how can i get a lawyer for custody battle

by Mr. Morris Beahan MD 9 min read

If you are looking for representation in your custody case, you can approach a legal aid cell in your vicinity and see if they have a lawyer who is willing to represent you. There are plenty of agencies that provide free legal services for a host of issues, including for child custody arrangements.

  1. Asking friends and family members.
  2. Seeking advice from court clerks at the court office.
  3. Inquiring of other parents, strangers included, who currently have cases at the child support office.
  4. The state bar association can pass on referrals.
  5. Depending on your state, some courts may maintain a network of attorneys.
Sep 17, 2020

Full Answer

Where can I get help with a custody battle?

At your nearest courthouse, see if you can find whoever is in charge of administration. Some courts may offer free assistance to people with extenuating circumstances. Even if you can’t find a free consultation, your local court will still have all the information you need for your custody battle. There are lots of legal aid services out there.

How can I get a lawyer for child custody?

If you are looking for representation in your custody case, you can approach a legal aid cell in your vicinity and see if they have a lawyer who is willing to represent you. There are plenty of agencies that provide free legal services for a host of issues, including for child custody arrangements.

How not to behave during a child custody battle?

To determine how not to behave during your custody battle, it is helpful to review the criteria used by the judge (“court”) to determine appropriate placement of the children. The court is charged with the responsibility of evaluating the situation to determine what placement and parenting time is in the child’s best interest.

Do you need legal help to fight for child custody?

Some parents can work out a parenting plan or child custody agreement on their own, peacefully, while others will fight for what they believe is fair and right for their child. If you are preparing for a fight, you will want to consider legal help, but you have options. Isn't Child Custody My Decision?


How to handle a custody dispute?

Even if the other parent isn't entirely willing to cooperate, you may have some options to save money while handling a child custody dispute: 1 Some law firms can advise you on a case by-the-hour, or act as your counsel outside of court. 2 You can save money by handling all paperwork and case prep yourself, but this is a large, time-consuming feat. 3 You can ask a lawyer to review your paperwork and help ensure it will meet the judge's expectations 4 You can have an attorney only for your court hearings. Just remember that the case will not be as strong if the attorney gets involved last minute, so involving them early is a good idea. 5 An attorney can work with your ex-partner to compromise on a parenting plan, which keeps the case out of court. 6 You can also use a lawyer to try to convince the other parent to use mediation if they refused before.

What is a custody battle?

While child support considers the money needed to raise a child, a custody hearing (sometimes called a child custody "battle") considers the visitation rights and parenting plan that most benefits your child. If you feel frustrated that a court can tell you what is best for your child, you are not alone. Many parents think a custody order (also ...

How much does an attorney cost?

Attorney are always a large expense that people do not plan for. Most cost $100-$500 per hour, and your case may need many hours. However, attorneys can cost less in the long run because they don't make mistakes in the process, and generally, the overall process goes faster.

How to save money on court case prep?

You can save money by handling all paperwork and case prep yourself, but this is a large, time-consuming feat. You can ask a lawyer to review your paperwork and help ensure it will meet the judge's expectations. You can have an attorney only for your court hearings.

What to do if your spouse treats you like you are inferior?

If your spouse treats you like you are inferior and will not listen to your viewpoint, you will want to consider hiring an attorney to protect your rights. You are involved in a domestic violence situation. There is no question that you need a lawyer if your safety, and your children's safety, is at risk.

Can both parents have custody of their children?

Both parents have the right to seek custody of their children — with or without an attorney. However, some factors make the case lean in favor of one side or the other. It is a good idea to have an attorney if: You have a history of drug or alcohol use.

Is it a right to represent yourself in court?

Representing yourself in court is your right and can have pros and cons. The obvious pro is that you will save money on legal fees. However, going to court generally means the parents cannot find a solution. So you are looking at a complex process in front of you before you even get to the courtroom.

What is the advantage of having a lawyer handle custody cases?

The biggest advantage of having a lawyer handle your custody case is they’re trained in all the appropriate laws.

What is the goal of a child custody case?

Your goal is anything that helps you build a winning child custody case. Another point to consider is how you respond to pressure. The court requires all who appear to remain calm and behave reasonably. Custody battles are very emotional. If you lose your temper quickly or overreact, you shouldn’t represent yourself.

What is the court system?

Court System. The court system is a complicated maze of documents, hearings, judges and other details you must handle with precision and timeliness. Paperwork must be completed correctly and filed on time and to the right place. Hearings are scheduled and mandatory. They’re difficult to reschedule.

Does legal representation cost money?

Of course, legal representation costs money. But it could cost you more if you represent yourself. If you lose your case, the opposing side could ask the court to make you pay their legal fees. If the judge rules in their favor, you would still owe a large amount.

Do you need witnesses to testify in court?

Witnesses. To make a winning case, you may need to have witnesses appear in court. Subpoenas may have to be issued. Such witnesses must be prepped for their court date. It takes someone experienced in custody battles to prepare witnesses to testify effectively.

What to consider when trying to win custody battle?

The other thing you need to take into consideration when trying to win your child custody battle is what your ex is going to do. It doesn’t matter how reasonable and level-headed you are, if they decide to fight dirty then you’re almost guaranteed to lose your case.

What to do when you have a child custody battle with your ex?

The first and most important thing to do if you’re going through a child custody battle with your ex is knowing why you’re fighting for custody in the first place. There are a lot of people out there who want, or need, to win their child custody cases, but don’t know exactly what they’re fighting for. If this sounds like you, you might want ...

What happens if a non-custodial parent doesn't pay child support?

Myth #7: If the non-custodial parent doesn’t pay child support, the custodial parent loses their custody rights. This isn’t true, as it is entirely up to the court to decide how much the non-custodial parent must pay in order for them to have equal custody rights (or any at all).

What is the myth of child custody?

The Myths of Child Custody: Myth #1: The best parent is the one who most wants the child. This isn’t always true, as there are times when it is better to have two parents that don’t want to be with each other, but rather than fight they work together for their children’s sake.

What to teach kids during custody battle?

There are a lot of things that can go wrong if you’re going through a custody battle, but there are plenty of ways to use this as an opportunity to teach your kids valuable life lessons. This, in turn, will teach them to treat their children with kindness and respect even when they’re going through a bad period.

What to do if you are late to court?

If you’re late, don’t show up, or don’t let your ex know where/when/for how long your taking the kids then there’s going to be an issue.

Do you need a lawyer to get custody of your child?

However, if you have 50/50 legal custody then a lawyer is optional.

What are the legal options for domestic violence victims?

Legal Options For Domestic Violence Victims. If you’re a domestic violence victim, you need more than help with just your custody case. During this process , you should also file for a restraining order against your abuser. Domestic violence victims not only need to protect themselves, but their children as well.

Why do you go to the courthouse?

Another reason for you to go to your local courthouse is to see if they can recommend different legal aid societies. Some may have specific organizations that help people in your predicament. For instance, lots of lawyers will volunteer their time to help people from a community they came from. Law Schools.

What is a pro bono lawyer?

Pro bono services are when a lawyer offers free representation to their clients. Any time a lawyer does offer pro bono services, it means that they’re forgoing their own fee, along with the fee of their entire team to help you. Larger law firms often have programs offering pro bono services.

Does Harvard offer legal aid?

Even top law schools like Harvard offer legal aid programs with free or discounted prices. You’ll be assigned to work with a group of students and a supervising professor. In turn, your case is used as a learning experience for the students, while still providing top care. Your Local Bar Association.

Contemplate Your Options

Before you go to court, consider how confident you are about representing yourself. Many free legal aid organizations can assist you with handling related cases like the Jensen Family Law – Mesa.


You will be entering a world of information during the course of your case. You’ll need to have extensive knowledge of the laws related to child custody and divorce. The more aware you are about what the court is asking you to do, the better prepared you will be.

File a Petition for Custody

To file for child custody, you must fill out a Petition and Order for Custody. You have to state the grounds on which you are seeking custody. Read the petition carefully and check that all boxes are filled correctly to avoid having your case dismissed.

Serve the Other Party

Each party has to serve their spouse with the child custody petition. You will be expected to serve your spouse outside of court on several occasions during your divorce or custody process. Serve them when you can, even if you think it might be risky.

Attend Hearings

When you file for child custody, you ask the judge to enter an order that will determine your rights to see your children. That means attending hearings is essential in the process. Attend court hearings even if you are not there representing yourself.

Be Prepared

Bring detailed notes about any meetings with your spouse and other adults involved in your case and work closely with everyone involved during these conferences. Be sure to mention in your notes any inconsistencies or inaccuracies in what they say. It most definitely won’t be an easy process, especially when you’re representing yourself.

Your Lawyer is Unprofessional or Unreliable

If your lawyer is not conducting their business in a professional manner, then you’re going to want to change as soon as you can. This means they’re failing to submit important documents, fill out legal forms, write letters, or come to depositions and other meetings on time.

Need a Child Custody Lawyer in New York City? Contact us Today!

At the firm of Brian D. Perskin & Associates, we specialize in child custody battles. We have a history of success for our clients, and we would be happy to review your case. Let our team of experienced divorce attorneys handle your case – and get you the results that you deserve! Call us now at 718-875-7584.


The information on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this or associated pages, documents, comments, answers, emails, or other communications should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation.
