how do a lawyer file a appeal for your social security

by Americo Kuhn 7 min read

Request a Hearing Before an Administrative Law Judge – This is the second appeal. If the SSA

Social Security Administration

The United States Social Security Administration is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for most of these benefits, most workers pay Social …

denies your application again, your attorney can request a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ). During the hearing, your disability benefits attorney will have the opportunity to present evidence and call witnesses to testify on your behalf.

Full Answer

What are my chances of winning a Social Security appeal?

  • The applicant cannot earn $1,310 or more a month (in 2021) from working.
  • The condition must last or be expected to last at least 12 months.
  • The condition must be "severe," meaning it must have more than a minimal effect on the applicant's ability to perform work related activities.

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Can I file suit against social security?

Under federal law, you cannot sue the Social Security Administration (SSA) directly. The defendant in a complaint against the SSA is whoever the current Social Security commissioner happens to be when the complaint is filed. Once you have written your complaint, it must be filed with the proper court.

Can I file a lawsuit against the social Securit?

You can sue Social Security via a class action suit being organized by Shaffer & Gaier, LLC, a Philadelphia law firm! Shaffer & Gaier is representing defrauded widows in all 50 states. If you are...

How long does a Social Security appeal take?

Initial claims, or disability applications are generally quoted as requiring 90-120 days in order for Social Security to reach a decision. Reconsiderations often take considerably less time than this and it is not unusual for a reconsideration appeal decision to be made within 30 days.


What are the chances of winning an appeal from Social Security?

Unfortunately, your odds are even lower for getting your benefits approved on the first appeal—about 12%. If you move on to the next level of appeal, which involves a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ), your chances for approval increase significantly—more than 55%.

How long does it take for Social Security to review an appeal?

We consider that you receive the hearing decision 5 days after the date on the hearing decision. The Appeals Council may also decide to review your case on its own within 60 days of the date of the decision.

How long does it take Social Security to make a decision on reconsideration?

In most cases, a Social Security disability or SSI reconsideration will not take as long as an initial claim (your original disability application). It is not unusual to get a decision on a reconsideration within eight weeks. But a reconsideration can also take more or less time.

How many times can you appeal a Social Security denial?

A disability claim can be appealed once, twice, even three times. The Social Security Disability appeal process involves several levels of appeal for denied disability claims. With each disability application that is filed, there are usually four levels of appeal that can be filed.

What are the grounds for an appeal?

The most common grounds for appeal of a criminal conviction are improper admission or exclusion of evidence, insufficient evidence, ineffective assistance of counsel, prosecutorial misconduct, jury misconduct and/or abuse of discretion by the judge.

What is the most approved disability?

1. Arthritis. Arthritis and other musculoskeletal disabilities are the most commonly approved conditions for disability benefits. If you are unable to walk due to arthritis, or unable to perform dexterous movements like typing or writing, you will qualify.

Is reconsideration the same as an appeal?

If you're asking for a reconsideration, you're not appealing. It's sort of a new claim, a reopened claim, whatever you want to call it. You've got to say, “I disagree” and now there's a form that you have to use.

What happens if you lose an appeal?

If you win the appeal, your opponent could seek to appeal the appeal. If you win the appeal, the case might be sent back for a new trial leading to further expense. Losing the appeal may mean paying the other side's legal costs.

How do I write an appeal letter for Social Security?

Writing the Disability Appeal LetterIndicate Your Name and Claim Number at the Top. ... Point Out Any Mistakes or Oversights. ... Supply Missing Medical Information. ... Attach Medical Records or Any Additional Evidence. ... Stick to the Point. ... Be as Detailed as Possible. ... Be Polite and Professional.

How can I increase my chances of getting disability?

Tips to Improve Your Chances of Getting Disability BenefitsFile Your Claim as Soon as Possible. ... Make an Appeal within 60 Days. ... Provide Full Details of Medical Treatment. ... Provide Proof of Recent Treatment. ... Report your Symptoms Accurately. ... Provide Medical Evidence. ... Provide Details of your Work History.More items...•

Who makes the final decision on Social Security disability?

While the DDS office reviews applications and makes recommendations to the SSA, it is the SSA which makes the final decision to accept or reject claims for disability benefits.

How far does SSI back pay go?

Retroactive benefits might go back to the date you first suffered a disability—or up to a year before the day you applied for benefits. For SSI, back pay goes back to the date of your original application for benefits.

How long does it take to appeal SSI?

The notice will tell you how to appeal. If you file an appeal within 10 days of the date you receive your notice, your SSI benefits may continue at the same amount until we make a determination on your appeal. The notice will tell you if you are entitled to continued benefits.

What happens if the Appeals Council issues a decision?

If the Appeals Council issues a decision or denies your request for review of a judge’s decision, and you disagree with the action of the Appeals Council, you may file a civil action with the U.S. District Court in your area. We cannot help you file a court action.

What are the levels of appeal?

The levels of appeal are: Reconsideration; Hearing; Appeals Council Review; and. Federal Court.

How long does it take to get a hearing decision?

We consider that you receive the hearing decision 5 days after the date on the hearing decision. The Appeals Council will examine your case and will grant, deny, or dismiss your request for review.

How long do you have to submit a subpoena to a judge?

You (or your representative, if you have one) must inform the judge about or submit all written evidence, objections to the issues, and pre-hearing written statements no later than 5 business days prior to the scheduled hearing and must submit subpoena requests no later than 10 business days prior to the hearing.

How long do you have to file a court action?

You may want to contact a lawyer or a legal aid group to help you. You must file an action in U.S. District Court within 60 days after you receive the notice of Appeals Council action.

Can you appeal SSI?

You can appeal most determinations and decisions we make about whether you can get Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or if we make changes to your benefit amount. That means you can ask us to look at your case again.

How long do you have to appeal a disability claim?

The denial of a claim for Social Security disability can be especially heartbreaking. Fortunately, however, you have 60 days from the date of your initial denial to file your appeal. If you do not file your appeal within that 60-day time period, the Social Security Administration could deny your appeal because of the late filing.

Why are disability applications denied?

One of the main reasons why Social Security disability applications are denied is because the applicant is simply not eligible for benefits. One reason why a person might not be eligible is that the disability is not serious enough or does not preclude him or her from working. This inquiry is extremely fact-sensitive. In order for an applicant to be eligible for disability benefits, the disability must be one that makes the applicant unable to engage in gainful employment because of a “medically determinable mental or physical condition or impairment.”

What to do if the SSA denies your appeal?

If the SSA denies your reconsideration appeal, you must request a hearing with one of their official hearing offices. The SSA then sends your case to the office serving your area and sets up a hearing date.

How long do you have to appeal a disability claim?

If the SSA denies your initial application for benefits, you need to submit an appeal 60 days after your denial. You can do this online or through the mail. During your appeal, the Social Security office lets a different examiner review your application. If this examiner determines that the first reviewer made a mistake, they approve your appeal. Applications denied in this step must apply for a disability hearing to argue their case in front of a judge.

How can a disability advocate help you?

How a Disability Advocate Can Help You With Your Appeal. Instead of hiring a lawyer for your social security disability appeal, consider getting an advocate. Unlike social security disability appeal lawyers, advocates have specialized knowledge of disability rules. In fact, disability advocates must be certified by the SSA to represent claimants.

What to do if you don't get approved for disability?

If you don’t get approved for disability benefits, you owe us nothing. If you would like to apply for SSI or SSDI benefits with an advocate, call us 201-720-1434 or fill out our online form for a free evaluation of your claim.

What to expect at a disability hearing?

Questions to Expect During Your Disability Hearing. The disability hearing usually intimidates claimants, especially if they decide to represent themselves. At your hearing, the judge will hear testimony from a vocational expert (VE) hired by the SSA.

How long does it take to get a disability hearing?

Usually, this part of the disability benefits application process takes the longest. Some claimants must wait upwards of two years in some states to get a hearing.

What happens if the SSAC denies your claim?

After this review, if the SSAC denies your claim, you have the option to file a lawsuit in U.S. District Court. However, very few claims ever make it this far.

Who can help with disability appeals?

The disability appeals process can be a complicated and confusing maze. You have the right to hire someone -- either a disability lawyer or a nonlawyer representative -- to help you with your claim and appeal, and it is common for people to do that.

How long do you have to appeal a decision?

Request Appeal on Time. After every decision, you have only 60 days to submit your appeal in writing. If you wait more than 60 days to request an appeal, your appeal will probably be dismissed.

What happens if you get denied Social Security?

If your application for Social Security disability was denied, you still have a good chance of being approved for benefits through the appeals process. Here are some important things to be mindful of.

What to ask your doctor about disability?

You should ask your doctor for a supportive statement detailing what you can and cannot do and how your condition prevents you from working . These types of statements may have little effect on a Social Security disability or SSI disability claim at the initial claim or first appeal level, but at the disability hearing level, ...

Should you be ashamed to admit impairments?

You should be completely honest at any level of appeal when giving information about your impairments and the limitations your impairments cause. For example, some people may be embarrassed to disclose their psychiatric problems, but those impairments need to be considered as well, as they may have an effect on your disability determination. While you also should not be melodramatic and exaggerate your issues, do not be ashamed to admit the difficulties your impairments have caused you.

How to ensure your Social Security disability appeal takes the fastest, most productive route?

The best way to ensure your Social Security disability appeal takes the fastest, most productive route is to seek the assistance of an experienced, qualified attorney.

What to do if your Social Security application is denied?

If you plan to apply for Social Security Disability Benefits or your application was denied, you may be eligible for a free consultation with an experienced attorney. Fill out the form on this page for a free case evaluation.

How long do you have to wait to appeal a disability claim?

Depending on the state where you reside, you might need to wait a year or even two years before your hearing is scheduled. If you are too ill to attend a hearing in person, the court may allow you ...

What percentage of reconsiderations result in another denial?

According to 2018 statistics, 87 percent of reconsiderations resulted in another denial. Most of the time, it’s because they are reviewing the same information, and without any new evidence to substantiate your disability claim, it will result in another denial.

Which states have reconsidered SSDI?

Alabama, Alaska, Michigan, and Missouri were the last states to have the reconsideration level reinstated. As of March 2020, all states allow a reconsideration level as a method of fighting back against a SSDI denial.

Can a judge grant disability?

In some instances, the judge will grant Social Security disability benefits, and you won’t need to await a hearing. A Social Security disability appeal lawyer also may request a congressional inquiry for your case, which will place it on the fast track.

Where to file a Social Security Disability appeal?

If you still have not received a favorable decision during the administrative appeals process, the final Social Security Disability appeal is to file a lawsuit in the Federal District Court where you live. A federal court appeal is litigation, where only a licensed attorney can represent a claimant’s case.

Where do social security appeals begin?

Appeals for social security claims begin at the administration level, and may progress, if continually denied, to the final appeal which is a lawsuit filed in the federal court system.

How long does it take to appeal an ALJ denial?

The time limit for this appeal in most cases is 65 days.

What is the first level of appeal?

The Reconsideration stage becomes the first level of appeal. This entails a complete review of your claim by a different examiner, and you may include new evidence. If your initial claim for disability is denied, you should follow with a Social Security Disability appeal for a Request for Reconsideration.

What happens if you are denied Social Security Disability?

If your claim is denied at the initial filing, you should promptly appeal the decision.

What to do if your request for reconsideration is denied?

If the Request for Reconsideration is denied, your next step is to request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). This is known as the ALJ Hearing. Again, the 65-day timeline applies.

What is the Difference between Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance?

The SSA administers Supplemental Security Income benefits, but doesn’t fund them. The benefits are rather dispensed from the general U.S. Treasury and are federal welfare designed to monetarily assist an elderly population age 65 and above or recipients who are blind or otherwise disabled.

What Is The First Step In Filing An Appeal For Social Security Disability Insurance?

If you receive a denial notification for your social security disability claim, not all hope is lost. According to the SSA website, the first step in an appeal for Social Security Disability Insurance is known as reconsideration.

What Are Subsequent Steps Involved In Filing An Appeal If My Reconsideration Is Denied?

The next step in the appeals process is requesting a review by an administrative law judge. Again, this judge will not have had a hand in any part of the original application and denial or reconsideration and denial.

How Long Does an Appeal Take?

An appeal for social security disability can take anywhere from months to years, depending on how far a person needs to take their claim through the process.

Will Benefits Continue During the Appeals Process?

According to the Social Security Administration, benefits will not continue during the appeals process, unless the claimant requests continuation and the claim meets certain criteria.

Get Help With Your Social Security Disability Benefits Application

If you plan to apply for Social Security Disability Benefits or your application was denied, you may be eligible for a free consultation with an experienced attorney. Fill out the form on this page for a free case evaluation.

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Appeals Process

How to Appeal Social Security Determinations and Decisions

Initial Determination

  • We call the determinations we make that you can appeal “initial determinations.” These determinations are SSA’s written findings regarding any legal or factual issue, including but not limited to: After you file an application for SSI, we will mail you a written initial determination. This is your first “initial determination”, but each time we make a determination about your eligibility o…
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  • If you disagree with the initial determination, you may request reconsideration. 1. For a disability claim or non-medical issue, take one of the following actions. 2. Medical Disability Cessation You may write to us or complete a Form SSA-789 (Request for Reconsideration Disability Cessation). You or your representative must ask in writing for reconsideration within 60 days of the date yo…
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  • If you disagree with the reconsideration determination, you or your representative may request a hearing before a judge by writing to us or by completing a Form HA–501 (Request for Hearing by Administrative Law Judge). Go to complete an online request for a hearing. If needed, we can help you complete this form. You or your represe…
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Appeals Council

  • If you disagree with the judge’s decision, you (or your representative) may request an appeal by writing to us requesting an Appeals Council review, or by completing a Form HA–520 (Request for Review of Hearing Decision/Order). Go to www.ssa.govto complete an online request for Appeals Council review. We can help you complete this form. You (or you...
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Federal Court

  • If the Appeals Council issues a decision or denies your request for review of a judge’s decision, and you disagree with the action of the Appeals Council, you may file a civil action with the U.S. District Court in your area. We cannot help you file a court action. You may want to contact a lawyer or a legal aid group to help you. You must file an action in U.S. District Court within 60 da…
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