getting a divorce in pa what is more important for a man a financial advisor or lawyer

by Virginia O'Connell DDS 10 min read

Who does better financially after divorce?

Even women who do work during the marriage see their income drop by 20% once they are divorced. Men, on the other hand, experience a 30% increase in income, on average, after a divorce.

Does it matter who files for divorce first in PA?

When Both Individuals Live in Pennsylvania. If both you and your partner currently reside within the state, there is no true advantage to filing first. Even if you file first, the case will usually be held at the Court of Common Pleas in the defendant's county, or the county where you married, by default.

Who pays for the divorce lawyer in PA?

In Pennsylvania the court has the power to order one spouse to pay for the other's attorney fees. The judge will consider factors such as the income gap between the parties and whether both are acting in good faith.

How can a man protect himself in divorce?

Men, Protect Your Rights in a Divorce With These 3 SecretsDivulge Any and All Assets That You Own. There will be a request for you to list all of the assets that you own. ... Ask for Custody Immediately. If you have children, ask for custody early on in the divorce proceedings. ... Ask for Spousal Support.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce in PA?

A spouse is entitled to alimony only if the court decides that alimony is “necessary.” To decide whether alimony is necessary, how much should be paid, and how long it should be paid, the court must consider many factors – including but not limited to the relative income and earning capacities of the parties, the ages ...

Who gets house in divorce PA?

Generally there are two options when it comes to dealing with the house in a divorce: The house is sold and the parties split the proceeds or the house is retained by one party and the value of the house is attributed to the party retaining it for the purpose of effectuating an equitable distribution.

What is the average cost of a divorce in PA?

approximately $14,300The average cost of divorce in Pennsylvania state is approximately $14,300. The expenses can reach $21,500 if there are children or property involved. The average filing fees in Pennsylvania are $350.

How long does a divorce take in PA?

Divorce in Pennsylvania can take between 90 days and 12 months on average, depending on whether it is a fault or a no-fault one. The mandatory waiting period for a no-fault marriage dissolution is 90 days. The average contested divorce takes 5-12 months, and an uncontested one – around 4-6 months.

How can I pay for a divorce with no money?

Some of the funding options available include;Legal Aid. Legal Aid for divorce is now only available for a limited number of extreme cases. ... Help with Court Fees. ... Funding from your partner. ... Legal Services Provision Order. ... Maintenance. ... Sears Tooth Agreement. ... Borrow Money from Family. ... Litigation Loans.

What should a man ask for in a divorce settlement?

5 Things To Make Sure Are Included In Your Divorce SettlementA detailed parenting-time schedule—including holidays! ... Specifics about support. ... Life insurance. ... Retirement accounts and how they will be divided. ... A plan for the sale of the house.

What can you not do during a divorce?

Don'ts first; here are 10 things not to do;Don't use your children to get at the other person. ... Don't make threats to, or cause harassment to the other person. ... Don't think you are going to take the other person “to the cleaners”. ... Don't try to hide money or assets. ... Don't be unrealistic about cost.More items...•

What can be used against you in a divorce?

Spending marital money on extramarital affairs. Transferring marital funds to another person before a separation. Spending unreasonable amounts on business expenditures. Selling marital assets below the market value.