female lawyer who left the world bank and promotes conspiricy theories

by Cecile Hickle 8 min read

Why are there so many female lawyers?

Women have played vital roles in the growth of the practice of law. Whether it be defending clients in court, representing companies, or making powerful rulings, female lawyers continue to fight for justice and pave the way for women in the field. Certain female attorneys have left remarkable imprints on the field of law.

How have women contributed to the revolution in legal profession?

These women and others in the field have contributed in various ways to the revolution of the legal profession. Their willpower and perseverance in the face of adversity have led to new legislation and more equitable policies as well as continued the fight against injustice in different aspects of life.

What was the first professional organization for Women Lawyers?

In 1886, Lettie Burlingame, a stanch suffragette, started an organization at the University of Michigan called The Equity Club. Originally intended solely for female law students and law alumnae, the organization grew, making it the first professional organization for women lawyers.

How many female lawyers have refused to remain silent?

Listed chronologically, here are ten female lawyers who refused to remain silent about their passion for the law, and who in turn set up a foundation for the countless brilliant rising women lawyers to come.

How did Ruth Bader Ginsburg die?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died on September 18, 2020, due to complications from metastatic pancreas cancer.

Why was Myra Bradwell qualified to practice law in Illinois?

In Bradwell v. Illinois, Myra Bradwell argued she was qualified to practice law in her home state of Illinois because she was a United States Citizen. At issue was the question of whether the right to receive a license to practice law is guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution to all American citizens. Not surprisingly, the answer was no; the Supreme Court held that states could statutorily deny women the right to practice law.

How old was Sarah Weddington when she won the Supreme Court case?

Luckily, she became interested in a case that caught her eye and agreed to take it pro bono. Sarah Weddington was only 26 years old when she became the youngest person ever to argue and win a Supreme Court case. You may have heard of the case; the caption was Roe v. Wade.

What was the first professional organization for women lawyers?

Originally intended solely for female law students and law alumnae, the organization grew, making it the first professional organization for women lawyers. Burlingame eventually went into private practice and was regarded as a highly skilled lawyer until her death in 1890.

Why did Janet Reno stand her ground?

A photo of the young child hiding in a closet being discovered by heavily armed agents made the front page of every newspaper in America, but Reno stood her ground based on her belief that she was upholding the rule of law. Janet Reno died in 2016 after a long battle with Parkinson’s Disease.

How long did Sandra Day O'Connor serve?

She served for twenty-four years, during which she established herself as one of the most influential voices on the Court until her retirement in 2006.

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The Trump campaign released a statement on Sunday seeking to distance itself from lawyer Sidney Powell, who has spun outlandish tales of election fraud to news organizations, three days after the attorney was front and center at a press conference with Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, and Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign legal advisor.

Key Facts

Powell “is not a member of the Trump Legal Team,” Giuliani said in a statement sent out by the Trump campaign Sunday, adding she is “also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

Key Background

Though it appears possible Powell’s penchant for conspiracy theories led the Trump campaign to cut ties, the lawyer originally caught the attention of the president due to her willingness to make baseless claims about election rigging by voting machine manufacturers.

Surprising Fact

Powell is a longtime promoter of the QAnon conspiracy theory, frequently sharing QAnon slogans on her social media, according to Business Insider and Media Matters For America.

Crucial Quote

At the press conference with Giuliani and Ellis on Thursday, Powell falsely claimed Trump beat President-elect Joe Biden in “a landslide” in the popular vote. In fact, Biden is on track to win the popular vote by more than 6 million votes.


After Fox News’ Tucker Carlson voiced skepticism about Powell’s wild claim that Cuba, Venezuela and other “communist” nations hacked the election and took millions of votes away from Trump, other Trump allies rallied to Powell’s defense, according to the New York Times.

Further Reading

Who Is Sidney Powell? Meet Trump’s New Top Conspiracy Theorist. (Forbes)

What happened on November 22nd 1963?

November 22nd, 1963: The motorcade carrying president John F Kennedy took a turn towards the Dealey Plaza. In the next few minutes, JFK was assassinated with a fatal shot to the head, apparently fired from the Texas School Books Depository.

Why did Christopher Marlowe die?

Christopher Marlowe wrote around the same time as Shakespeare did. It is said that Marlowe's death, allegedly in a bar brawl, was actually a cover up to protect the playwright, who was an atheist, from being jailed. Shakespeare was supposedly just the name and face given to plays. Source: biography.

What was the Illuminati?

Illuminati (also dubbed as the The New World Order) was the name given to those who started the 'enlightenment era' under the banner of a secret society. These societies said to have challenged the Catholic Church's theories of superstition and it also condemned religious influence over the public.

How many cameras were there at the hotel where Diana crashed?

There is considerable lack of CCTV images that show the car's journey from the hotel to the crash site. It is said that there were approximately 10 video cameras on the route taken by Diana's car, including one on the tunnel's entrance.

What car did Diana drive into the tunnel?

The owner of the car was found dead in a burnt-out BMW in a forest. It was said to be suicide. Dodi's father claimed that the car was used by MI6 to divert the Princess' car to crash into the tunnel walls. Source: dailystar.

What was the structure of the American Airlines plane?

The structure had a steel facade, reinforced concrete flooring and 47 steel support beams. A regular passenger plane could not slice through it so easily. People claim that the plane did not look like one either. There were no windows on the side, plus the logo was not an American Airlines' logo.

What was the 9/11 attack?

1. The 9/11 World Trade Center attack. It is a popular theory that the attack was planned by the Bush administration, even though Al- Qaeda took responsibility. It is said that this was done to justify the attacks on Afghanistan & Iraq that the US would conduct later. Source: thetruthaction.

What are left leaning thinkers against?

Left-leaning thinkers have been inveighing against the problems of globalized capitalism for decades. From Stiglitz' Globalization and Its Discontents to Klein's This Changes Everything, arguments have been marshalled against the relentless profit-seeking globalization of manufacturing ...

Is Lindsey Graham bipartisan?

Lindsey Graham is making headlines today by promising to be the latest Senator to support a "bipartisan" infrastructure deal in the Senate. There is no reason to believe he--or any other Republicans involved in these supposed "negotiations"--is acting in good faith. There is ...

What did the Unabomber do?

TL;DR: The unabomber participated in an experiment that was a part of the MKULtra project that eventually led to him becoming a mass-murderer.

How long did Ted Kaczynski's experiment last?

The experiment lasted for three years and by many accounts they seemed to have an extreme impact on Kaczynski’s psyche. I think this experiment was part of the CIA’s MKUltra project and destabilized Kaczynski enough to where he eventually went on his reign of terror of sending bombed packages around the country.

Why did Disney make Zootopia?

Disney made Zootopia partly to replace the Song of the South characters from Splash Mountain. Splash Mountain is really the only thing that still exists in the public eye from Song of the South (along with the song “Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah”), since Disney wants to pretend that movie doesn’t exist.

What happened to the White Star Line after the Titanic?

This, of course, ruined the insurer, Lloyd’s of London. There’s an additional conspiracy theory that American financier and banker J. P. Morgan was in on this whole scheme; his company, J. P. Morgan & Co., financed the International Mercantile Marine Company in the hopes of becoming rich off of sea travel, but this turned out to be a bad investment because of the unpredictable nature of sea travel and travelers themselves. J. P. Morgan or one of his associates may have schemed with White Star Line, who was a subsidiary of this IMMC, in order to bankrupt the IMMC and allow J. P. Morgan & Co. to withdraw from the IMMC without breaking a contract. I cannot provide evidence for this beyond speculation.

How long have humans been around?

First, anatomically modern humans have been around for soy like 300,000 years. Civilization, from the earliest settlement we know of to today is maybe 20,000 years old. In short, there’s absolutely plenty of time to go from Sumerians to Americans nearly 10 times over in the time span between the first modern humans and Sumerians. And given that there’s nothing unusual about the humans who built Sumer.

Why did the US test for the Hawaii nuke?

The Hawaii nuke false alarm last year was actually the US government testing to see how the the general population would react if an actual nuclear war broke out.

How did Marilyn Monroe die?

When she died, no traces of it were found within her stomach and her colon had been extremely cleaned. A theory is that she was murdered via enema poisoning.

What is Obamagate 2020?

Murder of Seth Rich. Obamagate – term ascribed in May 2020 to nebulous claims concerning the case of Michael Flynn and alleged unauthorized surveillance of Flynn and others. Osama bin Laden death conspiracy theories. Spygate.

Who is Lin Wood?

L. Lin Wood, an attorney who promoted conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election, claiming that Trump had won the election with 70% of the vote, and that a secret cabal of international communists, Chinese intelligence, and Republican officials had contrived to steal the election from Trump.

Who is Sidney Powell?

Donald Trump has encouraged individuals who promote conspiracy theories. Sidney Powell, an attorney who joined the Trump legal team in 2020, although the team distanced itself from her after she publicly claimed that the 2020 election had been rigged by an elaborate international communist plot.

Who is the father of Ted Cruz?

Conspiracy theories. Assassination of John F. Kennedy - alleged Rafael Cruz, the father of Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate for the 2016 elections Ted Cruz, is tied to Lee Harvey Oswald.

What is the left wing conspiracy theory?

A truly herculean and delusional left-wing conspiracy theory. The broader extent of the left’s conspiratorial obsession was showcased during the recent release of the so-called ‘Palace Letters’ between former governor-general Sir John Kerr and Buckingham Palace at the time of the dismissal.

What is the trend of conspiracy theories in 2020?

The truth of the matter is that in 2020, the most prolific exponents of unhinged conspira cy theories come from the far left and the trend is growing. The left, for example, view Israel as an imperialist state, acting as the United States envoy in the Middle East. They believe that international affairs are being driven from behind ...

What are some examples of chemtrails?

Some common examples include the “chemtrail” theory favoured by right-wing groups in the United States which proposes that water condensation trails from aircraft contain chemical agents designed to control the minds of citizens or the “Deep Water Horizon” theory pertaining to a fatal oil rig industrial accident in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico, alleging sabotage by those seeking to promote environmentalism.

What channel is Tin Foil Hat wearing?

The image of a “tin foil hat wearing” right-winger has infiltrated popular culture and regularly features on parody television programs aired by the likes of the ABC and Channel 10’s The Project.

Who is the South Australian Greens Senator?

The conspiratorial preoccupations of the Greens were also on show recently when to her credit, South Australian Greens Senator Sarah Hanson Young , warned against the rising tide of anti-vaccination sentiment within her own party.

Who said GM crops are not the answer to feeding the world?

In 2014 Greens Senator Rachel Siewert summarised the opposition when she said “GM crops are not the answer to feeding the world, regardless of what international companies want us to believe”.

Is the baton of illusion passed?

The baton of illusion has been well and truly passed and one wonders whether it’s time the caricature of the tin foil hat wearing right-winger make way for the hand-crocheted rainbow coloured hemp beanie-wearing conspiracy theorist.