injury is work-related. It’s important to know what the Occupational Safety and Health Administration considers to be the work environment in order to sidestep record-keeping mistakes.

What is an injury in the workplace?

The injury is the result of a staff member undertaking personal tasks that aren’t related to their employment at the workplace outside their assigned working hours.

Could a Non-Work Related Incident Take Place in the Workplace?

There are several situations in which an accident in the workplace would not be marked as work-related. For example:

What are the most common workplace accidents?

The most common workplace accidents are physical accidents. These can be: 1 Injuries resulting from a staff member’s personal work. For example, hurting their back while lifting heavy items or falling off a ladder. 2 Injuries caused by other people’s actions. For example, being hit by machinery on a construction site. 3 General workplace accidents. For example, tripping over an item and twisting an ankle.

What is the most common repetitive stress injury?

One of the most common repetitive stress injuries is carpal tunnel syndrome. RSIs occur across all occupations and industries. If your work role is physical and requires you to continually bend over, carry heavy objects, scan items, or move in a particular way, you may be more likely to develop an RSI.

What is work related accident?

Work-related accidents are defined as any injury, illness, or condition you experience during your employment with a company, and related to your job duties and tasks while at work. These injuries are further categorized into physical injuries, occupational illnesses, and repetitive stress injuries. If you’re wondering what is considered ...

What is personal injury?

Injuries resulting from a staff member’s personal work. For example, hurting their back while lifting heavy items or falling off a ladder.

What happens if you have a job related injury?

If you've sustained a job-related injury, your employer may be responsible for helping you with lost wages or other accommodations. Most employers are required by laws in each state to carry workers' compensation insurance, which pays a portion of an employee's regular wages while they're recovering from a work-related injury or illness.

How long does it take for a work injury to show symptoms?

Work-related illnesses and injuries may take months or even years to show symptoms, while it's not always simple to determine whether an injury is indeed work-related.

Can independent contractors sue employers for workers compensation?

However, some types of workers, including independent contractors and railroad workers, aren't covered by these workers' compensation laws. Also, in some rare instances, employees may sue employers in court for injuries resulting from willful violations of safety regulations. Examples would include extreme cases of negligence;

Does workers comp cover horseplay?

Additionally, your employer's workers' compensation policy may cover job-related injuries even if you were disregarding workplace safety rules (such as "horseplay" on the job). State workers' comp laws, and even courts within some states, are divided on this.

Can you sue your employer for workers comp?

Seasonal workers. Undocumented workers. If you're eligible for workers' comp, you may file a claim for benefits (usually about two-thirds of your regular salary) but you aren't entitled to sue your employer for those same injuries in court.

Can an employee sue their employer for an injury?

In some rare cases, such as intentionally inflicted injuries sustained in the workplace, an employee may sue their employer; but that's usually not permitted.

Is a lunch break considered work related?

An injury that occurred during a lunch break is typically not considered work-related unless it occurs in a company cafeteria or otherwise involves your employer in some way; Even if alcohol contributes to an injury, it may still be considered work-related if it occurred during a work-sponsored event such as a holiday party;

What steps should I take to protect my claim?

Following your work-related injury, you must take certain steps that could go a long way to help ensure that your claim is successful and that you receive full compensation. This is crucial as the insurance companies who act on behalf of your employer may attempt to limit your claim or reduce payouts. Your work injury lawyer will outline all the steps required to file a successful claim.

What if the incident was my fault? Am I still eligible?

When it comes to workers' comp, workers are eligible to receive benefits for injuries suffered on the job regardless of fault. This means that a worker has a right to receive compensation even when at fault.

What does workers' compensation cover?

Workers' comp benefits typically cover your medical expenses as well as a portion of the wages you lost from being unable to work. If your injury resulted in your absence from work for more than three days then you may be entitled to temporary disability benefits. Longer absences and more serious injuries should be eligible for permanent disability benefits.

How to find work injury lawyers?

Internet research can be helpful for finding the names of work injury lawyers in your area. You could also discover reviews and testimonials from past clients with internet research.

How to get a good relationship with an injury lawyer?

Open and honest communication is generally the key to a successful relationship with your injury lawyer. Ask your potential attorney how often they will be in contact with you during your case and how you will be able to contact them. No matter how successful and respected a lawyer is on paper, you will end up frustrated if they do not return your calls or you cannot get an appointment to see them.

What is an excellent injury lawyer?

An excellent injury attorney will be personable and happy to talk about their experience in the field. They should be able to assess your work injury claim in a free consultation and inform you of any potential legal options right away. Ideally, you should look for a work-related injury lawyer who has a successful track record in helping clients with similar cases as yours.

Why do employers need to fill out an injury report?

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employers are required to provide employees with workplace injury reports. Filling out an injury report is critical as the document can save as evidence later on when it comes to applying for benefits or negotiating a settlement for your injuries. Therefore, even if your employer says it is unnecessary, insist on filling out an injury report. Do not forget to obtain a copy of the report for your records.

What to do after a work injury?

Speaking to a specialized work injury lawyer can be a good idea after suffering an injury at work. They will be able to advise you on your legal options, for example, if you could potentially file a personal injury lawsuit and recover damages exceeding workers’ compensation benefits. An employment lawyer can also help you if your workers’ comp claim is delayed, minimized, or denied.

What to bring to a workers comp consultation?

You will most likely have other pressing questions relating to your individual work accident and injury. It can be helpful to make notes prior to the consultations, recording important questions and concerns you would like addressed. Make sure to bring relevant documentation, such as medical reports, accident reports, and workers’ comp claim information, to your first consultation.

How long does it take for a TBI to show up?

According to the Mayo Clinic, TBI symptoms could show up days and even weeks after the injury occurred.

What is a work related injury?

According to the US Department of Labor, any condition that stems from an event or exposure at a workplace during the scope and course of the employment is considered as work-related injury or illness. The injury must be caused due to working conditions or workplace environment, and may result in a direct damage, or aggravate a pre-existing condition. There are three primary forms of a work-related injury: physical injury, mental condition, and occupational illnesses.

What are the most common injuries that workers suffer at work?

Physical injuries are the most commonly reported injuries that workers suffer at work. They may include injuries sustained while performing your duty, from other people’s actions, or any other general injury stemming from workplace conditions. Workers most commonly are injured on the neck, head, face, bones, tendons, muscles, hands, feet, ankles, wrists, shoulders, and lower back.

What is workers compensation?

Workers’ compensation benefits cover an employee’s illness or injury caused while performing their job at the workplace. Some cases are pretty straightforward and it is easy to determine whether the condition is work-related. If you working at a supermarket, and slip over a wet floor and fracture your arm, you will be entitled to receive benefits. If you work at an IT company and develop lower back pain because of uncomfortable chairs, you may be eligible to file for workers’ compensation benefits.

When to report an injury to your employer?

In fact, one of your responsibilities in a workplace injury case is to report the injury to your employer as soon as it happens or as soon as you are aware of it. Do not “wait and see if you feel better” after hitting your head on a doorway or cutting yourself with a tool at a construction site.

When should you report your injuries?

If you are hurt, report it right away. Employees sometimes hesitate to report injuries to their employers out of fear of retaliation. This may be a concern especially in the case of a progressive condition such as the development of back pain over time. It may also be the case if you believe your injury such as a stubbed toe is minor, and you wish to avoid “causing trouble” by reporting it. Learn more about filing deadlines for Tennessee workers’ compensation claims.


What Is The Work Environment?

Physical Injuries on The Job

  • The most common workplace accidents are physical accidents. These can be: 1. Injuries resulting from a staff member’s personal work. For example, hurting their back while lifting heavy items or falling off a ladder. 2. Injuries caused by other people’s actions. For example, being hit by machinery on a construction site. 3. General workplace acciden...
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Occupational Illnesses on The Job

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Repetitive Stress Injury

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Could A Non-Work Related Incident Take Place in The Workplace?

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