female lawyer who is 3ft 8 inches tall sues in court after witness

by Marquise Paucek PhD 6 min read

How does unconscious bias affect decisions?

Bias impacts every decision made. No matter how cautious men and women are to avoid making biased decisions on new hires and promotions, surveys show that unconscious bias influences almost all decisions. Therefore, consider removing names and genders from the application process when searching for new employees.

What is pregnancy discrimination?

Pregnancy Discrimination: The Lawyer Mom. The pregnancy rights offered to women in the employment world are the same as the allowances made for those with temporary disabilities. Women who desire to nurture career and children struggle to advance professionally.

What are the rights of pregnant women?

The pregnancy rights offered to women in the employment world are the same as the allowances made for those with temporary disabilities. Women who desire to nurture career and children struggle to advance professionally. While some employers offer flexibility for mothers, these same employers don’t offer the same opportunities of advancement to these professionals. A number of problems from prenatal care to breastfeeding cause lawsuits for pregnancy discrimination.

What does it mean when a company has women and men in leadership?

When women and men represent a company with similar numbers of both sexes in leadership positions, companies show that they care about diversity and equality within their firm. No matter what gender, individuals in power gain the security to speak up in hiring and promotion processes. Female and male leadership means that female and male employees feel represented.

What is the primary caregiver responsibilities?

Some employees maintain primary caregiver responsibilities while also being the primary income for a household. Allowing flexibility for employees and focusing on the bottom line rather than face time allows employees to focus on work and care giving as needed. In some cases, offer care giving help for children or elderly.

Frank Wei-Hong Chen

No, the doctrine of judicial immunity prevents you from suing the court or any judge.

Pamela Koslyn

No you can't sue a court or courthouse. I'm wondering why you've had 3 different judges in 1 year, and why 3 judges have all consuidered your evidence to lack credibility or your introduction of evidence to lack proper form. It sounds like you don't need to sue anybody else, but you just need a lawyer to present your case...